If you're ever out with Pants, it would be wise to forbid him to order the Chili Fries. |
But wise investment in more sensible equipment can help forestall disasters that undermine the confidence of citizens in their institutions. |
When planning, it's wise to site ponds away from trees as dead leaves will foul the water. |
Amara studied the woman, her ancient yet wise face, the frailness of her limbs contradicting the underlying strength embedded in them. |
If we read further in Matthew, we find the familiar story of the wise men, following the star and carrying gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. |
Doctors are just as much in the dark as parents and often less wise because they think they know all the answers. |
The gifted apprentice attaches himself early to a wise teacher, learning the craft at his hands, six or eight hours a day, every day of the week. |
Me, I tend to agree with John Waters, always an eminently wise and sensible fund of good ideas and clear thinking. |
During the summer months the few lean-tos available are often occupied, so it's wise to bring a tent. |
The nature of the conversation and the respect for elders reflects Chinese customs, particularly that of the young coming to the wise for advice. |
I am the wise old man of this place, and these people are forever desperate for advice and healing potions. |
The Falcons would be wise to ease Vick into the lineup, but that will be tough because the fans want to see him sooner rather than later. |
But under his wise and brave and resourceful guidance, it will be achieved. |
William Marshal was a powerful, respected, wise and loyal knight and baron who had already served two Angevin kings. |
Having a majority of eleven against him, the wise juryman consented to a merciful verdict of death by misadventure. |
This wise one was known as a healer as well as a warrior and one who had quested through the mountains and the valleys of the earth. |
It is also wise to carry a warning triangle as its use is compulsory after an accident or breakdown in most countries. |
Following a ship to the bottom of the sea on principle is seldom a wise choice. |
But later, when they're over-rehearsed into being preternaturally wise and all-seeing, they start to cloy. |
And he was generous to many, and offered wise counsel, not prescriptively, but by gentle questioning of your own beliefs. |
It is a wise person who will step cautiously and carefully into it, waiting to be welcomed rather than assuming a right to be there. |
There are times when it's wise to hold your tongue, Sir, for you are an impertinent fellow. |
He co-hosts a drive-time show in Burlington on WCVP-FM, a classic rock station, making funny noises and cracking wise about that night's game. |
The wise potential investor will adjust his or her financial exposure accordingly. |
In Laputa Gulliver finds the wise men so wrapped up in their speculations as to be utter dotards in practical affairs. |
It is wise to examine all the options and then make a commitment to one area of expertise and master it. |
Other wise all of the women and children present would have to either excuse themselves or sit there all day waiting for it to be done with. |
An investment in deodorant to counter doggy pong is a wise and indeed a noble investment. |
Many are probably wise to the fact credit cards can offer an excellent exchange rate. |
As a wise man once said, true mountaineering only really requires duct tape and a plane ticket. |
All of them could have offered convenient launching pads for wise disquisitions infused with the wisdom of hindsight. |
He accompanied Alexander the Great on his conquest of northern India, where he encountered Indian gymnosophists or naked wise men. |
When any group reappears after a long period away the discerning listener is wise to approach the results with caution. |
Physicians are by inclination and training discerning men, wise in human relations and keen in judgement. |
We want figures who embody our feelings, represent a wise assimilation and a thoughtful new political response. |
While the solution to this mystery eludes us, the facts are evident, and we would be wise to adapt to them. |
With a little more mental effort from wise people like yourselves, it could be improved. |
In view of the continuing eclipse of his reputation, those were wise words. |
In his navy blue graduation gown he looked so wise that I had to smile when I looked up at him from my seat. |
Then, when we come up against difficulties and controversies, we are ready with a wise and godly response. |
And with anything that invites enjoyment, it's wise to check the condition of the mechanicals for signs of abuse. |
Legge, Therefore a wise prince, marching the whole day, does not go far from his baggage waggons. |
It is always wise to guard against adopting a complacent or smug attitude in life as one ages. |
We medicos are good at handing out advice, but not too many of us follow our own wise words. |
In these important years, many of us are either fortunate or wise enough to find mentors to help guide our decisions. |
No one, I believe, seriously imagines that the proposals in their present form are either wise or necessary. |
His Ascended Glory is the comfort of wise Providence in every moment and time and dispenses trial. |
The first impression you have of him is of a wise and playful octogenarian, warmly dressed in denims and thick woollen sweater. |
As for rushing things, it is wise to make haste slowly, but make haste toward this goal nevertheless. |
It would be wise to be wary of predictions and to beware of generalisations. |
If the child is a relative stranger to you, how wise is it to take on the responsibility of shepherding him to adulthood? |
She looked up and saw Mephisto, wise old Mephisto, watching her with patience in his bicoloured eyes. |
Would it be wise to encourage our students to exchange fact-based narrative for edgy commentary and digital trash talk? |
The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails. |
A statue of Marsyas as a wise old silenus embodied this positive version of Marsyas in the Forum Romanum. |
I've been looking at it for a couple weeks and it's awesome, both design wise and linguistically. |
A wise man once said that a strong middle class is the key ingredient to a prosperous and healthy democracy. |
With that many rug rats running around, Grandpa was a wise man to keep them occupied in some way. |
It may be wise to add peat moss or some form of compost to the dirt in the hole before planting the rose. |
Thus, proportioning one's belief to the evidence, the wise person must reject the weaker evidence concerning the alleged miracle. |
The story is told of Jesus being born in Bethlehem and being visited by wise men from the east that brought presents of gold, incense, and myrrh. |
It seemed wise to ship Mary out of Scotland at age 5 for France, where she was reared as a match for that country's dauphin prince. |
If bad breath persists, it would be wise to consult your health practitioner. |
I thought it wise not to engage in any further confrontation with the gentleman on the issue. |
At last, after wise deliberation of the concerns of either side, she assumes the office of arbitress which is offered to her by both parties. |
Is it wise or even just, he asks, to expose our children to cultural viruses that are irrational and dangerous? |
Other than this, the group intends to promote wise use of the land through the conservation of the natural environment. |
Now our intrepid graduate student can conclude that the piety of the wise consists in the imitation of the gods. |
Consistent with the close phylogenetic relationships of the species sampled, most nucleotide sites were invariant in pair wise comparisons. |
If your congregation makes wise use of its gifts, parishioners will likely see it as a good place to invest their energy and their resources. |
Sometimes, you see a hornet's nest, and some wise part of you knows that you shouldn't go poking it with a stick. |
These are just some of the signs presented in a recent book that point to an unexpected similarity between the wise birds and humans. |
In every rendition, he records her devotion to home, family, and normality in praiseful tones and reiterates how wise and powerful she is. |
The company is wise to focus on improving the portability of its super-premium ice creams. |
In fact, this is only one of many wise counsels to the cautious buyer who fears being landed with a freshly minted or happily married antique. |
At one level, he is wise to counsel caution when it comes to generalizing about which side of the political debate is religious. |
Thirdly, wise policy decisions can only be based upon the best available evidence. |
A very wise man says it is better to go after one stray sheep than stay with 99 sheep who are safe in the fold. |
This proves a wise move, as the sheer weirdness of the story is counterpointed by Jonze's naturalistic approach. |
She courageously shares her very personal struggles and offers wise strategies for facing down fear. |
It was a wise decision, as the course was well prepared with consistent greens and good fairways. |
If there's any silver lining to this particulate-laden cloud, it's that citizens are now wise to bureaucratic foot-dragging. |
Nor did Eric Ellman, my wise and imperturbable guide to the Mexican-American border river. |
There was a time when self-appointed wise men predicted the outcome of events, for good or ill, based on the position of the stars in the night sky. |
Then in their late 30's, when they are approaching the next age with a big zero in it, they would prepare, as any wise person would, for their midlife crisis. |
But anger is still simmering, and policymakers would be wise to heed it. |
If you decide to paint the surface, it is wise to paint both sides in order to equalise the surface tensions, which will aid the shaping of the blockboard. |
A wise Virgo recently taught us the difference between a review and a critique. |
Her grandmother is the local wise woman and midwife, and she and Nell have innocent dealings with fairies, while impudent piskies moon at passing inhabitants for fun. |
That's why it's simply not wise for coots like me to look in a mirror. |
It wouldn't be wise just to assume that judges are unerring oracles of law, but to leap to the opposite conclusion and decide they are frauds is even more foolish. |
Unintentionally, Anne's step showed her to be a wise and unpretentious woman, whose only aspirations for her children were that that they live happy and fulfilled lives. |
At which point, wise old Mork gave one of his annoyingly cutesy little smiles, and you realised that he had been teaching those kids a Valuable Life Lesson all along. |
Companies are now getting wise to cyberslacking and some of the biggest selling software applications are now those that will monitor the content of employees' e-mails. |
I think it is wise to keep this phenomenon in proportion, however. |
They created the electoral college as a body of wise and thoughtful individuals, dedicated to choosing a statesmanlike leader who would govern in the interests of the country. |
You heard Senator Lieberman say that's not necessarily wise economic policy to eliminate one option if there is a need for some serious economic decisions. |
But the bulk of the population had little access to physicians, seeking instead barber-surgeons, apothecaries, empirics such as bonesetters and tooth-drawers, or wise women. |
Merlin appears not only as a sorcerer and a wise man but also as a trickster. Constantly, he appears before Arthur in disguise, as a child, a beggar, an old peasant. |
These are both wise and heartening words, at a time when Kant is being disreputably pressed into the service of all kinds of non-Kantian commitments. |
It's a good thing that some wise women before our time, decided that women had to exit the non-income labour market, and get into the income labour market. |
Beginning his exordium with high-minded praise of the intellect, he declares that the contemporary world's rightful rulers are the wise and moral. |
His stories perfectly capture that fascination with exotic names and improbable colours and, best of all, the thrill of making a wise spending choice. |
Those not charmed by the wintry predicament were wise enough to stay out of sight. |
Commissioner Verheugen recently made a statement that was not dissimilar to this wise saying. |
The Tiv wise saying may also be replaced with those more familiar to the audience. |
As a wise man once said, what God hath woven together, even multiple regression analysis cannot tear asunder. |
In other words, keep a way out and if you cannot get through, be wise enough to be able to make a U-turn. |
The physician does not go to excess, but is wise and merciful, irradiating confidence, and regulating a balanced life style. |
These poor people were led by a wise and noble-minded man to this territory. |
It would be wise for the government to do this so we can ensure we get the best bang for the buck. |
As a final remark further to the Muscat report, I should like to stress our proposal to set up a committee of wise men. |
Buying on the lows and selling on the highs within this channel might be a wise choice. |
There is a widespread recognition that the resource is not infinite and that its wise and sustainable use is needed for humanity survival. |
I'm certainly not going to try to say anything wise about a phenomenon that's at its most vivid after a supper of Roquefort, grapes and a glass of good port. |
We recognize that wise statesmen resist the temptation to use power promiscuously, and we stress the virtues of prudence, and self-restraint, in foreign policy. |
The wise shall shine brightly like the splendour of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever. |
Failed by conventional medicine, he seeks help from the wise old man of the village. |
He seemed a wise old man sitting there, not a line on his face, and we the children. |
Madam Speaker, a wise old man once said that a smart person can act like a fool, but the reverse is not true. |
The wise old man of ocean racing and the energetic young woman, hit it off and raced together on the first two editions of the Cap Istanbul. |
So, on the advice of a wise old man, I gave up yoga and got down to serious business. |
As they become wise to the rouse, unfurl an equal representation banner and start to sing rousing ballads of liberation. |
The wolf has had to wait eons for humans to become wise enough to coexist with it. |
If any one among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. |
It is regrettable that the legislators should become wise and energetic only after an accident has happened. |
We truly want to learn from children to become wise because theirs is the wisdom of Sainthood. |
Raymond Sauer, a sports economics professor at Clemson, said it was wise for the league to put faith in Griner. |
Having thus given order to his life, however, the wise person must also provide himself with security. |
America will find that she is a wise person, and I'm so honored you're joining the administration. |
But a very wise person said to me: 'You'll cope because you have to.' And that's what anyone would do. |
That is where the wise person becomes alert, and takes steps to restore normality. |
A wise person will not despise an opportunity merely because it seems small. |
The wise person will seek a new working environment only when opportunity has made the change practical and profitable. |
The wise person will plan so as to be a bit ahead of the generally advancing state-of-his-art. |
Each band usually chose a leader, often a skilled hunter or a wise person who had earned the respect of the others in the band. |
A wise person does not shove what he thinks is good down the other fellow's throat. |
The wonderful thing about Buddha's teaching is that Buddha taught us not to accept something just because a wise person or an expert said it. |
The wise person will be content if his everyday writing is recognized as appropriate, accurate, persuasive, and clear. |
The wise person chooses and follows what contributes most certainly to his lasting happiness. |
Kofi Annan, as you know, announced yesterday the creation of a wise person commission, which has 12 months to report. |
May the wise person live in her village like the bee collects the nectar, without destroying the flower in its color and perfume. |
As soon as you are able to observe correctly what is arising at your six sensory doors, you become a very wise person. |
It is favorable that such a wise person be a leader among people then there will be order in such a country. |
Her wise counsel and considered opinion is sought after by all our leadership. |
You can have a wise elder statesperson who is very inspirational if they know the boundaries. |
That unencumbered air of obliviousness befits a man who is wise to the ways of instant soup, but incapable of buttoning up his shirt. |
She perfected a wise and winningly nit-picky persona, turning herself into every reader's confidante. |
But the consequences of his brutal suppression showed how wise Akbar's tolerance had been. |
Lucky for me, there are many shows on stage, because music wise I'll be bored stiff. |
In trying to make sense of how to best utilize this marketing strategy, it would be wise to test the waters by starting out small. |
Yet defining what it means to be courageous has often proved as thistly as distinguishing the wise ones from the fools. |
Topics included risky behaviours, acute alcohol intoxication, and making wise choices. |
They contrast the wise Empiricist psychology of Locke with the conjectural lucubrations of René Descartes. |
At this early stage of development, it is wise to maintain a moratorium on human cloning. |
As kids visit each of Joseph and Josie's bookmarked Web sites, they are asked whether the Jo's are making wise decisions. |
We were guided by the submissions made by the wise men who were appointed to make concrete proposals to us. |
If you are dating and have food allergies, it's wise to bring up allergies with people you might be intimate with sooner rather than later. |
In choosing an objective it is not wise to overextend ambition beyond one's powers. |
Mr. Margulies brings rattling emotional thunder to the role of the father, another self-deluder who never quite gets wise to himself. |
Much contemporary fiction, like much contemporary life, has a restless flamboyance that preëmpts such wise shapeliness. |
At that moment, it would be wise to strike while the iron is hot, since the price could very well change again in a short period of time. |
True, wise fathers may chasten their sons, but they do all this in love and for corrective purposes. |
But, even when the board has the authority to make the decisions, often it's wise to consult with others. |
But they're on the up again, as hotels get wise to the limitations of the laws. |
He never seemed to get wise to the fact that the answers were pure invention. |
She notes that some bogus operations have been quick to change their practices as homeowners get wise to their tactics. |
Some of the exchanges among the Pittsburgh police, who get wise to Brennan, are as sharp as the back-and-forth between husband and wife. |
Loved and respected for his compassion, clear-headedness, negotiating skills, and wise counsel. |
Luke, our sixteen-year-old, imagined Butterscotch as an elderly, wise woman from the Deep South. |
You should know that it takes a wise woman to recognise that she was wrong. |
Crumb, a dispensable small thing that in the mouth of a wise woman became an irrefutable argument changing Jesus' way of thinking and acting. |
After all, what must a wise woman think of a man who would so quickly betray his solemn oath? |
His mother was a wise woman, and she paid much attention to her son's education. |
People talked about a wise woman living on the Chimborazo, which is the highest mountain in Ecuador. |
They packed their few belongings and made the long journey to the home of the wise woman. |
Asserted then is the charismatic personality of Patricia, a wise woman who accomplishes her profession serenely and with an archaic confidence. |
The wise who cognized his Higher Essence is not engaged in self-admiration and does not elevate himself over others. |
Once you will have answered those questions, you will be apt to make a wise choice. |
In FM mode, turn clock wise to tune down and turn counter clockwise to tune up. |
Achebe hated the fact that a tardy fool with riches is treated with more respect and honour than what is due to a poor wise and agile. |
His general public image was that of a true sage, a benevolent, white-haired wise man, full of sound advice for the guidance of the lives of ordinary people. |
He is regarded as soft and veracious whilst making equitable and wise decisions. |
However, perhaps our founding fathers were indeed wise in their choice of words. |
I don't think the President would be wise in reappointing this guy. |
Nor would it be wise to attempt to use a decision to prejudge a negotiation. |
He is a wise man who does not allow himself to be elated by the things he comes to possess. |
In true fairness, to be wise and just legislators, we sometimes have to eat crow if expert witnesses show us we are doing the wrong thing. |
He finds an ideal balance of whimsy and weightiness in this wise and humane comedy. |
It's also a very accurate description of what he's achieved in this wise and beautiful book. |
To avoid false conclusions based on those look-alikes, it is wise to require a minimum quantity of information for identifications. |
At that time, God would unseal the book, allowing only the wise to «understand» it. |
We pray for divine guidance and ask for help to make good laws and wise decisions. |
In fact, he was much more than that, being not only a priest, but also a wise man, a soothsayer and a judge. |
Compatible with the Programmer, this unit keeps pace with the household schedule, ensuring wise energy consumption with no wastefulness. |
As for implementation, it would seem both crucial not to differ it and wise not to rush into it, but to proceed with it gradually. |
Having cognized this, the wise knows that one should requite hatred with good. |
Mr Bettman would be wise to reorient the league towards its Canadian roots. |
Nevertheless, while it is always wise to base rules on worst case scenarios, to use the 'catastrophe scenario' is to go too far. |
A wise government would look at it and not simply dismiss it out of hand as some sort of woolly-headed notion. |
If you work at a job that requires physical activity, it may be wise to take a week off. |
Allowing our customers to buy a product and take it away with them immediately seemed like the wise choice. |
Impressed by the advanced civilization of these Amerindians, the Spanish deemed it wise not to go ashore, but they did trade goods. |
Because I have become either wise or dull, I decided to hop it. |
Determine which will be used, and how heavily, during actual competition, as it is generally wise to avoid laying pistes near them. |
It is wise to only have about a half an inch between the heel and the boot when their foot is pushed up as far as it can go into an unlaced boot. |
He takes the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the fraudulent is carried headlong. |
As to purchasing, the wise man knows that the size of the outgo is just as important in determining profit as is the amount of income. |
Nor is it wise automatically to relegate scarcity to secondary status when considering the causes of conflict. |
Thus, even when available evidence suggests a decision may not be wise in the long term, an individual may choose a suboptimal course of action. |
Beyond that, it is wise to use imaginary people or people who are entirely out of range. |
Along the way, a wise magician, a dragon and other creatures from the deep-dream world help Penelope. |
It is a matter of acquiring the habitus of cogitare, the art of thinking as the wise art of life, faith and charity. |
It would therefore be wise to move slowly, as some policies can be difficult and costly to implement, and reverse if necessary. |
Mr Clifford greatly admires Asquith, rating him a wise and unostentatious statesman of genuine integrity. |
The wise financial planner always keeps one eye on today, one eye on the near future, and a third eye on the distant future. |
Laurier found himself in the role of the wise and dignified paterfamilias intervening to put down flare-ups in a quarrelsome family. |
And simple extrapolation from their results to demands for across-the-board austerity isn't a wise approach. |
Ultra-expensive infrastructure projects such as a spiffy metro and gigantic new airport now look like wise investments, not hubris. |
Another way that is just as effective as apple-polishing is flattery, giving someone high praise, telling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, or how wise he is. |
Acknowledging that, wise Labour supporters should have two realistic objectives. |
I've said, though, that I believe that the bill is wise in attempting to remove possible confusion and misapprehension. |
Dr. Smith, who has always offered us wise counsel and a friendly smile, earned a special place at our editors' round-table and in our hearts as well. |
It is wise to be selective when choosing who to confide in, and what advice to follow. |
Although it's tempting to witness one body action, gesture or reaction and use that as conclusive evidence, it is not wise to do so. |
Let us ask: Under what conditions will it be wise to publicize the book and to risk controversy? |
This is a man of letters, a man who writes, who publishes, a wise and knowing man. |
But if we are wise enough, we can cast away those evil natures without having to undergo painful trials. |
A thief steals all of his money, among other things, but he is helped by a wise old sorcerer and alchemist. |
I believe it is wise to reassess the situation in the light of recent developments. |
In Timée, it makes tell by Critias a history which it holds of a remote ancestor having known wise Solon. |
Her eyes outlined with kohl and her deep look, foretell a wise and radiant woman. |
Here, for a quiet life, you have to apply the dictum of the three wise monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. |
I think publicity wise it was an excellent move and I think he will have gained a lot of respect for this. |
Individual pollsters have every reason to pose as wise after the event, so a measure of scepticism is obviously warranted. |
Ladies and gentlemen, in your opinion, is it wise to pretend that the problem does not exist? |
I can only say that they will have wait for yesterday's budget in order to learn the wise decisions of the Minister of Finance. |
We also express our gratitude to our trustees for their wise counsel and support. |
Pray that wise decisions will be made about the most adequate location and program. |
Education, awareness, and action is critical to successful river stewardship and wise management. |
For that reason it is wise to teach youngsters to deal with alcohol in a sensible way. |
We take your wise words to heart and recognize that the proposal requires compromise from all of us. |
On the evening before, the children put out food and drinks for the three wise men and their camels to fortify them from their long journey. |
In the future it will be wise of us to try and find more positive ways of achieving our aims. |
As discussed previously, the Branch would be wise to seriously consider incorporating a holding company to own the new facility. |
It's also wise practice to ask the contractors to supply two or more references of previous clients with their quote. |
They create support for local economic development and the wise use of resources. |
Such malapropos wise cracks are driven home with a relentlessly upbeat soundtrack which serenades scenes of human tragedy with bouncy, Disneyesque melodies. |
A collection of wise sayings also makes up the remnants of Norse religion. |
So next time somebody winds you up, don't rise to it – get wise to it. |
Get wise to it now or you're going to look really stupid. |
As the space between the bundles was hard to get at, foam was a wise choice as an extinguishing agent for the second response because it can be dispersed in such open spaces and cover the whole cargo. |
Whether it's time for college or the fact that your five-year-old throws temper tantrums, it's wise and fair to consult the other parent on major issues. |
It would be wise not to waste such a rare convergence of opinions and what constitutes a tangible opportunity to bring this august body out of its present quagmire. |
It may seem wise to some pedants to say that the words of a century ago are the best words, but we cannot go through life using the language of the last century any more than we can get along with the language of Cicero. |
Tookoome, the wise and gifted nephew of a shaman, speaks matter-of-factly about such topics as his memory of the day he was born, life in an igloo, hunting with respect for the animals, and encounters with spirits. |
And everybody jumps in and starts pulling bodies out, but one wise person goes downstream to see what's exactly happening that's causing all these people to drown or fall in the water. |
So, if you want to boost your assets and your confidence this festive party season, shapewear is another wise investment at this time of year. |
We are certain that with your wise leadership our efforts will bear fruit. |
This approach provides an appropriate framework for wise habitat and water management that takes into account the various interests present in watersheds. |
Bean counters claim there may not be enough cash to pay for three wise men. |
Careful plant selection, coupled with wise watering habits on your part, can significantly reduce outdoor water use without affecting the lushness of your landscape. |
The operation is manual and asks to our brewer for a wise person dexterity in the manipulation of the fourquet not to hasten the invaluable liquid. |
Since members have a final say in decision making, it is wise to consider the nomination of some expert members in the working and steering committee. |
Like the shepherd and the wise men, may each one of us feel the hunger for that Child swaddled in the manger and contemplate the light of His presence. |
All credit should go to the people of Nepal and to the wise and statesmanlike efforts of Nepalese political parties and leaders for bringing about a peace process. |
The staff of the National Battlefields Commission will be pleased to share its expertise and provide wise horticultural and arboricultural advice. |
This implies making a choice, which will have to be as wise as possible. |
It would be wise to view the Tate Modern in this rather less rose-tinted uplight: as simply another spatialisation of the savage inequality that's coming to typify 21st-century London. |
In such wise that all the beasts, great and small, came to the court save Reynard the Fox. |
As some wise apple said, comparisons are odious, and never more so than with a job not yet done. |
Cut it out, Sis, an' lissen ter er wise crack. Will yer be nice if I pay yer fine? |
Her reputation for being a wise guy made her new teachers hesitant about having her in their classes. |
Some of the other charms employed by the wise men had a more tangled pedigree. |
It is evident, notorious and unarguable that from the wise combination of drowsiness and meditation, that which is called Illumination is the outcome. |
In their majority, those communities remained cast away from access to public services and from regular contact with the rest of society, in such wise as to make their social-economic status reflect such exclusion. |
There are institutes which are entirely ordered toward contemplation, in such wise that their members give themselves over to God alone in solitude and silence, in constant prayer and willing penance. |
And freelancing means you don't really take holidays when you're on holidays with your family because a wise freelancer rarely says no to work when it's offered. |
I think we would be reckless and foolhardy if we were to set aside his very perspicacious and wise analysis and did not take him up on his suggestion to call back the bill. |
Not very wise to go to a favela with the bike... Rodrigo who also works in the kids house picks us up at the bus terminus. No taxi accepts to drive to this favela and there is no public transport. |
Second, their selection of Doppelmayr as ropeway supplier turned out to be a particularly wise move: They became the first in the world to get a lift that unites the benefits of a combined lift and a gondola lift in one. |
The wise healer M'fundice begins a ritual to chase off the evil forces, but he suddenly has a terrible vision: the only thing able to defeat the monster is the purity and courage of a young girl. |
For it is written, 'He catches the wise in their craftiness. |
They do not defer to the decisions of wise elders. |
Oilfield-service companies started to burgeon in the 1980s when big companies thought it wise to outsource drilling and other aspects of production. |
Every winegrower will tell you that until the grapes have all been picked it's wise to say nothing. |
Given these specific circumstances, the Governing Council has decided that it would not be wise to define a single intermediate target for the ESCB's monetary policy to which it would react in an almost mechanistic manner. |
Also, the design and implementation of incentive measures for the conservation and wise use of wetlands should be included in this list of possible mitigatory measures. |
When consumers are informed and wise about money matters, the strategic payoff, in the end, is a much stronger marketplace and better business for all. |
It would be wise for all users in Iran to at least logout and login, but even better change passwords, it added. |
Given the huge difficulty of evacuating London, the most obvious target, it may be wise to keep its plans away from public scrutiny. More surprising than gaps in government preparations is slackness in the private sector. |
Enjoy the mysteriousness of Brittany, which was once a refuge for wise druids and unlimited adventurers This feeling inspired us during the renovation and reconstruction of this 19th century old gentleman's farm. |
As they enter the bank, the decision to make use of 3D for the final episode seems a wise one, as puffs of smoke and blurred figures are used to create a sense of otherworldliness. |
If it had been used and invested in our province over time in a wise way by a non-socialistic government, it could have accrued much more benefit to the citizens of the province of Saskatchewan. |
We believe, with just a few exceptions that merely add colour to the debate, that it would be wise for all the Member States to complete their ratification processes. |
Equally, we have a very large consensus on the need to run sound and wise monetary policies, to benefit from equally sound fiscal policies and to rely on good governance in all sectors of the economy. |
And so it seems wise to advise pregnant women to sunbathe whenever possible, while taking care not to burn, and to take vitamin D supplements in winter. |
But the rabbit and the silkworm get wise to the fox's evil machinations. |
Even so, it is full of ideas to add zip to the flagging recovery. In this section Let the sun shine Sliding away Levi and the 501s Death for the mentally disabled Is it wise to criminalise lies? |
Putting it before committee was a very wise thing to do, before entrenchment of partisan lines and before people said things in which they would entrap themselves before fully understanding the issue. |