Does it matter whether one writes villanelles, rondels, sestinas or kyrielles? |
There were ballades, chants royal, kyrielles, sestinas, triolets, villanelles, and virelais to play with, and poets of varying merit had a go. |
The book abounds with sonnets, villanelles, a pantoum, sonatinas and what in my opinion is the most difficult of forms, sestinas. |
Concealed inside its villanelles, ghazals, canzones, sonnets, and prose poems are that country's unheard voices. |
But much of the poetry is the same old sestinas and villanelles you see everywhere else under the reign of new formalism. |
I wanted to write a million words, a thousand sonnets to her eyes, a hundred villanelles to her lips. |
It is said that Sylvia Plath used to write villanelles in her science lessons to relieve the tedium of the subject. |
Here, in one of her truncated villanelles, is a sample of her attitude. |
Of the writers under review, she is the only formalist and writes sonnets, villanelles, and sestinas so fluently she can make you forget, say, that you've just read a sonnet. |
The forms of the poems range from sonnets, villanelles, and pantoums, to haiku, ballad, and free verse. |
Sonnets, pantoums, and villanelles present Leithauser with further opportunity for aural play. |
The book is divided into forms that include sestinas, villanelles, sonnets and pantoums. |
Sonnets in prose, villanelles with recurring lines, sestinas with modified verse count, English mad songs, and even free-verse poems create carefully controlled imbalances. |
Moreover, like pantoums, villanelles are highly repetitious. |