What's the adjective for socializees? Here's the word you're looking for.
Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the
verbs socialize, socialise and sociologize which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.
“He neglected conquests and wars to deal only with this socioreligious reform.”
“Earlier in his reign he had moved away from the Zoroastrian church and favoured Mazdakism, a new socioreligious movement that had found support among the people.”
“The major socioreligious institution of Vanuatu was the graded society, a hierarchical system of ceremonies performed by men and women to attain greater prestige.”
“There were no significant effects of intervention on the sociometric measures of peer social preference and prosocial behavior.”
“Moreno aspired to draw a sociometric map of New York City, but the best he could do was a sociogram for a community of size 435.”
“Compared to other students, bullies have larger friendship groups, higher sociometric rankings, and earlier dating experiences after controlling for pubertal development.”