What does broke down mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word broke down? Here's what it means.

  1. simple past tense and past participle of break down
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Williams broke down on a 44 but Hunter could not take advantage as the Welshman potted a long yellow and cleared to the pink to go two up.
I knew she was an emotional wreck, but I was a little surprised when she broke down into tears right in front of me.
He broke down walls with a lump hammer, attacked concrete steps with a Kango drill, filled wheelbarrows with rubble and dumped it in skips.
William rushed over as fast as he could, broke down the door, and wrestled Anthony off of me.
She lives in housing for poor seniors and cannot afford to repair her own vehicle, which she says broke down four years ago.
On one occasion, her cooker broke down on a Sunday morning, while six guests awaited their breakfast.

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