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What does Hopkinsville mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word Hopkinsville? Here's what it means.

Proper noun
  1. a home rule-class city in Kentucky, USA, and the county seat of Christian County.
  2. an unincorporated community in Warren County, Ohio, USA.
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When a gentleman wished a slave he usually went to Hopkinsville and bought slaves there.
A private school was opened at Hopkinsville in 1844, which lasted ten years.
We remained at Hopkinsville three days, and then resumed our march.
Born in this County and has spent her life in and around Hopkinsville.
When the purchasers from Hopkinsville came, Wade searched them thoroughly with his keen eye.
Every place they visited they received the same reply, so they turned back to Hopkinsville with dejected countenances.

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