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What does bad-tempered mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word bad-tempered? Here's what it means.

  1. Of or pertaining to bad temper; showing anger easily or customarily.
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She has a voluble and attractive personality, but even if she were cranky and bad-tempered I'd still go there because the food's really good.
You are a bad-tempered, petulant and irritable man lacking in your professional duties to your patients.
City of York completed a superb double over a rapidly-improving Rotherham side with a 5-2 victory in a bad-tempered game.
He was a rotund, florid, bad-tempered, red-haired man who would shout orders.
Whenever Billy comes visiting, she becomes bad-tempered and angry, leaving Sarah bewildered and Annie even more upset.
It was a bad-tempered match with fights breaking out sporadically amidst the rugby.

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