The best I can say for myself is that at least I'm not wasting my time in an entirely unconstructive manner at the moment. |
We discovered that we all had a horror of wasting food, and would finish a dish rather than throw it in the bin. |
All this while shops in the CBD were wasting thousands of litres hosing the footpath. |
They dawdled and were successful in wasting the whole period in taking a single picture each. |
I believe these authorities to be wasting your time and taxes on this utterly preposterous project. |
Patients with marasmus present with severe weight loss and wasting of both muscle and adipose tissue. |
Sheep are susceptible to their own brain wasting disease called scrapie, but this disease has never been shown to be transmissible to humans. |
Without wasting time, the food was shared out between the strongest and everyone began to march quickly. |
Unfortunately, however, the modern puritans are dissipating and wasting this inspiring moral tradition. |
The council is proposing a near ten per cent rise in council tax, yet is wasting valuable resources on what is little more than an ego trip. |
If your boiler is not equipped with an economizer then you're wasting energy up your stack. |
When you are fifty, you constantly have this strong feeling that you are wasting your time. |
I do not want to stand around in this Committee wasting time on this kind of mess-up again. |
You are methodical and orderly, solving problems logically, and wasting little time on superficial matters. |
He admitted hitting himself in the face with a brick to make his tale more believable and was cautioned for wasting police time. |
Thus, the entire industry is one big sham, endlessly killing dinosaurs and wasting coal at an exorbitant rate. |
How fortunate we are that someone is teaching this as opposed to foolishly wasting time teaching how to obtain and keep gainful employment. |
Inspiratory muscle weakness due to lung hyperinflation and muscle wasting may occur in cystic fibrosis. |
Let us do it instead of wasting money in shebeens and taverns, saloons, barbershop and cosmetic shops. |
Those seeking emotional, or psychological, insights are wasting their time. |
The little minx only writes him once every fortnight, wasting postage and the money on the paper, but of course he is supporting her. |
In most cases employees were shopped by fellow staff who were miffed by the guilty party wasting time on the web. |
Not mistiming any tackles, rarely wasting the ball and never stopping running, we could have done with four Coles in midfield. |
We do not support the idea of wasting beef from perfectly healthy animals through an extraordinary cattle cull. |
Many money people are wasting money that they could be using to save for their retirement. |
Helena suffers from Type One Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a muscle wasting genetic disease from which her twin sister Saskia is mercifully free. |
Oh, it's fine for her to waste food on a level I can only describe as sinful but God forbid we should be wasting light bulbs or toilet paper. |
Chronic wasting disease is a fatal neurological ailment of elk, white-tailed deer and mule deer. |
How can the Board of Trade justify wasting an entire afternoon listening to a schoolboy read his high school essay? |
I championed earmark reform, also, to help Congress stop wasting money on those things that do not serve the public interest. |
Babe, why are you wasting your time with an assistant to a deputy secretary, when you could be with me, a deputy assistant undersecretary? |
Plus the clothes here were perfectly fine, and I wasn't wasting my money on some sleazy outfit from some swanky store just for a date. |
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy is a severe, debilitating, and progressive muscle wasting disease. |
Severus ' immediate response was to force two corners and a free-kick, the unmarked Ducey wasting a fine chance. |
If the City of York Council stopped wasting money on unnecessary road works it could save some cash. |
He said that a person with outstanding warrants is more likely to abscond from bail, wasting more police and court time. |
Political parties will be prevented from wasting milk, water, etc. which can be given to poor and needy people. |
Without wasting a second he forced the blade of the knife against my throat and pushed as hard as he could without breaking the skin. |
Pellagra is a nutritional wasting disease attributable to a combined deficiency of tryptophan and niacin. |
Residents might use their democratic right to tell their local councillors, quite rightly, to stop wasting their money and go and get nicked. |
Chronic wasting disease, West Nile fever, brucellosis, avian botulism, avian cholera and others have impacted wildlife populations. |
Younger cattle are less likely to suffer from the fatal brain wasting disease, officially known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy. |
Are we wasting sympathy on vicious criminals when we insist on proper legal safeguards for them? |
It'd be frothing about Uncle Ken wasting more of your money, especially as high-class Standard readers never catch the things anyway. |
I would like to offer my sincere apologies for wasting precious seconds of your life. |
He never had any time for such fripperies and actively discouraged us kids from wasting our pocket money in such a depraved manner. |
Your company is burning money, wasting it to no purpose other than stupidity and selfishness. |
Walking is better than crawling in slow traffic, wasting fuel and adding to air pollution. |
Without wasting a moment we head for the last cape of the Peninsula de Paria, with the help of a GPS that they inexplicably left behind. |
An estimated 6 million Captchas are completed each day, costing users 10 seconds each, wasting an overwhelming number of labor hours. |
But too many suspensions cases have dragged on and on, wasting large sums of taxpayers' money. |
So, wasting no more time, I entered the maze and turned down the right fork in the path. |
The extra fluid may cause weight gain, although severe chronic heart failure sometimes causes wasting. |
It avoids wasting lime and fertiliser, which in turn leads to optimum yields. |
After he was done not wasting taxpayer money, the President helicoptered to France where he participated in commemoration activities. |
Don't abuse the privilege of having my cell number by wasting my valuable time on this kind of footling nonsense. |
Instead of wasting your time on this limp piece of celluloid, watch Aliens or the first Predator if you need a great action fix. |
We're also wasting precious natural resources to fuel the American appetite for an overabundance of food. |
In fact, teacher research is essential if students are to avoid wasting valuable time randomly paging through books on art. |
I've got a horrible feeling that I'm actually drastically overqualified for the job, and that I'm going to be wasting their time. |
Kayla mentally cursed at her stupidity at wasting such a great opportunity. |
One of the things I see is grandparents supporting kids while parents are wasting the child support money. |
That way you can visit the off licence, the sweet shop and the chippie without wasting energy. |
It is no surprise, then, if hypochondriacs like her are the biggest culprits at wasting water. |
Do you have any idea how much money you are wasting to travel to all these places? |
My peeve of the morning is people treating me like a moron and wasting my time. |
Save up your pennies before you go to save wasting lots of money you haven't got. |
Public sector workers in particular have been warned off Facebooking on the job so they're not seen to be wasting public money. |
Involuntary weight loss can lead to muscle wasting, decreased immunocompetence, depression and an increased rate of disease complications. |
Police said a 22-year-old woman had been arrested on suspicion of wasting police time and attempting to pervert the course of justice. |
You might have a genius idea, but if you don't present it well, you're wasting your time. |
Another seemingly plausible, but impracticable scheme is feared to end up wasting the nation's energy and worsening social division. |
Instead of wasting time colouring in logos in black you could be doing volunteer work. |
Asthma, cancer, wasting, hemorrhage, inanition, and death have been linked to mold exposure since ancient times. |
On the scale of favourite things to do as a means of wasting time, online personality tests come out very near the top. |
She designed her own equine feedbag after her retired racehorse kept spilling and wasting his food. |
Meanwhile, Lismore Council has responded to complaints that it is wasting water. |
While I was waiting for him to call, I grew more and more afraid that he'd get angry at me for wasting his time with piffle. |
The second, a wasting contagion, produces an entropic narrative of slow dying, finally petering away into ignominious extinction. |
Surely if there were awards for wasting money this council would be contending for honours. |
Why am I wasting a little space on the Interweb with meditations on forgotten things? |
Even those who survive it may come to regret wasting five active, irrecoverable years. |
If they become convinced they are wasting both time and resources, a pull-out will be swift and irreversible. |
Perhaps students, instead of wasting money on machines, could just get a washboard and do their clothes in the kitchen sink. |
The kids had left her in the darkness, knowing the overseers would have punished them for wasting electricity. |
In actuality, we are wasting too much energy at home, on streets and elsewhere. |
Look at you, you're wasting away and you're too scared to go run back home. |
So far, the clinical trials have focused on patients with arthritis, wasting syndrome and high cholesterol. |
For people wasting away from the side effects of chemotherapy, this could be a small bit of very good news, indeed. |
It was heartbreaking to watch he and his brother literally wasting away, without hope of recovery. |
Patients with wasting diseases were revitalised by drugs which stimulated the synthesis of protein, the key ingredient of muscle, bone and skin. |
Somethings certainly have improved, many people are looking healthier, but they have discovered a new area where people are wasting away. |
They proceed to unleash the monsters across the globe, who do what comes naturally, and start wasting cities. |
I'm going to be more disciplined about my spending habits, and instead of wasting money, I'll account for everything that I spend. |
All I wanna know is why this ace MC is wasting his time with a throwaway re-hash of every track about a shorty ever written. |
However, there's no point wasting precious time and effort on petty jealousy. |
Cynical council tax payers are already pillorying beleaguered jobsworths for wasting their cash. |
In his anger, he had accused her of prostituting her brilliant mind, wasting her intellectual gifts. |
You've seen James Bond wasting that snake in the film using his hair spray aerosol. |
When is this council going to stop wasting ratepayers ' money on unnecessary road schemes? |
This is again a tribute to the producer's ability to involve the youth in something other than aimless time wasting or even worse. |
Stop wasting your time posting to this site and get going on ridding your Windoze clone of spyware and viruses. |
This endless commuting could be wasting your children's precious time with you, as much as yours with them. |
Doyle wasn't a man of many words, and I'd never seen any point in wasting words, so we didn't talk until the bell rang. |
He looks down on himself as an old worthless man that's wasting away his last few years. |
Frankly, I can't afford to go wasting fifteen quid on something as needless as this. |
If they dispense largesse for any other reason, they are literally wasting the money of their shareholders. |
Product lines are a wasting asset that should be amortized on a straight-line basis over their useful lives. |
He takes proper angles to the ball, not wasting any steps, and delivers a powerful blow when he gets there. |
This means instead of wasting unused power as most broadband lines, it recycles and reuses it. |
The ambulance guys thanked me for being diligent and my anxiety about wasting their time was lessened. |
The federal Liberals have taken wasting the public's money to a whole new level. |
He fetched the keys from his pocket, grabbing them and ripping them out quickly, wasting no time. |
This regulator has failed the Irish aviation industry and is wasting taxpayers' money doing diddly-squat. |
As the credits roll, you wonder why you bothered wasting 100 minutes of your life on this flat, soulless piece of throwaway trash. |
He said the newspaper editor was a busy man, a bit annoyed that this footballer's wife should be wasting his time. |
Stodgy, long-winded writing is still wasting time and money and cheating people of the chance to make an informed decision. |
She didn't bother wasting her breath on droning polite words to sound sophisticated. |
But they're wasting their breath, we're not about to sacrifice the principles we cherish. |
I will explain to you, but there is no point in wasting my breath unless you answer me one simple question. |
He wanted to tell them how wrong they all were but he felt like he would be wasting his breath. |
I tried to explain the spellchecker to her, but after a few seconds I realized I was wasting my breath. |
She says I should stop wasting my time entertaining low-rent celebs and should stick to reading improving books. |
It's nice to know that in an age of 500 billion dollar deficits, this is what our elected leaders are wasting their time on. |
This way, students will not be wasting their number one rankings on jobs that are already taken. |
Like mad cow disease, chronic wasting disease is believed to produce abnormal proteins that gradually destroy brain tissues. |
Anthrax, a serious wasting disease, can lie dormant for many years so the risk still exists. |
But how many of us are wasting out lives tearing strip bandages when what the Boss really needs are sheets? |
There is no sense in wasting all your energy on back-breaking physical or mental labor. |
The under-valuation of properties in highly competitive markets such as Edinburgh and Glasgow is leading to frustrated house-hunters wasting millions of pounds each year. |
I see the scientists of the world have been making some amazing discoveries to benefit the human race rather than sitting on their backsides wasting public funds. |
Hospitals were not only cheapskates when it came to investing in computers and Web technologies but also had a knack for wasting the money they did spend. |
Instead of wasting his breath answering her specific points, he listed all his Government's glorious achievements and told her, basically, to get knotted. |
Rather than wasting multiple gallons of energized water I should think it would be profitable, if not philanthropic, to bottle it and take it to market. |
Once on the scene, L.A. officers took control, got the information they needed, and returned to the road as fast as possible, wasting no time schmoozing with the citizenry. |
He is wasting no time in trying to make it clear he's a man of the people. |
The findings of a number of studies indicate that aggressive alimentation in patients with a wasting syndrome related to cancer may actually increase their discomfort. |
I was dreading that moment, because there I was thinking I was wasting all of my money and I would have no more savings. |
Let's stop wasting money and put it to better use building schools, hospitals and productive enterprises that will lift our people out of degrading poverty. |
Terence suggested that we stop wasting time and energy petitioning the authorities for permission to do what we're doing, and simply get on with it. |
A generation ago, women were asking each other why they were wasting half the day fitting corsets and false eyelashes, and the other half trying to perfect an orange souffle. |
Once you raised it, a massed army was wasting away, whether it fought or not, or whether it advanced, retreated, or stood still. |
As one might expect, he's wasting no time eviscerating the sports media. |
Clinical impression of wasting of musculature of the limbs, but not severe enough to describe the child as suffering from marasmus was classified as emaciation. |
I'm a bit on the lazy side and don't like wasting good prewritten code. |
By using the redundant drive, time wasting retries can be eliminated by enabling real-time correction on the controller for failed or slow responding disks. |
Second, don't open a book with a prologue, because you're wasting time. |
But while the imperial commander was wasting his time in comfortable winter quarters, the fugitive king busily employed himself in raising an army. |
One member in particular, Colonel Leicester Stanhope, exasperated Byron by wasting money on nonsense. |
This can decrease the expected value of crime, without wasting an entire human life behind bars. |
Since it's now 11 pm, I'm a bit piqued at wasting an entire evening. |
Instead of wasting money on exchanging consumables, which have a limited shelf life, the management went in for a collective gift of permanent value. |
To the inexperienced observer, sprinters are experts at wasting time. |
Approximately 7 to 15 percent of patients have permanent neurologic sequelae including bilateral footdrop, intrinsic hand muscle wasting, sensory ataxia, and dysesthesia. |
If you're using a shotgun at short range you'll generally score a hit, but with a handgun at long range you end up wasting ammo more than anything else. |
He abhorred the idea of wasting valuable retail space on fitting rooms but recognised that if a shop had nowhere to try on clothes, customers would have to do so at home. |
He was wasting his time, of course, but he couldn't help himself. |
They had to endure almost constant second half pressure, wasting countless opportunities to ease the nail-biting tension and, quite frankly, inviting trouble. |
Not wasting time, I ran at him, and leapt into a flying kick. |
It's just freaking people out that we're so wantonly wasting water here. |
I'm sure everyone around me has heard me constantly quarrelling about wasting paper, about using the other side of paper of prints gone bad for scrap. |
In future more hoaxers will find themselves in court or else having their mobiles and land-lines disconnected as a punishment for wasting police time. |
Acres of land had been left wasting, livestock and citrus farming had lost their way and the workers had been retrained in professional and academic disciplines, he said. |
Here he argued that Russians themselves did not want to make peace with Napoleon, and consequently Britain had no purpose in wasting its gold to invoke mutual hatred. |
Stop wasting your breath and drive or else I'll do it myself! |
And, from the south, chronic wasting disease is poised to decimate the elk herds. |
Surely, it's time. He is wasting away and at 83 is so tired. |
He very convincingly portrayed a man struggling against a disease that meant he was wasting away in order to get something of extreme importance done. |
So quit wasting your breath, forget her and move out of my way. |
It was only after wasting a year's worth of boarding school education that I made the semiconscious decision to start painting my lungs with powder and devouring my academics. |
Acquaintances will surely pry about the willowy new outlines of your once sinewless figure, pumping you for diet tips amidst sly inquiries about wasting diseases. |
His older brother had died of tuberculosis in the spring of 1789, a twisted, stooped, sad little figure, wasting away under the gilded ceilings of Versailles. |
He should avoid the temptation of wasting time in departmental meetings. |
I am not wasting away, I am seldom ill and always recover quickly. |
This squad undoubtedly has the talent but unless it unites and pulls together then they are wasting their time and unfortunately at the moment that's the way it appears. |
There has been little understanding of a condition of asthenic wasting. |
These time wasting activities can likely be traced to the ways that you talk to yourself unconfidently and do not manage workplace stresses head on. |
He should stop wasting his time taunting Rick Perry with penny-ante bets and put his lucre to good use. |
She was wasting away, but still had a sort of decaying beauty. |
Lynn Meekins, the managing editor, decided against wasting time and energy on extras. |
You'll probably be jolly angry this morning to find I'm wasting your time. |
She was wasting her time, trying to scare an already badly frightened man. |
If the music industry is really concerned with protecting their investments, they could quit wasting their time with endless games of whack-a-mole. |
If the auditor finds against officers and councillors involved in the failed theme park deal, he could surcharge them for wasting tax-payers' money. |
As of June 2004, the Alberta government tested more than 5,000 heads of wild white-tailed deer, mule deer and elk for the presence of chronic wasting disease. |
Chefs and nutrition experts say Scots are wasting a prime source of healthy and tasty food on their doorstep by failing to support growers of soft fruit. |
But he kept his religious views a secret, and thus spread good works instead of wasting valuable time and energy on a public performance of moral virtue. |
The storage network backbone provides connectivity for hundreds of storage and application resources without wasting costly ports to connect other switches. |
In my fantasy I am not simply wasting my final nights with fruitless, Malthusian ramblings. |
Show me a healthy imager and I'll show you an underproducing, granola-crunching exercise freak wasting way too much time at the gym. |
Corrodant, adj. corrodant, having the power of corroding or wasting by degrees, corrosive. |
For all of Newcastle's braveheart efforts, Wolves were also guilty of profligacy with Fletcher and Doyle wasting chances when in good positions. |
He stood up, wasting precious seconds and knocking his chair over as he continued to stare upward through the window at the Crown Vic. |
His debilitated body, the victim of the wasting disease, could no longer support his weight. |
Although they did not want to risk wasting money, faster-climbing managers did value generosity and fair-mindedness. |
And when you don't feel it, that's the only time I feel like I'm wasting my time at the movies. |
Schelling told him that he was wasting everyone's time, and Pound left without finishing his doctorate. |
Mass wasting is the term used for the slower and smaller action of material moving downhill. |
If the rowlocks are too far apart then the boat will be overly large and rowing will be inefficient, wasting a rower's effort. |
James I had realized that wasting his forces and distracting his energies in attempts to keep a footing in France would only end in disaster. |
Better medicine will prevent the pictured symptoms in which included is weight loss and muscle wasting from further taking form. |
Since much of human muscle mass is protein, this phenomenon is responsible for the wasting away of muscle mass seen in starvation. |
During strategy discussions,I feel two steps ahead and often believe discussions are wasting time and slowing progress. |
Middleton and Paul saw no use in wasting their breath in remonstrances against this proposal. |
He suffered from a horrible wasting disease and lost 100 pounds in only two weeks. |
Like an arsonist complaining that the fire department is wasting water. |
I'm not wasting my time going to lectures given by ye olde professor Jones. |
I'm sure most taxpayers would like to have a roll of dimes sent to them rather than wasting millions on reminting the coin. |
Avoid wasting time agonising over why a user hit the dislike button, or didn't retweet, and focus on these other areas of social media analysis. |
To the rest of America, wasting this kind of cash earns Washington a body slam. |
Clearly, Menzel isn't wasting time complaining about Travolta's gaffe. |
Come on, don't they get enough free perks as it is for wasting public money on painting bus shelters etc? |
Nevertheless, parents often worry about their teenager not wearing the aligners or simply losing them and wasting the treatment. |
Female fans would be wasting money on a manicure this week as Saturday's final home game looks set to be another nail-biter. |
Such a test would have been useful at the beginning of the mad cow or chronic wasting disease outbreaks, he says. |
Alberta is really interesting, because there is no other place in the world that has to deal with both BSE and chronic wasting disease. |
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is seeking the help of deer and elk hunters in checking for chronic wasting disease in Oregon. |
If you are paying an uncompetitively high interest rate, you will be wasting money. |
Low mineral corticoids, aldosterone, and so on, cause wasting of sodium, chloride and, according to some authors, neurotransmitters. |
Pallone said it was time to stop wasting time on another doomed Keystone bill. |
Tenofovir causes Fanconi's syndrome characterised by proteinuria, phosphaturia, glycosuria and bicarbonate wasting. |
Malnutrition and wasting, immunodepression, and chronic inflammation as independent predictors of survival in HIV-infected patients. |
Sixty of 76 deer killed at a Wisconsin game farm earlier this year tested positive for chronic wasting disease, reports The Capital Times. |
On July 21 Bailey, who never revealed the reason for his fictious story, was charged with making a false statement to police and wasting police time. |
There is a chapter on bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Scrapie in sheep as well as a chapter on chronic wasting disease and various other animal prion diseases. |
A move is probably the answer but he is not wasting prescious time. |
Middle-lane hoggers and outside-lane blockers are wasting up to a third of motorway capacity in peak periods, according to research from the RAC Foundation. |
Peripheral neuropathy in patients with CKD can manifest as paraesthesias, weakness, muscle wasting, reduced or absent tendon reflexes or impaired sense of vibration. |
Local peri-scapular wasting, especially the supraspinatus muscle, viewed from above brings suprascapular nerve entrapment into the differential diagnosis. |
This manifests itself by a form of mass wasting called exfoliation. |
Previously, Monterey County Office of Education was an example of SneakerNet, wasting valuable time and gas, by driving around the county to support individual machines. |
It took me a while to realize how much time I was wasting because of where my loading block, loose bullets and cartridge box were placed during bullet seating. |
And distraught mum Jacqueline told of how her sick daughter is wasting away in a cramped bunkbed after council bosses allegedly ignored the family's pleas for help. |
The peculiarities of prostatic lipofuscinosis in AIDS must be recognized and taken into consideration when examining prostate specimens from patients with wasting diseases. |
Atypical features suggesting an alternative diagnosis are acute onset, severe pain, assymmetrical involvement, distal weakness, areflexia and wasting. |
Councils all over have been wasting taxpayers' money from year dot. |
Gaunty relishes the role of burly striker in the party's declared war on the EU's meddling in our affairs and wasting UK dosh on airy-fairy schemes. |
Waiting three weeks to have a wireframe drawing turned into metal, and then finding errors and having to repeat the process was wasting Chris Gamble's time. |
Fourteen states and two Canadian provinces have reported chronic wasting disease, which strikes mule deer, white-tailed deer, Rocky Mountain elk, and occasionally moose. |
Republicans accused Democrats of wasting time on a fruitless talkathon. |
Should you spend too much time purchasing and installing social networking software and only have 20 percent of your alumni registered, you are wasting your time and money. |
Ovine Johne's disease is a wasting disease that affects young sheep. |
Other scenes have the freedom fighters wasting time in debate, with one of the debated items being that they should not waste their time debating so much. |
This waste had been the cause of great irritation to Mark, who, though careless of most forms of ineconomy, could not bear to see the wasting of natural force. |
Malcolm decided on war, and took his army south into Cumbria and across the Pennines, wasting Teesdale and Cleveland then marching north, loaded with loot, to Wearmouth. |
He's wasting time at university not getting after his degree. |
I see a precursor to Secretion in Todd Haynes's film Safe, in which Julianne Moore plays a woman who, like X, falls prey to an undiagnosable, untreatable wasting illness. |
There was no evidence of other proximal tubule dysfunction, as evidenced by the absence of glucosuria, phosphate wasting, bicarbonate wasting, or metabolic acidosis. |
A settled apathy, a gradual wasting away of the person, and frequent although transient affections of a partially cataleptical character, were the unusual diagnosis. |
Perhaps the world would be more willing to listen if we weren't wasting time, money, and media attention taking offense at irrelevancies like a candy Christ. |