The kids were running around, some with kites, as the weather was so windy. |
A word with Ancient Greek origins, psithurism is defined as the rustling whispers of the trees on a windy, autumn day. |
When they were young, they'd adopted wryness as the defining tone at home, skirting anything too intimate or windy. |
Nevertheless it was still an excellent all-round performance and a good game despite the windy conditions. |
The new flood lights were put to good use on a very wet and windy December's night. |
They've come away on a windy day with a result, but we should be larruping people like that. |
Most times I use leaders of around nine feet in length but in very windy conditions I will cut my leader length back to 7 feet. |
The area can be quite windy at times in summer, but there is rarely a time when a lee shore is not available. |
The hilly course was made worse with the fact that it was pouring with rain and windy as well. |
Well, it's overcast and windy along the shores of Lake Michigan and Eastern Wisconsin. |
It was very windy down there at the start of the competition and my run-up was all over the place. |
Fires should not be lit on a windy day because wind-driven sparks and hot ash can start blazes elsewhere. |
It seems to be the sad story of most weekends that the weather turns to windy. |
Even though it was raining, freezing cold and windy most of the time, it is still a wonderful, magical place. |
Jon Hizzard lives on Flinder's Island, just off the windy northeast tip of Tassie. |
The weather seemed to be a pretense for a storm, windy and hinting toward a tempest. |
The first part of the journey passed in a succession of wet, windy days, but I quickly found my sea legs and never actually missed a meal. |
December 9, 1976, was a cold, windy day in Washington County, Ill., though the ground was still bare of snow. |
He double faulted on his first match point and then missed a smash after a bizarre rally in the windy conditions. |
Again, earlier this morning, it was not this windy, and not this much rain, but now, we have rain and water coming up against the sea wall here. |
Although windy, the weather stayed dry and all the participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves. |
It was a bit too cold for me to go in the water as it was windy, but warm enough to hang around wearing bathers. |
It can't be too windy, and there must not be any rain, thunderclouds, or lightning nearby. |
In persistently windy areas consider planting a windbreak to create a more benign climate for your garden. |
Also, these synthetic blankets, like paper and plastic sheeting, must be overlapped, taped, and weighted to stay in place under windy conditions. |
Management was mindful of the challenge which they faced, particularly as the day dawned wet and somewhat windy. |
A windy and showery day deterred some from venturing out, but those that did had a very good time. |
An example would be dry, warm, or windy conditions that cause excessive shrinkage and cracking in overlays. |
Kirkby began to monopolise possession and territory and earned two medium-range penalties but neither went over in the windy conditions. |
At one point, deep in the windy mountains, the windscreen wiper right in front of my face nearly blew away! |
When it snows we get to go sledging and make snowmen, windy days let us wrap up warm and collect leaves. |
Observe fire ordinances and don't use your firepit on no-burn days or when it's smoggy or windy. |
The east coast is wild, windy and untamed by development, the sea a challenge for even competent surfers. |
The sun was shining and it was not too windy, so we breakfasted alfresco style. |
Now, deserts are windy places, windy because they abound in solar energy, the driving force of the world's supply of moving air. |
Alone in the desolate town, Jane wanders the vales and windy moors for many hours, on the lookout to faintly explore this town. |
The cold wind made the fabric of my tent flap like wet laundry hanging on a clothesline on a briskly windy spring day. |
From what I have read, Chicago is nicknamed the windy city for different reasons. |
Sam hated to drive at night, especially a night such as this when it was cold and windy. |
It was wet and windy on New Year's Eve and even colder on New Year's Day with strong northerly winds blowing across the course. |
People are not used to driving on windy country roads with adverse cambers and it takes them by surprise. |
I am a regular visitor to the area and particularly on wet, windy days there is little to occupy the children. |
The three-man break went away fairly early in the 60-minute criterium, which was run over a 2 Km course in warm, windy conditions. |
He describes their hellish home of hidden evil upon evil, windy wolf-dens, cliffs, and skies of dark air and black rain. |
On cold windy mornings, the heron folded its neck, hunched into itself and faced the wind. |
Finally, if you're deciding when to brave the great outdoors, choose a windy, sunny day. |
There is a risk of very windy conditions but overall it will not be too cold with temperatures around normal. |
The pour had subsided to a drizzle, and it was getting a whole lot less windy. |
We eventually found a bench on a windy overground train platform and huddled round lousy tea and coffees trying to keep warm. |
In fact only during cool, wet or windy conditions will all the hirundines and the swift be found feeding together. |
Small containers that are hanging or placed in windy or excessively sunny areas may need to be watered at least once a day. |
The ride toward a fully connected community has been as choppy as Lake Michigan on a windy fall day. |
He wore a wig to hide his secret, refusing to dive into swimming pools or go out on windy days. |
The poem satirizes merrily enough, being windy and rhapsodic, prostrate and profligate, swoony and bitter, and attacks various people. |
Like your butterflies, beneficial insects are cold-blooded and don't like cold, windy weather. |
It was a windy night, but the bowl-shaped rock formation around the area made a useful enclosure that kept the weather out. |
It's likely to be a windy day across Thurles according to the forecast and that's precisely the kind of day that fills blue spinnakers. |
The rhetoric is often more deliverer-driven than consumerists desired but not always as windy as skeptics surmised. |
He's plying his trade as an electrician in the windy city, the more things change the more they stay the same. |
The occurrence of ventifacts and frost fissures implies a cold, windy periglacial climate. |
When ordered to man our aircraft, we found the flight deck wet with spray and very windy. |
If you need a plant tough enough to survive a windy, exposed site, I'd recommend the crab apple. |
The most favourable months for those that ride funboards are certainly the spring and autumn months when the frequency of windy days is greatest. |
On windy days, the smoke was wafted so that signals became garbled and confusing. |
Don't spray liquid or gaseous pesticides on windy days, to minimize pesticide drift. |
With the match deadlocked at the end of normal time extra time was played in very wet and windy conditions. |
Unfortunately it was raining, windy and cold and when we got there the place was deserted. |
After gorging ourselves on food and cake, his mother and I decided to explore a little further and went walking off down a windy track. |
I am on the Malecon, Havana's seaside drive, where it is getting very windy, but the eye of the hurricane has already hit land. |
It was cold, wet and windy but I plodded dutifully from one shop to the next, picking up brochures and chatting up assistants. |
If you want to perform extreme sports yourself, paragliding from a windy hilltop in Salta is an option. |
We proceeded down a windy country road, following the River Chew towards its source. |
In yesterday's windy conditions, the front jib of the crane dangled at the former gasometer site, the damaged part swaying towards buildings. |
I've just been watching the weather forecast for the week ahead and it seems we're in for a windy time again. |
Another spell of mild, wet and fairly windy weather is expected on Thursday. |
Despite wet and windy weather last week, the vehicle terminal at the port here reached a new record, handling 37 containers per working hour. |
But with brighter, wet and windy weather forecast for tomorrow, motorists in the county should not have to face the fog again. |
That weekend it was dreadful weather, it was wet, it was cold, it was windy, and that just made our emotions even more hard to bear. |
What made it more remarkable was the weather, which was wet, cold and very windy, with the odd snow shower thrown in for good measure. |
It will be mainly dry for a time on Wednesday, with sunny spells, but wet and windy weather will develop later. |
About 10,000 people braved wet and windy weather to attend the ceremony at the Margraten cemetery in the southern Netherlands. |
But you may have to commit yourself to going on a ramble or wearing a cagoule up a windy hill. |
To sit in it on a windy day was an experience in itself as you listened to the wind whistling through and rattling the galvanised roof. |
It was quite windy with white horses on the waves, but this didn't inconvenience the ducks in the least. |
Very windy conditions and extremely warm weather increase the dangers associated with backyard burning as well. |
Free-range hens huddled in their doorways because their field was a bit windy. |
Avoid low spots that might flood, as well as high, exposed, or windy locations. |
As it got closer, it got extremely windy, I could barely see from the dust clouds everywhere. |
The tradespeople aren't working outside this morning because it's too windy and dangerous. |
Hilly areas are often windy, but the wind could blow strong for certain periods and then not at all during others. |
Urban heat islands occur mainly at night and are reduced in windy conditions. |
Then again, it was a pretty windy day, and voices were muted by the sound of the wind. |
Liam Varley opened the scoring for the seasiders on this cold and extremely windy outing. |
Cleaning graffiti off walls would not be everybody's first choice at 8.30 am on a cold windy day. |
The climate was temperate but windy, the terrain a mixture of downland, rocky hills and peat bogs. |
Also, do not spray soaps onto plants that are water-stressed or during hot, windy, or humid weather. |
It was clear from the start that the strong windy conditions were going to have an immediate effect on the result of the game. |
Roy Appleyard converted from the touchline, an excellent kick considering the very windy conditions. |
After a good night out, I find I am very windy the next morning, so much so that I am totally bloated and cannot do up my trousers. |
Otherwise our multi-lateral, global institutions are exposed as windy talking shops. |
I recently took Mark Pilgrim off my links, because he wrote a very windy and tedious wind-up of Dave Winer. |
I'm all for due credit, but save the acknowledgements for your windy Grammy acceptance speech. |
Even on radio, their rhetorical style sounds windy, verbose, addicted to polysyllables for their own sake. |
All those windy characters were kind of hard to bring to life when I was reading them in high school. |
But we did, he thought, find his agent's house, up a windy road outside of town. |
It's a great windy road and I love driving roads like that so that's a bit of fun. |
They do not want to get stuck on those narrow, dangerous, windy roads, behind big trucks. |
The drive home through the windy roads was uneventful and we got back to the hotel by midnight. |
People, unaware of the dangers, were shovelling it out of public buildings and their houses into the town's dry and windy streets. |
Paris doesn't feel that old, especially after all the time I spent in the compact, windy streets of the old City of Zurich. |
Soon we were driving along the windy roads surrounded by tall trees that led to my grand parents' house. |
Of course, I could not see the town yet, as the country road was quite windy and hilly. |
I think the most dangerous part was riding for six hours in the back of a car on windy roads. |
However, like Harley-Davidson motorcycles, they look completely out of context, if not ridiculous, on the narrow, windy streets of London. |
The secondary roads are windy and provide poor links to the main roads and there is no bus stop. |
Last year we painted a picture of Kinross as a hidden gem containing stunning classics such as Loch Leven, windy roads and friendly country pubs. |
In short, an Alberta Clipper is a fast-moving storm that brings snow in its path and is followed by windy, colder weather. |
If it's feeling windy and I smell faint woodsmoke, I expect colder weather within a couple days. |
Staking or supporting early in the growing season is best and can help direct plant growth, encourage better flower displays and prevent damage during wet and windy weather. |
He was replaced by Gareth, who had an excellent game, marshalling his back-line well and hitting two thirds of his place kicks in windy conditions. |
These need a lot of space and must not be placed in a windy position. |
Our weather today is very windy with the odd shower of rain. |
I am the original girl racer along those testing windy country roads. |
They grumble about long, windy, unpolished pieces that don't fit into Slashdot's paragraph-link weblog format, and a style that sometimes glosses over key distinctions. |
I turned onto a windy road up into the hills above our town. |
According to local police, Hatch was speeding when her car slipped through a gap between guardrails on the windy road, sending her car to the bottom of the ravine. |
However, if the tree was staked in the nursery or if you are planting in a windy location, proper staking will support the tree during its first years in the ground. |
The weather has cleared up a lot and it's now sunny, but still windy. |
However, the second half of the month was wet and windy as Atlantic depressions became the dominant influence, some of which owed their origins to former hurricanes. |
Nothing was more amusing than standing inside the pivot point and seeing it twist and turn as the driver maneuvered through the windy streets of Kingston. |
The windows were sealed shut around the edges by duct tape but still rattled when it got windy. |
Let us say that on a rare, windy day in Waterloo, someone leaves a copy of our beloved Imprint on a bench outside, completely at the mercy of the fickle, capricious wind. |
I have endeavoured to show that Shakespeare cooperated with this derision of forced love-sighs, writing certain of his sonnets in ridicule of their windy suspiration. |
Shteir dwells much more on the lives of actual striptease artists than on windy abstractions or academic arguments, and this is the book's great strength. |
By the end of a book that began as a windy meditation on leadership we are left with the impression of a decent man whose experiences offer many lessons indeed. |
Jessie and myself are convinced that it is still much too windy. |
Though it was a dull, rather windy day, people turned out in force. |
Was warm but quite windy and once we'd got there it was basically grey. |
It was cold and windy and drizzly, so the only thing to do was order a bacon sandwich and a mug of coffee, and watch the leaves fall off the trees by the canal. |
The drive was long and windy and I enjoyed the sun on my translucent skin. |
Fortunately for Bermuda, it's expected to pass almost 400 miles to the north of the island and is unlikely to lead to anything worse than a slightly windy day tomorrow. |
While slips can hide VPL and your backside on a windy day, Spanx can help hide a lot more, like cellulite or a protruding tummy. |
This morn came, no change, still windy, grey with rough seas! |
He or she, with lazy, vague, and windy legislation, FOBS the lawmaking off on somebody we elect to execute laws. |
Sudden snow squalls, windy conditions and temperature drops are common. |
I love the rainy windy days of fall when thousands of crows populate the near landscape, cawing and scowling. |
It's a funny track and I like it, but it's funny because it works against the original Chuck D vocal, deflating it, making him sound a bit windy and stupid. |
They had to give up their record attempt because it was not windy enough. |
Very friendly front-of-house, nice bar area and both the grill and the restaurant offer pretty views of a windy forecourt between four skyscrapers. |
It was showery and very windy but surprisingly the pitch was playable. |
Tomorrow's forecast is for a cold, windy day with some risk of sleet and hail showers, although the worst effects of the storm will have passed by 6am. |
However, Murphy proving to be the master tactician took a gamble that the roads would dry under the windy conditions and had the car shod with completely slick tyres. |
Luck they had indoor entertainment as weather was extremely wet and windy. |
We spent about an hour there, snapping Zoe action photos and playing, but it was a little too windy and nippy for us, so we bagged it and headed home. |
Some cotoneasters are semievergreen,keeping their leaves in winter unless it is particularly cold or windy. |
It has the prophetic vision. Fuit Ilium! The sack of windy Troy. Kingdoms of this world. The masters of the Mediterranean are fellaheen today. |
Welsh weather is often cloudy, wet and windy, with warm summers and mild winters. |
Exposed areas of the moors are windier than lowlands and can be almost as windy as the coast. |
Exposed areas of the moors are windier than the lowlands and can be almost as windy as the coast. |
The islands are windy, cloudy and cool throughout the year with an average of 210 rainy or snowy days per year. |
In the windy conditions, the tide came in more quickly than expected, so manoeuvring the armour was difficult. |
This means that the weather in Wales is in general mild, cloudy, wet and windy. |
Drought conditions, coupled with hot and windy weather in summer, have caused numerous wildfires in recent years. |
It remained quite windy and open until the city councils from the 1980s on began developing an active architectural policy. |
In the windy conditions, the tide came in more quickly than expected, making manoeuvring the armour difficult. |
Tethered balloons for use in windy conditions are often stabilised by aerodynamic shaping and connecting to the tether by a halter arrangement. |
Winters are very cold in the west, and it snows in the mountain ranges, while in the western regions, windy days are more common. |
Autumn, from October to December, is very moderate, cool and windy, and is the best travel time. |
This makes it a superb large capacity wilderness boat, but requires skill on windy, broad waters when lightly loaded. |
As an example, the windy season in the Guianas, which lie at low latitudes in South America, occurs between January and April. |
Summers are typically warm and humid, while winters are cold, windy, and snowy. |
One January day, thirty years ago, the little town of Hanover, anchored on a windy Nebraska tableland, was trying not to be blown away. |
The thing is he's not windy, he's a perfectly good soldier, no more than reasonably afraid of rifle and machine-gun bullets, shells, grenades. |
Right from the off, Auntie's bloomers blew all over the windy links as they jumped the shark and didn't seem to give a duck. |
As we drove around the windy roads of the island, I learned a little something of Tobagonian culture. |
And as Keys huffed and puffed in the windy conditions, the Ravens battened down the hatches to close out a deserved win. |
The flaming base of the opposite mountain, all luridly aflare in the windy dusk. |
It was a real smash and grab game in those windy conditions. |
Although the Lough is used for a variety of recreational and commercial activities, it is exposed and tends to get extremely rough very quickly in windy conditions. |
Using the hydraulic mining machines, the windy picks, was hard work. |
A CAREFULLY planned waiting ride from Jack Dean enabled Parthenope to cause a 40-1 upset in the Jimmy Heal Memorial Apprentice Handicap at a wet and windy Brighton yesterday. |
For most of the sunny, windy, chilly afternoon, this was a yawner. |
The club's trip to Scotland was hampered by windy conditons, with mackerel, wrasse and pollack proving elusive, though members did catch good numbers of codling to about 6lb. |
It can get very foggy and windy during certain parts of the year at the lighthouse, and to be effective, the lighthouse had to be situated below the characteristic high fog. |
The barrel prevents the spread of burning material in windy conditions, and as the combustibles are reduced they can only settle down into the barrel. |
The climate of the islands is cold, windy and humid maritime. |
Its windy voicing imitates the soft but expulsive force of song. |