This hatchling is just one of hundreds of its kind that have been incubated and raised in captivity for release into North America's wetlands. |
Constructed wetlands have advantages over other means of treating waste water because they require little energy, chemical input or maintenance. |
These wetlands carelessly almost stupidly classified as wastelands are the first to lose ground to urban built-environments. |
Fond d' Or is a lush green wooded area with coconut trees, mangrove wetlands, wild sea grapes and ackee, known locally as zecak. |
The rain becomes torrential as I drive through the vast wetlands of the Bayou. |
Shrubs and bushes will be used to create the hilltop wetlands by blocking drainage ditches dug by sheep farmers. |
She was doing the first formal survey of our wooded wetlands in the east field. |
They live on moors and wetlands, while the tower is surrounded by bustling streets made of concrete. |
Found in a wide variety of haunts including open or lightly wooded farmland, moors, wetlands and urban areas. |
It is common for the tailing ponds to be turned into wetlands or even grazing lands for buffalo such as the one made by Syncrude. |
It was then tested and found to apply in other habitat types such as wetlands and Mediterranean grasslands. |
The terrain here is flat, and the poor drainage encourages the creation of wetlands and bogs. |
It is almost never found on mudflats or in wetlands where other shorebirds are found. |
Coral reefs provide protection to coastal areas and protect delicate coastal wetlands and mangrove swamps from storms. |
Its large lagoons, mangrove wetlands, and swamps full of wild orchids and rare birds are all protected by the National Trust. |
Wildlife habitats, wetlands and watersheds have been wiped out all over the place. |
She said the wetlands, estuaries and forest streams that pateke call home were under threat. |
Typha spp. are highly productive aquatic plants that grow in a variety of habitats throughout wetlands worldwide. |
Both species need large areas of fens and wetlands and are highly intolerant of human disturbance at nest sites. |
Not named were probably those animals which live exclusively in forest, jungles, mountains, wetlands, deserts, etc. |
Global warming could devastate lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands throughout the United States. |
Approximately 20 million acres of rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands could be at risk. |
They nest in hardwood stands, almost always on or near rivers, streams, or other wetlands. |
His cows are wintered outdoors on 265 acres of highly erodible land and prior converted wetlands. |
The study provides enough alarming data to warrant emergency measures by State Governments to reclassify wetlands as protected areas. |
He said declaring the area a national park would ensure the rejuvenation of the wetlands. |
Lead shot should not be used for any shooting over wetlands important for feeding waterfowl. |
Cormorants and anhingas live in freshwater wetlands, swamps, lakes, rivers, and estuaries. |
If not covered with flocking, tinsel, or fire retardant, trees can be chipped for mulch or used whole to stabilize wetlands. |
Inland wetlands are common on floodplains along rivers and streams and in other low-lying areas. |
At the root of the problem are illegal logging and the loss of wetlands to farming. |
Rainwater run-off will filter through a rock storage bed into a giant wetlands filter before it goes back into the Rouge River. |
One would expect that dragonflies are already flagship species of wetlands and freshwater, with which they are closely associated. |
They are common in forest clearings, wetlands, edges, residential areas, orchards, and stands of Russian olive. |
Alpine regions, lowland forests and wetlands all have characteristic species. |
Shrimp farm development can damage other coastal habitats, including salt marshes and freshwater wetlands, according to the foundation report. |
Nonnative tamarisk or saltcedar has invaded many wetlands, and others have been drained and filled. |
There are also azonal saline wetlands, wetlands, gypsum and limestone containing soil types in low altitude zones. |
Certainly the re-creation of natural habitats, from the African savannah to the Asian wetlands and Australia's variety, is exceptional. |
They can be found in a rich assemblage of habitats from rivers to caves, savannas, wetlands, prairies, lakeshores, and forests. |
Volunteers, environmental groups, and government agencies are now restoring its 19,000 acres of prairie, woodlands, savannas, and wetlands. |
Ring-necked Ducks are uncommon as breeders in low-elevation wetlands in eastern Washington, but rare east of the channeled scablands. |
I pulled off the road and carried the malt liquor and my fishing tackle out into the wetlands. |
The film captures monkeys in the Nariva wetlands, golden tree frogs housed in bromeliad plants and blue-backed manakins in Tobago. |
After another round on the bike, we scrambled through woods and wetlands on a scavenger hunt. |
In Brazil's Pantanal, South America's largest wetlands, you'll stalk giant anteaters, armadillos, maned wolves, and jaguars. |
Hence, they did not care much for mangroves that grew along banks of water bodies and wetlands. |
Transient flooding with fresh water is a world-wide phenomenon in river floodplains and wetlands as well as other terrestrial ecosystems. |
The wetlands, its seeps and its marshes are jealousy maintained and protected from all disturbance. |
And off to the right, you can see all the wetlands and marshlands that lead to the Lakes. |
In seeking to set aside actual swamp and marshland, local advocates found that while wetlands abounded, they were highly altered by human action. |
The key habitats hosting threatened species are wetlands, followed by forests, grassland and scrubland. |
It is a very attractive park of rolling hills, open grassy valleys, interspersed with thickets, woodlands and rich wetlands. |
American Black Ducks are historically found in forested wetlands, tidewater areas, and coastal marshes of eastern North America. |
The wetlands dense foliage has the ability to handle heavy metals, like mercury, zinc, nickel and copper. |
The streets are sited so that storm water runs sequentially through grass swales, then through prairie, and then to the wetlands. |
Formerly this area of natural swamp would have behaved like other natural wetlands. |
But today, most of this flow has been stopped and the wetlands drained to provide land for sugarcane production. |
That's because earlier generations of farmers drained wetlands and cleared the hardwood forests to expand crop acreage. |
There are also wetlands and mires, many now dried up, especially in north Shropshire and southern Cheshire. |
Certain types of ecosystems and biotic communities, such as tropical rain forests and wetlands, might completely disappear. |
An ongoing outreach program educates golfers and local residents on the course benefits of wetlands preservation, recycling and bird-watching. |
Eriocaulon decangulare L. is a monoecious perennial that occurs in wetlands throughout the coastal plain of North Carolina. |
A twitchers ' paradise, the surrounding wetlands and marshes are protected by Birdwatch Ireland. |
The more open moorland included complex areas of wetlands, copses and pits in which detailed navigation skills were a premium. |
Turning soddenness into a virtue, the plan would channel water into dozens of brooks and reflecting pools, waterfalls and wetlands. |
The masterplan for Bradford aims to breathe new life into the city through an urban park, a lake and wetlands. |
About 1,000 square miles of the drained wetlands are used for sugarcane farming, and the rest is urban sprawl. |
Coastal wetlands are also breeding grounds for economically important fish and shellfish. |
As the wetlands falls away, pipelines are exposed to the vagaries of open water. |
Outside of the city lie the Cajan wetlands, home of soul food and the blues. |
Many dances mimic the movements and behaviors of animals such as the brolga crane of the northern wetlands. |
Skylarks sang over the wetlands, carnivorous butterworts were in violet flower and cotton grass fluffed up the land. |
Despite its distinctive appearance people rarely see star-nosed moles because they live only in marshes and wetlands. |
Some wetlands were drained, as noted above, and rivers and watercourses were canalized. |
On August 5 a boat collided with the oil tanker causing more than 85 tons of oil to spill into the river and coastal wetlands. |
Marine species such as striped bass, shad and alewife utilize estuarine wetlands for spawning and then return to the ocean. |
The area beside the canal is popular with walkers and birdwatchers, who use hides overlooking a wetlands area close to the lake. |
Also, special designs of roadbed through wetlands in permafrost terrain are required to protect the thermal regime in the underlying substrates. |
The general tendency historically has been to drain wetlands and convert them to dry land if they got in the way. |
Other problems concern overuse and pollution of ground water and the loss of wetlands. |
Forested wetlands on and around the property slow the water and soak it up. |
Coastal wetlands are also essential for important shellfish including shrimp, blue crabs, oysters and clams. |
These birds require shallow water habitats for feeding such as streams, ponds, lakes, marshes, swamps, wetlands, and flooded fields. |
Most of the remainder comes from wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost, and termites. |
In the East African wetlands, you are definitely bound to come across one or two species of ibises. |
Soggy peatlands, wetlands, or increased agriculture could all lead to increases in the carbon levels. |
Where and how water is situated within wetlands, especially peatlands, is controlled by physical characteristics of the peat. |
These waterfowl migrate early in spring and move northward from their wintering grounds as soon as wetlands become ice-free. |
Large ponds are dug along coastlines, and any mangrove forests or wetlands in the way are destroyed. |
Among Anza-Borrego's wetlands is Coyote Creek, a perennial stream in the northwest corner of the park. |
The terrestrial ecology of Pennsylvanian tropical wetlands is understood in detail, but coeval dryland ecosystems remain highly enigmatic. |
Many southern mountain wetlands have characteristics of both fens and bogs. |
The Crim and Marble Forest sites are located in the prairie wetlands physiographic region in northcentral Iowa. |
A public piazza will face the River Thames and create a new riverside walkway and wetlands area. |
Found in rivers, lakes and other wetlands, they competed with human beings for fish, their main diet, and lost. |
A wetlands conservation project in old quarries and gravel pits in North Yorkshire has won a national award. |
As noted above, many of the areas being planted to oil palm are in wetlands. |
Smallie said the birds' natural habitat is the wetlands, and wetland conservancy is therefore urged. |
Concerns are that oil and diesel could leak from lorries at the container terminal and seep into the sea and wetlands. |
Sandpipers and plovers of many species will pass through or decide to stay in the ponds and wetlands that dot central and southern Iraq. |
Next day I join a flat-bottomed boat that cruises the Yellow Waters wetlands. |
Large flocks of unsuccessful breeders and immature birds concentrate in shallow wetlands to molt flight feathers. |
Conservation covenants will cover areas with sensitive eco-systems in the woodland and wetlands sectors. |
Nutria, called Myocastor coypus, have added to the destruction by devouring wetlands. |
Adjacent natural forested wetlands were used as reference sites where similar data were collected. |
Duchas says that the plant on which the marsh fritillaries live will survive the development of the constructed wetlands. |
The refuge's north unit contains the 8,700-acre Medicine Lake, eight smaller lakes, and numerous pothole wetlands. |
The campus itself boasts 6800 acres of open water, fields, deciduous forests, restored prairie, and wetlands. |
Extensive wetlands in Sonora have been decimated by irrigated agriculture and urbanization. |
One who does not know the topography of mountains and forests, ravines and defiles, wetlands and marshes cannot maneuver the army. |
But those levees denied the delta replenishing river sediment, just as oil prospectors began to dredge coastal wetlands. |
Recently, river diversions have been proposed and constructed to restore riverine inputs to preserve and maintain areas of deltaic wetlands. |
This fine novel of loss, love and deracination is set in the wetlands of the Somerset Levels in 1946 during one of the worst winters for decades. |
Under the agreement, 880 acres of the wetlands were placed into public ownership. |
The 37 areas that qualified for wilderness status include tropical rain forests, wetlands, deserts, and arctic tundra. |
The LIttle Grassbird is found in swamps and marshes, preferring thick reed beds, and will occur in temporary wetlands after rains. |
In summer, nesting habitat is small wetlands with emergent vegetation in boreal forests and parklands. |
The plant communities of southern Appalachian wetlands include endemics that exist in the unique microhabitats of the region. |
They pick food from the surface of shallow wetlands, graze in open fields, and steal food from coots and diving ducks. |
Soil eroded from newly developed housing sites and washed into the estuary to accumulate there without benefit of filtering by impacted wetlands. |
No information was available on the effects of altered river flow on wetlands downstream. |
Runoff from irrigation and rain is recycled through a series of ponds and wetlands that naturally cleanse it for reuse in vineyards and landscaping. |
Emergent macrophytes are a major source of organic matter production in freshwater wetlands, and often represent the bulk of the plant material entering the detrital pool. |
Water is stored the way nature stores it in regenerated wetlands, recharged aquifers, and along recovered flood plains that are also refuges for wildlife. |
The river is lined with low bluffs alternating with wetlands, the latter either lightly wooded swamps or open marshes often locally dominated by a single plant species. |
To study these reclusive animals, he wades barefoot through the swamps of Venezuela's llanos wetlands ecosystem in search of his water-dwelling subjects. |
Since its introduction in Ottawa, European frogbit has become one of the dominant plants in many eastern-Ontario wetlands, and has reduced native plant biodiversity. |
As breeding areas, nurseries, and feeding grounds for marine life, mangrove forests are also among the planet's most productive and biodiverse wetlands. |
It is also released naturally from swamps, wetlands and the ocean. |
In addition to being surrounded by hills and wetlands, Ife is distinguished topographically by a sizable hill at its center, which takes on the attributes of an island. |
Avery Island is actually a small hill, created in the deltaic wetlands by the upwelling of ancient salt deposits that exist beneath the Mississippi Delta. |
All three of the wetlands fit the description of southern mountain fens. |
They have grown up on the wetlands that have formed in former pools and ponds since the Tisza was canalised and its floods brought under control in the 19th century. |
The rivers, streams, wetlands, and coastal areas of the Great Lakes system are key, because fish and other animal species depend on them for habitat. |
Many wetlands in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area that were home to spring flowers and migratory water fowl are reportedly now covered by a thick layer of oily scum. |
What we need is integrated catchment planning that deals with the management of the whole river, its associated aquifers and wetlands, and the land that drains into it. |
In fact, the lower Kinabatangan wetlands, with their swamps and oxbow lakes and forests, host the largest concentration of wildlife in Malaysian Borneo. |
As a result, several species unique to these wetlands are now listed as threatened or endangered, including the salt marsh harvest mouse and the California clapper rail. |
Breeds on wetlands, moorland, water-side meadows, both coastal and inland. |
He pointed out that the commonwealth had the power, under international environmental treaties, to stop any development that was threatening protected wetlands. |
Outstanding natural havens, as well as rivers, forests, wetlands, deserts and endangered species, all demand immediate regeneration and protection. |
They impoverish soil and destroy habitat, including wetlands. |
They typically nest in sedge meadows, muskeg bogs, or coastal wetlands. |
These figures for the most part do not include freshwater wetlands along the shores of lakes, banks of rivers, in estuaries and along the marine coasts. |
The Project will help to conserve the area's internationally important limestone country with its unique limestone pavement, blue-moor grassland and lime-rich wetlands. |
The white fringeless orchid grows in wetlands in the Blue Ridge Mountains and coastal plain of Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and South Carolina. |
With hundreds of colour photos and instructions on animal recognition the book is a guide to measuring the health of rivers, streams, ponds and wetlands. |
The user fee on duck stamps goes exclusively to funding federal acquisition of wetlands as wildlife habitat. |
In presettlement times, lightning fires spread over great expanses of upland forests, sometimes for weeks, until reaching a river or large wetlands. |
Many wetlands around the world are characterized by shallow water, dense vegetation in the littoral zones, no significant riverine inflow and minimal circulation. |
It talks about how many acres of wetlands it preserves, the biodiversity studies it funds, or the endangered species that roost on its properties. |
Decline of river fish is yet another indicator that natural habitats such as wetlands and rivers and the life they sustain are under intense pressure. |
What's more, even as the Central Valley became a major source of edible frogs, Californians were converting wetlands to farmland on a massive scale. |
This group, which included scrambling shrubs to giant forest trees, flourished in wetlands, drylands, and uplands across the Pennsylvanian tropical zone. |
Mill Creek foraging parties may have opportunistically harvested a number of resources from these wetlands including nesting waterfowl, muskrats, and arrowhead tubers. |
However, instead of building the fort on a hill, the impassable wetlands were used to create an impregnable site, the biggest marshland in England. |
You can't save beaches and wetlands with seawalls, and you can't wall off river deltas and floodplains that contain much of the world's most productive agricultural land. |
Reed beds and mini wetlands are also used to clean grey water from baths and sinks so that the filtered water can feed vegetable patches or be used elsewhere in the garden. |
The prefectural government will establish a committee to hear suggestions on how to resolve the environmental problems in the bay area, tidelands and wetlands, she said. |
Ski areas are certainly more natural than cityscapes, but they still create significant environmental impacts through logging, erosion and damage to wetlands. |
The complex biogeochemical transformations that occur in wetlands have the ability to attenuate contaminants in runoff waters coming from a variety of human activities. |
In Washington, these are often located at openings within coniferous forests, clear-cuts, wetlands, rivers, and along brushy hillsides, at low to middle elevations. |
The objective of this study was to characterize the vegetation of forested floodplain wetlands along a 66 km stretch of river within the upper Passaic River watershed. |
The residents will now make submissions on the upcoming review of the Naas Development Plan looking to have the wetlands area formalised as a wildlife park. |
For example, cattails, bulrushes, cordgrass, sphagnum moss, bald cypress, willows, mangroves, sedges, rushes, arrowheads, and water plantains usually occur in wetlands. |
Mr Deacon says that far from damaging wildlife, the lake and wetlands already attract kingfishers, mallards, woodpeckers, coots, waterhens, curlews, plovers, deer and foxes. |
Ponds, wetlands, groundwater and soil in and around the site were contaminated through the years with chemicals found in creosote. |
It contains historic wetlands that could be restored to provide important habitat for sandhill crane nesting and foraging as well as Oregon spotted frog breeding habitat. |
These are classed as areas of county importance for their wildlife, which include ancient woodlands, species-rich grasslands and meadows, wetlands and mires. |
Drained hydric soils that are now incapable of supporting hydrophytes because of a change in water regime are not considered wetlands by our definition. |
Water-borne pathogens are not stored but destroyed by wetlands. |
It has also been shown that the drying of wetlands causes an increase in nutrient concentration and subsequent eutrophication blooms. |
The leak in wetlands along the Kalamazoo River was only confirmed 17 hours after it happened by a local gas company employee in Michigan. |
Draining of submerged wetlands is often used to reclaim land for agricultural use. |
A related practice is the draining of swampy or seasonally submerged wetlands to convert them to farmland. |
Draining wetlands for ploughing, for example, is a form of habitat destruction. |
The surrounding wetlands were drained and cultivated by the monks of nearby Bergues Abbey. |
This species breeds in colonies known as heronries, usually in high trees close to lakes, the seashore or other wetlands. |
It will venture into wetlands if dry ground is available nearby and thus may be found on the banks of streams, lakes, and ponds. |
In much of southern Europe, such as southern France and northern Italy, it is found in either low lying wetlands or at high altitudes. |
Africa has over 3,000 protected areas, with 198 marine protected areas, 50 biosphere reserves, and 80 wetlands reserves. |
The original concessions to oil companies purposefully assigned swamps and wetlands along the East border of the lakes for facilities. |
After 1950, the conversion of forests and wetlands for agricultural and urban developments accelerated. |
In the mid and north of the county the coastline is low as the level wetlands of the levels meet the sea. |
Western Greece contains a number of lakes and wetlands and is dominated by the Pindus mountain range. |
Deposition of artefacts in wetlands was a practice in Scandinavia during many periods of prehistory. |
There are ecosystems such as riverine forests, wetlands, savannas, and cactus stands as well. |
Until a few centuries ago, there were rivers and wetlands on the island, greater stocks of the endemic trees, and abundant pasture. |
Stolt MH, Genthner HM, Daniels WL, Groover VA Spatial variability in Palustrine wetlands. |
Spring peepers, pickerel frogs and leopard frogs should be singing in our wetlands. |
Limnologists are scientists who study the characteristics of freshwater systems such as lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and wetlands. |
It is the most complex system of wetlands in Italy, containing wetlands, forest, dunes and salt pans. |
The macrophytes of wetlands are known, and in some cases, the nitrogenase activity of these plants has been examined as well. |
Army Corps of Engineers saying there are wetlands on the site to more recently filing an appeal with the state Lane Use Board of Appeals. |
Alternative uses of pocosin wetlands include row-crop agriculture and intensive forestry. |
This can reduce the filtering quality of wetlands and increase siltation, the pollution of water by fine dirt, sand, or clay. |
This is especially true when one considers endorheic wetlands, which are better known as pans. |
Environmentalists doubt engineers' claims that rising reservoir levels won't flood the Esteros del Ibera wetlands just downstream. |
A high proportion of these occur in the most actively prograding areas in conjunction with recently formed estuarine wetlands. |
Our study will examine factors influencing the occurrence of hylid treefrog populations in agricultural wetlands of Kentucky and Tennessee. |
We considered both natural and constructed wetlands from the Aquatic Bed, Emergent, and Unconsolidated Bottom classes of the Palustrine system. |
These include mulga, myall and black oak woodlands, chenopod shrublands, ephemeral wetlands and fringing dunes, and melaleuca drainages. |
The PEM1 wetlands were floristically diverse, both between and within sites. |
Spring peepers live in marshes and other wetlands in eastern and central North America. |
They are clearly wetlands of considerable importance, reflected in their gazettal as protected areas and Ramsar sites. |
Since the coastal wetlands support an economically important coastal fishery, the loss of wetlands is adversely affecting this industry. |
The wetlands are of importance to wildlife, and are listed as a Ramsar site. |
The newest bog bodies are those of soldiers killed in the Russian wetlands during the Second World War. |
There was ritual deposition of offerings in the wetlands and in holes in the ground. |
Mangrove forests form much of the coastal wetlands along the coast in the south. |
The country's haor wetlands are of significant importance to global environmental science. |
The northeastern Sylhet region is home to haor wetlands, which is a unique ecosystem. |
The government has designated several regions as Ecologically Critical Areas, including wetlands, forests and rivers. |
In addition, wetlands along lakes and rivers in central Poland are legally protected, as are coastal areas in the north. |
In addition, much of the lagoon waters are protected wetlands as a designated Ramsar site, and large parts of the island are nature preserves. |
In 2004, the UK applied for, and received, Ramsar site wetlands conservation status for the lagoon and other waters of Diego Garcia. |
Significant saltwater wetlands called barachois exist in the southern half of the lagoon. |
A few natural depressions on the atoll rim capture the abundant rainfall to form areas of freshwater wetlands. |
The Agency has an important role in conservation and ecology specifically along rivers and in wetlands. |
The Environment Agency's activities support users of the rivers and wetlands, including anglers and boaters. |
Some examples of this are the building of levees, the straightening of channels, and the draining of natural wetlands. |
Land drainage had caused the peat of the former wetlands to reduce to a level that was too low for drainage to be maintained. |
These wetlands are attractive due to a dominance of open vegetation, large concentrations of prey, and the general absence of human disturbance. |
They create wetlands, which increase biodiversity and provide habitat for many rare species such as water voles, otters, and water shrews. |
Estuaries and their associated wetlands provide vital nursery areas for the salmon prior to their departure to the open ocean. |
The Barrage has created several new habitats for freshwater species with the wetlands to the south of the Hamadryad Park. |
Because salt marshes are often located next to urban areas, they are likely to receive more visitors than remote wetlands. |
The distinctive ecological conditions of peat wetlands provide a habitat for distinctive fauna and flora. |
Diatoms inhabit not only oceans, seas, lakes, and streams, but also soil and wetlands. |
Mudflats or mud flats, also known as tidal flats, are coastal wetlands that form when mud is deposited by tides or rivers. |
Many of the animals in lakes and rivers are dependent upon the wetlands of littoral zones, since the rooted plants provide habitat and food. |
Some shoreline communities even deliberately try to remove wetlands since they may interfere with activities like swimming. |
Overall, the presence of human settlement has a demonstrated negative impact upon adjoining wetlands. |
Wetlands, salt marshes, mangroves and adjacent fresh water wetlands are particularly vulnerable to such a squeeze. |
Terrestrial habitat types include forests, grasslands, wetlands and deserts. |
Terns are seabirds in the family Laridae that have a worldwide distribution and are normally found near the sea, rivers, or wetlands. |
It is declining due to egg collection, human disturbance and the loss of coastal wetlands in China. |
Regional threats include the drainage of wetlands and increasing disturbance in southern Africa. |
Most of the wetlands of the state belong to the Pantanos de Centla Biosphere Reserve. |
Important wetlands include the Jardine Complex, Lakefield systems and the estuaries of the great rivers of the western plains. |
Many of these wetlands come into existence only during the wet season and support rare or uncommon plant communities. |
Flood recession agriculture is practiced around Lake Chad and in the riverine wetlands. |
Such work removed the natural protection and absorption of wetlands and forest cover, strengthening the river's current. |
Hugh's and Joyce's children shared with their extended family a love of nature and wetlands. |
These include recreational water activities, and once rehabilitated, as nature reserves and wetlands. |
Their hike in the wetlands took them all the way across the marsh but gave them dozens of mosquito bites. |
It covers physical and environmental properties and functions of wetlands and considers political and social aspects of human impact on wetlands. |
During the airboat tour, veterans had a chance to see and learn about the wetlands of west-central Florida. |
The black-necked stork, or jabiru, is a bird normally found in coastal wetlands. |
There's more than songbirds and spring peepers in the west Eugene wetlands these days. |
During neap tides the tidal range is relatively small, so little water washes the banks in the wetlands. |
Groundwater moves, at rates between 1m a year to 1m a day, through aquifers to outlets in rivers, wetlands, springs and the sea. |
Namibia has five types of wetlands which include the Marine, Estuarine, Riverine, Lacustrine and Palustrine systems. |
The vegetation found in two riverine wetlands, located along the Leon River in the West Cross Timbers, Comanche County, Texas, was compared for one year. |
The wetlands are of international significance for many waterbirds including whistling ducks, sarus cranes, pied herons, brolgas and waders, Cr Pascoe said. |
The consultant said the lake would increase the bird strike hazard at Newcastle Airport along with other existing and planned wetlands in the area. |
Sand Martins and Swallows are more abundant, feeding on ies hatching from wetlands, with the latter checking out previous nest sites around farms. |
When there is enough water, egrets, herons, ibises and swans all breed in the wetlands, as do rarer waterbirds like brolgas, jacanas and magpie geese. |
Of wetlands we studied in summer 1992, the oligosaline wetlands have had much more stable salinities over the last five years than have the mesosaline wetlands. |
Woodlands and wetlands keep their avens, enchanter's nightshade, lopseed, leafcup, touch-me-not, wood nettle, Joe Pye weed, monkey flower, and tall bell flower. |
For this reason, it is also covered in small lakes, wetlands and rivers. |
All crocodiles are semiaquatic and tend to congregate in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes in brackish water and saltwater. |
Nearby inland are Sandown Levels, one of the few freshwater wetlands on the Isle of Wight, where Alverstone Mead Local Nature Reserve is a very popular spot for birdwatching. |
Restoration can be done on a large scale, such as by allowing rivers to flood naturally in the spring, or on a small scale by returning wetlands to urban landscapes. |
The major threats it faces include loss of habitat locally, the drainage of wetlands where it breeds, agricultural activities, pollution and mortality on roads. |
The importance of lakeshore and wetlands management is represented by the referencing to and invocation of Aldo Leopold, Sigurd Olson, and William Whyte. |
The birds are found in woodland, farmland, scrub, and wetlands. |
In the centuries before the Norman Conquest the wetlands of the east of the county began to be converted to farmland, and settlements grew in these areas. |
Subsidence is another issue, both from soil compaction on filled land, and also when wetlands are enclosed by levees and drained to create Polders. |
Threats include the drainage of wetlands, persecution and sport hunting, disturbance at the breeding colonies, and contamination by pesticides and heavy metals. |
It lies between the coast of northwestern continental Europe and the range of Frisian Islands, forming a shallow body of water with tidal flats and wetlands. |
The anabantids, or climbing gouramis, are adapted to freshwater wetlands. |
Biologically, the ready availability of water enables a greater variety of plant and animal life, and particularly the formation of extensive wetlands. |
Thanks to concern about water birds, these activities have slowed in some regions, and mitigation efforts have provided new wetlands, some of them quite good for odonates. |
According to Mr Madge, species frequenting the region's wetlands, such as the common snipe and lapwing, will also suffer as hotter, drier summers see a shortage of water. |
Native to the tropics of East Africa, shoebills mainly live in the northeastern African Sudd, one of the largest and least-explored wetlands in the world. |
The estuary wetlands are home to migrating birds such as the ringed plover, redshank and whimbrel, while the Eurasian curlew, dunlin and grey plover winter in the area. |
Most of the territory is covered with tropical rainforest and wetlands. |
Along these areas of forest are the beaches and wetlands of the state. |
Under an agreement reached by Oglethorpe Power and the GFC, designated wetlands areas are being replanted with red maple, cypress, swamp chestnut oak and water tupelo trees. |
Methane is produced when vegetation decays in lakes and wetlands. |
Other, smaller freshwater wetlands are found along the east side of the runway, and in the vicinity of the receiver antenna field on the northwest arm of the atoll. |
Although the largest nation within the UK, England is relatively absent of large lakes, with many of its former wetlands being drained throughout the Middle Ages. |
Samples were collected on 10 days over a 1-yr period beginning February 2003 at four sites within the wetlands and one site in Ballona Creek opposite the west tide gate. |
The coast of the region, extending from southwestern Connecticut to northeastern Maine, is dotted with lakes, hills, marshes and wetlands, and sandy beaches. |
A significant part of it is Biosphere Reserve and a quarter of its area enjoys international protection under the Ramsar Convention on the conservation of wetlands. |
In a cross-sectional survey of 5,264 hylid and ranid metamorphs in 42 Vermont wetlands, we assessed independent risk factors for nontraumatic limb malformation. |
Honewort blossoms in the woods, cow parsnip in the wetlands. |
In addition, bogs, like all wetlands, develop anaerobic soil conditions, which produces slower anaerobic decay rather than aerobic microbial action. |
Red-winged blackbirds are often calling in the wetlands by the 15th, and woodcocks, canvasback ducks and rusty blackbirds appear in many locations as March approaches. |
Initially, a state employee noticed work to clear and fill an area of forested wetlands and land used for agriculture, primarily blueberry fields. |
Birdwatching Birdlife is prolific due to the diverse range of habitats including mudflats, wetlands, heathland, forests, desert and semi-dry Mallee. |