“It's goofier than any board game, and it's more ecumenical in its appeal, because the rules are simple.”
“Instead, it plays out as a gentler, goofier Sons of Anarchy, with a fractured, foul-mouthed family at its centre.”
“Now that the studios cater to ever younger audiences with ever younger stars in ever goofier vehicles, actors are considered over the hill at thirty-five.”
“Next morning, the flatmates have to laugh at me because I'm sitting in my dressing gown, staring into space with the goofiest grin you can imagine.”
“Part of the difficulty of evaluating his films is that they smuggle sophisticated ideas into the goofiest scenarios.”
“It's one of the goofiest records I've ever heard, but it's also quite dark and there's a mania to the giggliness which stops it being just insufferable.”