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What does blet mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word blet? Here's what it means.

  1. To undergo bletting, a fermentation process in certain fruit beyond ripening.
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The issuance of eleven volumes of documents summarized in one volume by Father Pierre Blet did little to calm the troubled spirits.
Rights of the high, low and middle courts of justice over the entire territory of blet and other villages, Brosses and Jalay.
Right of toll on all merchandise and provisions passing through the town of blet, except grain, flour and vegetables.
Formerly the estates of blet and Brosses paid 810 livres for the two vingtimes and the two sous per livre.
This letter was first made available to scholars in Blet, Graham, Martini, and Schneider, Actes et Documents, vol.
Formerly the seignior of blet enforced, in this case, the right of redemption which has been allowed to fall into desuetude.

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