What's the adjective for gesticulatingly? Here's the word you're looking for.
Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the
verbs gesticulate and gesture which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.
“Without any possible confusion Harald Wolff's artistic research is recognizable: he mixes and associates vague silhouettes in a light badinage, « gestic » of chromatic lines and violence of drawings.”
“Through such gestic continuities we also witness change and adaptation.”
“Without using words, participants are invited to engage in gesticulative dialogue.”
“The athlete uses an assistant to move the ramp into position, giving only verbal or gesticulative cues on where to move the ramp.”
“The images I create are choreographed, but I allow room for spontaneity, or the gesticulative nature of each individual like an actor within a scene.”
(now rare) Accompanied with gestures; conveyed by gesture.