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What does Burrow mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word Burrow? Here's what it means.

Proper noun
  1. A surname​.
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Hunting dogs have an easier time treeing a raccoon than forcing it out of a burrow.
Where Bintley probes psychology lightly, McCabe seems to burrow, and winkle out hidden layers.
They burrow under the bark feeding on woody capillary tissue that the tree uses to transport nutrients.
Wiggling through fractured ice and snow crystals, they burrow as deep as three to six feet beneath the surface of the ice.
The Siberian weasel makes its den in the hollows of trees, under rocks, and will often take over a rodent's burrow that has been deserted.
They were also kept in warrens, enclosed areas of land in which they could feed and burrow, and from whence they were conveniently caught.

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