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What is the adjective for unsexiest?

What's the adjective for unsexiest? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. Not sexy.
  2. (of research etc) Perceived as not having wide contemporary interest; plodding.
  3. Examples:
    1. “She could see that it was easy to think, subliminally, of her sisterliness as something chaste and, well, unsexy.”
      “It's not unsexy, it's not unromantic, it's not unreasonable, it's not lacking in passion or love, it's just the right thing.”
      “I'm not sure what happened, but a combination of terribly unsexy events brought the site to a stand still.”
  1. Not sexual.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “I'm definitely not saying that women should be unsexy or unsexual, or wear parkas all the time and hide their bodies.”
      “And other tests, it seems, are being made, not least in the various same-sex or gender-reverse dances, all cool and unsexual.”
      “Their kinship — wholly unsexual yet lit, like that of Martin and Lewis, with an exasperated love — is the beacon of the movie, and it just about survives the lengthening shadows of the later scenes.”
  1. comparative form of unsexy: more unsexy
  2. Examples:
    1. “Apart from 'We're closed' are there any unsexier words to be found in a restaurant?”
      “In an old unsexy nightdress and even older and unsexier dressing gown, your ever-increasing thighs are no match for the young flesh gyrating in your husband's face.”
  1. superlative form of unsexy: most unsexy
  2. Examples:
    1. “Cardiff-based Eve laughs profusely, 'They are the unsexiest, most practical scenes you can do because they're choreographed within an inch of their lives,' she reveals.”
      “It is so pre-planned that it is actually the unsexiest scene to shoot.”
      “Parker, 43, recently admitted she was devastated when she was voted the World's Unsexiest Woman by Maxim magazine.”
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