So he 'greed to pay for it in Mockers, an' he to'ht he know'd where he'd get 'em foh sure. |
Mistuh Dodge, his chaih boy's been a-wohkin' foh 'im six weeks. |
Until now, Ecclestone has maintained a majority on the FOH board, despite owning only 25 per cent of the shares. |
I want to puhchase two saddle hawses, a good one foh myself, and not a bad one foh my sehvant. |
It is those three banks who brought the case against Ecclestone, arguing that as owners of 75 per cent of FOH, they deserved a say in how the company is run. |
My ideahs, gentlemen, are old fashioned, too much so foh railyoads. |