That darkness, which had never seemed quite real to Reta, in her blossomy Toronto suburb, suddenly seems only a word or two away. |
There was a healthy young glow on the girls, shown with pretty, blossomy cheeks and subtle lips. |
The fact is that if you wander into the village store in some blossomy Cotswold hamlet you will invariably find a wire basket full of old Chuck Norris videos or a shelf given over to the oeuvre of Keanu Reeves. |
An old gray house, surrounded by willows, in a blossomy brook valley, looked more promising, but did not seem quite the thing either. |
He was warm and I was sure his lips were a blossomy color now. |
While it's not customary to design a room using scents, a blossomy smelling candle next to a withered, old couch can definitely lift the mood of the entire room. |