A similar weakness is inherent in psychologies based on adjustment or adaptation. |
Arabs are taking advantage of the weakness of the rand to travel to South Africa. |
Aneurysmal development is caused by weakness in the muscular tunica media and stretching of the tunica intima and adventitial layers. |
Thank god for foul-smelling German army jackets bought in moments in weakness from ratty markets in Berlin. |
People with heartburn have either chronic weakness of that muscle or inappropriate relaxation of the muscle. |
However, the oversized softie has a weakness for sob stories and the lumber lout feeds him a whopper. |
Due to weakness of bladder and stomach I experience involuntary discharge of urine and wind. |
One side of politics finds a hint of weakness in the other side and goes in for the kill. |
When this occurs, it may result in a state of alkalosis which can cause conditions from weakness and fatigue to headaches and anxiety. |
Her smile was nervous and her voice wobbled a little, but the information she gave made up for any weakness in presentation. |
The events of the last night she remembered flashed before her eyes as she tried to conquer the weakness she was feeling all over her body. |
Hong Kong's re-export trade was also vulnerable to any weakness in China's exports, he said. |
The main thing I remember is how funny Jimmy was, his weakness for dumb puns and wordplay. |
Slugs are attracted to beer, and this weakness can be exploited by deploying pitfall traps baited with beer. |
I'm just smiling at his momentary confession of weakness as he carries me over to our booth. |
For example, concomitant complaints of limb weakness suggest the presence of neurologic or connective tissue disease. |
I maintain that the single greatest weakness of our empirical work is insufficient conceptualization. |
The number-one reason most people sustain injury to the hip is due to muscle weakness or inflexibility. |
As has been suggested, this discourse seems to have arisen out of a sense of weakness or inferiority on the part of the English. |
Long had he been plagued by an infectious fear of spreading weakness in times that demanded strength. |
In overall terms, the trade data reflect the weakness of external demand and the general loss of cost competitiveness. |
To do so would have been an expression not of weakness but simple human courtesy and fellow feeling. |
More broadly, our results show no clear or necessary relationship between a pickup in jobs lost to trade and weakness in the U.S. labor market. |
Nerve damage can cause motor or sensory weakness with numbness, tingling and incoordination. |
They are derivative works, and this weakness just pervades them throughout. |
All 4 experienced muscular weakness and respiratory failure that required intubation. |
Like any confidence man, the coercer can only exploit a weakness that we refuse to confront directly, ourselves. |
Pressures or signs of weakness faced steel fabricators, fabric producers and industrial chemical makers. |
The weakness of sterling is another challenge for the company, as imports penetrate the Irish market from the North and Britain. |
It comes off as a clumsy storytelling device and suggests a more general weakness with the criminology aspects of the film. |
Finally, the crisis with the Gracchus brothers revealed the weakness of the patriciate and of the constitution. |
During a relapse, respiratory muscle weakness can precipitate hypoxemia and hypercapnia of rapid onset. |
The government's weakness and Washington's fear that terrorists might set up camp in the country's mountain passes have kept it there. |
The libretto turns a typical Twain idea of human weakness into a celebration of the small town against the wicked city slicker. |
In doing so, it revealed its weakness, prompting other nations to pick, parasitically, at America's weakness for their own short-term gains. |
Similar to suxamethonium, there have been reports of muscle weakness and fasciculations occurring while taking donepezil. |
His physical body is being attacked by weakness of limbs, parchedness of throat, horripilation and hair standing on end. |
The main weakness of the tradition is an attitude of campy superiority, one that can quickly become self-congratulatory. |
It's a weakness of mine, I admit, that my judgment is often overmastered by passion. |
She addressed the weakness by creating a mentoring program that matched new hires with experienced workers. |
The underlying weakness of the hull meant that the ship could not charge headlong in the heat of battle. |
For comic effect it has a character whose supposedly hilarious weakness is to use phrases that have gone out of fashion. |
The man has no strength of character and is so oblivious to his own weakness that he doesn't even register how weak he sounds. |
They think that intellectual leaders have the weakness of overanalyzing problems. |
The main treatment is surgery, designed to replace the protruded part and to repair the weakness in the wall so preventing further hernias. |
Mary easily forgot he was not as strong, but he would never admit to any weakness in front of her. |
I am certain that, over the board, I have a real-time weakness in assessing what is the best countermove by the opponent in a quiet position. |
He knows our human condition, our weakness and frailty, even better than we do. |
Individuals with pulmonary disorders or weakness should consult with a physician before using chemical strippers. |
The steep decline in mortgage originations reflected neither weakness in the housing market nor slackening demand from the secondary market. |
In short, when it comes to moral discourse, the apparent weakness of religious belief is its strength. |
There are helicoid pins fitted into the base, which addresses the heat dissipation weakness of copper. |
These include numbness and weakness of the lower extremities, opisthotonos and seizures. |
To achieve this vision, we have to address areas of weakness honestly and openly. |
Some of them present with muscle weakness and muscle breakdown, some of them present with cardiomyopathy, heart muscle disease, liver disease. |
Just a sniff of weakness and these hard men will grab the opportunity with both hands. |
In general play, Cork achieved a lot up to the point of capitalising on their chances and this weakness was to cost them dearly in the long run. |
The main weakness of steel, as a structural material, is its tendency to corrode. |
The cause is a weakness of the sphincter muscle between the esophagus and stomach. |
The economic weakness came on suddenly and has exposed some cracks in the financial system. |
The current crop is short on caps and confidence, with many areas of weakness for the Irish to exploit. |
Please excuse me for obtruding my weakness and my finitude, here, into your daily lives. |
Firstly, I watched queen wasps and bees gently nuzzling bricks and mortar in the sunshine, looking for the weakness that provides a new home. |
I approached it calmly, not allowing any weakness to show, including the fact that I had been crying. |
She depicts an almost saintly figure, virtually devoid of human weakness or error. |
Gerald suffers in his relationship with Gudrun, his mixture of violence and weakness arousing a destructive demon in her. |
Let me confess at this point to a fatal prior weakness for tarts made with proper, homemade, buttery pastry. |
But dollar weakness should provide the springboard for an export-led recovery in US manufacturing in due course. |
Chronic progressive weakness is the classic presentation in genetic and metabolic myopathies. |
His strides were cumbersome, as if his height and burliness was more of a weakness than a strength. |
Another weakness of the book is the absence of a section to familiarize nonexpert readers with molecular terminology. |
I care not for weakness if you say that I am not enough of a vessel to contain you. |
But with regard to Winslow's receiving ability, any weakness cited is an exercise in nit-picking. |
His greatest weakness may well be his seemingly fathomless personal vanity. |
An overdose can be harmful to bones and skin, causing weakness and brittleness, even leading to fatigue and vomiting. |
Botulinum toxin induces weakness of striated muscles by inhibiting transmission of alpha motor neurones at the neuromuscular junction. |
Unlike acute brachial plexus neuritis, the pain, weakness and sensory loss associated with cervical radiculopathy tend to occur simultaneously. |
The figures should reflect benefits from an upward trend in milk prices due to the weakness of sterling against the euro. |
The nation's intrinsic weakness was further compounded by socio-political factors. |
The weakness of the neocons is that, politically speaking, they are parasites. |
So they make up excuses or label themselves as social drinkers and blame their weakness on the occasion. |
To allege unwariness or bewilderment in order to explain an act of love is hypocrisy, weakness and stupidity. |
An avalanche forecaster ferrets out a dangerous weakness in the snowpack with the shovel shear test. |
Currency weakness pushed up inflation, an untimely event as it reinforced price pressures that had resulted from soaring oil prices. |
The principal weakness is that there is no necessary consequence for the validity of a law which is successfully impugned. |
Very soon after he was appointed his weakness and unsuitableness for the place of Collector became evident. |
An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weakness in the abdominal wall at the navel. |
Brazil's efforts are undermined by the extreme weakness of the other Latin American bourgeoisies. |
Louise suffers from osteoporosis and myasthenia, a muscle weakness which means she needs to sleep for about four hours after every riding lesson. |
After several days in the hospital the rash began to fade, but the low-grade fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and muscle weakness persisted. |
The only obvious weakness of these essays is that some of the conclusions rest on fairly slender numbers of cases or anecdotes. |
This tasty anti-globalization bonbon may have a slightly hollow centre, however, and the weakness stems, ironically, from a lack of information. |
He is capable of taking over this game, and if he does, Illinois' primary weakness will be its undoing. |
Less frequently, weakness or paralysis of a limb or limbs, or unconsciousness, may occur. |
High-intensity resistance exercise training counteracts muscle weakness and physical frailty in very elderly people. |
Muscular dystrophy is characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles. |
He sees the weakness of the administration as being in its blatancy, yet this is testimony only to its strength. |
They might get signs of sickness like headache, dizziness, faintness, weakness or a choking feeling. |
Whether in sickness or in health, weakness or strength, every one is of infinite value before God and must be treated as such. |
She took advantage of his momentary weakness to drive her elbows into his stomach. |
Under their influence, he consents to the emasculation of his revolutionary poems before publication, a weakness he bitterly regrets. |
The weakness is usually worse in the muscles of the hips, thighs, neck, shoulders and upper arms. |
Meanwhile, I reflected on the triviality of human affairs and the weakness of the individuals who hold the fate of the world in their hands. |
Bevan was said to have a weakness against the short ball and was restricted to playing limited overs cricket. |
You could discover a weakness in your shooting, such as favoring right over left English, or using too much side spin, which can cause miscues. |
I believe it will not be necessary to employ many words in shewing the weakness of this argument, after what I have said of the foregoing. |
But, God was stronger than their weakness and continued to bring the straying sheep back to the Lord Jesus Christ. |
However, with the shares currently trading just off an all-time high, we would look for price weakness to build a position. |
The weakness of the mother in comparison to her son allows the male to tower over the female. |
Liverpool's weakness was most stark just before half-time when the Belarusians created four chances inside two chaotic minutes. |
They believed that Allied weakness in south east Asia and American isolationist sentiment would mean another short war. |
Those who could not keep up with the march because of physical weakness and those were tried to escape were beaten, shot or bayoneted. |
But the weakness in the U.S. manufacturing sector does not reflect a simple secular trend. |
I have a particularly uncontrollable weakness for marzipan which made these desserts my favourite. |
This manifests symptomatically with episodes of severe muscular weakness or paralysis, tetany and postural hypotension. |
Maidenly honour is tricked into a fatal moment of weakness which the ballad-monger, as though with a sly wink, seems actually to condone. |
I'm ashamed to say it now, but in a moment of weakness I scoffed them as the plate swept past me on the way to your table. |
The wrought glass had been shaped to exact specifications, the strength of its form compensating for the weakness of its tensility. |
One of the central tenets of this ideology is the inherent inferiority and weakness of women. |
Since the accident at 12, my life had dissolved into pain, illness, weakness and exhaustion. |
The schismatic and regionalised development of the resistance has been its greatest weakness to date. |
If this function is abnormal, infertility, infantile underdevelopment, maldevelopment, weakness of bone development, etc. will manifest. |
The field is accessible, the weakness of our currency makes it extremely affordable, the people are teachable, are you available? |
He has a weakness and that would be his heart, or in other words, the ones he cares about and loves. |
I had convinced myself I could have saved her and only my own weakness had prevented it. |
Pundits lost no time in savaging the weakness of the script, the poverty of the acting and shambolic directing. |
Endotoxemia and sepsis also induce mitochondrial dysfunction, sarcolemmal injury, and weakness and fatigability of the diaphragm. |
Aggravated by weakness of a populist Taoiseach, he is in a very tight and unpleasant corner. |
The waist is the house of the kidneys, deficiency causes soreness and weakness of the lumbar region. |
It usually presents with pain and muscle weakness with atrophy in the shoulder girdle. |
A 39-year-old man presented with general weakness and asthenia, which he had been experiencing for three months. |
Once muscle weakness has been differentiated from asthenia and fatigue, the physician should ask the patient about disease onset and progression. |
This is a weakness in the club structure and is something we are investing heavily in to promote tennis, rugby football and athletics. |
Some consider their weakness to lie in their artificiality, a deliberate turning away from reality. |
This phraseology is grandiose, rotund and sonorous, but signifies a fatal weakness in Walcott's approach to both Brand and Philip. |
Some individuals also may have weakness in one arm or leg if tumors grow in nerves in the armpit or groin. |
It usually presents as weakness of one part of the body, often an arm or a leg, and the weakness gradually gets worse. |
I'm afraid Arthur has revealed his weakness for arcana and subterfuge with this one. |
Patients experience overwhelming apprehensiveness and anxiety, fear of death, and coldness, followed by body weakness and dizziness. |
In a sense, the rise of alternative movements is a response to the current weakness of the working class. |
The weakness in the stock was blamed on investor uneasiness about a looming leveraged buyout by a management-led group, the column said. |
While this trait is generally regarded as a weakness among us common folk, politicians can leverage it to their advantage. |
The migraine had lethally combined with a weakness in the arteries supplying blood to her brain. |
A dietary deficiency has been linked to abnormal capillary leakiness, pain and weakness in the extremities, and nocturnal leg cramps. |
She tried to resist and struggle, but the weakness of the fever prevented her from even being able to free an arm from the blanket. |
An aneurysm is a swelling in part of an artery caused by damage to, or weakness of, a blood vessel wall. |
In fact she has been accused of having a weakness for porkies, of which more later. |
Respiratory muscle weakness is the usual cause of death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. |
The popular opinion was that if Stein had a weakness it was in making substitutions. |
If we have a weakness as a side, it's sheer bulk and power, but then that has always been the case. |
Lee recognized the inherent weakness of this system and began to reorganize the artillery arm. |
The great weakness of the American workers movement historically has been its inability to establish an independent political party. |
Branding is a sign, not of the dynamic accumulation of capital, but of weakness and irresolute leadership. |
But his weakness as a human being will always prevent him from rising to the pinnacle of greatness. |
The recent weakness of the yen against the dollar to 110 might provide a further indication that unsterilised intervention is indeed occurring. |
Follow-up examination at 1 week after injury revealed gross weakness in external rotation and abduction. |
While Alice's suicide may be seen as an act of emotional weakness or an act of familial abnegation, it is not. |
Patients with severe leg weakness may need sticks, crutches, or a walking frame. |
They are addressing a real concern, however clumsily, and are aware of what may be an irremediable weakness in electronic security. |
Dizziness, tiredness, and weakness are the main possible side effects of the alpha blockers. |
Bilateral thigh pain or weakness with atrophy of the iliopsoas, quadriceps, and adductor muscles also may be present. |
The slight chills are caused by weakness of the yang which follows injury to the yin. |
As the disorder progresses, a person with Huntington's develops involuntary jerky movements, muscle weakness and clumsiness. |
In the case of the anti-deficit campaign, flaccid fiscal management was a weakness to be strenuously avoided. |
The pitch is further queered by the weakness of the US dollar, which makes Ireland a far more expensive travel destination for Americans. |
Eight weeks after starting she developed nausea and weakness quickly followed by yellow jaundice and evidence of liver involvement. |
You can either deal with the weakness and make it stronger, or deny the weakness exists, and let it be your Achilles' heel. |
They reached a good ways down the tunnel when Caleb felt his weakness starting to finally take over. |
The playboy lifestyle is not his only weakness according to those who have worked with him. |
These conditions continue to be seen as a sign of weakness rather than illness. |
A prolonged admission is likely to result in profound weakness and physical disability. |
This is the same bacterial nerve toxin that causes botulism, an illness which causes muscle weakness or paralysis. |
Critics will no doubt mock the idea, asserting perhaps that it is a sign of weakness or even desperation. |
It has been run by two-party or three-party coalitions, with all the instability and weakness that brings. |
The country's economic weakness resulted in a weakening of its military capability. |
The result is muscle weakness that is especially pronounced in the face, arms, and legs. |
This resulted in several long-range attacks which spotted defensive weakness and exploited it. |
That is to say it did not stem from any inherent infirmity or weakness or deficiency. |
His other key weakness is his inability to detach himself from his players and put them under pressure. |
French fries are a weakness of mine and I have a hard time saying no to any offering of crisp, golden potato sticks. |
In certain instances, this is the book's weakness in that it falls between two stools, being truly neither one nor the other. |
Given her weakness in constitutional law, her background in business law looks like a strength. |
At any age, errors in diet will be all the more likely to tell upon the liver if there be any constitutional weakness in the functional power of the organ. |
Hecate's words faltered and she trembled with weakness and exhaustion. |
My other big money weakness is eating out in restaurants with my mates. |
She became extremely unpopular and was widely blamed for the King's growing weakness as he aged. |
That weakness has made him more reliant on the former Delaware senator who commuted home by Amtrak. |
He had a weakness for fine clothes and good-looking women, and he certainly was no pacifist. |
More troubling is a weakness for the company of the super-rich and a reputation for boorishness. |
Jordan, unfortunately, compounds this weakness with an abrupt style. |
Both bedding planes and joints are planes of weakness exploited by quarriers, and control the maximum block size that can be obtained from a stratum. |
I confess a particular weakness for his chocolate biscuits and pork pate with onion marmalade. |
Rudeness and a lack of civility are traits that go hand in hand with weakness of all sorts, especially weak-mindedness, and we should do our utmost to avoid such behavior. |
Scaphoid fractures are rare children and the elderly because of the relative weakness of the distal radius compared with the scaphoid in these age groups. |
For nearly four years of my life you managed to be there tormenting me picking up on any weakness or difference and twisting the knife till it really did hurt. |
Superman is the all-powerful being whose only weakness is kryptonite. |
The weakness of any case becomes clear when the logic used to make the arguments is strained, selective and irrelevant. |
James exploited both the weakness of his own ecclesiastical hierarchy and the papacy's fear that he might follow his uncle Henry VIII in repudiating Rome altogether. |
This, combined with nutrients being leached out of the soils by high rainfall, may cause weakness in some plants and nutrient deficiency, particularly in sandy soils. |
Although he was far from pro-French, the weakness of the French monarchy during most of his lifetime made him willing to accept an Anglo-French alliance. |
But diplomatic ambiguity that translates into equivocation and weakness is not helpful at all. |
Though when weakness does find its way into the extremities it is usually worse in the legs than the arms. |
These limitations are the main weakness of our systematic review. |
Upon the whole, then, the great argument for literary endowments is founded on the want, or the weakness of the natural appetency for literature in our species. |
Two percent of patients with myasthenia gravis or Lou Gehrig's disease can arrive at clinic with neck weakness but the other problems of these diseases soon begin. |
Surely it would be no weakness for a thoughtful man who should resort, for the renovation of a wasted frame, to one of those salubrious mineral fountains. |
As is so often the case in religious history, it is the heretic who shows the weakness of the believer. |
Washington is riveting as a woman with smarts, guts, and a weakness for her former boss, the leader of the free world. |
Its indications include pain in the lower back and hip region, muscular atrophy, sciatica, pain, weakness and muscular atrophy of the lower extremities, and hemiplegia. |
Perhaps the best-known nerve is the sciatic nerve, which when inflamed or under pressure causes pain, tenderness, and weakness in the back of the leg. |
The strength of Chester's connections with Liverpool and with Wales and the Marches contrasts with the relative weakness of those to the east and south-east. |
A deeply-held belief in moral integrity does not inoculate one from mistakes, weakness and failure. |
Bone spavins, bogs, thoroughpins, and weakness are common to sickle hocks. |
Its greatest weakness is its meager budget and limited scope. |
The weakness in Romney is his superficiality, and the problem in our politics is... well, its superficiality. |
Factors contributing to diverticular formation include a pressure gradient between the lumen and serosa and areas of relative weakness in the bowel wall. |
In a somewhat obvious analysis, the Federal Reserve's Beige Book report for October through mid-November has reported continued weakness in Southeast housing markets. |
His moderate policies, his personal charm, and his touch at expressing popular opinion were all heightened by the weakness of the leadership of his Conservative rivals. |
Paul Krugman of The New York Times is convinced that the president's weakness and vacillation are to blame. |
Respiratory muscle weakness may result from involvement of the descending respiratory pathways, lower respiratory motor neurons, and anterior roots. |
Premiere week also showed the weakness of situation comedy as a genre. |
At the admittance of weakness and limitation, Rachel experienced an extreme slip of bodily control and actually stomped her foot before glaring off in the distance. |
But there was more to this obsequiousness than the weakness of one officer. |
Generally speaking, the weakness of December 2004 is a continuation of an overall cinematic malaise that has infected multiplexes and art-houses this year. |
It is a clever strategy, which has the double benefit of emphasising the Chancellor's political muscle while displaying the weakness of his rival. |
I couldn't show any sign of weakness or they'd eat me alive. |
The patient presents at birth or during the first year of life with generalized weakness and characteristic myopathic facies with several physical deformities. |
Death and the awful abode of lost souls, whither my weakness long ago had sent him, had changed him for every other eye but mine. |
And, since natural languages like English are semantically closed, Tarski's theory also has the weakness of applying only to artificial languages. |
Notice the associated lack of emotion, the dorky untrendy appearance and behaviour, physical weakness and obsessiveness that goes with these characters. |
Most investors, once invested in an uptrend, will stay there looking for any weakness in the ride up, which is the indicator needed to jump off and take the profit. |
There is progressive loss of oral manipulation of food, associated with increasing weakness and atrophy of the tongue, masseter muscles and soft palate. |
Faint moonlight was streaming in from the broken windows, and from the weakness of the light outside, it was probably only a few hours before the break of day. |
Generally, the treatments for sphincteric weakness include pelvic floor exercises, injections of a bulking agent, or an artificial urinary sphincter. |
The work takes us from Hollywood hyperbole and reality TV to video-game warfare and the macho military leader's weakness for glamorous gold bustiers and high heels. |
The prime minister had destroyed the industrial base with fanatical cruelty, with an impunity largely supplied by the obsequiousness and weakness of the opposition. |
The only problem is that the present weakness of civic society largely arises from the very measures those old-time socialists enacted with such determination. |
An injury or repetitive wrist movement usually causes carpal tunnel syndrome, characterized by weakness and pain in the hand and wrist due to pressure on the median nerve. |
The film's weakness lies in its storyline, which is knotted with subplots. |
The most typical manifestations include sudden weakness of the face, arm, or leg, and altered sensation or numbness, on the side of the body opposite the stroke. |
Try to find a way to turn her stubbornness from a weakness to a strength. |
For it would seem that the wily old fox has finally outfoxed himself by falling prey to an inherent weakness that involves opening his mouth precipitately. |
Because I knew this was a weakness of mine, I overcompensated by buying more science kits and books than one family could use in a couple of lifetimes. |
And no, my weakness was not in easily succumbing to her girlish charms. |
His weakness is that he sometimes overreacts to public criticism. |
The weakness of many of these fads is that they have the superficial appearance that something profound is happening, yet the substance is not there. |
Add to that high rates of illiteracy, the hypocrisy of the governmental media, the weakness of civil society and state suppression of the opposition parties. |
We believe the shoulder pain may be occurring because of superior displacement of the humeral head due to weakness of the external rotator muscles. |
When one is weak and the other strong, when one is coercible by virtue of this weakness and the other holds all the cards, competition inevitably becomes exploitation. |
Some have seen this as a weakness on my part, but I have opted time and time again not to personalise but to deal with the issue and only the issue at hand. |
It is enough to induce shuddering, cold sweats in an England defence that was their weakness even before first-choice full-back Gary Neville was ruled out through injury. |
Signs of an overdose could be dizziness, upset stomach, bad headaches, vomiting, cold sweats, drooling, confusion, blurred vision, hearing problems, weakness or fainting. |
The Government was frightened that once there was decent scrutiny of the legislation, the weakness and ineptness of it would be plain for all to see. |
It's a quality many journalists would resist, but it is a moral position as valid as any other, and is only a weakness when applied to the evil and corrupt. |
At least two Eocene feldspar porphyry dykes or sills intrude Tsa da Glisza, and appear to have followed the same planes of weakness as the aplite dykes. |
Bearishness continues to shadow the yen due to continued weakness in the Japanese economy, dealers in New York said. |
Richard Cromwell's main weakness was that he did not have the confidence of the New Model Army. |
The Company is providing an update today to reflect significant comparable sales weakness at Jos. |
Hollywood, in particular, has always had a weakness for helping its own. |
The closure of the facility is necessitated by the continued weakness in dimension lumber prices. |
One year later, he presented with hypesthesia and muscle weakness of his lower limb associated with kyphotic deformity and sphincter symptoms. |
Thenar muscle atrophy may be present along with weakness of thumb abduction. |
In Persuasion, Anne Elliot's persuadability arises not from weakness of mind but from affection and respect for Lady Russell. |
A hernia is caused by a weakness in the abdominal wall at a point called the inguinal canal. |
Blockchain analysis, as a relatively new market sector within Bitcoin, demonstrates the weakness of pseudonymity. |
Staggering sections minimizes hot spot effects, thus eliminating weakness and reducing distortion. |
A ZD is a herniation of the pharyngeal mucosa through an area of natural weakness between the fibers of the inferior constrictor muscles. |
A hiatus hernia occurs when part of the stomach bulges up into the chest cavity through a weakness in the diaphragm. |
Looking at the composition of retail sales shows that durable goods purchases account for much of the weakness in consumer demand. |
Foot drop is the dropping of the forefoot due to weakness and it is characterized by the inability to dorsiflex the ankle. |
Its action is emboldened by the weakness of its neighbours, the unhindered backing of its friends, and the gutlessness of its critics. |
Dysarthria, truncal ataxia, and lower extremity weakness developed, with subsequent loss of his ability to ambulate. |
The buoyant melt rises as magma at a linear weakness in the oceanic crust, and emerges as lava, creating new crust upon cooling. |
Stylistically they cover an increasingly broad area, but a weakness for the twee lets them down. |
The strength or weakness of the teams' taskwork skills impacts how their application and development skills can influence their performance. |
Another explanation is that the Vikings exploited a moment of weakness in the surrounding regions. |
It tried to keep a fixed exchange rate, and attempted to deal with inflation and sterling weakness by credit and exchange controls. |
Links between Northern cities remain poor, which is a major weakness of the Northern economy. |
The weakness of Asquith as a planner and organiser was increasingly apparent to senior officials. |
During this time Howe's army, comfortable in Philadelphia, made no effort to exploit the weakness of the American army. |
Some of this uplift was along old lines of weakness left from the Caledonian and Variscan Orogenies long before. |
Whether or not thin deck armour was a potential weakness of British ships, the battle provided no evidence that it was the case. |
David's weakness in Orkney was that the Norwegian kings were not prepared to stand back and let him reduce their power. |
The civil wars gained impetus with the sudden death of Henry II in 1559, which began a prolonged period of weakness for the French crown. |
From Edward's reign onwards, the authority of the English Parliament would depend on the strength or weakness of the incumbent monarch. |
He considers it a weakness to try to find the shape and form of God, or to suppose that such a being would care about human affairs. |
In 796 Offa died, and in this moment of Mercian weakness a Kentish rebellion under Eadbert Praen temporarily succeeded. |
This weakness became even more evident when the Lombards had to face the increasing power of the Franks. |
Constantine progressed slowly along the Via Flaminia, allowing the weakness of Maxentius to draw his regime further into turmoil. |
The weakness of the asthenosphere allows the tectonic plates to move easily towards a subduction zone. |
In most cases, one country attempted to take advantage of weakness or instability in the other. |
When depression or breakdown is hollerin' at you.... holla back. When temptation or weakness is hollerin' at you.... holla back. |
The femicentric nature of the family in South Africa, hinging as it does on women, reflects both the strength and weakness of the institution. |
Otherwise, Brownism will only ever be synonymous with weakness and failure. |
Another useful test to differentiate organic from non-organic weakness is the sternocleidomastoid muscle group test. |
Her symptoms were later diagnosed as postviral myositis, a muscular inflammation that can cause weakness and pain. |
The war became a personal issue for the king, fueled by his growing belief that British leniency would be taken as weakness by the Americans. |
Finally weakness in the perineal body or perineocele is determined by palpating the thickness and integrity of the perineal body on rectal exam. |
It sounds paradoxical, but I am inclined to think that the weakness and insanity of the curate warned me, braced me, and kept me a sane man. |
But, taken together, the questions of causation and immediacy have created a weakness in the limitations placed on the defence. |