What's the adjective for synecdochized? Here's the word you're looking for.
Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the
verbs synecdochise and synecdochize which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.
Using an inclusive term for something included, or vice versa; using something spoken of as the whole (hand for laborer) or vice versa (the court for the judge).
“Because these perceptions were connected with shifting British attitudes to Russia as a whole, the story moves beyond the biographical to take on a synecdochical meaning.”
“The figure most associated with heteronormative values within the novel is Yvonne, Maria's university friend, and thus synecdochical with contemporary society.”
“Bob Hope serves as a synecdochical touchstone in what turns out to be a symphonic meditation on all things American, from money to meat to the inhabitants of People magazine.”
“The body as possessed by the knowledge of writing becomes a writer's body, part of the writing, a synecdochic body.”
“The six films resurrect, continue, and conclude the story of the Enterprise through the use of a synecdochic narrative.”
“If you see one chair alone, it's like an orphan, it's synecdochic, a part that speaks to a larger whole that's absent, from which it has been removed.”