What's the adjective for sleeptalker? Here's the word you're looking for.
Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the
verbs sleep, sleeper, sleepe, sleeptalk and sleepwrite which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.
“If you had been there You'd have seen us locked together Under the chaperone's sleepful eyes Like the sun in the arms of the moon Or a panting gazelle in the clasp of a lion.”
“The company has worked with sponsors such as Uber, IZZE, Treehouse, Health in Reach and Sleepful Nights.”
“It is cool here, or at least sleepable, but Baghdad, I am told, is different. I was advised to do my sleeping in advance.”
“The saloon includes long, sleepable settees and a fold-out table.”
“Once we reach the airport the players dump their bags at the American Airlines counter and hasten to the departure gate to secure the most sleepable spaces.”