Thousands of years ago the ancestors of both the present Finno-Ugrians and the Samoyeds lived together in their Uralic homeland. |
The pronouns in Sumerian are gender indifferent just like in Uralic and Altaic and are also affixed to the morpheme and become part of the agglutinated phrase. |
Blazek's Uralic etymologies, but it seems to have influenced more seriously the Altaic than the Uralic part of the book. |
Their spoken language, Korean, is a Uralic language with similarities to Japanese, Mongolian, Hungarian, and Finnish. |
About 1000 BC, speakers of Uralic languages arrived in the north and assimilated with the indigenous population, becoming the Sami people. |
The Sami languages belong to the Uralic language family, linguistically related to Finnish, Estonian, and Hungarian. |