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What does Blenheim mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word Blenheim? Here's what it means.

Proper noun
  1. the largest town in Marlborough region, in the South Island of New Zealand.
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The same criticism can be made of ducal palaces like Chatsworth, Stowe, Woburn, Blenheim, sequestered in their parks.
Britain only had access to long range Blenheim bombers and fighters carried on Britain's aircraft carriers.
In 1705 he published The Campaign, a poem in heroic couplets in celebration of the victory of Blenheim.
A hundred dancers, clothed in rainbow silks, celebrate Diwali in Blenheim palace.
The ships of war had congregated in the Blenheim passage of the Canton river.
A Blenheim Spot is a spot in the middle of the crown of the head.

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