“But, from the way in which the coachman's hand was viced between his upper and lower thigh, this was impossible.”
“Mark Twain once went on a 70-city tour, a feat that even the greediest modern author, ser viced by aeroplanes and limousines, would hesitate to imitate.”
“And, in some ways, the visual had become redundant: since we'd become so acquainted with the physical, animal power of Freddie, we could imagine his gaunt and sinewy body viced upon his next victim.”
“Its main advantages were strength, ease of maintenance, and viceless flying qualities.”
“The automatic gearbox takes the edge off some already blunt performance, but is otherwise pretty viceless.”
“A glance at the specifications shows that the performance was not spectacular, but the aircraft was completely viceless with respect to its flying and handling qualities.”