By 2020, as noted already, Navy surface warships might well number scarcely more than ninety. |
He commands an efficient army and a navy with speedboats that can outrun government warships. |
The war memorials now perched high on the hills list endless warships and naval auxiliaries that went down under bombardment. |
Both carriers have now left the UK to join the growing flotilla of warships and auxiliaries heading for a rendezvous in the Mediterranean. |
During the Second World War, the Royal Navy lost 254 major warships due to enemy action, in addition to 1,035 minor war vessels and auxiliaries. |
The 32 warships of the Royal Navy included five carriers, six cruisers, seven destroyers, and 14 frigates. |
One year before Ulysses's marriage proposal, he was instrumental in designing two new classes of Terran warships. |
And the sea will also be off-limits, with French warships guarding a maritime exclusion zone around Omaha Beach near Arromanches. |
So both nations initiated design projects to mount their ballistic missiles on merchant vessels or on warships. |
Overhead, salvo after salvo of heavy shells screamed through the sky from Allied warships pounding German positions. |
Torpedo and missile launchers on capital warships are essentially flingers, just very specialized ones. |
The introduction of compound engines in the 1870s made it possible for seagoing warships to dispense with masts and sails. |
These operations were planned to concentrate on striking warships versus logistical support ships and merchantmen. |
Many of the understaffed vessels were scrapped to make new warships, with some of the staff reassigned to other battlegroups. |
The Navy had arrived with impressive looking warships and battleships, armed to the teeth with many a cannon and gun. |
Not only did warships have to be built in Australia but also repaired, merchant ships were also converted for war use. |
They both looked like abandoned derelicts compared with the other great warships being serviced in the yard. |
Steel warships propelled by steam and equipped with breech-loading weapons had become standard. |
In 1921 he was allowed to bomb US navy surplus or captured German warships and proved conclusively that even a near miss could sink them. |
Thousands of people gathered in Sydney to watch seven Australian warships, led by the HMAS Australia, sail into the harbour. |
The English naval forces comprised 34 royal warships and some 170 privately owned ships, preponderantly drawn from East Anglia and Kent. |
The primary warships during this period progressed gradually from oared galleys to sailing vessels. |
Turbines were adopted for both warships and passenger liners, helping Mauretania to hold the blue riband of the Atlantic for many years. |
After 1815 British warships who captured slave ships brought freed captives there. |
He consulted Bias about the best way to deploy warships against the Ionians of the Aegean islands. |
Roosevelt had already pushed neutrality to the limit and had assigned warships to accompany convoys in the Atlantic. |
Unlike the Navy's larger warships, the scout frigate CO's had little more than one-man staterooms to serve as office and sleeping quarters. |
During WWII, German U-boats sank more than 5000 merchant vessels and many Allied warships. |
One of their drones shadowing the withdrawing enemy fleet has detected a squadron of enemy warships detaching from the main body. |
This could cripple California's economy and have a more devastating effect than damaging a few warships. |
The warships had received the distress signal from their scout ships the moment the Large Human warship had arrived. |
He didn't have the meters of thick ablative hull plating that warships carried. |
Believing that easy pickings were in store, the American warships formed up and closed range. |
The first steam warships were propelled by paddle wheels, which proved too vulnerable in battle. |
Even before the agreement has been signed, US warships have begun to dock in Colombo harbour to refuel and to provide shore leave for sailors. |
In addition, the southern shipbuilders needed time to learn how to construct warships and ordnance. |
I shall move the Trenton into the unexplored quadrant behind the Milky Way and search for any remaining human warships. |
We need guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defence. |
On some ships, particularly warships, the winch and hawse pipes might be below the deck. |
In the medieval period there was no absolute distinction between merchant ships and warships. |
This applied research programme is intended for use in both existing and future Royal Navy surface warships. |
Royal Navy warships are constantly engaged in large exercises and Sheffield is no exception. |
Hmas Stuart one of the Royal Australian Navy's newest warships has been given her pink slip. |
These ships accounted for the sinking or damaging of a number of warships and merchant ships. |
Seven British warships and support vessels have set off on a voyage around the world to mark the new millennium. |
The Bangladeshi Navy has a number of former British warships in its fleet, according to Jane's Fighting Ships. |
About 24 British Royal Navy warships as well as 23,000 British troops are in the region. |
Two Royal Navy warships have taken up the rare opportunity to participate in Russian Navy Days. |
Wind has disrupted the advance of great warships like battleships and aircraft carriers. |
She is designed to replenish warships with bunker and aviation fuel, lubricants and fresh water. |
The crew of two Royal Navy warships returned home from the war in Iraq yesterday to a noisy reception from loved ones. |
The warships and support ships at the Pang-nga Naval Pier were in disarray. |
He designed merchant ships and warships which were later to play a major role in the Second World War. |
Did Japanese warships and their commanding admirals break radio silence at sea before the attack? |
It was as if he was planning his next move, with the subtlety and care of an admiral commanding a fleet of warships. |
China found itself up against the fruits of the British Industrial Revolution, pitting junks against steam warships. |
This will allow Portsmouth Naval Base to handle the new generation of warships, particularly the future aircraft carrier. |
Mr Sharp worked on steam ships HMS Juno and HMS Phoebe during his military service. Pipes in both warships were lagged with asbestos material. |
Regular brisk summary hangings at the yardarms of the warships worked wonders. |
In that case British warships were damaged by mines in Albanian territorial waters. |
More than 6,000 ships, warships, merchantmen, landing craft and barges, sailed across the channel in marked lanes cleared by minesweepers. |
At 4am the companies transferred to small, ships' cutters, which were towed towards the shore, by steam-powered boats from the warships. |
Chinese and US warships already work in tandem and share intelligence in antipiracy operations off the east coast of Africa. |
In a move to safeguard vital oil shipments, Japan said Friday it will deploy two warships to join anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden. |
It is common now for Orthodox priests to baptize and sanctify warships, submarines, missiles, and tanks. |
The research is designed to determine the number of pygmy blue whales that visit the area, which is also popular with warships and submarines. |
Helicopters in India were rushing medicine to stricken areas, while warships in Thailand steamed to island resorts to rescue survivors. |
After the exercise the ship will sail to Palermo where she will berth with the rest of the STANAVFORMED warships. |
Ship casualties would have been higher if bombs had burst on impact, and British prospects would have been poor if troopships rather than warships had been lost. |
Even our mighty warships could only make that crossing in weeks! |
Even so, the dozen U.S. warships on station were the biggest contingent in this Armada. |
The ferries, warships, water taxis, huge container vessels, yachts and fishing tinnies ply with impunity one of the greatest anchorages and working harbours in the world. |
The tops, crosstrees and caps of some merchant ships were also white, while clippers and warships and also many merchant ships preferred the more somber black. |
After the war wardrooms on warships became the place where young officers learned to love their profession and upgraded their naval and general culture. |
In the meantime, the ship is equipped with the range of missiles carried by Navy warships. |
Several of the Navy's biggest warships, plus their escorts, are due back in their home ports this week at the end of a series of exercises in the United States. |
Visitors will be able to see many of the Royal Navy's most modern warships and step back in time in the heritage area where the great ages of seafaring from Tudor to Georgian. |
The blue-water warships were generally unsuited for blockade duty, so the indirect approach represented by the privateers and commerce raiders failed to raise the blockade. |
Other tasks which fall to St Albans include a readiness to protect other Allied warships or merchant vessels passing through the region, and to keep sea lanes open. |
The Chinese navy now buying sophisticated Russian warships and submarines. |
There are UK warships at harbour here, and off duty squaddies roaring around the streets on mopeds, but what we really came to see is apes, Barbary Apes. |
A variation is for a pair of capstans, again more common on warships. |
When about 50 yards from the shore the pinnaces cast off, leaving the boats to be rowed to the beach by their naval crews, under covering fire from the warships. |
Russia intends to send warships, ground forces and long-range bombers. |
They were up against John Dahlgren's naval force of monitors and warships. |
During a transition period at midcentury, the largest warships retained masts and sails while adding steampower and either paddle wheels or screw propellers. |
The Nemesis poked her way ahead through the mud-banks and found a route for the warships, which debouched into the main channel only five miles from the city. |
But we went off to sleep again as the American warships moved away. |
The aircraft carrier group could be comprised of up to six to eight surface warships, two to three attack nuclear submarines, and one or two auxiliary vessels. |
The Royal Fleet Auxiliary was born exactly a century ago as the Admiralty sought to make the distinction between warships and the auxiliaries which supported the Royal Navy. |
Could it be that the Navy, like its American cousins, is so anxious to get rid of at least a dozen mothballed warships that it will give them away? |
In peacetime, the navy's warships are deployed in groups of the same class ship at one base or patrol area, which is called administrative grouping. |
Two Belgian sailors have also been rewarded for jumping into the River Thames to rescue a woman hanging from a fender between the Belgian warships last summer. |
Because warships mounted almost all their guns on the broadside, and were vulnerable to fire from ahead or astern, actions were usually fought in line ahead. |
In calm contrast to the hurry of sailing vessel and steamer a silent fleet of white warships lay motionless in midstream. |
The colossal warships aligned themselves to their correct vectors. |
Yes, the campaign would be more interesting if American warships were getting shelled in the Straits of Hormuz. |
In January 7, 2008, five Iranian speedboats darted around three U.S. warships in the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. |
The following year, its vessel was blocked from docking in Portugal by two Portuguese Navy warships sent by the government. |
The new systems will be fitted to the bridges and operations rooms of Navy warships for the electronic planning, monitoring and recording of voyages. |
The resulting three hour battle between the Ironclads was a draw, but it marked the worldwide transition to ironclad warships. |
The masts of British frigates and U.S. warships blackwashed the piers at the Embarcadero. |
The warships caused a major diplomatic row that was resolved in the Alabama Claims in 1872, in the Americans' favour by payment of reparations. |
His beached warships filled with water, and his transports, riding at anchor, were driven against each other. |
In 896, he ordered the construction of a small fleet, perhaps a dozen or so longships that, at 60 oars, were twice the size of Viking warships. |
The warships of the time were not designed to be ship killers, but rather troop carriers. |
In addition, the company had its own navy, the Bombay Marine, equipped with warships such as Grappler. |
The Russian warships illuminated the trawlers with their searchlights and opened fire. |
The States ordered a Dutch fleet of 53 warships to escort the troop transports. |
He was disturbed while writing it in June 1667 by the sound of gunfire as Dutch warships broke through the Royal Navy on the Thames. |
The factory produced warships for many navies, including the Imperial Japanese Navy. |
The Union Jack is used as a jack by commissioned warships and submarines of the Royal Navy, and by commissioned army and Royal Air Force vessels. |
Russia, China and South Korea have sent warships to participate in the activities as well. |
British Royal Navy warships tirelessly hunted down pirate vessels, and almost always won these engagements. |
Entrepreneurs converted many different types of vessels into privateers, including obsolete warships and refitted merchant ships. |
Privateers generally avoided encounters with warships, as such encounters would be at best unprofitable. |
Parliament passed an updated Cruisers and Convoys Act in 1708 allocating regular warships to the defence of trade. |
The unfavorable direction of the wind had prevented British warships from blocking Washington's escape. |
Upon sighting a target, they would come together to attack en masse and overwhelm any escorting warships. |
From the summer of 1940 a small but steady stream of warships and armed merchant raiders set sail from Germany for the Atlantic. |
The majority of the fleet was supplied by the UK, which provided 892 warships and 3,261 landing craft. |
It burned shipping in the harbor, roughly 80 French privateers and merchantmen, as well as four warships which were under construction. |
The new treaty deprived Russia of its right to block warships from passing into the Black Sea in case of war. |
The Russians were reduced to scuttling their warships as blockships, after stripping them of their guns and men to reinforce batteries on shore. |
Once through the Kerch Strait, British and French warships struck at every vestige of Russian power along the coast of the Sea of Azov. |
It features a large model of the island, Scapa Flow and of the German warships. |
By the 1890s the shipyard was heavily engaged in the construction of warships for the Royal Navy and also for export. |
Most navies prohibited women from serving on submarines, even after they had been permitted to serve on surface warships. |
While longships were used by the Norse in warfare, they were mostly used as troop transports, not warships. |
After twenty minutes' firing the fishermen saw a blue light signal on one of the warships, the order to cease firing. |
It would come to comprise many trading ships, warships, and support vessels. |
He also had dozens of obsolete warships scrapped or reduced to harbour duties. |
A number of Turkish supply ships and warships were sunk but several submarines were lost. |
Many new types of warships were being developed for use in the United States and Confederate States Navies. |
By war's end, torpedoes launched from warships had sunk one battleship, two armored cruisers, and two destroyers. |
The remaining over 80 warships would be sunk by guns, mines, scuttling, or shipwreck. |
However, the London Naval Treaty after World War I limited tonnage of warships, but placed no limits on ships of under 600 tons. |
This dispute is called the Cod War, direct confrontations between Icelandic patrol vessels and British warships. |
In Antwerp, eight Dutch warships bombarded the city following its capture by revolutionary forces. |
After the second day most of the Dutch warships were out of powder and shot, and there was none to resupply with. |
On the fourth day the English again attempted to resume action, but they found the sea empty of Dutch warships. |
A major example is the exploration of the wrecks of various warships in the Pacific Ocean. |
Chen Lin continued damaging the Japanese navy with 500 Chinese warships and remnants of the Korean navy. |
Choiseul initially ignored perceived wisdom that any invasion would have to involve French warships. |
He believed that trying to bring warships out of the blockaded port at Brest would cause unnecessary delays, and could be disastrous. |
In the Norwegian Campaign, despite eight weeks of continuous air supremacy, the Luftwaffe sank only two British warships. |
During the Dunkirk evacuation, few warships were actually sunk, despite being stationary targets. |
Despite warships changing due to technology and development, much of the training of the boys still reflected life under sail. |
By June 1861, warships were stationed off the principal Southern ports, and a year later nearly 300 ships were in service. |
But in the face of overwhelming Union superiority and the Union's own ironclad warships, they were unsuccessful. |
Action in the air began on 16 October 1939 when the Luftwaffe launched air raids on British warships. |
Lacking the technology and infrastructure to build effective warships, the Confederacy attempted to obtain warships from Britain. |
In modern warfare, soldiers and combat vehicles are used to control the land, warships the sea, and aircraft the sky. |
Blake was joined by another four warships commanded by Edward Popham, who brought authority to go to war with Portugal. |
For days afterwards, bodies continued to wash onto the shores of the isles along with the wreckage of the warships and personal effects. |
Aragon's Crown and Portugal constructed warships equipped with firearms and advanced gunpowder cannons. |
The treasure fleet had a large number of warships to protect their precious cargo and to secure the maritime routes. |
These included both warships and merchant vessels, from the Allies, the Axis and the Neutral countries. |
They soon identify the targets as Indonesian military aircraft and warships that initiate an assault against Dili. |
The declarations further asserted that prior permission was required before foreign warships could pass through Omani territorial waters. |
In the summer of 1942, German Kriegsmarine warships and submarines entered the Kara Sea to destroy as many Russian vessels as possible. |
Though the attack failed, the Dutch in January 1665 allowed their ships to open fire on English warships in the colonies when threatened. |
The demand for wrought iron reached its peak in the 1860s, being in high demand for ironclad warships and railway use. |
Steel warships as well as wooden ones need ship's carpenters, especially for making emergency repairs in the case of battle or storm damage. |
Lawrence, the Royal Navy had two schooners while the Provincial Marine maintained four small warships on Lake Erie. |
When the war began, the British already had a small squadron of warships on Lake Ontario and had the initial advantage. |
Ultimately, almost 3,000 men worked at the naval shipyard, building eleven warships and many smaller boats and transports. |
I have also painted merchant ships for retired sea dogs and Royal Navy warships for a local family who have two sons in the Royal Navy. |
But it accused Britain of militarising their sovereignty dispute by sending one of its most modern warships to the islands. |
Five years ago, Iran claimed it was starting mass production of two new classes of combat speedboats able to chase down most American warships. |
Burney came up with the idea of the paravane, a device used by warships for the destruction of mines. |
Patrols by European Union warships since December 2008 to deter hijackings have done little to dent the enthusiasm for piracy among Somalis. |
In both World Wars many ships were converted for use as auxiliary warships, troop and hospital ships. |
The Convention on the Non-Fortification and Neutralization of the Aaland Islands of October 20, 1921, provides that warships are prohibited except for innocent passage. |
Several uncontacted isolated warships continued fighting well into 1815 and were the last American forces to take offensive action against the British. |
Piracy still occurs, but in the main, global trade has flowered because sea lanes are open and commercial vessels ply the oceans unthreatened by warships. |
More significantly, the British blockade of the Atlantic coast caused the majority warships to be unable to put to sea and devastated the United States economy. |
Although Baldomir declared Uruguay neutral in 1939, British warships and the German ship Admiral Graf Spee fought a battle not far off Uruguay's coast. |
However, treasure ships were considered luxury ships rather than warships. |
Peace with the Dutch achieved, Blake sailed in October 1654 with 24 warships to the Mediterranean, successfully deterring the Duke of Guise from conquering Naples. |
To fight an offensive war, the Confederacy purchased ships from Britain, converted them to warships, and raided American merchant ships in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. |
A close blockade entails placing warships within sight of the blockaded coast or port, to ensure the immediate interception of any ship entering or leaving. |
In 2005, a Russian group of scientists found over five thousand airplane wrecks, sunken warships, and other material, mainly from World War II, on the bottom of the sea. |
France will repay 950 million euros to Russia for calling off of the sale of 2 Mistral-class warships, but not have to pay the penalization charges. |
On 28 March the British raided St Nazaire in Operation Chariot and destroyed the Normandie dock, the only one in France that could accommodate the largest German warships. |
The port was expanded in the 1670s by the construction of a basin that could hold up to thirty warships with a double lock system to maintain water levels at low tide. |
This started in late 1939, and by 1940 merchant vessels and the smaller British warships were largely immune for a few months at a time until they once again built up a field. |
This was felt to be impracticable for the myriad of smaller warships and merchant vessels, mainly because the ships lacked the generating capacity to energise such a coil. |
Tromp had guided the remainder of his fleet along the coastline, escaping certain defeat the next day, leaving eight warships and a number of merchantmen behind. |
Later that year the Parliament gave an order which allowed English privateers and warships to seize Dutch shipping and 'recover their losses' from Dutch vessels. |
In his struggles with his nobles in 1488 James III received assistance from his two warships the Flower and the King's Carvel also known as the Yellow Carvel. |
With the guard ship Shubrick gone, the commanding officer of Alcatraz assumed guard duty to make sure that no hostile foreign warships entered the bay. |
Many British submarines were active as well, particularly in the Mediterranean and off Norway, against Axis warships, submarines and merchant shipping. |
A covering force of battleships with Royal Navy cruiser squadrons maneuvered nearby to defend the minelaying formation, but no German surface warships attempted engagement. |
The main use of the airships was in reconnaissance over the North Sea and the Baltic, where the endurance of the craft led German warships to a number of Allied vessels. |
The first confrontation with Japanese warships occurred on 29 April 1905 when the Russian submarine Som was fired upon by Japanese torpedo boats, but then withdrew. |
Admiral Roger Keyes planned and led the raid that stormed the German batteries and sank three old warships at the entrance to the canal leading to the inland port. |
A secret additional clause allowed the Ottomans to opt out of sending troops but to close the Straits to foreign warships if Russia was under threat. |
Russia was forbidden from hosting warships in the Black Sea. |
Women have been integrated into the British Armed Forces since the early 1990s, including flying fast jets and commanding warships or artillery batteries. |
This agreement allowed West Germany to start a limited rearmament program though it banned development of certain weapons, such as large warships. |
Small warships were built, and an aircraft factory opened in Bangalore. |
After abolition, slave ships adopted quicker, more maneuverable forms to evade capture by naval warships, one favorite form being the Baltimore Clipper. |
The operation was approved by the North Atlantic Council and involves warships primarily from the United States though vessels from many other nations are also included. |
It was, however, superseded by the British invention steam turbine where speed was required, for instance in warships, such as the dreadnought battleships, and ocean liners. |
The Romanian Navy possessed the largest warships on the Danube. |
Most of the warships had been provided by the Admiralty of Amsterdam. |
The standard summer equipment of twenty warships was secretly doubled. |
Medina Sidonia's flagship and the principal warships held their positions, but the rest of the fleet cut their anchor cables and scattered in confusion. |
Nearly half the fleet were not built as warships and were used for duties such as scouting and dispatch work, or for carrying supplies, animals, and troops. |
Whilst negotiating to resupply and repair at the Spanish port, the fleet were attacked by Spanish warships, with all but two of the English ships lost. |
Technologically, Henry invested in large cannon for his warships, an idea that had taken hold in other countries, to replace the smaller serpentines in use. |
For most surface-based warships, the danger from enemy subs isn't the vessel itself, but the swift and accurate projectiles that come hurtling out of their torpedo tubes. |
With a wide flight deck that resembles that of an aircraft carrier, the LHD traditionally deploys in a trio of warships called an amphibious task force. |
Kosolapov said the navy would examine ways to bring the vessel, also called a bathyscaph, to the surface and that nine warships were in the area to aid the rescue operation. |