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What is the adjective for streetworthy?

What's the adjective for streetworthy? Here's the word you're looking for.

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verb street which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.

  1. Having the necessary knack, personality and instinct for survival in rough, urban environments.
  2. Possessing a style that embodies the life and microculture located within urban settings, typically in the States.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “You can very quickly go very high and very low in the same week and I think it makes London kids very streetwise and very society-wise.”
      “She would say that she was streetwise and it wouldn't happen to her, but I was terrified.”
      “He was streetwise, but at the same time there was this fragility about him.”
  1. (informal) Of the street, as a place of unpolished modern culture; streetwise.
  2. Examples:
    1. “Much of the conversation is about his evolution from the streety Stryder to the sanitised version.”
      “A knitted khaki dress formed of gentle origami-like folds was combined with a gingham shirt and boots with soles like Dr Martens felt graphic, cute and streety all at once.”
      “A group of girls talking in a mix of languages, in a streety English hip-hop and a swoony lyricism spiked with Spanish.”
  1. Fit to be driven or ridden on the street.
  1. Resembling or characteristic of a street.
  2. Synonyms:
  1. (especially in combination) Having (a specified form of) streets
  1. Alongside or near a street.
  2. Examples:
    1. “With the Lower East Side ankle deep in snow and slush, our vehicle sits safe and sound, parked streetside a few blocks over on Norfolk Street.”
      “In the evening, promenading families eating ice creams come out, and women in the streetside cafes smoke nargilehs.”
      “One also should consider the streetside pan-Africanism of politically charged music, reflecting a widespread sense of a shared destiny, especially among the continent's youth.”
  1. Facing the street.
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