Even for a writer like Cain, who is mostly admirably unafraid of grey areas, we ambiverts are too grey. |
Her thesis – built on the assumption that almost everyone in the world can be squeezed into one of two boxes – may topple if it turns out that loads of us are essentially ambiverts. |
Like extroverts, ambiverts tend to enjoy a lot of attention from others. However, an ambivert would rather get the attention from someone that is important to them. |
Ambiverts enjoy spending time with people, but also need to check out regularly to refresh and re-energise. |
Some people fall closer to the extremes while others, known as ambiverts, settle in the middle. |
Dr. Brian Little had attendees roaring with laughter with his psychological analysis of extraverts, introverts and ambiverts and how we are more efficient together. |