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How to use whereas in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word whereas? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Nominal concepts are relatively autonomous, whereas relational concepts display a high degree of conceptual dependence.
But it takes about four minutes for a rat to die of asphyxiation, whereas a snake can constrict a rodent to death in just one.
A nonalignable difference is that a bus has a schedule whereas a bicycle does not.
He is even polite enough to invite me to stay for lunch, whereas five years ago he used to say no way was he feeding journalists.
The difference between anxiety and fear is that we fear a particular and determinable being, whereas anxiety lacks a determinable object.
Moreover, in most cases, only a few prey taxa occurred in playas during spring, whereas 10-15 taxa commonly occurred in playas during fall.
Loss of blood results in an increase in red cell production, whereas infection leads to an increase in lymphocytes and other white blood cells.
A dark room will trigger less light, whereas a bright room will drive more light output.
New users may include women genetically or otherwise predisposed to venous thrombosis, whereas long term users have shown tolerance to the drug.
Several genera have well-developed dental lamellae, whereas others lack these structures.
Student exhibitions will have bowls of hummus and chips whereas better galleries have brie, fruit platters and smoked salmon at their openings.
Yet, in our view, such problems are answerable whereas the scientific evidence for an old Earth and old universe seems unanswerable.
Ostracods shed the carapace with each molt, whereas the conchostracans simply add material to the carapace as they grow.
Chimpanzees have been depicted as killer apes whereas they are really more than that.
Additionally, lamproites may contain leucite, richterite, sanidine, and occasionally nepheline, whereas kimberlites do not.
The base also displays the same striping as the sides, whereas a cross section of ivory shows concentric lozenges.
Nanjing has also in the past been the capital of China, whereas now Beijing has that role.
The supernatant was kept in stock whereas the residue was sequentially extracted three times.
Her car had been found on the Yorkshire moors, whereas she'd reappeared about fifty miles from there.
Conceptually, an overdraft is repayable at call or on demand, whereas a loan is granted for a fixed period of time.
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