Cellulite develops when excess weight, poor circulation, or water retention weakens the connective tissue beneath your skin. |
Eventually, this further weakens the heart and body, and the patient becomes symptomatic. |
Asian markets were mixed after the Federal Reserve chief hinted the bank could ease up on its stimulus taper if the growth outlook weakens. |
Ionizing radiation enervates the human gene pool and it weakens our immune systems. |
He gradually weakens in his struggle and gets deeper into a state of paranoia and disorientation. |
This weakens the unity of the university and creates tension between departments. |
That is because too much predictability in the name of transparency weakens control by the gaming responses it invites. |
Obstructive or counteractive kamma weakens, interrupts or retards the result of kusala kamma or akusala kamma. |
While the FDA dithers, the case against selling EC over the counter weakens by the day. |
Stretch enough to get limber before squatting, but don't over-stretch as this actually weakens your muscles. |
Cutting away the front of the frame to install the module weakens the overall structure of the grip-frame. |
Corruption weakens the rule of law and increases the fragility of property rights and the arbitrariness of law enforcement. |
His obsessive fetishism regarding the JFK case, however, weakens the argument. |
Indeed, it has been argued that a visible American troop presence weakens the royal family rather than strengthening it. |
Inequality undermines social cohesion and weakens the bonds of co-operation. |
Because inactivity weakens the back muscles, pain sufferers should stay active, but it is sometimes easier said than done. |
Regular washing however weakens the skin thus making it easier for the bacteria to invade and cause damage. |
Cutting out neuraminic acid from the cell membrane weakens the cell membrane. |
But if he weakens and gives them a role, most Afghan people who voted for a strong central government will feel cheated. |
Black's plan is obviously to advance his kingside pawns, but he must do this carefully lest he weakens his king. |
It also weakens the market power of firms whose dominance comes from legal protection rather than commercial success. |
Will regression afflict the developing countries as aging weakens the industrial world? |
If the economy weakens further, says Wittman, the President could be in trouble. |
If this muscle weakens or relaxes at the wrong time, stomach acid backs up causing heartburn. |
The slight unbalance and distraction weakens the grab, something that facilitates forcing your arms upwards. |
Even as the economy weakens, the new wine giants use their financial strength to win market share from poorly capitalized French competition. |
The UN negotiations drag on and on as the international community weakens and loses interest. |
Unless, of course, improving sales weakens your hand in demanding ever stricter copyright rules and legitimises your playing cops and robbers. |
The force of the argument wrought in paint or celluloid becomes more evident as time passes and validates or weakens the artist's intention. |
When the researchers treated macrophages with a drug that weakens the understructure of the membrane, the ripples disappeared. |
The North Atlantic thermohaline circulation, which currently warms Europe by transporting heat from the tropics, weakens in the models. |
That weakens the most effective protection against abuse in the prison and correctional system, which is the ability to seek damages. |
But, his thesping is not up to the character and the film weakens when he mutteringly emotes. |
The water shrew of Eurasia weakens its aquatic prey with a similar saliva poison. |
When a fire ignites in a large building, its steel core does not melt, but over time it weakens. |
He and his colleagues found that rag paper in bound volumes weakens more quickly than does rag paper loosely stored in boxes punctured by finger holes. |
If people are not fed properly, resistance weakens and wounds do not heal. |
It could be worth putting your property on the market sooner rather than later, in case demand does tail off in the short term and the market weakens over the coming months. |
The pretreatment by transition metal cations helps to adsorb DNA on mica because it neutralizes the mica surface charge and then weakens the repulsive pressure. |
As the melting ice weakens the mountains, Switzerland is already experiencing more rockfalls, landslides, and mudflows, but things could get much worse. |
Meantime, Syrians still drown in bloodletting, chaos, and refugees, while the Assad side weakens only by endless inches. |
However, having disposed of a few canards, he weakens his own case by his willingness to advance the best possible interpretation of Nelson's actions on almost every occasion. |
At present, an estimated three million people in the UK suffer from the condition, which weakens the skeleton so that a simple knock can snap a bone. |
Formation of shrinkage cracks allows water infiltration that weakens the subgrade, which may lead to further fatigue cracking in the pavement structure. |
Such uncritical reasoning, particularly toward the end of his book, where he increasingly focuses on human society, weakens Ryan's overall thesis. |
The policy weakens the tribesman's faith in British fair play. |
He builds so much power into this section, that it considerably weakens the force of the funeral march, so that when it returns, it does so with greatly diminished life. |
Also avoid any heavy lifting as this weakens the pelvic muscles. |
Disruption of the microtubule network significantly weakens the elastic response, and the disassembly of actin filaments completely prevents gelation. |
A decrease in genetic diversity weakens the ability of crops and livestock to be hybridized to resist disease and survive changes in climate. |
When the primary eyewall weakens, the tropical cyclone weakens temporarily. |
This weakens the sunlight, reducing the photosynthesis that nourishes the seagrass and the primary production results. |
Similarly, if the florin weakens greatly, he could well reap a windfall at the expense of the London branch. |
The birds ingest contaminated fish and seabirds which poisons the adults and weakens their eggs. |
This weakens the force of the overall argument of the book because unstated presuppositions tend to go unanalyzed. |
Introduction of water to the underlying soil structure first weakens the supporting soil. |
Water weakens the soil beneath the pavement while traffic applies the loads that stress the pavement past the breaking point. |
Iron ore producers are facing the first price fall for annual contracts in seven years as demand weakens for steelmaking inputs. |
The two-year project follows an earlier scheme that investigated muscular dystrophy cardiomyopathy, a condition which weakens heart muscle. |
While the virus produces fantastically streaked flowers, it also weakens plants and reduces the number of offsets produced. |
The author's lack of detailed analysis weakens his argument that the United States must remain actively engaged in the world, and be more a maximalist than a retrencher. |
Corrosion both weakens and expands rebar within the concrete. |