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What is the adverb for tired?

What's the adverb for tired? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. In a tireless manner; without tiring, flagging, or ceasing.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “This is the man who represents the epitome of style in his immaculately pressed shirts, tirelessly shined shoes and tailored business attire.”
      “He is a compassionate man with vision who tirelessly pursues his lofty goals.”
      “As both musician and composer, Mitchell is always the scientist, tirelessly experimenting with musical forms, textures and instrumentation.”
  1. In a tiresome manner; wearisomely.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “It is as tiresomely literal as having a person fall at the feet of another to indicate they're about to romantically fall at their feet.”
      “Characters thus afflicted may be realistic but they are also tiresomely predictable in their cravenness.”
      “Alas, it is becoming as tiresomely cliched as all the others, with its share of scheming women.”
  1. In a tired manner.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Plus, you get many of the gags that would eventually be tiredly rehashed in sequel after sequel but are fresh and original here.”
      “Athena stood there, tiredly shaking her head at his gladsome smirk, some simper that made it apparent he was trying to toy with her.”
      “It took him a little while, but he finally opened his eyes, blinking tiredly.”
  1. In a tiring way.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “After working tiringly all day, he could barely keep his eyes open.”
      “The list of Lees-Milne's male lovers, many of them well-known married public figures and most of them aristocratic, sometimes feels tiringly interminable.”
      “By now their dialogue has the tiringly clever brittleness of a crossword puzzle, which, when it relents in the face of her emotional situation, collapses into bathos.”
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