What's the adjective for pregnantly? Here's the word you're looking for.
Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the
verbs impregnate, impregn and pregnate which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.
(chiefly not comparable) Carrying developing offspring within the body.
Expecting a baby together.
(comparable) Having numerous possibilities or implications; full of promise; abounding in ability, resources, etc.
(now poetic)Fertile, prolific (usually of soil, ground etc.).
“So, I show up in my cutely cropped jeans and my light blue trendy tie-dyed preggers tunic all ready to get sauce all over my face.”
“Sadly the are other reasons apart from financial why what are essentially children having children should not get preggers.”
“I think it's an interesting option, actually, and one I'd probably go for if I found myself unexpectedly preggers and that option was available to me.”