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What does Vulcan mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word Vulcan? Here's what it means.

Proper noun
  1. (Roman) The god of volcanoes and fire, especially the forge, also the patron of all craftsmen, principally blacksmiths. The Roman counterpart of Hephaestus.
  2. (astronomy) A hypothetical planet proposed to exist in an orbit between Mercury and the Sun in a 19th-century hypothesis.
  3. A town in southern Alberta, Canada.
  4. A ghost town in Colorado
  5. An inactive volcano in New Mexico
  6. A volcano in Papua New Guinea
  7. A city and a few villages in Romania
Proper noun
  1. (fiction) An inhabited planet, the homeworld of the Vulcan species. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  1. (fiction) An inhabitant of the planet Vulcan.
  2. (pejorative) A person who seems to lack emotion or is overly analytical and boring (like the fictional Vulcans).
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