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What does Meacham mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word Meacham? Here's what it means.

Proper noun
  1. A surname​.
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And he went off, with Mr. Pottle staring at his shoulder blades which titillated oddly as Mr. Meacham walked.
Continuing with its mission to build its presence in the area rug category, Gulistan Carpet has expanded on Stainmaster rug collections styled by Kea Capel Meacham.
As Meacham has it, 41 accepted he was no longer in the game.
They feel excessive and insipid. Jon Meacham disagrees.
Mr. Zakaria had been mentioned as a possible replacement for Mr. Meacham, but he said he had little interest in putting on the editor's eyeshade full time.
To a certain extent, the warmth with which Meacham approaches Bush is merely a push at a wide-open door.

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