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What does Revelation mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word Revelation? Here's what it means.

Proper noun
  1. (biblical) The final book of the New Testament of the Bible.
  1. A female given name of Latin origin.
    1. (meaning, history) Lacy.
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The Book of Revelation, itself an heir to a long prophetic and chiliastic tradition, concludes with a vision of the New Jerusalem.
The truest meaning in the book of Revelation is its antitypical or Spiritual meaning.
Would a true believer really have faked a vision of Christ, as did the pseudonymous author of Revelation, or a letter of Peter or Paul?
Finally, we must consider briefly the relationship of John's gospel to the three Johannine letters and the book of Revelation.
Revelation is an inspired perspective on what the world looks like after God perfects it according to God s divine and judging will.
I could never keep straight the prophetic meanings found in the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

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