While such a voyage is plausible, the complete lack of evidence condemns it to remain conjecture. |
Presumably Don's voyage into his past and around the country reawakens his interest in life. |
We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. |
During the voyage he experimented with the lunar position method of determining longitude. |
Liu won fame as the first Chinese to complete a solo voyage around the world. |
It was from here that Captain Cook sailed on the epic voyage which led to the discovery of Australia. |
And on my first voyage to the Far East, in 1923, I met an attractive young lady, a so-called army brat. |
Charles Darwin made the first scientific study of tektites during his famous five year voyage on HMS Beagle. |
In other news, I know you are all sitting on the edge of your seat in anticipation of the Kerry, aka K-Mac maiden voyage post. |
Known as the “middle passage,” this sea voyage could range from one to six months, depending on the weather. |
In 1850 the British Arctic explorer Robert McClure completed a west-east crossing, but the first continuous voyage remained unachieved. |
The ship was being towed and had completed a two weeks voyage from Russia when it spent its first night anchored in the mouth of the bay. |
Their cabin steward for the voyage was none other than the future Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott. |
In his most famous stage work, he took a ruefully affectionate voyage around his father. |
The North Sea is an enchanting voyage across alternately silky and turbulent waters. |
You are about to set sail on a voyage that is very exciting and full of adventure. |
My first voyage after I returned as drummer for The Neurotics in late 2000 was a one-nighter to New York City. |
He is a poetical soul and, on the sea voyage to India, he falls for a broody girl in Cape Town looking to get pregnant. |
Nothing was heard of it again and it is thought that those who survived the voyage were sold into slavery in north Africa. |
The fine animals that had endured the hellish voyage out from Britain died like flies from cold and sheer starvation. |
Trinidad was named by Christopher Columbus on his third voyage to the New World. |
Meanwhile, his ill-fated final voyage was a sign that England was not yet ready for the big leagues. |
The rowers were attempting to finish their voyage in 60 days, beating the record of 64 days set in 1971 by a single rower. |
She will need to reach an average speed of 15.5 knots for the voyage if she is to beat the record. |
Cheered on by a flotilla of 30 modern boats, they set sail across the Atlantic on a voyage expected to last up to five months. |
Her mainmast is 29 metres high, and she has a permanent crew of 16, assisted by 36 voyage crew and various supernumeraries. |
Its final voyage ended in disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on May 6, 1937, when it was coming into land after a transatlantic crossing. |
Originally brewed hoppier and heavier to preserve it on voyage from Great Britain to India, IPA met with favor among hopheads the world around. |
Gather what voyage you can, a sound far into water, susurrous in the array of salt and drifting sunlight, what is left for us to live. |
The Han Wei became a phantom ship after pirates seized it on March 15 on a voyage from Singapore to Rangoon. |
Regardless of their luck or ability, taking a voyage without accurate charts is, at the least, inadvisable, if not foolhardy. |
Records show that even on the voyage to this country the new settlers had set up gambling games and sweepstakes to help pass the time. |
Their voyage will face flotillas of furious protesters and risk not only a major diplomatic incident but the threat of terrorism. |
It is said that a sailor secretly brought citrons from China hidden inside his wide sleeves on his voyage to Namhae a thousand years ago. |
My brother, his leg in a plaster cast, kept a scrapbook of our first voyage out, in which he was the unfaltering hero. |
The last voyage of a hectic year was completed with her decommissioning pennant flying as she sailed form Fremantle to Fleet Base West. |
Not for the first time on this unique voyage I felt incredulous that I was actually here. |
He made systematic astronomical observations on his voyage which provided important navigation charts to later explorers. |
This voyage made more history than money as on the way down the vessel was neaped, waiting for water near Guyhurn Bridge for almost 2 weeks. |
The voyage of Columbus is a landmark in the Age of Exploration when numerous discoverers opened up the New World. |
I found her wonderful self-published, spiral-bound book of 75 recipes like a voyage through Kyrgyzstan in the Tien Shen mountains. |
Generously redolent of extra earthy truffle oil, the dish would make a perfect maiden voyage for truffle virgins. |
The Queen Mary 2 is definitely a luxuriant vessel upon which to voyage the Atlantic ocean. |
The third voyage involves confrontations with a race of wicked dwarfs and a Cyclops-like giant who reminds us of Homer's Polyphemus. |
Annual repairs and maintenance of vessels include voyage repairs and spare gear, annual survey fees, and hull and machinery insurance excess. |
Cook's third voyage was to the northern Pacific, so completing the greatest series of scientific expeditions ever undertaken. |
He certainly compiled a mountain of evidence from his five-year voyage on the Beagle, but he was also a skilled experimenter and researcher. |
Captain Phillips was not aboard for her last voyage in 1984, which was with a scratch crew taking her to be scrapped. |
During the voyage most of the men amused themselves by playing swy or two-up, and dice games. |
The author recalls the scenes on May 27, 1936, when the first Queen Mary left Southampton on her maiden voyage to New York. |
They had the grand unveiling ceremony and reboarded the train for the maiden voyage downtown. |
But after staying there for a month, she found it was a voyage full of hardship and discovery. |
A long sea voyage aboard a Viking longboat would be difficult for you, but you might be able to manage it. |
Seven British warships and support vessels have set off on a voyage around the world to mark the new millennium. |
The whole voyage took 46 days to complete and was followed in its entirety by the world's press. |
Cartier's third voyage to Canada was a failure in terms of establishing a settlement. |
Columbus records it during his very first voyage as the name of a people whom his informants fear for their ferocity. |
One of the features of Edinburgh that enchanted me on my voyage of discovery two years ago was the Book Festival in Charlotte Square Gardens. |
By all respects, this was a voyage with ups and downs, but in the end it all worked out. |
The Galileo unmanned spacecraft is about to conclude a 14-year voyage of exploration to Jupiter and its moons. |
The craft began its historic voyage on 16 July 1969, taking off on board a Saturn 5 booster rocket. |
The problem is that the mundane nature of a long sea voyage is being shown to the audience. |
In fact, to eat durions, is a new sensation worth a voyage to the East to experience. |
Feigning a serious illness, he arranges for him to have a tame doctor prescribe an ocean voyage to Hawaii as a cure. |
In their voyage through the remote islands and atolls they seldom took the boy ashore, fearing infection. |
It was on this leg of the voyage that they encountered the largest field of manganese nodules they had yet chanced across. |
The Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama explored the East African coast in 1498 on his voyage to India. |
By interrupting the view with a screen of shrubs or a fence, you can turn what would otherwise be just an annoyance into a voyage of discovery. |
Rachel throws a last-minute bon voyage party for Emily just so she can invite Joshua. |
Through self-reliance and self-discipline, the child is inspired to embark on a voyage of self-discovery. |
We take a voyage of self-discovery, and realise at the end of the journey, that we are humans with sentiments we cannot control. |
It is the moving story of a courtesan and her voyage of self-discovery with the religious city of Kasi as the background. |
The second uses a historical event as a departure point for a test of oneself on a voyage of self-discovery. |
The docks represent your point of embarkation on this voyage of self-discovery. |
The old man is too enfeebled to make the journey, and sends his young counterpart on the voyage to retrieve the treasure. |
The description of their honeymoon voyage on a third-class train in India is a predictable Orientalist travelogue. |
The voyage must also start from and return to the same point, and cross all of the meridians as well as the equator. |
In this way, like superior steeplejacks, climbers overcame these gigantic cliffs, a voyage of discovery on an ocean of fear. |
They are men of leisure, going on a voyage down the Thames River from Kingston to Oxford. |
Its tall twin bell towers were the first sign of port for the caravels making the long voyage from Lisbon, Africa or Macau. |
This attracted whalers and fishing vessels, as well as the natural deep water which was a suitable harbour to sea vessels on voyage around Cape of Good Hope. |
He used his savings for the voyage across the Atlantic, but was left with no tuition money to attend the conservatory. |
The lengthy voyage of the USS Oregon around Cape Horn during the Spanish-American War strengthened their resolve to secure an interoceanic passage. |
They knew how long the voyage would take, they knew what they would find on the other side. |
A North Yorkshire couple whose Mediterranean cruise came to an abrupt end when their ship broke down 15 hours into its maiden voyage say they can't wait to get back on board. |
The Ireland voyage was arranged in place of a transatlantic crossing which was cancelled due to ongoing discussions over the vessel's financial problems. |
On this voyage its cargo was large wine containers called amphorae. |
On her first voyage out East, she remembered being terribly seasick. |
Those were the days before seatbelts in the back, and we used to bounce around so merrily that by the end of any long voyage our bench was a glorified vomitorium. |
A young sea captain's future is transformed as he encounters mutiny, adventure and a beautiful fugitive in this romantic thriller set during an epic voyage to Shanghai. |
It is a scene that has changed little from when Christopher Columbus made landfall here for supplies and water on his legendary voyage to discover the Americas. |
Sailing, he comes to an island, small and rugged but-green with grass or moss and littered with shells-a relief on this harborless voyage over endless seas. |
During the voyage most of the prisoners had grown quite bushy beards. |
A transmarine voyage on the rickety ship would take more than a week. |
A year later, Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci sailed to Brazil on a voyage commissioned by the Portuguese crown and returned home with a cargo of hard, reddish wood. |
My English friend, on his maiden voyage to the States, had stumbled upon one of those little linguistic divergences between the colonies and the mother country. |
There was a three-month window of opportunity for this voyage before the waters of the straits north of the great bay are known to freeze over and trap ships in an icy grip, shattering hulls. |
It has now been revealed that Princess Beatrice will not be among those who will ultimately voyage with Virgin Galactic. |
In October and November, as many as 50,000 migrating geese, ducks, and tundra swans stop at the refuge during their voyage along the Atlantic Flyway. |
The largest ship of its kind in the world, the new superferry berthed at the new ferry terminal, just after 8am yesterday following her overnight voyage from Rotterdam. |
We shan't go another voyage on this measly skiff, Captain Gennady orated. |
A chess set, a few new books, a sketchbook and pencils, and a writing book were presented to me, so I wouldn't be bored on the voyage or the train journey. |
They shout orders while the voyage crew, the 30 of us aboard for the day, struggle with oversized ropes and cleats under the guidance of the volunteer crew. |
Nothing daunted, I signed up in August 2001 as an able seaman and historical adviser for a BBC TV re-enactment of the first voyage of Captain Cook from Cairns to Indonesia. |
Under General Average, those whose cargo survives a voyage are charged to repay the loss of another shipper whose cargo may have been jettisoned or lost. |
However, a piston liner in the main engine failed during the voyage north. |
In August 1939, with a single novel to his name, Gombrowicz was invited by the Polish government to sail on the maiden voyage of the ocean liner Boleslaw Chrobry. |
Some shielded their eyes from the intense lights as others began to douse the ship's sails, accepting the fact that their voyage had come to an early end. |
From that program I learned that the composer was the captain of a slave ship that made the triangular voyage from England to Africa to the Caribbean. |
It used to carry livestock but sailed its final voyage with a hold full of Syrian men, women, and children. |
The tales are models of scientific realism, describing in hauntingly convincing detail what it is like to voyage through the vast, empty reaches of the solar system. |
Baked once and stored in tins, fatless, sugarless squares of dough were cooked a second time before being distributed to men about to embark on a sea voyage or land battle. |
If Billie Holiday tends to root us to one spot,, Yannatou carries us on a voyage into different musical dialects with varied textures and inscapes. |
This is the delightful account of a voyage around the world under sail in the waning days of wooden ships and iron men as told by a 17-year-old girl. |
The Union Castle Line's flagship, the Windsor Castle, was dressed overall to mark her 100th voyage between Southampton and South Africa when she docked in Durban. |
Contrast that with the way that Columbus, living in a Europe of competing nations, could importune king after king until he hit on someone to back his voyage over the ocean. |
By the end of his culinary voyage Steingarten felt he was able to make the finest distinctions between the virtues of any and every fried drumstick. |
James Cook, on his last voyage around the world, followed numerous fjords into the deeply indented Alaskan coast, meeting nothing but frustration. |
The voyage is a new one, certainly for Tambor, but also for Hollywood, in many ways. |
Magellan's voyage records how much more manoeuvrable their vessels were, as compared to the European ships. |
They once again call on him during their voyage home, and Alban is credited with providing smooth sailing for their voyage back to the continent. |
At one point in the voyage a storm came up and broke the mast off the ship. |
Before 1866, no steamship could carry enough coal to make this voyage and have enough space left to carry a commercial cargo. |
Brunel, a heavy smoker, suffered a stroke in 1859, just before the Great Eastern made her first voyage to New York. |
Her maiden voyage was made in August and September 1845, from Liverpool to New York. |
Priestley was considered for the position of astronomer on James Cook's second voyage to the South Seas, but was not chosen. |
Bristol was the starting point for many important voyages, notably John Cabot's 1497 voyage of exploration to North America. |
It was on this voyage that Horatio and Emma's illegitimate daughter Horatia was probably conceived. |
Cabot led another voyage to the Americas the following year but nothing was ever heard of his ships again. |
He led another voyage to the Americas the following year, but nothing was heard of him or his ships again. |
The Royal Navy of the 18th century is depicted in many novels and several films dramatising the voyage and mutiny on the Bounty. |
Some Roman writers even insisted that it did not exist, and dismissed reports of Pytheas's voyage as a hoax. |
In Inferno XXVI Dante Alighieri mentions Ulysses in the pit of the Fraudulent Counsellors and his voyage past the Pillars of Hercules. |
In 1770, British explorer James Cook had discovered the eastern coast of Australia whilst on a scientific voyage to the South Pacific. |
He successfully carried out the voyage to collect taxes from Zabaykalye Buryats, becoming the first Russian to step in Buryatia. |
After wintering in the James Bay, Hudson tried to press on with his voyage in the spring of 1611, but his crew mutinied and they cast him adrift. |
Columbus's first voyage in 1492 spurred maritime exploration and, from 1497, a number of explorers headed west. |
In this virtuous voyage of life hull not about like the ark, without the use of rudder, mast, or sail, and bound for no port. |
Columbus's second voyage in 1493 had a large contingent of settlers and goods to accomplish that. |
It was on the voyage to the colonies that the Wesleys first came into contact with Moravian settlers. |
After Spain sent Columbus on his first voyage to the New World in 1492, other explorers followed. |
Odysseus is even told, notwithstanding his ultimate safe return, that to placate the wrath of Poseidon will require one more voyage on his part. |
The year 1492 also marked the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World, during a voyage funded by Isabella. |
The Pilgrim Fathers also spent time there before their voyage to the New World. |
In the spring of 1682, La Salle made his famous voyage down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. |
In a voyage charter the charterer rents the vessel from the loading port to the discharge port. |
Time charter arrangements specify a daily rate, and port costs and voyage expenses are also generally paid by the charterer. |
Within a few years of Cabot's voyage the existence of fishing grounds on the Grand Banks became generally known in Europe. |
Passage planning or voyage planning is a procedure to develop a complete description of vessel's voyage from start to finish. |
The practice of voyage planning has evolved from penciling lines on nautical charts to a process of risk management. |
His voyage is the earliest documented European exploration of this part of the Atlantic Coast. |
Based on limited evidence, it is thought that the voyage to New Zealand was deliberate. |
The ferry overturned minutes after pulling out of the port on its voyage to one of the Camotes Islands, about 30 kilometers to the south. |
But, I pray you, who is his companion? Is there no young squarer now that will make a voyage with him to the devil? |
I made a little voyage round the lake, and touched on the several towns that lie on its coasts. |
Nations have interknowledge of one another by voyage into foreign parts, or strangers that come to them. |
If Quint and his motley crew had truly mapped out a plan, perhaps their voyage would have turned out differently. |
Louise Cruises luxury liner Aquamarine MV set off on its maiden voyage to Male in The Maldives last week. |
Slightly smaller sternwheelers were used on the 270 km voyage that connected Mayo to the Yukon River. |
From them we discover joy, sadness, love and lovelessness, and our voyage across the earth. |
Now the cuddly toy has turned up at a beach in Bomlo, Norway, after a two-month, 300-mile voyage across the North Sea. |
Apply your sealegs, shiver your timbers and join the good Captain Cook on a voyage of musical discovery on the HMS Bark Endeavour, Stockton. |
Meme en termes de commercialisation, ce sont les plus vendues que ce soit par les agences de voyage ou via les autres supports. |
What follows is a voyage of self discovery for Sophie, intermixed with school work and teenage interrelations. |
He, of course, ended up being the captain of the first steam-powered transatlantic voyage on the steamship Savannah. |
Island Sky was on a 16-day voyage from Muscat in Oman to Mumbai in India with a total of 14 stopovers in Oman, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and India. |
Provisions were frequently destroyed by rats, and their containers were too fragile to sustain a long ocean voyage or the rigors of campaigning. |
Two cases of diarrhoea during the voyage were shown bacterioscopically to be cholera, one being a passenger, the other a member of the crew. |
Chay Blyth was the first when he circumnavigated in British Steel in 292 days in 1970 in a voyage that some predicted would end in certain death. |
Captain George Weymouth made a voyage of discovery to the northwest with two flyboats. |
In 1500, in his voyage to India following Vasco da Gama, Pedro Alvares Cabral reached Brazil, taken by the currents of the South Atlantic Gyre. |
The Isle of Wight-based yachtswoman completed the 27,000-mile voyage in 71 days and under 13 hours. |
Yet we should oftener look over the tafferel of our craft, like curious passengers, and not make the voyage like stupid sailors picking oakum. |
In the great myths, the adventures are external, even when they involve such metaphorical spelunkings as the voyage into the underworld. |
He also made a voyage through the Antarctic in the company of the ornithologist Ronald Lockley. |
This voyage from denial to disengagement to volition would later be described as part of the existentialist awakening. |
His wife joined him on a voyage from Switzerland to Italy, where he contracted malaria. |
In October 1836, soon after returning from the voyage of the Beagle, Charles Darwin went to London to stay with his brother Erasmus. |
In addition to the mission staff, about 53 students and attendants also joined the outward voyage from Yokohama. |
They obtained a contract from the sheriffs, and after the voyage to the colonies they sold the convicts as indentured servants. |
The voyage across the western Mediterranean, around the Iberian Peninsula by sailing schooner took about five weeks. |
Henry Hudson's 1609 voyage marked the beginning of European involvement with the area. |
He shared his voyage with a group of Moravian Brethren led by August Gottlieb Spangenberg. |
The population figures for indigenous peoples in the Americas before the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus have proven difficult to establish. |
He was appointed Enisei voevoda and proceeded on his first voyage in order to collect taxes from Zabaykalye Buryats. |
Schouten has got the credit for it, and thus the voyage has come down to us under his name. |
The results of this first voyage of James Cook in respect of the quest for the Southern Continent were summed up by Cook himself. |
Adjoining Guinea on the right are the numerous and vast Solomon Islands which lately became famous by the voyage of Alvarus Mendanius. |
Setting out on 2 June 1595, the voyage went between the Siberian coast and Vaygach Island. |
On this voyage he learned what had happened to Willoughby, recovered his papers, and found out about the discovery of Novaya Zemlya. |
In 1604, a second English East India Company voyage commanded by Sir Henry Middleton reached the islands of Ternate, Tidore, Ambon and Banda. |
By other accounts, his ship was lost without a trace during the return voyage from Baja California. |
Jacques Cartier set sail for a second voyage on May 19 of the following year with three ships, 110 men, and his two Iroquoian captives. |
In September 1493, some 1,200 sailors, colonists, and soldiers joined Christopher Columbus for his second voyage to the New World. |
Before he could continue his voyage north his ships encountered a storm, and were blown well to the south of Tierra del Fuego. |
The only other sailor to maintain a journal during the voyage was Francisco Albo, Victoria's last pilot, who kept a formal logbook. |
Trinidad was the flagship of Ferdinand Magellan's voyage of circumnavigation. |
Disease and shipwreck disrupted Espinoza's voyage and most of the crew died. |
His 1512 voyage was the first known European sailing east past Malacca through modern Indonesia and the East Indies. |
On the voyage the Flor De La Mar was wrecked in a storm, and Afonso barely escaped drowning. |
However, modern scholars have doubted that this voyage took place, and consider this letter a forgery. |
Returning on the heels of Pedro Alonso Nino's smaller but far more lucrative voyage magnified this disappointment. |
On September 24, 1493, Christopher Columbus departed on his second voyage to the west Indies, with a massive new fleet. |
Santangel had been the person who made the case to, and persuaded, Queen Isabella to sponsor Columbus's voyage eight months earlier. |
So Columbus realized the Spanish court needed to be informed of the results of his voyage as soon as possible. |
Spain discovered the island on 5 December 1492 during the first voyage of Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic. |
The earliest, though, is the Voyage of Saint Brendan, the fantastical account of an Irish monk who made a sea voyage in the early 6th century. |
Some historians note that Christopher Columbus was among those to make the voyage to the Gold Coast with this fleet. |
They made gradual progress down the African coast, each voyage reaching a point further along than the last. |
The Xingcha Shenglan states that the fourth voyage consisted of 63 treasure ships crewed by 27,670 men. |
Da Gama's voyage was successful in reaching India, which permitted the Portuguese to trade with the Far East directly by sea. |
The Sam Poo Kong temple in Semarang was built to commemorate Zheng He's voyage to Java. |
Zheng He's first voyage departed 11 July 1405, from Suzhou ships holding almost 28,000 crewmen. |
In September 1499, Vasco da Gama returned to Lisbon, Portugal, from his voyage to India. |
This was close to the date when the second voyage was ordered, thus the fleet likely comprised these 249 ships for the second voyage. |
The figure of 317 ships for the first voyage is the general consensus of most scholars. |
The first three voyages reached up to Calicut on India's southwestern coast, while the fourth voyage went as far as Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. |
Ferdinand notably supported Columbus's first voyage that launched the conquistadors into action. |
The other direct report of the voyage was that of Francisco Albo, the last Victoria's pilot, who kept a formal logbook. |
After Magellan's death, Elcano decided to push westward, thereby completing the first known voyage around the entire Earth. |
After this experience, Magellan decided to wait for a few weeks more before resuming the voyage with the four remaining ships. |
The only other sailor to report the voyage would be Francisco Albo, who kept a formal logbook. |
The India armada typically left Lisbon and each leg of the voyage took approximately six months. |
Instead, the treaty stated that these matters were to be settled by a joint voyage which never occurred. |
Early in the voyage he decided that he could write a book about geology, and he showed a gift for theorising. |
After the Asturian victory, the Vikings continued their voyage in direction of Lisbon. |
In 1487, the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias led the first European voyage to land in southern Africa. |
Nearly two decades later, he sailed to South America for Spain to repeat Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world. |
Sebastian Cabot, one of John's sons, also became an explorer, later making at least one voyage to North America. |
On February 3, 1498 he was given new letters patent covering the voyage and to help him prepare a second expedition. |
Information about the 1497 voyage comes mostly from four short letters and an entry in a 1565 chronicle of the city of Bristol. |
On every voyage a sailor would face the risk of falling overboard and drowning, starvation, disease, abuse, accidents in the rigging, and attack. |
Christopher Columbus, on his third voyage to the New World in 1498, traveled along part of what would later become Venezuela. |
The fleet resumed its voyage on either 2 or 3 May 1500 and sailed along the east coast of South America. |
Cabral ordered Nicolau Coelho, a captain who had experience from Vasco da Gama's voyage to India, to go ashore and make contact. |
Despite the loss of human lives and ships, Cabral's voyage was deemed a success upon his return to Portugal. |
This inspired him to repeat the voyage and attempt a circumnavigation of the continent. |
Girolamo Sernigi also wrote three letters describing da Gama's first voyage soon after the return of the expedition. |
The success of Columbus's first voyage touched off a series of westward explorations by European seafaring states. |
Columbus's letter on the first voyage to the royal court in Madrid was extravagant. |
As described in the abstract of his log made by Bartolome de Las Casas, on the outward bound voyage Columbus recorded two sets of distances. |
There is evidence that the men of the first voyage also brought syphilis from the New World to Europe. |
Columbus made a fourth voyage nominally in search of the Strait of Malacca to the Indian Ocean. |
Most European navigators reasonably concluded that a westward voyage from Europe to Asia was unfeasible. |
In 1977 The voyage was successfully recreated by Tim Severin using an ancient Irish Currach. |
James Cook's second voyage set off from Cape Verde on 22 November 1772 to find Cape Circoncision, but was unable to find the cape. |
The Phaeacians feed Odysseus, give him a place to sleep, and give him a safe voyage home, which are all things a good host should do. |
Both Helen and Menelaus also say that they returned to Sparta after a long voyage by way of Egypt. |
James Cook's account of his second voyage implies New Caledonia borders it. |
Thyle, which was distant from Orkney by a voyage of five days and nights, was fruitful and abundant in the lasting yield of its crops. |
The nephew and his mother had decided not to go on the voyage across the bay. |
In this voyage he circumnavigated and visited a considerable part of Great Britain. |
La France made her last commercial voyage in 1965 and then fell into neglect and disrepair. |
The transatlantic stage of the voyage was completed exactly 150 years after the voyage of the Savannah. |
As the voyage was intended to be completed under power, the tug was rigged as steam propelled with a sail auxiliary. |
On Monday, August 17, 1807, the memorable first voyage of the Clermont up the Hudson River was begun. |
Furious left Hong Kong and the China Station in March 1861 and, after a leisurely voyage home, paid off in Portsmouth on 30 August. |
Morgawr was successfully launched on 15 March 2013 into Falmouth Harbour and on her maiden voyage was paddled by the volunteer builders. |
Confederate agent Bulloch and the remaining seamen then returned to their respective ships for their return voyage to England. |
This follows the voyage of the Russian Imperial Navy flagship Kniaz to its sinking at the battle of Tsushima. |
To make the voyage possible, she was escorted and supported by the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Simon Fraser. |
At the Battle of Vercellae, at the confluence of the Sesia River with the Po River, in 101 BC, the long voyage of the Cimbri also came to an end. |
The voyage takes on average two hours, depending on ports, tides and weather. |
This voyage was sponsored and organized by the New Zealand branch of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. |
For most of Magellan's voyage from the Strait of Magellan to the Philippines, the explorer indeed found the ocean peaceful. |
In 1609 The Ascension was the first English ship to visit Aden, before sailing on to Mocha during the Fourth voyage of the East India Company. |
Eleanor began the sea voyage from France to north Wales, avoiding making a land passage through England. |
Cosmas Indicopleustes, a merchant of Alexandria who lived in the 6th century, made a voyage to India and subsequently wrote works on cosmography. |
Word of the first expedition did not reach Scotland in time to prevent a second voyage of more than 1000 people. |
Europeans first arrived in the region with the 1502 voyage of Amerigo Vespucci. |
Around 316 AD, Frumentius and his brother Edesius from Tyre accompanied their uncle on a voyage to Ethiopia. |
Its products include onboard voyage management systems BVS, Seaware EnRoute and EnRoute Live and shore-based Fleet Decision Support System. |
Sanderson continued his voyage and seems to have been the first to develop closer ties with Conrad. |
Soon afterwards, in April 1890, Stevenson left Sydney on the Janet Nicoll for his third and final voyage among the South Seas islands. |
On 22 August 1770, James Cook discovered the eastern coast of Australia while on a scientific voyage to the South Pacific. |
In 1526, the Portuguese completed the first transatlantic slave voyage from Africa to the Americas, and other countries soon followed. |
In 1770, James Cook became the first European to visit the eastern coast of Australia whilst on a scientific voyage to the South Pacific. |
The first European sighting of the Virgin Islands was by Christopher Columbus in 1493 on his second voyage to the Americas. |
In 2006 he became, at 67, the oldest yachtsman to complete a round the world solo voyage in the Velux 5 Oceans Race. |
On 5 June 1916, Tolkien boarded a troop transport for an overnight voyage to Calais. |
A brief voyage to England at the end of 1923 was a failure and he soon returned to Taos, convinced that his life as an author now lay in America. |
He tried to get the bottle from Severn on the voyage but Severn wouldn't let him have it. |
His voyage is covered in detail in Byron historian Donald Prell's Sailing with Byron from Genoa to Cephalonia. |
The purposes of a voyage in 1377 are mysterious, as details within the historical record conflict. |
Records from Magellan's voyage show that Brunei possessed more cannon than the European ships, so the Chinese must have been trading with them. |
The voyage followed the North Atlantic Ocean, Panama Canal, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea route in a westerly direction. |
Married Love THE final part of the voyage of discovery about love in a lasting relationship provided a fascinating insight into the conjugal rights of married men. |
In 1891, on the advice of his doctors, Kipling embarked on another sea voyage visiting South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and once again India. |
The appraisal stage deals with the collection of information relevant to the proposed voyage as well as ascertaining risks and assessing the key features of the voyage. |
The portion of what had been Virginia north of the 40th parallel became known as New England, according to books written by Captain John Smith, who had made a voyage there. |
When one of his ships was lost in a storm Ulloa paused to repair the other two ships, and then resumed his voyage on September 12, eventually reaching the head of the Gulf. |
Only 8 of the 13 mutinous crewmen survived the return voyage to Europe. |
The voyage also will feature scenic cruising through the Strait of Messina, a narrow passage between the eastern tip of Sicily and the southern tip of Calabria, Italy. |
In this four-part series, the comedian and presenter embarks on an epic voyage through Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China and Tibet via the mighty Mekong river. |
The epic journey from Chile to Easter Island on the 60ft Viracocha was to emulate the voyage of the late Thor Hyerdahl's Kon-Tiki more than 50 years before. |
Qatar's acclaimed dhow Fath Al Khair 2 returned to a tumultuous reception yesterday at Katara beach after a historic voyage to India that lasted 44 days. |
So in the first hour of my lone voyage I had proof that the Spray could at least do better than this full-handed steamship, for I was already farther on my voyage than she. |
After a difficult voyage facing strong winds and currents, they reached Atacames where they found a large native population under Inca rule, but they did not land. |
On this basis of calculation he identified Hispaniola with Cipangu, which he had expected to find on the outward voyage at a distance of about 700 leagues from the Canaries. |
My grandfather was originally scheduled to travel on the ill-fated last voyage of the RMS Lusitania, but thankfully had to change his plans at the last minute. |