I speak only for myself, but this particular responsible voter soon became disgusted with the whole business. |
Across the nation, the massive increase in voter registration that has been a hallmark of the campaign is evident among the young as well. |
So why is the voter turnout so low during the election that directly affects us all? |
Bucking the national trend, 82 per cent of voters turned out, giving the lie to all the talk of voter apathy. |
They ran the gauntlet of the voter as well as the judges and won out and for people to start slagging them off is a bit rich. |
The race does not appear to be anywhere near close, which explains the voter apathy about these by-elections. |
Here in Ohio, we regularly send out mailers to new registrants, saying welcome to being a voter and please vote for our candidates. |
I was reading about voter apathy, particularly amongst the young, the other day. |
I don't know if it was for lack of interest or lack of confidence in the current system, but the youth voter turnout was only marginally higher. |
The Party's high command is now bordering on obsession in its concern over how to avoid a low voter turnout. |
To maintain secrecy, the return ballot paper envelope had a detachable flap on which the voter filled in their details. |
Yet, we will not achieve full democracy if we only address voter disenfranchisement. |
The supervisors or any other voter would never notice this fraud since no visible sign would appear. |
These ads are geared to stoke voter emotions and fears to hammer a candidate on a controversial issue. |
Numerous falsifications, voter intimidation and a vicious propaganda campaign have prevailed in the first round. |
Third, voter data suggest that faith-based voting occurs only at the margins of American elections. |
Finally, in a widely overlooked dynamic, progressive issues outdrew reactionary issues in some key head-to-head gauges of voter enthusiasm. |
A key factor in the result was the large voter turnout, which ranged from 76 to 85 percent across the main electorates. |
In 2002 and 2003, the Ijaw complained about malpractices in the voter registration process. |
Our leaders have at last realised that the voter expects more than high-sounding speeches and slogans. |
However, this victory for state lawmakers is being overshadowed by persistent stories of voter confusion over which way to vote. |
Any voter who wants to vote but doesn't want to go to the station in person can apply to vote by post. |
The voter card includes a picture with a hologram covering it, a magnetic strip and a serial number to guard against tampering. |
There is also a very inspired black voter turnout, which in fact is the swing vote. |
What explains this astonishing mobilisation of voter emotion, particularly in affluent white suburbs? |
At a time of deep disenchantment and voter cynicism, she stood out as an honest human being. |
For strategists of both parties, the contest for the new swing voter will begin. |
David admits he's a floating voter who will make up his mind on how to vote nearer the time. |
An elected president who seeks to reach beyond his party and appeal to the swing voter invites assault from his own ranks. |
If, as expected, Labour goes along this path of pragmatism then it is likely to put the swing voter reasonably firmly in the Labour camp. |
As a result, the all-important swing voter often sees little difference between candidates on the issues. |
The site offers voter registration, listings, and even vote tabulation for its customers. |
The simple system in which each voter gives a single vote to their favourite candidate can also lead to tactical voting. |
An informed voter is not close-minded, and will look closely at each candidate. |
In reality, they do the bidding of party wheel horses in floating attack ads and underwriting voter turnout drives. |
Analysing voter trends should not be limited to a high priesthood of tallymen. |
Did you know, when he was tapped for the Vice President position, he was registered as a voter in Texas? |
He said there are many reasons that a ballot could have dimples or indentations that have nothing to do with voter intent. |
Every person who is eligible to vote must be registered as a voter in a single polling division. |
The thinking behind the move was that it would electrify voters with a charge of democratic zeal, and translate into 60 per cent voter turnout. |
With a federal election looming, a new organisation says they are tackling the heart of youth voter apathy. |
As a Labor voter, unionist, republican, Greenpeace member and non-church goer, I would assume many points of disagreement between us. |
In Florida, the voter rolls were purged of 50,000 to 80,000 supposed felons. |
If a printer breaks, the voter is not allowed to cast a vote until the ballot is finished printing. |
At the stage of completing the ballot paper the voter has exercised his right to vote in order of preference. |
One voter had used his ballot paper to express an unprintable view of all politicians. |
Under the current pen and paper system, the voter marks the ballot paper in a booth and throws it in a box. |
After Kennedy was assassinated, Johnson rallied the bipartisan support necessary to ban de jure segregation and voter discrimination. |
A designee may pick up an absentee ballot for a voter on election day or 4 days before election day. |
He wants to privatise what is left of the public sector, and the ordinary New Zealand voter will not have a bar of that, at all. |
In order to cast a countable vote, a voter must read and follow a set of rudimentary instructions. |
Identification of the voter is simple and the secrecy of the ballot is preserved. |
In Los Angeles, San Francisco and Alameda counties, voter participation declined by an aggregate of 12 percent. |
Key focus areas are voter turnout and participation, group voting behavior, the expansion of suffrage, and political realignment and dealignment. |
His actual policies fluctuate from hour to hour and have the wonderful capacity to be whatever would suit each individual voter best. |
If Americans don't get serious about voter fraud very soon, it will be too late. |
BostonVote works to increase voter participation in Beantown's traditionally under-represented neighborhoods. |
He then sends a message of congratulations to the voter in the election, won by the Republican Party in a landslide. |
Amid voter apathy that doomed two previous efforts, Serbians voted for a president yesterday for the third time in a year. |
On Election Day, the primary responsibility for voter education falls to Election Day workers. |
When a postal vote is delivered, it comes with a declaration form which must be signed by the voter and countersigned by a friend or relative. |
It holds great appeal, not just for the Republican Party's voter base, but also for the countless floating voters of Middle America. |
In a single member district, the voter is discouraged from wasting a vote on a longshot. |
They both know the only real way to clinch a floating vote is to meet every possible voter in person. |
This is why the media in this country rank below mad cow disease in terms of voter approval. |
It is also expected that a bill severely restricting the local media, especially in the area of voter education, will be introduced. |
It can only tell a voter whether the data sent to the printer is the same data he recalls entering at the touchscreen. |
Consider first the situation facing a registered voter in a statewide primary election conducted under closed primary rules. |
We will find all the voter registration forms transferred by the centre and pass them to the police for investigation. |
The machine could well be rigged for a miscount, only with voter choices printed accurately. |
The FBI was investigating claims of voter intimidation and polling place misdirection. |
The answer is normally a halting yes as the voter tries to work out if it is a trick question. |
How could such euphoria and triumphalism end only two years later in the political cul-de-sac of voter apathy? |
Some students complained that they received two voter registration cards with different polling places listed. |
She said the voter turnout in the coming elections would be between 50 per cent and 60 per cent at the most. |
In recent times, the voter turnout in elections has hovered around 50 percent, with young voters in particular staying away in droves. |
To obtain voter credentials, the citizen must present a photo, write a signature and give a thumbprint. |
The addresses the commission uses are picked at random from driver's license and voter rolls, he said. |
The highlight of the campaign for me was the voter in the polling booth telling her daughter it was a council election. |
Have any of you been reading about the huge amount of voter irregularities in this election? |
Not every voter declares allegiance to a political party, but even those unaligned voters have a dizzying array of names to choose from. |
Failing to do so imperils his chances by giving us nothing to be excited about, much less to work for and a likely dismal voter turnout. |
Yet these same people constantly tell us they despair of voter apathy and disengagement. |
Then, activists invaded the public space of lunch counters and voter registration offices simply to eat lunch and register to vote. |
There's a big voter disenfranchisement scheme unfolding in Missouri this week. |
How are you going to get big voter turnout when everybody seems to think these elections are a big yawn? |
This hour, Arnold Schwarzenegger is scheduled to work a crowd in Riverside, California, and try to pump up voter registration in the process. |
So now we have voter apathy across the board, adversely affecting both parties, and independent candidates fared worse. |
These internal fissions, he surmised, explained the low voter turnout in traditionally Republican areas of the state. |
How can the parties expect voter loyalty if they consistently assume voters are just venal and self interested? |
Her analysis demonstrates how off-cycle elections reduce voter turnout and amplify the power of organized interest groups. |
In the event of an improper vote, the scanner rejects the ballot and the voter corrects the mistake and resubmits it. |
Even the seating plan, though, underlines one important reason for voter apathy. |
He also called for national elections in the coming year and instated a voter registration period. |
We were pleased to observe employees at voter bureaus working with each other to promote a secure environment and privacy for voting. |
Other states will permit crossover voting on the primary election day, provided the voter reregisters as a member of the party whose primary he or she is voting in. |
That makes voter registration and door-to-door campaigning more important than ever. |
His voter base expects him to follow through and demand a government that excludes the ultra-Orthodox parties. |
Another reason for voter apathy is a lack of confidence in politicians. |
What's the difference between annoying robo calls and voter suppression? |
And as clear evidence of voter desire to the shake up the good old boy network in politics, women ruled the night. |
In our system, the voter receives a receipt confirming her vote, and does not need to trust any pollster to correctly encrypt her vote, or convey it to the talliers. |
It helped too that crime was no longer at the top of voter concerns, but the statute of limitations apparently has run out. |
Sure, if stricter voter ID laws are passed in certain swing states that were, until today, covered under the act. |
On Thursday he held a press conference in Juneau claiming there had been voter intimidation and fraud during the race. |
Before the 2012 elections, judges were dividing much more along party lines on questions such as the legality of voter ID laws. |
When the group almost split over the issue of whether to focus on confrontational action or voter registration, she healed the breach by saying it should work on both. |
Over the course of the day, in 2 hour increments, the number of voters having signed in was counted, and the voter count checked against the vote count on the machines. |
The mass no-show came despite a flurry of ads encouraging participation, and a veritable blizzard of TV spots exploring the question of voter apathy, especially among youth. |
Gary Johnson recently held a town-hall meeting in Concord, N.H., and not one voter showed up. |
But its far more insidious role was revealed, whether it was gun policies or voter suppression. |
Their collective failings come down to message discipline, candidate selection, and voter targeting. |
On Friday, I met a voter named Laura Snipes at a Gingrich event in Orangeburg. |
As a reminder of unpleasantries past, every Fort Meyers voter received a hanging chad, and as expected, here in Florida there were some who didn't think the election was fair. |
But analysts warned the large number of undecided voters, expected low voter turn out and the largely unpolled younger voters could sway elections in Likud's favor. |
However, when asked to give the verdict in public by the presiding judge, one voter recanted. |
Complete and utter accident of fate, the puny matter of his voter enrollment. |
The voter sees the ballot paper on the voting machine screen, sees preference details, and upon casting their vote, sees that their vote has been stored. |
Last week the Herald quoted an American voter in a vox populi. |
The main underlying cause of Election Day chaos remains our ramshackle voter registration system. |
After gathering and notarizing signatures, SEP supporters had to spend additional hours sorting, addressing, stuffing and mailing petitions to local voter registrars. |
The very women Republicans are trying to woo with Rodgers could well be the same women who will get caught in their voter ID net. |
Despite voter support for a rollback of the health-care bill, Republicans won't get a repeal past the president's desk. |
The party is banking on a voter swing away from the government but having both candidates so close together makes vote management difficult in the four seat constituency. |
Putting these trends together, it appears the quintessential swing voter is a retired woman with no formal party affiliation who lives relatively close to the Pacific Ocean. |
A swing voter is defined by experts as one who could go either way. |
Barring bad fate, if he gets on the court, he will be there for a quarter of a century, and replacing a swing voter clearly moves the court in a conservative direction. |
Some of the assistance might come from a passel of supposedly independent satellite fundraising and voter turnout groups busily moving into the state. |
Those members then receive e-mail with a click-through link that takes them to a pre-filled voter registration form and envelope addressed to their local registrar. |
Weather conditions might also impact negatively on voter turnout. |
We then assigned everyone on public voter rolls to a cluster and picked the cluster with the most targets on file for initial phone bank canvassing. |
One of the characteristics inherent in African elections is voter apathy. |
Becoming a field officer to collect voter data for the 2004 general elections is a new experience for Sunarwati, a resident of Bendungan Hilir, Central Jakarta. |
One lucky voter will also win free fish and chips for a year. |
That contact enabled the group to check off names from their voter registers so they would know who needed transportation to the polls later in the day. |
Is it possible that an unpinnable fear factor skews respondent response, that the voter exiting the polling booth tells the pollster what he thinks the pollster wants to hear? |
Closing the voter registration gap and making polling places accessible are just the start to increasing the voter turnout of people with disabilities. |
When the voter wishes to make no further changes, he or she pulls a large lever, which registers the votes on a counter located at the back of the machine. |
The company, based in Marina Del Rey, Calif., makes Voter Control Ink, a dye that stains fingernails and cuticles for up to 48 hours and helps to prevent voter fraud. |
The disengaged, disenchanted voter will be a creature of the past. |
Most crossover voting takes place when the other party's primary is more interesting than one's own, or when the voter genuinely wants to support a candidate of the party to which he or she does not belong. |
Open primary states allow the voter to choose either party's ballot in the voting booth on primary day, and none of the open primary states require voter registration by party. |
Proponents of this bill will say that all of this was prior to the adoption of the 15th amendment under which they claim the power to establish voter qualifications in some of the States. |
Failure to secure their quick release can erode voter confidence and advertise the impotence of government. |
The ag and his allies have claimed that voter ID laws suppress black votes. |
The result is safe seats that lead to apathy and voter impotence, leading logically to ever-declining voter turnout. |
America has obviously made tremendous progress since the days of Jim Crow, bull Connor, and voter intimidation at the polls. |
The switch last fall from the punch-card ballots to the optical scanner machines allows a voter to complete an absentee ballot and feed it into the machine immediately. |
The voter would leave the poll to the jeers and threats of those who disapproved of his answer, but fortified by thoughts of the feast to come from his grateful patrons. |
It's something like their discomfort quotient, or perhaps the way you can see into their grasping for what the right way is to connect with the crowd or a given voter. |
And the commissioners wisely left untouched the most contentious issues, such as voter identification laws. |
In 1922, voter turnout in Australia went down to fifty-eight percent. |
But you certainly wouldn't know this if you were even a decently informed voter. |
I hereby call on all Republicans involved in any voter suppression efforts to cease and desist immediately. |
When a person is physically unable to sign his or her name on the voter registration form, he or she may mark an X or take an oath swearing to the statement on the form. |
The largest European observer group also found flaws with every step of the electoral process from voter registration and campaigning to the actual vote. |
Kelly is usually so disinclined toward politics that his voter registration shows no party affiliation. |
It would be a mischaracterization to say that I am forever opposed to online voter registration. |
Therefore, the need for time off from work as a factor in voter turnout is greatly reduced. |
Many countries have looked into Internet voting as a possible solution for low voter turnout. |
If there are many elections in close succession, voter turnout will decrease as the public tires of participating. |
Differing methods of measuring voter turnout can contribute to reported differences between nations. |
Over the last 40 years, voter turnout has been steadily declining in the established democracies. |
Globally, voter turnout has decreased by about five percentage points over the last four decades. |
In the modern era, these resources have been redirected to expensive media campaigns in which the potential voter is a passive participant. |
During the same period, negative campaigning has become ubiquitous in the United States and elsewhere and has been shown to impact voter turnout. |
Part of the reason for voter decline in the recent 2016 election is likely because of restrictive voting laws around the country. |
Examples of these laws are photo ID mandates, narrow times for early voter, and limitations on voter registration. |
As a result, Maltese and Luxembourgish voters have roughly 10x more influence per voter than citizens of the six large countries. |
In the regional vote, the voter votes for a specific party, but has no control over which candidates from the party are elected. |
On the other hand, in the constituency vote, the voter votes for a specific candidate rather than a party. |
At the last local elections, in May this year, voter turn-out was 37 per cent, compared with 53 per cent 10 years ago. |
Compared to countries with plurality electoral systems, voter turnout improves and the population is more involved in the political process. |
Under RAV, however, a voter can only choose to approve or disapprove of each candidate, as in approval voting. |
This increases voter choice but is accused by some of producing TDs who are excessively parochial. |
After a voter enters an address, the voter's specific ballot displays in a clickable, markable form. |
By 1896, only 5,500 black voters remained on the voter registration rolls, although they constituted a majority of the state's population. |
This was the first UK general election to use individual rather than household voter registration. |
In the 1950s the state created new requirements for a citizenship test for voter registration. |
It prohibited unequal application of voter registration requirements, racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations. |
African Americans continued to suffer disproportionate discriminatory application of the state's voter registration rules. |
But the idea of the swing voter is way oversold by the media. |
Estimates are that 100,000 black and 50,000 white men were removed from voter registration rolls in the state over the next few years. |
Dawkins has described himself as a Labour voter in the 1970s and voter for the Liberal Democrats since the party's creation. |
The whistleblower said Qatar agreed to pay a third African voter, Amos Adamu, for his support. |
The territory is divided into nine electoral districts, and each voter is registered in one of those districts. |
It was therefore incorrect to conclude that the relatively low turnout was entirely due to voter apathy. |
The Act also introduced a system of voter registration, to be administered by the overseers of the poor in every parish and township. |
After marking the tendered ballot in private, the voter must not place it in the ballot box. |
If a voter wants to make a complaint, marking a tendered ballot is the first step in pursuing the complaints procedure. |
It instituted a system of special courts to review disputes relating to voter qualifications. |
There are few documented cases of noncitizen voter fraud in which the noncitizen registered to vote or voted knowing that they were ineligible. |
I may be a misinformed voter but I am not a low-information one. |
But unlike the LDP, the DPJ has no option but to win over the floating voter if it is to win power, says political analyst Minoru Morita. |
Since the debate, every floating voter, every disaffected Labourite, is swimming madly in the direction of the Lib-Dem lifeboat. |
Some estimates reported voter turn out as much less than the expected 70 percent. |
A concept from economics called the median voter theorem provides one explanation for this wobbliness. |
The rules may allow the voter to vote for one candidate, or for up to n candidates, or maybe some other number. |
Bullet voting is a strategy in which a voter only votes for a single candidate in an attempt to stop him being beaten by additional choices. |
Partial block voting is also used in the Spanish Senate, where there are 4 seats and each voter receives 3 votes. |
An overvote is when a voter mistakenly casts a vote for too many candidates in a race. |
In modern elections, held by secret ballot, a voter can discover how their vote was distributed by viewing detailed election results. |
In general elections for the National Assembly for Wales, each voter has two votes in a mixed member system. |
Nor can he explain to us why it's important to find a voting system that significantly decreases the opportunities for voter suppression. |
As a result, there have been many efforts to increase voter turnout and encourage participation in the political process. |
Both presidents fit the historical pattern of third-quarter voter fatigue. |
Experimental political science has found that even when P is likely greater than zero, this term has no effect on voter turnout. |
The new laws make same-day voter registration permanent, expand early voting and set a special election on Nov. |
In some countries, there are threats of violence against those who vote, such as during the 2005 Iraq elections, an example of voter suppression. |
The most important socioeconomic factor affecting voter turnout is education. |
That is the Hamlet-style question for a liberal and eurofederalist voter ahead of the Lithuanian parliamentary elections this coming October. |
In addition to the twin study method, scholars have used gene association studies to analyze voter turnout. |
Belgium has compulsory voting and thus maintains one of the highest rates of voter turnout in the world. |
The now infamous Florida punchcards make this system seem the least attractive alternative and the most prone to voter error. |
The Republican voter base is anything but Northeastern or elitist. |
The elimination of registration as a separate bureaucratic step can result in higher voter turnout. |
States that have same day registration, or no registration requirements, have a higher voter turnout than the national average. |
One of the strongest factors affecting voter turnout is whether voting is compulsory. |
If a Bolivian voter fails to participate in an election, the citizen may be denied withdrawal of their salary from the bank for three months. |
By contrast Malta, with one of the world's highest voter turnouts, has a single legislature that holds a near monopoly on political power. |
That is the question every voter in Ceredigion should ask themselves as they enter the polling booth today. |
However, these tend to be complex electoral systems, and in some cases complexity appears to suppress voter turnout. |
The dual system in Germany, though, seems to have had no negative impact on voter turnout. |
The voter marks the ballot papers in the privacy of a voting booth. |
Virgin America will give away one roundtrip flight to a voter who leaves the most creative and original comment on the Virgin America Squabbler video page. |
The proposed Shays-Meehan bill would ban soft money or unlimited contributions to the national parties' coffers that are often used for voter mobilization and advertising. |
The firm says inappropriate text messages to Democratic and undecided voters were used in the eleventh hour to intentionally confuse and suppress voter turnout. |
The Coalition's Tate hopes to distribute 20 million during the 1998 election season, and he views the scorecards as a key to evangelical voter turnout. |
Not a single voter was in sight at a primary school in the capital's working class suburb of Lazaret just after the polls opened at 8am local time. |
The hotels collected more than 100,000 signatures to force a voter referendum on the issue, prompting the council to rescind the measure, make some changes and readopt it. |
Of course 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' was never a Labour voter. |
The laws have been resisted and challenged by Democrats who argue that they exaggerate the dangers and incidence of voter fraud while impermissibly sacrificing voter access. |
A Common Councilman must be a registered voter in a City Ward, own a freehold or lease land in the City, or reside in the City for the year prior to the election. |
While no constituencies were disfranchised in either of those countries, voter qualifications were standardised and the size of the electorate was expanded in both. |
A voter could cast a vote only for candidates in his own category. |
The widespread voter support for the Indian National Congress surprised Raj officials, who previously had seen the Congress as a small elitist body. |
In southern Afghanistan where the Taliban held the most power, voter turnout was low and sporadic violence was directed at voters and security personnel. |
In STV, each voter ranks the list of candidates in order of preference. |
In the 2001 General Election, the Labour Party won a second successive victory, though voter turnout dropped to the lowest level for more than 80 years. |
Different countries have very different voter turnout rates. |
High voter turnout is often considered to be desirable, though among political scientists and economists specializing in public choice, the issue is still debated. |
Further, they suggest, if there is an innate predisposition to vote or abstain, this would explain why past voting behavior is such a good predictor of future voter reaction. |
Once these errors were corrected, there was no longer any statistically significant association between common variants of these two genes and voter turnout. |
Rules and laws are also generally easier to change than attitudes, so much of the work done on how to improve voter turnout looks at these factors. |
Political scientists are divided on whether proportional representation increases voter turnout, though in countries with proportional representation voter turnout is higher. |
In the United States and most Latin American nations, voters must go through separate voter registration procedures before they are allowed to vote. |
The Arbuthnott Commission recommended that Scotland change to a model where the voter can vote for a specific regional candidate as well, but this has not been implemented. |
This is characteristic of its voter base throughout the Deep South. |
The international media reported the elections as having run smoothly with relatively little violence or voter fraud, in contrast to previous elections. |
The questions asked by a pollster who is push polling are designed more to implant negative information than to find out how the voter actually feels. |
Barred unequal application of voter registration requirements. |
It erected barriers to voter registration and electoral provisions that effectively disenfranchised most black Mississippians and many poor whites. |
The whites maintained their discriminatory voter registration processes established in 1890, preventing most blacks from voting, even if they were well educated. |
Disfranchising voter registration requirements continued to keep most African Americans and many poor whites, both men and women, off the voter rolls. |
Members of HM Forces and their immediate family members have the option of registering as a service voter, by making a service declaration based on the last UK address. |
For example, in 2009, House Democrats effectively chubbed to death a voter ID bill by delaying debate on it in the final days of the legislative session. |
If a voter requests a ballot paper but someone has already voted in their name, or they are listed as having requested a postal vote, they can only cast a tendered ballot. |
As in many Western democracies, voter apathy is a current concern, after a dramatic decline in election turnout around the end of the 20th century. |
We don't tend to fractionalize our voter base in the same way. |
To elaborate, even if the party system is not fractionalised, a voter will find it difficult to associate improvements in service delivery with the actions of the incumbent. |
Uxbridge granted rights to America's first woman voter, Lydia Chapin Taft. |
The in-kind figures include items such as staff time, research and polling, and voter outreach that groups and individuals spent on Davis' behalf. |
It has also been directed that the said voter slip should be in the languages in which electoral roll is published for that Assembly Constituency, Sampath said. |
It needs to be implemented carefully and in a way which maximises both accuracy and completeness of the electoral registers and which puts the voter first. |
HeadCount is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization dedicated to voter registration and inspiring participation in democracy through the power of music. |
During their bizarre and nontraditional campaign voyage, Jeff challenged his adversarial candidates to answer voter submitted questions while connected to a lie detector. |
Iraqi nationalist politicians in Baghdad and their allies among Kirkuk's Arab and Turcoman populations allege that the Kurdish parties have tampered with the voter rolls. |
Let's face it, other than political trainspotters, the average voter doesn't know who their Euro MP is and they haven't got a clue what they actually do. |
Voter registration among union members is up 23 percent so far this year, and could yet see a 30 percent increase. |
Voter registrants have to check a box and sign a form under penalty of perjury that they are a U.S. citizen, of voting age, and not an ex-felon. |
Voter education should extend to rating or grading the performance of an elected representative. |
Voter and beseecher chatted amiably for a few more minutes before he retreated back inside, and she moved on to the next house. |
Voter interest was sparked by both the unexpected calling of the election and a bevy of celebrity candidates. |
Voter apathy must be banished from next month's General Election, according to a York-based action group. |
A decade ago, the Voter News Service was formed to monopolize the exit-poll business and make it harder for any one network to get the story first. |
One former employee of the New Voter Project has told me that many staffers simply took names out of the telephone book to fill out their daily quotas. |
Voter nonparticipation is the great ongoing scandal of our democracy. |
The Family Research Council, a major social conservative group, hosts the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. each year. |
Voter complaints about being given incorrect ballots and mismatches between ballot totals and the number of people who signed up to vote also surfaced in San Diego. |
This program, called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, will include 24 states with Pennsylvania in the fold. |
Voter registration was lacking, and many boroughs were rarely contested in elections. |
Voter turnout and support for division was particularly strong in the Eastern Arctic. |
Voter registration ends on Friday and anyone not registered individually will not be included in the electoral register. |
In addition to Aadhaar, PAN cards, Ration cards, Voter Cards and driving licences are also used. |
Voter education covers but need not be limited to instructions on how to register, what is on the ballot, and how to operate the voting system. |