Yet, the rebels say this is wishful thinking and that their weapons are captured from government forces. |
When Jesus in the Beatitudes says that the meek shall inherit the earth, he repeats the psalmist's wishful thinking. |
This is wishful thinking pursued to the point of deception and self-deception. |
You don't know how they relate until you examine them and it's better to examine the evidence than base conclusions on wishful thinking. |
Pre-war, there was a strong whiff of wishful thinking in the coalition's plans for Basra. |
I hope Elvis was wasted out of his skull and bought it as a joke, but that's wishful thinking. |
I suspect his assertion, memorable though it is, was based on wishful thinking. |
The link he assumes between local control and sustainable development is based on wishful thinking. |
My conviction is based not on wishful thinking, but on my experiences living in a totalitarian regime. |
Times change, but only a killjoy would grudge Scots a bit of nostalgic wishful thinking at a time of year ripe for reflection. |
For despite the artist's romantic wishful thinking, his rustic Bretons were no simple peasants. |
This documented fact makes the writer's supposed statistic look like the wishful thinking of a fantasist. |
It may well be the old congenital paranoia, but I detect more than a touch of wishful thinking here. |
But the simple fact is, whether through wishful thinking or deliberate deceit, the administration uttered untruths. |
But to say that it's all going to come out fine, that always struck me as being wishful thinking of the first order. |
We now know that this was financial flatulence based on wishful thinking rather than any hard analysis. |
A good bit of this is probably just wishful thinking on the part of Democratic politicos in Washington. |
The idea that a walk-through might present an experience equivalent to actually being inside a building is wishful thinking indeed. |
A permanent body that functions as an external examination institute is still only wishful thinking. |
Both companies have been mentioned as possible suitors, but most analysts say that's wishful thinking. |
But real wisdom means knowing truth from falsehood, knowing the difference between evidence and wishful thinking. |
Is this wishful thinking in the age of spin doctors and party whips? |
Not all the wishful thinking in the world will change the fact that fundamentalist fanatics who do not seek to make an accommodation with us have declared war on the West. |
Instead, these were based on entirely unrealistic market estimates which can be described more as wishful thinking. |
And it is wishful thinking to believe that nobody will use it as a precedent. |
However, wishful thinking would seem to have had a hand in these forecasts. |
I'm not going to be negative when I say this, and it's by no means wishful thinking. |
The result was predictable, and indeed predicted by some observers, yet still came as a shock to the legions of professional fussers mired in wishful thinking. |
Simply closing one's eyes and pretending it isn't looming, despite all the available evidence to those who want to look for it, is an exercise in denial and wishful thinking. |
With Mosaïque, being client focussed is not an advertising catchline, nor is it wishful thinking. |
But I say we have to stop the wishful thinking and the empty talk and resolutions and start dealing with this issue in a practical way. |
The Sino-Indian conflict of 1962, however, exposed Nehru's wishful thinking on nonalignment. |
This caricature of Sir Charles Tupper from February 1896 depicts Liberal anxiety, Conservative wishful thinking and Tupper's self-regard. |
Arguably the most common cause of plans going wrong is simple wishful thinking. |
The occasions when a man trips over a gold nugget while strolling with his head in a cloud of wishful thinking are few and far between. |
We hope, of course, that it will need to be deployed as little as possible, but that is wishful thinking. |
In many instances, actual acknowledgement of that situation still remains within the realm of discourse and wishful thinking. |
We remain nonetheless very cautious and expect the Commission to give substance to this principle so that it does not remain wishful thinking. |
Those who believe that figures can do more than common sense should not indulge in wishful thinking. |
The vitality of the official language minority communities should not remain wishful thinking. |
Equality within the digital network is still an illusion that is not free of ideological wishful thinking. |
But mothers are faced with a tragic conflict of interest that no amount of wishful thinking or social engineering or wilful blindness can resolve. |
It seems to be based on wishful thinking rather than scientific evidence. |
There's a lot of woolly-minded wishful thinking in his essay. |
It occurs to me that the concept of an intricately organized network of terrorists is wishful thinking on the part of those forces aligned against them. |
For today's tyros, cast your eyes across the Atlantic, where Eggers, Lethem, Franzen et al emanate a buzz that is more than publishers' wishful thinking. |
But the idea he is going to attract droves of non-traditional Republican supporters is nothing more than wishful thinking. |
Does a Middle East foreign policy determined by wishful thinking and poor information sound familiar? |
In short, predicting the near-term collapse of the regime is largely an exercise in wishful thinking. |
Most of my Somerset will have to stay unlearned, leaving the county, the land and the people to grow in my mind on a basis of myth and wishful thinking. |
The bootstrapping from nowhere sounds like wishful thinking to me. |
And even if this is only wishful thinking, only a hope, we must recall that hope is one of those small transcendences of brute necessity that imbue life with meaning. |
This is at best wishful thinking and grasping at last straws. |
Here, a distinction needs to be made between our concepts of what ordinary reality is, our preconceptions and wishful thinking, and its raw, implacable facticity. |
And it needs to guide the formulation of family policies based on realities and not simply on wishful thinking that the futures of our children and grandchildren will simply look after themselves. |
It certainly should, although we ought to make sure that this period is really used for reflection rather than for pleas, wishful thinking or creating the false impression that there is no alternative to the Treaty. |
For as long as the EU fails to thrash out a common foreign and security policy, much of what we want to implement, and should put great effort into implementing, will unfortunately remain nothing more than wishful thinking. |
Her sense of how the world works is based on instinct, wishful thinking and second-hand information, and is almost entirely at odds with the way the world works. |
That kind of wishful thinking could become a reality if you want a brand new house and opt for part-exchange with a property developer. |
Whether it will last in the long term or become wishful thinking will depend to a crucial degree on our willingness and efforts to conduct reforms. |
Strands of racism can be found on the movement's fringe, but most tea-party groups have done their best to snip these off. Along with the liberal disparagement comes a dose of wishful thinking. |
Fair Trade Banking is not just wishful thinking. |
This hope is not just wishful thinking or human optimism. |
Wise choices and hard work, not cornucopian wishful thinking, should guide our decisions as individuals and nations. |
It seems clear that the Commission assessment most closely reflects the realities of the situation and that the view of the government ministries is coloured by wishful thinking. |
The Assembly notes that, in practice, access to the rights of persons with physical or mental disabilities equally with those of healthy persons frequently remains wishful thinking and proves inadequate. |
At least 65 Peace Prizes have been awarded for wishful thinking. |
The obviation of Roderick's death in no small part constitutes the wishful thinking of a military state in transition. |
This is simply a Panglossian idea, policy as wishful thinking. |
The agriculture sector was quick to react and respond to this sort of wishful thinking, because there was a real disconnect between what the minister had announced and the actual details in the budget. |
If the directive is to be adopted and implemented, it must not be encumbered with a literary approach and wishful thinking, which have no place in a legal document. |
But if the world has learned one thing about this age of terrors, it is that wishful thinking, succumbing to blackmail, and vesting false hopes in unverifiable agreements are no answer at all. |
After last night's crushing defeat, this sounds like wishful thinking. |
Perhaps they were merely the result of overly optimistic accounting or of wishful thinking about the value of dubiously contrived products that in the end were worthless. |
To try and help them by supplying working material is wishful thinking. |
To say that the founder of Deconstruction survives this shambolic attack composed of equal parts unargued assertions and wishful thinking is to put things far too kindly. |
Le Paige established a legitimation for the Parlement's authority which was part history, part romantic fiction, and part political wishful thinking. |