To that extent they become momentary warriors, taking on in the act some culturally masculine qualities. |
At various points he gives inconsistent counts of numbers of Natchez, Quapaw, and Caddo warriors. |
High-status warriors, nobles, and priests ate the flesh of those sacrificed. |
Welsh legend told of how the souls of brave warriors flew to heaven in the form of eagles. |
Our soldiers must be warriors who understand Army Values and can work as part of a team. |
The only hindrance being the armour and the shields that warriors of the period carried. |
These boats were protected by two hundred mounted warriors on each side of the river. |
The only people who had to abide by any duty of standing with their lord were the warriors as can be seen by the account of the Battle of Maldon. |
You shall find her and let her know it is not acceptable to desert the way of the warriors. |
Pre-Christian warriors hoped to meet a quick, short death, hopefully heroically in battle. |
It is now clear that the best soldiers are the best warriors but not necessarily the best peacekeepers. |
Who were these fierce warriors who came from the countries that we call Denmark, Norway and Sweden today? |
The report spoke with great seriousness of the value of women as soldiers, warriors. |
Is there some cost to us of turning our warriors and soldiers into peacekeepers? |
The Second Crusade then provides a reference point for the role of clerics and warriors. |
They accept the fact that they signed up to be warriors, and warriors fight, and often die fighting. |
All through the summer the sound of weapon on shield echoed through the vale as warriors honed their fighting skills. |
I don't know if I buy the whole notion of Jedi as peaceful warriors only striking out in defence. |
He was the best of the Achaeans, a warrior by whom all other warriors were to be measured. |
This meant that they were part-time warriors and that spoils of war played a major role in military actions. |
The robot warriors use GPS, radar, laser radar and a host of other technologies to move without human aid. |
They wandered past the sandwich shop, a raggle-taggle band of urban warriors, uniformed and disaffected, disillusioned, disowned. |
Though they are valued as warriors and justiciaries, they have a difficult time with more social activities. |
Together with medical experts and aeromedicine consultants, he provides a practical plan for road warriors and leisure travelers alike. |
Two warriors, clad in back, holding unsheathed katanas, silently approached each other in the forest. |
After a few seconds of silence, the crowd began cheering and whooping for the two warriors. |
Keyboard warriors with no appreciation for small volume manufacturers are the real jokes. |
That led furious halfwitted keyboard warriors to take to the internet and post personal abuse about the Cambridge historian and TV presenter. |
This year's winner has also been the target of the waggling fingers of keyboard warriors. |
The crisis is still unfolding and the first thing the keyboard warriors do is seek out someone to blame. |
He wasn't as bad as some of the keyboard warriors I'd read, but there was that gloat and strut. |
The keyboard warriors should learn to distinguish between morale and sentimentality. |
Several hundred slaves roasted sheep in pit ovens, while the female dancers, like the warriors, were reckoned to number in their thousands. |
Madala, Dixira, Cleo and five other warriors were handed coarse wool sheets and kindling for a fire. |
Other attractions at the circus include clowns, acrobats, Kenyan warriors, wire-walkers, trapeze artists, an equestrian display and jugglers. |
The eight warriors must battle witches, monsters, evil spirits, and vats of bubbling poison if they are to rescue the damsel in distress. |
Just before battle commenced, some of the warriors worked the crowd to get them in the mood. |
We are looking for a side of 10 student warriors worthy enough to battle against a team of 10 developers in six rounds of two undisclosed games. |
As with Yojimbo and Sanjuro, Seven Samurai is, on a purely referential level of story and plot, about samurai warriors saving peasants. |
Adventurers and warriors generally had three ways to learn their crafts and skills. |
On 18 February 1857 the souls of dead Xhosa warriors would sweep in from the Indian Ocean and sweep the hated British into the sea, she said. |
He is one of the most revered Lakota warriors and spiritual leaders in Native history. |
We get it, you hate social justice warriors, whatever you perceive those to be. |
A number of women became famous for their poems inciting warriors to fight fiercely, lamenting death or defeat, or celebrating victory. |
The very idea of the Amazons, of ruthless women warriors who live apart from men, excites people at a deep level. |
Perhaps the most widely known of legendary women warriors are the Greek Amazons and the Nordic Valkyries. |
These holy warriors, frequently labelled fundamentalists, represent a direct engagement with the modern world rather than a simple repudiation. |
These fierce and savage warriors actually consisted of Jutes, Friesians, Angles and Saxons. |
On his land, the Lord owned a hearth-hall, within which he housed his retinue of warriors. |
This statement is meant to appeal to the romantic image of Arabs as warriors and skilled horsemen. |
This issue became a lightning rod for old cold warriors on the executive council, the main leadership body of the federation. |
A lot of road warriors let go of personal time when they travel, but staying active helps me be a better executive. |
Numerous readers have asked for an update to last year's story on air travel for road warriors. |
If there is a rematch in 2004, the promotion should be standing by with huge mega money for both warriors. |
Two thirds of their guests are business travelers, and the brand claims to put a roof over more road warriors than any other hotel chain. |
Three online travel sites have launched business travel services recently, in response to the skyrocketing prices faced by road warriors. |
On December 21, 1866, the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors attacked a wood cutting party outside the Fort. |
Two warriors, armed to the teeth, stand alert, ready to defend the demolition team in case of a raid by bandits. |
There were four warriors, in full battle armor, standing at the end of the hallway. |
Viking warriors commonly used bows and arrows, as well as other missile weapons such as throwing-spears and axes. |
The upper roundels with resting warriors represent Peace, flanked by a figure of Justice. |
Brahmins and ascetics play their part, but their roles are secondary to those of Ayodhya's ruling family, and the monkey and demon warriors. |
But one place that trendy diet doesn't belong is in the lives of athletes, whether they be marathon runners or weekend warriors. |
Zulu warriors rushed into battle after ingesting a complex concoction of roots and fungus that dulled pain and amplified aggression. |
Then, an army of warriors and men dressed in black cowls came from the direction of Plunder castle and sacked the town. |
However, more recent research suggests that the Jomsvikings may never have existed as the disciplined guild of warriors portrayed in the sagas. |
He is training the first-born boys of the tribe in the traditional chants and skills of Maori warriors, especially the use of the taiaha. |
The bay was the laurel with which poets and victorious warriors and athletes were crowned in classical times. |
Ancient Persians believed that pomegranate seeds made their warriors invincible. |
Looking back at his two warriors, he instructed them to guard the door as he took care of the problem. |
It was fought against the Mahrattas, a formidable Hindu confederacy of warriors and marauders who dominated much of Central India. |
Its intentions are always malevolent and they are the brave warriors who hope to break the system down with almost anyone's help. |
Young Pawnee warriors proudly stole horses and scalps from their enemies, the Sioux. |
Picture brawny, ripped men, scantily costumed as Indian warriors, Greek gods, and Olympic athletes. |
Many were genre scenes showing everyday Indian life featuring teepees and mounted warriors in traditional costume. |
There, concealed behind flat-topped rocks and scattered fallen trees, the warriors maintained their positions. |
In the 18th century, the Manchus further encouraged Lamaism since they preferred Mongol males to become monks rather than warriors. |
As a boy Francisco would climb the hill and imagine the Mapuche warriors and the mixed-blood Chileans who came after them. |
Their skills increased as they trained and soon Raymond's people matched warriors of the other village. |
Snapping out from her thoughtful reverie, she barked an order to the warriors under her command. |
We walked through the grasses that must have appeared much the same when Sioux warriors threaded their way towards Custer's men. |
Even if Charlie had concentrated more on the Blackfeet and Bloods, the overall look of De Yong's warriors was Russell inspired. |
She has little care for anything and a mere flick of her finger will make the strongest of warriors tremble, wither and die. |
These cunning warriors are trained from birth to hunt, track and trap the most dangerous beasts in the wild. |
This replicates a traditional Maori War Club used by Maori warriors of old. |
The Merovingians were warriors rather than administrators, few of them showing any interest in government. |
None of the merrymaking warriors is looking towards where a long column of tiny figures is stealthily descending upon them. |
Having little to offer other than their reputation as warriors, the Mexica hired themselves out as mercenaries to rival Toltec factions. |
The brave warriors smiled upon their king as he removed his commander's helmet and donned one of a common soldier who had fallen in battle. |
The warriors remained calm and relaxed, listening to the trample of the demonic horde just feet in front of them. |
She focused her power on the warriors below her, going into an almost meditative trance. |
They were made of a transparent material that allowed the warriors to see inside. |
The Minoans produced gems of a different style, with designs of warriors, gods, and naturalistic animals. |
This is a veteran team, a gang of warriors who know every trick in the book. |
In a few short minutes the two warriors were fleeing the capitol city of Elon. |
They were small but doughty warriors and not averse to a pipe of baccy after the battle. |
The turbans of the doormen are the indigo of Sikh warriors, their tunics have sashes in lipstick vermilion. |
The bloodline I come from is a line from which many great warriors have come from. |
General George S. Patton, for instance, took umbrage at the portraits of slovenly and sardonic warriors. |
Reports on their muster fluctuated between four thousand and eight thousand warriors. |
Assuming the soldiers were still armed with muzzleloading muskets, the warriors attacked in waves. |
The Utuku warriors lurched into the clearing in ragged files, swearing, covered with mud and slime up to their underbellies. |
How can this unknown and nameless hero have defeated these legendary warriors? |
It's odd how there's no mention at all of how the terra cotta warriors, the namesakes of the show, came about. |
The six warriors also felt it and were smashed into the ground, pinned by the unseeable force. |
Tongans were fierce warriors and skilled navigators whose outrigger canoes could carry up to two hundred people. |
Hamlet was given a couple of warriors, spearmen and bowmen to counter this latest example of English aggression. |
The ten warriors rushed down to where Sara stood sniping enemies, and began panting. |
Unlike axe brandishers, slaughterers are deeply respected and admired by the other warriors of their tribe. |
The leadership has been changed from military warriors to social justice warriors. |
Some of them admit they're afraid that social justice warriors will ruin video games. |
Of course such statistics and stories will forever be dismissed by social justice warriors. |
It was the fact that Tarantino's sword-wielding warriors and their nemeses were women. |
New recruits can be invited to the army halls in order to train and become valiant warriors. |
Although focused on their challenging mission, the warriors on the front lines never forget their missing brothers in arms. |
Some slain foes drop flags that can be adjusted to spawn warriors of their faction type at timed intervals. |
They are soon to be attacked by a spearhead of warriors from enemy tribes and she is swimming for reinforcements. |
While this would work for the road warriors and their laptops, it is not so clear cut when a road warrior might have to access resources via a public terminal. |
A single buffalo distress bellow is enough to turn a docile, ruminating herd into a battalion of warriors, ready to charge and chase off an entire pride of lions. |
She lost a stone in weight, and the keyboard warriors came out to play. |
Throughout the early hours of the battle, the warriors repeated this action in an attempt to collapse Carter's line and force him to retreat across the river. |
Unsurprisingly, the junior senator from Texas is manna to talk-radio warriors. |
Chariots, which allowed bowmen or even heavily armored warriors to move around a battlefield quickly, appeared around 4,100 years ago and also made their debut in Mesopotamia. |
Given that exercise can combat business travel stress, not to mention dining indulgences, road warriors could benefit from checking into these options. |
Did a group of righteous warriors throw off the yoke of imperial oppression? |
Custer's Crow scouts reported the encampment of more than two thousand Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors that extended for four miles along the Little Bighorn River. |
The line of soldiers of Kalon began to wither and grow thin, only a few warriors remained and gaps in their lines were beginning to form as they were running out of men. |
As the operations picked up pace and began to pay dividends, the NSA called in its most skilled cyber warriors. |
For thousands of years, warriors, such as the Vikings, Zulus, Native Americans, Samurai and many others, have followed a tradition of decorating their instruments of war. |
Staff and children at Queen's Crescent School worked with local artist Su Briggs to make large sculptures of Chinese dragons, terracotta warriors and koi carp. |
There were musicians in my family, warriors, poets, lawgivers. |
Even as the ranks of culture warriors on the right diminish, their zeal seems to intensify. |
Now we were driving through bleak glens with stunted conifers, gushing ice-melt streams and mist snagged in tattered veils on the crags like the wraiths of lost warriors. |
How many individuals in this modern day have the depth and breadth of experience and knowledge that these ancient warriors acquired through long centuries of warfare? |
Under the glass was a 17 by 22 inch original chalk drawing depicting two Nordic warriors skiing down a mountain slope with battleaxes and spears in hand. |
He had that indefinable sixth sense that distinguishes gifted warriors from good ones. |
By reconstructing the colonized subjects as warriors rather than as victims, the poem and the play assert the legitimacy of the nationalist struggle. |
Marauding warriors with horned helmets who slaughtered monks and carried off treasures are at the heart of the popular image of the Viking invasions of the British Isles. |
Now one might explain away the insubordination as standard trash talk among stressed-out warriors. |
The demo includes greatly modelled troglodytes, skeleton warriors, dragonflies, basilisks, evil eyes, terror eyes, lizardmen and lizardmen warriors. |
The rarely heard Hussite overture opens the programme, a powerful piece laced with Bohemian rhythms and melodies, taking its name from the Hussite warriors of Czech folklore. |
No one site among the seven that we reviewed is likely to replace the ad hoc collection of travel-related bookmarks that many weary road warriors have already flagged. |
The cropping, the strenuous poses and the three-quarter positioning are especially reminiscent of the fragmented figures of struggling warriors on the Parthenon metopes. |
At the end, Zhang's king has been crushed under the weight of his own laws, facing a fearsome, unison chorus of thousands of warriors calling for blood. |
Some of us were hunters, trackers, warriors, scouts, and homemakers. |
Initially they came first in the developing varna or caste system that the Aryans used to classify their society between priests, warriors, and free peasants or traders. |
When you besiege a city by an army, you're just making them integrate together, and there will be a code of warriors trying to fight for their lives, which is wrong. |
Two late points from the midlanders left Mayo living on their nerves as wave after wave of maroon warriors raced forward looking for the equalising goal but it wasn't to be. |
I think social justice warriors like you need to relax and enjoy life. |
Mermaids slaughtered in the waters as well as mermen warriors. |
Only then will they be awarded the coveted Green Beret and Special Forces tab, signifying that they are fully prepared to join the brotherhood of Special Forces warriors. |
Several projects on USASOC's wish list are designed to keep America's elite warriors hidden. |
They envisioned warriors lost in battle, and women who died in childbirth, as honored spirits, circling the sun like hummingbirds. |
The ancient Druids, powerful as they were, did not miraculously cure wounded warriors, make people invisible, or control the beasts and the birds. |
The warriors suffered no discernible casualties and managed to take up positions on a small elevation only a few hundred yards to the south. |
The warriors of Hong Kong's new radicalism, however, are not always as benign as noisy students, dedicated tree-huggers and pinstripe-suited politicians. |
Two hundred and four warriors formed the vanguard of the army. |
Sivan had to nearly jog to keep up with the contingent of brood warriors. |
Tattooing the skin by pricking and staining with dye reflects the use of woad by Celtic warriors, warpaint by North American Indians, and tattooing by Maoris. |
The kings would go out surrounded by leopards and legions of warriors. |
Just because I agree with representation in games, I've been associated with social justice warriors leading to some horrible comments the other day. |
There are also warriors armed with swords, tridents and other weapons. |
Rain fell steadily, beating a tattoo on the broad leaves of the tree above his head, like the relentless footsteps of an army of marching warriors. |
Too many of us, not just celebrities, are too walled off from the real-life experience of warriors, including our own. |
Like most road warriors, his heavy travel schedule serves many purposes, from meeting with clients and employees to chatting with lawmakers and Wall Street analysts. |
Equally in much demand were also relief images of ancient Russian warriors, powerful outposts, as well as tsarevnas with exuberant crown kokoshniks. |
The warriors who fought in Mogadishu in some ways care about the politics in a more profound and visceral way than anyone else. |
Epic heroes, doom-struck warriors, the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat. |
Pack horses also carried the equipment and food for samurai warriors during military campaigns. |
Some warriors, who had left their nations of origin, followed Tenskwatawa, the Shawnee Prophet and the brother of Tecumseh. |
At its peak the Red Stick faction had 4,000 warriors, only a quarter of whom had muskets. |
There sleep the mighty dead as in life they slept, warriors and princes of high renown. |
A number of Maratha warriors, including Shivaji's father, Shahaji, originally served in those armies. |
Their finest thinkers and ablest warriors migrated southward. |
These alternatives are the eels and white snakes, the flying warriors and grannies, the shape shifters and state topplers. |
Increased risk of serious ligament and tendon injuries So how do we avoid making weekend warriors out of our faithful friends? |
He's since become an ambassador for weekend warriors, a fan's favorite in scores of cities, big and small. |
Northwestern Ontario can be considered to be a panacea for weekend warriors looking for that ultimate wilderness experience. |
Legend has it that every year on the battle's anniversary, war cries can still be heard as the warriors battle on in the afterworld. |
The sun is now cresting to the east and alpenglow illuminates the faces of my fellow warriors. |
North-east of Xi'an, in 1974, the clay army of the first Chinese emperor, with its thousands of warriors, was discovered. |
Trudgeon, RI 2000, Why warriors lie down and die, Aboriginal Resource and Development Services, Darwin. |
Alexander and lifelong pal Hephaistion make a lot of goo-goo eyes at each other and talk a lot about the love of warriors Achilles and Patroclus. |
On social media, Madusa refers to her fans as pink warriors. |
Their essays challenge the image of noble Chechen warriors fighting for freedom from the imperialist Russian bear. |
Junior and his brother Rager belong to a gang that shuns brutality, putting them at odds with the rest of the warriors on the streets. |
Like the apparently redundant organs of Klingon warriors, even junk DNA can come in very handy at times. |
Appaloosas with unusual color patterns were prized as racing and riding mounts for warriors and tribal leaders. |
People frantically reach for their mobiles for their selfie moment with the terracotta warriors. |
Directly north of the large hall at Gudme other excavated dwellings represent, according to the model, Valhall, where Odin's warriors lived. |
Striding out with 14 fellow warriors and a couple of snotty-nosed kids to face down a bunch of screaming All Blacks performing the Haka. |
And they really are the most stressed-out warriors in our community. |
One of the warriors was Cynon ap Clydno, whom Williams identifies with the Cynon ap Clydno Eiddin who is mentioned in old pedigrees. |
Around the year 600 Mynyddog gathered about 300 selected warriors, some from as far afield as Gwynedd. |
The individuals portrayed were members of the ruling elite, priests, warriors and even distinguished artisans. |
It spread his fame, and that of named warriors, as widely as possible, creating a kind of immortality and glory. |
Owain was slain at the Battle of Catraeth, in which Brythonic warriors of Gododdin went up against the Angles of Deira and Bernicia. |
For the Kwakwaka'wakw, the killer whale was regarded as the ruler of the undersea world, with sea lions for slaves and dolphins for warriors. |
Efnisien, suspecting a trick, reconnoitres the hall and kills the warriors by crushing their heads inside the bags. |
Efnysien, suspecting treachery, reconnoiters the hall and kills the warriors by crushing their skulls. |
While advancing, the warriors hurled spears, arrows, and other projectiles at the opponents. |
Usually, many of the occupants of these kotas are entire families rather than just warriors. |
Japan's feudal era was characterized by the emergence and dominance of a ruling class of warriors, the samurai. |
The Redwall series also has the Badger Lords, who rule the extinct volcano fortress of Salamandastron and are renowned as fierce warriors. |
In this period, women also often gave knights and warriors gifts that included thyme leaves, as it was believed to bring courage to the bearer. |
Cossacks were warriors organized into military communities, resembling pirates and pioneers of the New World. |
About 12,000 Indian warriors fought for the Confederacy, and smaller numbers for the Union. |
At the betrothal ceremony, however, she falls in love with Diarmuid, one of Fionn's most trusted warriors. |
Farmers provided warriors with food in exchange for protection against invasion by enemies. |
At least 20,000 Saxon warriors, old allies of the Lombards, joined them with their families in their new migration. |
The Germanic warriors then stormed the field and slaughtered the disintegrating Roman forces. |
The choicest Vandal warriors were formed into five cavalry regiments, known as Vandali Iustiniani, stationed on the Persian frontier. |
He had to combat a panic among his own men, who had heard that the Germans were some sort of superior warriors. |
The Spanish nobility started taking shape around the ninth century in classic military fashion, occupying land as warriors on horseback. |
Careful accounts were taken by both sides during the battle, and thus many famous warriors sought each other out for personal combat and glory. |
The Norman jarl Gundraed attacked Galicia with 100 ships and 8,000 warriors. |
The Varangian runestones tell of many notable Varangian expeditions, and even account for the fates of individual warriors and travelers. |
The word Viking was taken to refer to romanticized, heroic, idealized Norse seafarers and warriors. |
The conquistadors were professional warriors, using European tactics, firearms, and cavalry. |
A few effective artillery hits would stop the charging warriors and destroy morale because of the noise and carnage. |
The descendants of the Beni Hassan warriors became the upper stratum of Moorish society. |
Her people belonged to the Kipchaks, a confederation of pastoralists and warriors of Turkic origin. |
The samurai warriors, following their custom, rode out against the Mongol forces for individual combat but the Mongols held their formation. |
Caonabo and his warriors attacked the fort and Ojeda and his men defeated them. |
Monte Pascoal National Park Created in 1961 to preserve the place where Brazil was discovered by Portuguese warriors. |
Before the settlement could be established, the colonists were attacked by a large party of native Calusa warriors. |
Political power was reinforced by military power, and the capture and humiliation of enemy warriors played an important part in elite culture. |
Commoners took part in warfare, and could advance socially by proving themselves as outstanding warriors. |
Research at Aguateca indicated that Classic period warriors were primarily members of the elite. |
This event was when the most prominent warriors of altepetl would dance in front of a huge statue of Huitzilopochtli. |
Before reaching the causeway, they were noticed by Aztec warriors known as the Eagle Warriors, who sounded the alarm. |
With their leader slain, the Aztec force diminished gradually, and the tlaxcalan and Castilian warriors routed them. |
He ordered the gates closed and initiated the killing of many thousands of Aztec nobles, warriors and priests. |
Aztec warriors came running, and fired darts and launched spears at the Spanish forces. |
He wanted all of their warriors ready the next day when he put thirteen launches into the lake. |
He was then joined at Chimaluacan by twenty thousand warriors from Chalco, Texcoco, Huexotzingo, and Tlascala. |
Two thousand warriors returned from Texcoco, as did many Tlascan warriors under Tepaneca from Topeyanco, and those from Huexotzingo and Cholula. |
They were told that Atahualpa had ordered secret attacks and his warriors were hidden in the surrounding area. |
Of the major battles fought, at Cajamarca the Spanish ambushed the Andean warriors and killed 1,500 without suffering any losses. |
Shortly before sunset Atahualpa left the armed warriors who had accompanied him, on an open meadow about half a mile outside Cajamarca. |
He recruited 250 Spanish soldiers and 600 native warriors to explore the regions of Leyte and Panay. |
The 1741 Battle of Colachel by Nair warriors of Travancore under Raja Marthanda Varma defeated the Dutch. |
They were described as formidable warriors and ferocious cannibals, builders of the finest vessels in the Pacific, but not great sailors. |
The Zaporozhian Cossacks, warriors organized in military formations, lived in the frontier areas bordering Poland, the Crimean Tatar lands. |
Cossack numbers expanded when the warriors were joined by peasants escaping serfdom in Russia and dependence in the Commonwealth. |
Mirzas also led the warriors of the Khanate of Sibir into battle and owed nominal allegiance to the Khan of Tyumen and Sibir. |
Driven by destiny, the unlikely band of warriors must battle saber-toothed cats and terror birds. |
But the warriors tasked to guard the mages and protect society from their evil actions have themselves become corrupted with power. |
Joanna, 66, has been a tireless supporter of the Gurkha Justice Campaign, which has mobilised massive support for the kukricarrying warriors. |
Some members of the tribe were scalped by the attacking warriors. |
Broder too, one of the Danish warriors at that battle, is represented as having consulted augury to forelearn the fate of the day. |
At last the goblins had a chance to rid themselves of one of the troublesome defenders, and two goblin warriors snatched the opportunity. |
Archeological remains on North America even exist which give evidence to the dynamism and territorial ambitions of these Germanic warriors. |
Tacitus describes how, during battles, Germanic warriors were encouraged and cared for by their wives and mothers. |
Celtic warriors are described by Polybius and Plutarch as frequently having to cease fighting in order to straighten their sword blades. |
Social distinctions became increasingly important, with emerging elite classes of chieftains and warriors, and perhaps those with other skills. |
In the eastern zone, warriors are frequently buried with helmet and a plate armour breastplate. |
The Romans killed not only the warriors but also the women, children, and even pack animals. |
But as grizzled as Chief Joyi often seemed, the decades fell off him when he spoke of the impis, or warriors, in the army of King Ngangelizwe. |
Probably as the result of returning pilgrims' stories, the Normans entered southern Italy as warriors in 1017 at the latest. |
The khene was once used to call warriors to fight. Now it is used for ceremonies. |
The role of churchmen was analogous with that of the warriors waging heavenly warfare. |
In Sweden by the 13th century menhirs were erected as markers for the graves of warriors. |
The removal of the sword pommel caps finds a parallel in Beowulf which mentions warriors stripping the pommels of their enemies' swords. |
Beowulf begins with the story of Hrothgar, who constructed the great hall Heorot for himself and his warriors. |
At its peak, the Getae kingdom reportedly was able to muster 200,000 warriors. |
In it he, his wife Wealhtheow, and his warriors spend their time singing and celebrating. |
Naturalistic depictions of Pictish nobles, hunters and warriors, male and female, without obvious tattoos, are found on monumental stones. |
Gaelic warriors and holymen had been travelling regularly through England and the continent for centuries. |
Creek warriors also joined Thomas Brown's raids into South Carolina and assisted Britain during the Siege of Savannah. |
After several days of fighting against overwhelming odds, nearly all the warriors are killed. |
The stanzas that make up the poem are a series of elegies for warriors who fell in battle against vastly superior numbers. |
These include John Easton's report on the war, Mary Rowlandson's personal account of her capture by Indian warriors, and Cotton Mather's Decennium Luctuosum. |
A large Sioux force killed all 80 soldiers who had been lured into chasing a small party of warriors in the midst of trying to defend a pack train of supplies. |
It's ironic that the CIA trained these fierce mujahedin warriors. |
The Gepid warriors fought along with the Huns during the next decades. |
Many of the Lame Ducks have never skated prior to their postings to Ottawa, but mastering basic hockey skills is some thing these warriors take very seriously. |
Many of the warriors were not from the lands of the Gododdin. |
His Long Price quartet had an Eastern flavour but this book begins a new series, The Dagger And The Coin, where bankers are just as dangerous as warriors. |
It means that a player will have many hours of building windmills, caserns, foundries and other facilities, serving to warriors, all sorts of craftsmen, and even Gods. |
Worth pounds 40 and released today by Midway, Gauntlet has eight different playable characters and is packed with wizards, warriors, jesters and dwarves. |
The Cimbri are depicted as ferocious warriors who did not fear death. |
The tales concern animals as star players, game equipment from the upper world, wagers and warriors, tricksters and culture heroes, and trees to stop the action. |
He considers that the 300 mounted warriors would have been accompanied by a larger number of foot soldiers, not considered worthy of mention in the poem. |
Rather than risk being forever perceived as rectitudinous warriors of commerce, the newcomers silently and effortlessly shifted gears to the territory of ink. |
Excellent art works, such as a mural by Diego Rivera showing the Spanish battling Aztec warriors, are shown in part to tell the story of the warriors of Tenochtitlan. |
In the main these are street yobs, dimwits without a shred of idealism, a combination of street corner morons and nerdy, cowardly keyboard warriors. |
Two decades ago scholars, government policy makers, and military cold warriors struggled to decipher the meaning of the sudden and drastic change happening in the Soviet bloc. |
It's a pleasure to collaborate with my fellow warriors on Joint education, training, and quality of life initiatives for all of our military members and their families. |
After the decisive defeat of the Creek Indians at the battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814, some Indian warriors escaped to join the Seminoles in Florida. |
The leading contingent of the Germanic warriors, the Ambrones, foolishly attacked the Roman position without waiting for reinforcements and 30,000 were killed. |
As the Ottomans' victories in the Balkans multiplied, increasing numbers of Anatolian warriors flocked to their ranks, and their territorial conquests grew. |
An escalade was required for the warriors to attack the troops. |
Robert was one of the most famous warriors of his generation, and eventually led Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. |
We could just catch a glimpse of the haloed warriors and elders in the frescoes, the shine of the ikons, and the heavily armed forescreen of the altar. |
The small weapons carried by native warriors had little advantage. |
William I of England established a series of lordships, allocated to his most powerful warriors along the Welsh border, the boundaries fixed only to the east. |
Powys brought a force of 400 warriors to the aid of its ally Rhufoniog, while Chester sent Norman knights from Rhuddlan to the aid of Dyffryn Clwyd. |
Most of the swords used by the Germanic warriors were those captured from Roman soldiers until the 4th century when German blacksmiths began making the best steel in Europe. |
Within tribal Germanic society, their social hierarchy was linked intrinsically to war and this warrior code maintained the fidelity between chiefs and their young warriors. |