Nominal concepts are relatively autonomous, whereas relational concepts display a high degree of conceptual dependence. |
But it takes about four minutes for a rat to die of asphyxiation, whereas a snake can constrict a rodent to death in just one. |
A nonalignable difference is that a bus has a schedule whereas a bicycle does not. |
He is even polite enough to invite me to stay for lunch, whereas five years ago he used to say no way was he feeding journalists. |
The difference between anxiety and fear is that we fear a particular and determinable being, whereas anxiety lacks a determinable object. |
Moreover, in most cases, only a few prey taxa occurred in playas during spring, whereas 10-15 taxa commonly occurred in playas during fall. |
Loss of blood results in an increase in red cell production, whereas infection leads to an increase in lymphocytes and other white blood cells. |
A dark room will trigger less light, whereas a bright room will drive more light output. |
New users may include women genetically or otherwise predisposed to venous thrombosis, whereas long term users have shown tolerance to the drug. |
Several genera have well-developed dental lamellae, whereas others lack these structures. |
Student exhibitions will have bowls of hummus and chips whereas better galleries have brie, fruit platters and smoked salmon at their openings. |
Yet, in our view, such problems are answerable whereas the scientific evidence for an old Earth and old universe seems unanswerable. |
Ostracods shed the carapace with each molt, whereas the conchostracans simply add material to the carapace as they grow. |
Chimpanzees have been depicted as killer apes whereas they are really more than that. |
Additionally, lamproites may contain leucite, richterite, sanidine, and occasionally nepheline, whereas kimberlites do not. |
The base also displays the same striping as the sides, whereas a cross section of ivory shows concentric lozenges. |
Nanjing has also in the past been the capital of China, whereas now Beijing has that role. |
The supernatant was kept in stock whereas the residue was sequentially extracted three times. |
Her car had been found on the Yorkshire moors, whereas she'd reappeared about fifty miles from there. |
Conceptually, an overdraft is repayable at call or on demand, whereas a loan is granted for a fixed period of time. |
At the extreme, true prolificacy leads to protogyny whereas normal maize shows protandry. |
Use only approach flaps, since they help provide lift, whereas landing flaps mainly produce drag. |
In general, basement rocks are exposed in the footwall block, whereas Caledonian nappe units are preserved in the hanging wall. |
The reality was that we lost, Galway made progress, went on to win the All-Ireland, whereas we regressed. |
One form is lamprey like, whereas the other is closer to the more primitive hagfish. |
This statement espouses the mass society concept, whereas we now live in the demassified society. |
In this image, the foreground appears slightly blurred, whereas the rocks further away appear reasonably sharp, considering image resolution. |
Also, the incisiform teeth appear to project slightly anteriorly, whereas the occlusal surface of the cheek teeth face dorsally. |
The Persian jird is resistant to infection by the plague whereas Tristram's jird is highly susceptible to plague infection and disease. |
If he fails to do so, he is held liable, whereas in an action for negligence the legal burden in most cases remains throughout on the plaintiff. |
It is interesting to note that SM has more cholesterol monohydrate crystals, whereas HSM has more anhydrous cholesterol crystals. |
The animal paintings would lend themselves to greeting card design whereas the flowers would suit repeat patterns such as wrapping paper. |
She has kept up with her exercise regime whereas mine has started and floundered quite a few times. |
Both have their own special charm, but whereas Paris is all about order, London is all about muddling through. |
The restoration procedure is discretionary, whereas the challenge to the forfeiture is not. |
This measure of right and left has not changed in hundreds of years, whereas specific policies have. |
Now that's brave, whereas sitting here with cancer, typing a magazine article, is not. |
The showing of the face from a frontal position indicates a good person, whereas an enemy is shown sidewise. |
Ananas is a terrestrial genus, but it grows continuously, whereas most terrestrial orchids have distinct active and dormant phases. |
It is possible for the non-bidding team to win the game if they reach the target whereas the bidders are still below it. |
He lived through his era, whereas so many of his friends died in racing accidents. |
Here, the amplitude of the eigenvector in the lowest-frequency mode is plotted on the ordinate whereas the abscissa shows the residue number. |
A blog is made or unmade by one individual, whereas forums depend on the collective participation of many people. |
Electrons move at a speed of a few kilometres per second through a circuit, whereas light travels at nearly 300,000 kilometres per second. |
After that win the Indian team began to believe it could beat the West Indians, whereas earlier it was only a dream. |
The whorled leaves collapse when the plant is removed from the water, whereas the leaves of Ceratophyllum demersum remain upright. |
Displaced spiral fractures generally display shortening or rotation, whereas displaced transverse fractures may display angulation. |
Temperature altered the membrane properties homogeneously, whereas the ionophore increased order heterogeneously. |
In Southern Province, the community media are using Tonga whereas the community media in Northern Province uses Bemba. |
Bar staff, doormen and managers could be held criminally liable whereas previously it was only the responsibility of the licence holder. |
Thus, P. acanthamoebae would resemble the LCA, whereas N. hartmanellae and the unclassified isolate would represent major divergences. |
In Egypt pyramids were used as monumental tombs, whereas in Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and South America they were temple platforms. |
Tom only knows that Bob's presence mires their relationship in patterns of slavery, whereas Louisa is initially unaware of such a pattern. |
In the experiments in Table 1, pricking of an anther and the ovary induced dehiscence whereas cutting or piercing of the glumes did not. |
For example, ground birds can usually only walk horizontally on the ground whereas woodpeckers climb up and down vertically on tree trunks. |
Note that attributes are separated by commas, whereas each rule ends with a semicolon. |
But do you not find pens 'walk' around the office? I can never keep a pen on my desk, whereas one of my colleagues seems to 'breed' them. |
Legs and feet of males are mostly black or brown, whereas females are white or red. |
Shermer asserts that whereas scientists seek to minimize the effects of observation on the observed, pseudosciences do not. |
Academics usually plough a narrow disciplinary patch, whereas intellectuals of his kind roam ambitiously from one discipline to another. |
Gateway sells through retail outlets, whereas Dell's business relies on the factory direct model. |
If they can see a tabby pattern in the fur, then the cat must be agouti, whereas if the colors are solid then the cat is nonagouti. |
I think the blue wash that old ladies use looks bright white to them, whereas bright white looks like a dingy, muddy yellow. |
Syllabic verse is generally organized in four-line strophes, whereas the number of lines in a rosc passage is not fixed. |
The one on the right carried a large mace, whereas the leftmost one held a double-handed axe. |
The leftmost 10 gridpoints were considered the apical region, whereas the next five gridpoints were considered the mitochondrial buffer region. |
But history books fail to impart the human toll, whereas this series forces the reader to see the bodies run through with bayonets or lead balls. |
Leucon are extremely localised outside the study region whereas Oenanthe flu has declined throughout lowland England due to water pollution. |
He thought that Alex and Dave Smith were unconvincing tacklers, whereas Coutts in his own central defence was rock-like. |
At this point, bisection of the corpus luteum results in no bleeding, whereas bisection at all other phases results in bleeding. |
I can have a drink with those sort of reactionaries whereas fascists bring on one of my funny turns. |
Negligence depends on a breach of duty, whereas contributory negligence does not. |
But whereas the Greek atomists had to guess and imagine, John Dalton, a Quaker and a chemist, used modern scientific reasoning. |
At the beginning of this debate Stephen said that he thinks that he is a positivist, whereas I am a Platonist. |
Both inflammatory and antiinflammatory responses were attenuated, whereas the innate cell function of granulocytes and monocytes was preserved. |
Cytokines that are secreted from lymphocytes are termed lymphokines, whereas those secreted by monocytes or macrophages are termed monokines. |
I used to be removed from the house because I looked like a hard man whereas my wife was educated. |
Odinga is from the Luo tribe, whereas Kibaki is from the Kikuyu, the largest tribal grouping. |
In this study the signal roughness is of secondary interest whereas signal oscillations and their frequencies are of primary interest. |
By the end of the war, Woodrow Wilson hoped for a liberal revolution in Germany, whereas the Bolsheviks anticipated a socialist revolution. |
Someone in prison is still able to contribute something to society whereas someone executed cannot. |
It was based on polar coordinates whereas earlier instruments were based on cartesian coordinates. |
Chinese has tone sandhis whereas English tones are not lexical but attitudinal and modal. |
To the north, the second lava unit is by far the thickest, whereas the older unit is only 2 m thick. |
In Trad Climbing, climbers use their own gear for protection whereas in free climbing pre-drilled bolts are clipped with carabiners. |
The primary estrogen secreted by the ovary is estradiol, whereas that of the placenta is estriol. |
They're the sprinters, he says, whereas malamutes are sloggers, which were used in days of yore for hauling heavy freight. |
She's the one who is moving on whereas her parents are stuck with the story, are stuck in the past. |
Aboriginal culture is nomadic, whereas Maoris tended to settle in fixed communities. |
Her youngest child is a wayward Democrat, whereas the other two are God-fearing, law-abiding Republicans. |
There are antelope species like eland, impala, puku, waterbuck, bushbuck and kudu whereas lion leopard, wild dog and hyaena are also present. |
The ground burns just scorched the butts a bit, whereas the crown fires damaged the stems. |
Some are red, scaly and itchy, whereas others can produce a fine scale similar to dry skin. |
In Hadji Baba of Isphalan James Morier notes that Turkish men prefer their women well covered whereas in Persia they prefer them slim. |
It has become part of important feasts in the West, whereas we Muslims have no other festivals except the Lesser and the Greater Bairams. |
The faces on chabazite are typically smooth and lustrous, whereas gmelinite has triangular growths on the crystal faces. |
The Uygurs, Huis, Uzbeks, and Kazaks are Muslims whereas the Mongolians generally believe in the Yellow sect of Lamaism. |
Abortion is the destruction of life after conception and before birth, whereas infanticide is the killing of new-born babies. |
The physiologic measurements and cytokine concentrations were log-normally distributed, whereas the other microbial variables were highly skewed. |
Deep cleaning is now required, whereas in the past street cleaners were able to keep gutters and footpaths clean. |
The lower series consists of alternating basalt lava, tuff breccia, tufite, and siliceous rock, whereas the upper one is dominated by diabase. |
The invasive isolates were mostly obtained from blood whereas the non invasive isolates were isolated from throat. |
The difference between nicotine and rollies was statistically significant, whereas that between nicotine and factory-mades was not. |
It wasn't a slaughter by any means, just that Dublin were hitting all the right notes now whereas Kerry were staccato-like in all their efforts. |
Women in this country are fed-up with Scottish men because they are reserved and can be unaffectionate, whereas Latin women love them for that. |
The Left believe in NO inborn limits on what human arrangements will work whereas Mark sees limits on every hand. |
Some patients die within one year of diagnosis, whereas others live longer than six years. |
I should mention that in Canada the full range of kyu grade belt colors is used, whereas in Japan only white and brown are used. |
In my mind I was thinking ahead all the time whereas I should have been taking advantage of the situation that I was in at the time. |
Pots containing well-watered plants were placed on capillary matting, whereas pots of treatment plants were allowed to drain freely. |
Second, punishments are intended to be painful or burdensome, whereas civil damages are not. |
But whereas we now also find the latter dated and their humour unappealing, Wodehouse remains in demand. |
Alveolar number was closely related to total lung volume whereas alveolar size was not. |
Cheddar has to be kept for a long time before it matures, whereas Caerphilly ripens in 10 days. |
Inland movements occurred in the first part of the night whereas seaward movements occurred late at night. |
Regardless of good or bad actions, the males come out of the story rottenly, whereas the females end happily. |
His entire wardrobe was made up of dark-colored clothing, whereas most of her gowns were light and airy, beautiful to look at. |
Wireless networks are open and available to all who have wireless devices, whereas wired networks require a physical connection to gain access. |
In the United States, the low-dose tablet contains 81 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, whereas in Europe, it is 75 mg. |
Resembles Lophocolea muricata in being muricate, but the leaves of that species are bidentate with a sinus, whereas these have an apical spine. |
At low temperatures, quarks are confined in hadrons, whereas at higher temperatures they form a quark-gluon plasma. |
The donor must have fluorescent properties, whereas the acceptor does not necessarily fluoresce. |
Goldenseal root is always bright yellow on the inside, whereas Canadian waterleaf is not. |
My business would not offer a return for several years, whereas Bob was promising a relatively quick buck. |
Products made from the animal were oil for lamps and candles whereas the bones were used for stays, corsets and collars. |
Sure enough, lampreys are simple vertebrates lacking jaws, teeth and a bony skeleton, whereas sharks are much more complex animals. |
This is not easy, as too little fluid will cause hypoperfusion whereas too much will lead to oedema that will cause tissue hypoxia. |
Anyway, we spent the night together and now he's like the cat that's got the cream, whereas I'm wondering if I've done the right thing. |
Arthritis is joint pain with inflammation, whereas arthralgia is joint pain without inflammation. |
Stones are completely removed by open surgery whereas fragments are left behind after minimally invasive therapy. |
The youngest terrace surfaces in the Camardi area show no offset along faults, whereas older terraces are laterally and vertically displaced. |
The bat represented the night, whereas the ankh and butterfly symbolized immortal life and eternity. |
Campylostoma exhibits rather rectilinear lateral longitudinal ridges whereas those of Corazzatocarcinus n. gen. are sinuous. |
The Charolais progeny were significantly heavier than others whereas both the Black and Red Wagyu were significantly lighter. |
Some Akbash and Great Pyrenees begin working at 6 months of age, whereas Komondors usually start later. |
The shells showed severe abrasion of the whorls, whereas their apertural margins were more resistant and were subjected to almost no abrasion. |
Only half of English parents now support the comprehensive system, whereas almost two-thirds of Scots parents still do. |
A job scheduler and a dispatcher handle periodic jobs, whereas reactive jobs change state themselves for performance reasons. |
His dream was big whereas my dream by comparison is tiny, almost microscopic. |
A dam controls the continuous flow of water in a river, whereas stopbanks may well be alongside a river that has no water in it at all. |
In some the problem has a behavioural basis, whereas in others there may be subtle neuromuscular abnormalities of the gut. |
Tertiary carbocations are encountered as reaction intermediates, whereas primary carbocations are never encountered. |
In autism children are withdrawn, whereas in Asperger's syndrome they desire social contact but cannot negotiate rules. |
You expect quirky, left-field weirdness, whereas what you get is gorgeous songwriting. |
Thus Mr Smith is now the respondent to this appeal, whereas Mr Clark was the claimant below. |
The desks have damaged the walls, whereas a more appropriate choice could have prevented such damage. |
Economic indicators focus primarily on income poverty, whereas health indicators provide a measure of the multidimensional nature of poverty. |
Why would they treat this sultana in such a fashion whereas their counterparts briefly skimmed over her career? |
In this section, the string parts are filled with acciaccaturas, whereas the brass section and the timpani are rampant and adrenaline-pumping. |
The lower jawbone of the hippopotamus reveals six incisor teeth, whereas the hippopotamus that survives in Africa has only four incisors. |
She loved pranks, but they had to be carefully planned out, step by step, whereas he just did it. |
For example, central adiposity is linked with insulin resistance, whereas centrifugal or gluteal adiposity is not. |
Methylene blue stains basophilic constituents of the tissue, whereas erythrocin stains the acidophilic elements. |
Her discussion is wide-ranging, whereas the focus of this comment will be narrow. |
Laid lengthwise, they will appear to elongate the area they cover, whereas laid widthwise, they widen it. |
The batch of mantle ascends adiabatically, whereas the geotherm becomes conductive. |
The largest amphibole crystals are embedded in the rock matrix, whereas the smaller acicular crystals line the hollows. |
Not only was he faster then she was, but he was armed whereas she only had her shield strapped around her right forearm. |
In general, species richness in the Miocene and Pliocene was high whereas Pleistocene and Recent diversity is very low. |
Like all mail shots some probably fell on stony ground, whereas others may have attracted a little interest. |
Protons and neutrons have masses of approximately 1 atomic mass unit each, whereas electrons only have a mass of.0006 amu. |
While taking drugs he was, in effect, harming no one but himself whereas with the alcohol he was a danger to others. |
Some of the latter are idioblastic and enclose raphides, whereas others are larger and form cavities containing mucilage. |
Apart from the lovely development of individual crystals, pentagonite also occurs as twins whereas cavansite does not. |
There are garfish, tailor and bream around the headland whereas off shore the odd snapper or dolphin fish is being picked up. |
In soft fruit such as tomato this process occurs early in ripening whereas in crisp fruits such as apple it is a late-ripening process. |
The storage organ in onion consists of scales derived from swollen leaf bases, whereas in garlic it originates from swollen lateral buds. |
People with a predominance of phlegm are generally healthy, whereas those with predominance of bile or wind are always of indifferent health. |
Berti wants as many of them as possible, whereas I deliberately minimised them. |
The Arctic is an ocean basin with peripheral continents, whereas the Antarctic is continental. |
People are more awake to political stuff, whereas you couldn't say that about Americans 10 years ago. |
Birds have feathers, which are unfeeling structures, whereas the pterosaur's wings were made entirely out of skin. |
The horses were real thoroughbreds and the way they moved was a pleasure to watch, whereas the bicycle races had bored me to death. |
The trust added that junior pupils tend to be driven to school, whereas pupils at secondary school are more likely to walk or take the bus. |
I see a weka, the most common of the flightless ones, out by day whereas kiwis walk by night. |
You can antique the other way around, but remember a light base coat needs a darker glaze, whereas a dark base coat should use a light glaze. |
Pension plans are legislated to be actuarily sound, whereas Ponzi schemes couldn't meet any test of actuarial soundness. |
We evaluated the tracheal wall, whereas previous reports used bifurcation specimens from lobar or segmental bronchi. |
My advice to the OP would be whereas you want things to be comfortable for you, keep in mind that someone else lives there also. |
Latham seems to be a reluctant joiner whereas Abbott is naturally gregarious. |
Streptomyces rochei AK 39 was active against dermatophytes whereas yeasts and other molds were resistant. |
The Milky Way has about 100 globular clusters, whereas giant elliptical galaxies are surrounded by thousands of globulars. |
The harm caused by homicide is absolutely irremediable, whereas the harm caused by many other crimes is remediable to a degree. |
The Devil, of course, defends those hedonistic amenities, whereas Juan, a true Shavian, wants none of them and heads for a thinker's Heaven. |
It's funny how kids can change allegiances at the drop of a hat, whereas adults bear grudges over years and decades. |
These were a green oak leaf variety, whereas all the other lettuces have been red oak leaf. |
However, the patient experienced a partial remission, whereas previous chemotherapy treatments alone had had no effect. |
Under acidic conditions, it changes into Pheo a, whereas it is saponified to chlorophyllide under alkali conditions. |
Oddly, the surveyor used magnetic north in laying out the site, whereas the nearby streets were laid out on a true north bearing. |
This will mean that the buoyant region maintains full employment whereas the depressed region exhibits a local labour demand shortfall. |
The inherent smallness of the atomic soul in contrast to Godhead makes the atomic soul prone to illusion, whereas Godhead is not. |
Stressed syllables retain full vowel quality, whereas unstressed syllables may have weak vowels. |
A cold winter's day requires something dark and slow, whereas customers love Latin American when the sun comes out. |
Besides, they've got this universal broad appeal, whereas all I'm doing is wittering on about obscure pop music. |
As the quenched iron is tempered, its hardness decreases, whereas it usually gains in strength and toughness. |
However, when light therapy was discontinued, patients quickly relapsed, whereas patients on tryptophan had a slower relapse rate. |
Some of these rights and liberties are the results of custom and convention, whereas others are contained in the written Acts of Parliament. |
These data suggest that galactose and mannose may compete with glucose for uptake, whereas sucrose and fructose do not. |
Ponds, however, have an amorphous structure, whereas neural networks have a discrete structure based on prior learning. |
In an antennary structure, some antennae may be capped by sialic acid whereas others may be uncapped. |
Essentially, type I schizonts are involved in asexual reproduction, whereas type II schizonts are involved in sexual reproduction. |
The southern transect spanned principally xeric habitats, whereas the eastern crossed mesic forest. |
Verbs can be either transitive or intransitive a transitive verb governs an object, whereas an intransitive verb does not. |
Tony's homemade wine has the aroma of good wine whereas the commercially produced Calabrian wine does not. |
Adjusted odds ratios were calculated by logistic regression, whereas adjusted risk ratios were calculated by generalized linear modeling. |
Uptake activity depends on the growth phase of the cultured cells whereas the culture medium had no effect on uptake. |
All migratory species breed in North America, whereas none of the resident species fall within that area. |
One difference is that a bus has many wheels whereas a bicycle has only two wheels. |
Additionally, you can use an optical mouse on almost any surface, whereas a ball mouse needs a mouse pad in order for the rubberised ball to roll properly. |
I'm not a bad loser, it's more that I think the sensation of losing is wasted on me, whereas it's quite good for their development for them to feel it. |
By then, a Marine mindset had sunk deep in me, whereas they seemed vulnerable, and understandably so. |
Thus the order of phenocryst appearance in Kilauea lavas is olivine, plagioclase, augite whereas in Mauna Loa lavas it is olivine, augite, plagioclase. |
It is also important to note that whereas women save more than men within specific income bands, women earn less than men, and therefore save less. |
Japanese distillers often use a combination of different types of stills and different casks, whereas the Scots cannot. |
It has also been noticed that the brain tends to function better in a cooler environment whereas organs like the heart function better at normal body temperature. |
Small testes and large accessory glands characterize species with singly mated queens, whereas the opposite is found in species with multiply mated queens. |
At the time-point of stimulation, the cells had recovered from the refractory phase and were fully responsive, whereas nearly none of the cells had reversed spontaneously. |
The earnings distributed from the Traditional IRA, however, will be treated as taxable income, whereas qualified distributions of earnings from a Roth IRA are tax free. |
To say of Socrates that he is human is to say what he is, whereas to say that he is literate is not to say what he is but rather to give a quality that he has. |
Iamblichus went on, however, to weaken this argument by claiming that theurgists controlled good spirits for good ends whereas magicians employed bad spirits for bad purposes. |
When interior bears stand on their hind feet to get a better view of their surroundings, they may be 1.8-2.7 meters tall whereas Kodiak bears are 2.7-3.4 meters in height. |
Fr. Carroll defends Montfort's Marian effusions whereas I find them cloyingly unappetizing, the Legion of Mary and the piety of the pope notwithstanding. |
A low count spelled serious trouble, whereas high and stable numbers were seen in those with a good response to antiviral drugs. |
For me, reading Middlemarch or Sentimental Education is work, whereas catcher in the Rye was pure pleasure. |
The typical Asian shopper, for example, makes 14 trips a year to such stores, whereas blacks report that they shop at a warehouse club just eight times a year. |
Expression of combs and wattles is directly connected to androgen production, whereas feather ornament size seldom depends on current levels of testosterone secretion. |
Viable and nonviable seeds can easily be distinguished using a binocular microscope, because the latter lack an embryo, whereas viable seeds contain an embryo. |
In this setting, a serum sample with normal color indicates myoglobinuria, whereas a pigmented brown or red serum sample indicates hemoglobinuria. |
The assumption also formed part of Lagrange's aim of reducing dynamics to statics, whereas those of Carnot's persuasion saw statics as a special case of dynamics. |
Around London, R. triquetrus is now largely restricted to calcareous soils, whereas P. schreberi, a strict calcifuge, remains frequent on acid soils in this region. |
The black frigatebirds, with their sharply angled wings, ride rising thermals, whereas the white albatrosses, with their long narrow wings, catch a lift on a cold gale. |
Henry Ford thought he had invented a way of making motor cars, whereas in fact he invented a way of manufacturing products in huge volumes at low marginal cost. |
By the end of this experiment, the control littermates became obese, whereas the transgenic mice still maintained a normal body weight and fat mass composition. |
Also, the gear train of a mechanical watch is under constant load from the mainspring whereas the gear train in a quartz watch is not under any load. |
But whereas Bezukhov is redeemed by his magnanimous virtures, Soledad is driven mad by the different forces tearing at her. |
The first six of these nine vehicles are common to all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, whereas the last three, the Innermost Tantras, are exclusive to the Nyingma tradition. |
White-tailed deer, beaver, and red fox are content with just about any vegetation and width, whereas wild turkey and wood duck prefer forested buffers over 35 feet wide. |
Prairie cordgrass dominated some areas of wet prairie, especially in the northern parts of the site, whereas bluejoint and muhly grass dominated others. |
But whereas the first act of her performance is disciplined, down-to-earth and munificent with wit, the second and third acts are inscrutable, new-agey and dull. |
Buses carrying miners were given a free run to Orgreave, a British Steel coking plant, whereas on previous occasions when they were going to picket the buses were stopped. |
A continuous mode produces an uninterrupted beam, whereas the pulsed mode provides rapid quanta of energy delivery with a distinct pause in between. |
In the first dimension of variation, both of the vectors connecting the subgroup centroids are negatively directed, whereas they are positively directed in the second. |
The short-branched members from closely related species usually clustered together, whereas long-branched members tended to form one or several lineage-specific groups. |
I love the way sometimes the letters of an anagram rearrange themselves in my head with no effort, whereas sometimes I have to write them out in a circle to work it out. |
The new tracksuit will be worn along with the school's white crested polo shirt, whereas the PE kit for the younger pupils in the school will remain as they are. |
In the no-load state, the inner wall is under compression whereas the outer wall is in tension because of the existence of residual stress and strain. |
The phh1 single mutant is not completely sterile but is nearly sterile, whereas the msa1 deletion mutants conjugated efficiently even in nutrient-rich medium. |
A weaker fluoride chemical activation is needed to form the film on the surface, whereas using the higher-concentration activator produced poor adhesion. |
But whereas Mr. Tewary was memorably credited in 1989 with declaring that credibility is for the cocktail circuit, such ham-handedness would seem gauche today. |
Fractional crystallization is usually important in plutonic rocks, whereas liquation can be significant in both plutonic and volcanic environments. |
If it were possible to take an X-ray picture of the being of God you would see only absolute sinlessness, whereas sin has touched every part of our nature. |
Overall, mussels, barnacles and whelks all had higher metabolic activities at SH than BB, whereas there was no difference in metabolic activity for sea stars. |
Owing to the conducive positioning of the carboxyl groups in cis-butenedioic acid, the acid readily forms an internal anhydride, whereas the trans acid does not. |
There was no mention made of the fact that the beaver is a native North American species whereas the cherry trees are exotics, imported from Japan. |
Specifically, sodium selenite is often unsafe at levels exceeding 600 micrograms, whereas selenium from yeast, L-selenomethionine and sodium selenate are generally much safer. |
The Tanguts who submitted were moved to the Ordos region near Ningxia, whereas those who stayed accepted Tibetan political dominance and became known in Chinese as Mi-yao. |
So, whereas this process used to keep her informed of what was going on, it almost immediately becomes common knowledge to those plugged into the website. |
Species with sparse foliage are scattered in open areas and accumulated small or highly variable seed densities. whereas open interspaces seldom received any seeds. |
A libertine is a hedonist, a devotee of personal pleasure, whereas a libertarian is one who defends the libertine and his lifestyle against the heavy hand of government. |
On the other hand, she's different, wearing a black, modest coat and remaining silent, whereas the other girl wore pale, frilly clothes and giggled. |
The stereo mix wraps you up in the sounds of the open seas, whereas the mono mix makes you feel as if you're sitting in the nosebleed section of a stadium. |
Specifically, whereas it was obviously essential for entry information to be related to individuals, information about employment trends need not be so related. |
The mean number of office-based visits documenting a diagnosis of ADHD among girls tripled in the 1990s, whereas the number for boys increased about twofold. |
It is also evident that mudstone drapes formed during slack water stages at specific periods, whereas fine-sandstone drapes were formed in other periods. |
Females in masculine arenas are viewed as potential contaminators of the arena, whereas males in feminine arenas are viewed as potential self-contaminators. |
It's the first time we've lived anywhere bordering on rural and whereas in town we would get a fair few birds twittering away, here it's like living in an aviary. |
At the age of six, I myself wore a tallith katan, or scapular, under my shirt, only mine was a scrap of green calico print, whereas theirs are white linen. |
For thick coatings the mode of release was a broad peel front that led to detachment, whereas removal on thin coatings occurred by localized peeling and coalescence. |
Mucilages found in rhizomes, roots and seed endosperms may act primarily as energy reserves whereas foliar mucilages appear not to serve as storage carbohydrates. |
Seeds smaller than the optimal size may be of low fitness or inviable, whereas investment in large seeds may waste resources that could be used to produce more seeds. |
Butterfly larvae tend to be solitary, or sparsely distributed, whereas pest caterpillars, such as fall webworm, make tents and hatch in the hundreds. |
This involves formation of a hybrid triplex by two PNA strands and a homopurine strand of dsDNA whereas the other DNA strand is displaced from the double helix. |
But whereas we used to be satisfied gazing on that perfection as it stood up on a pedestal, now we want it down among us. |
The principal tasks for Wallisian men are the production of food in the form of root crops, pigs and seafood, whereas women produce tapa and mats. |
The polar head is a macrocyclic lactone ring containing nine amino acid residues, three of which have positive charges, whereas one has negative charge. |
Ultrastructurally, parenchymatous cell walls are coalified, whereas microcrystalline pyrite plus coalified material were observed within lignified cell walls. |
Stromatoporoids with maculate microstructure constituted the family Stromatoporidae, whereas those with more solid-looking microstructure constituted four other families. |
France has a great abundance of cheap electricity thanks to their nuclear power stations, whereas our electricity to recycle the glass is produced by burning fossil fuels. |
If you bought tickets from this scalper, then you're out of luck, whereas I have the choice to get new tickets and profit further, or just keep the refund. |
Acute and catatonic forms of the illness were more prevalent in developing countries, whereas hebephrenic and chronic forms were more frequently seen in developed countries. |
In Renaissance Venice wives were free to bequeath their dowries to whom they willed, whereas in Florence they were required by law to leave them to their children or husband. |
Keep in mind that fall planters do not require as much water as thirsty summer container plants, whereas summer soils need to be lighter, yet able to hold moisture. |
Such avian predators as European jays and great-spotted woodpeckers cannot open the nest-boxes at the study area, whereas martens easily enter nest-boxes by removing the top. |
Guitars are battered and skins leathered, as you'd expect, but whereas lesser-experienced acts might slip into chaos, Call Me Lightning maintain control of their compositions. |
The majority of these species are considered frequent digesters, whereas eight species fast for extended periods, either as sit-and-wait foragers or while estivating. |
In a motile cell indicated through its polar directional appearance, fewer or no stress fibers were observed, whereas a resting cell shows very prominent stress fibers. |
The homozygous sickle-cell condition is responsible for the deadly effects of sickle-cell anemia, whereas the heterozygous condition is usually asymptomatic. |
The subject matter is still that of broken relationships but, whereas before the sense was of an unremitting resignation, now a lighter note leavens the confessionals. |
That was clear and pretty popular, whereas today, the GOP message is muddled and unpopular. |
The upper three curves are the pore radii for the three systems, whereas the lower three are the corresponding standard deviations of the upper curves. |
This constraint may limit acanthocephalan lineages to particular arthropod hosts, whereas the use of particular vertebrate hosts may be more free to vary. |
Not everything demonstrable can be known by finding definitions, since all definitions are universal and affirmative whereas some demonstrable propositions are negative. |
The 1960s bachatas refer to women subjects in the second person familiar tu form, whereas in the 1980s women are referred to indirectly, in the third person ella. |
We always find that feeding a lot of dairy ration caused scour in the calf, whereas if the ration is used as part of the daily diet there is no problem. |
We have natural light whereas working underground we had artificial light. |
At times I wonder why some of the actors have agents in Hollywood whereas I strongly feel that an Indian star will look the best in an Indian flick. |
To identify the cards while playing, it may help to notice that on the numeral cards, the swords are mostly curved whereas the batons are all straight. |
His work was actually along the Coast in the bars, collecting Huaxtecan music, whereas mine was closer to the ruins of El Tajin and with the Totonacs and Mestizos. |
The animal reservoir for SARS is bats, whereas the reservoir for MERS is primarily camels. |
I do think that I had the benefit of being a big fish in a small pond in Scotland, whereas if I'd gone to London, it might have taken me a lot longer to break through. |