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What is the adjective for gameographies?

What's the adjective for gameographies? Here's the word you're looking for.

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs game and gamify which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.

  1. (colloquial) Willing to participate.
  2. (of an animal) That shows a tendency to continue to fight against another animal, despite being wounded, often severely.
  3. Persistent, especially in senses similar to the above.
  4. Injured, lame (of a limb).
  5. Synonyms:
  6. Examples:
    1. “Are you game enough to parachute out of an airplane?”
      “Sure, I'm game for dessert.”
      “The hare was game to the last, and by many a twist and turn managed to cheat its pursuers.”
  1. Having the smell, taste and texture of consumed game (meat).
  2. Plucky, spirited or gritty
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “It does taste a little stronger than the farmed variety, which is very similar to chicken, but it is not as gamey and strong as hare.”
      “The flavour is pleasantly strong and gamey, robust enough to stand up against some powerful sauces, thus the black peppercorns in this one.”
      “As with Fiona's beautifully pink lamb, my deeply gamey venison was cooked exactly the way I had asked.”
  1. Sportive; lively; joyful.
  2. (hunting, fishing, etc.) Of or pertaining to game.
  1. Capable of being gamed or manipulated.
  1. Without game (wild animals to be hunted as food).
  1. Alternative spelling of gamey
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “If you're angling toward red meat, order the sweetly gamy Muscovy duck, or the lamb, which is encased in a pepper crust.”
      “Nevertheless, their gamy behavior gave the tone to their time, a tone which popular history has carefully preserved with a rueful chuckle and an indulgent wag of the head.”
      “They have a slightly gamy flavour, due to the enzymes or ferments from the gut.”
  1. Full of game or games.
  1. Turned into a game.
  1. Resembling a game.
  1. comparative form of gamey: more gamey
  2. Examples:
    1. “In Paris, gamier states, crimes of blood are six times more frequent in adolescents than in adults.”
      “Mr. gamier subsequently proved an excellent friend to me, as you may find elsewhere recorded.”
      “Beside the income of the gamier fund previously accorded to him for the purpose, it has accorded him a grant of 30,000 francs.”
  1. superlative form of gamey: most gamey
  2. Examples:
    1. “But no, it's the revival of Chicago, the gammiest and gamiest show on Broadway.”
  1. present participle of gamify
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