But the Danish Viking relinquished his hold upon Bernicia and, moving south in the following year, possessed himself of the kingdom of York. |
Nordic fighters armed with swords and battleaxes took to the streets, while Viking longships cruised on the River Ouse. |
The word lug is Scandinavian in origin so perhaps there is a bit of Viking left in all of us. |
They also plan to erect a standing stone in New York City's Central Park, carved with Viking runes in honour of Eriksson's 1000th anniversary. |
It was part of an epic holiday that took us thousands of miles along the Atlantic seaboard of Canada and the Viking Trail. |
There is lushness and grandeur to the Moorish castles, a true handcrafted fishing village look to the Viking enclave. |
A Viking ship typically drew only about three feet of water and they were experts at sailing on rivers. |
The ships used to transport wine before the 12th century were longboats like the Viking ships. |
Maybe that rumour could be added to the list of Viking myths and sagas that will feature next Friday in Bardic Adventurers! |
Orkney's largest fishing vessel and one of the biggest in the UK fleet, Orcades Viking III, has been sold to an Icelandic company. |
But no one would claim that a whale's bones need the same care and attention as a collection of Viking silver or a set of ivory chess pieces. |
Of greater use to the Welsh kings of the tenth and eleventh centuries was the supply of Viking and Saxon mercenaries. |
The Scandinavian languages of the Viking settlers penetrated much more deeply into English vocabulary, syntax, morphology, and phonology. |
Most evidence for slavery in the Viking Age refers to Scandinavians as slave traders but not as slaveholders in their own society. |
Hymer is a young Swedish Viking in his early manhood and the heir to a village chief. |
At the tented encampment, visitors were able to chat to Viking families as they cooked using authentic tenth century ingredients. |
There will be themed events each weekend and in the final week our Viking heritage will be celebrated with saga, dance and song. |
The rampant crowds were like ancient Viking barbarians, smoking heavily and taking down alcohol in large gulps. |
The fun starts in a Viking the instant you push the throttle full forward for takeoff. |
The Auk Formation is widespread in the UK Central North Sea and extends northwards into the southern Viking Graben. |
It is full of fells and pikes, dales and thwaites, all old Viking words which are preserved here but not used widely elsewhere. |
Well preserved remains of Viking ships show they were clinker-built of overlapping planks and measured between about 17.5m and 36m in length. |
At this drab time of year, the annual Jorvik Viking Festival bursts in with a blast on a horn and a colourful clash of swords. |
But suddenly the scenes of domesticity were interrupted by sound of a war horn as the Viking warriors re-enacted a battle. |
There is also fairly strong evidence that the first Viking landers of the 1970's did find some firm evidence of microbic life on the Red Planet. |
The Viking berserker was thought not only to have assumed the ferocity of an animal, but also to have acquired the strength of a grizzly. |
Grappling hooks fly up from the ground and grab the edge of the awning, and the Viking berserkers start climbing onto the platform. |
Fordham earned the Viking tag largely thanks to his large frame, fuzzy beard and a remarkably coiffured lengthy brown mullet hairstyle. |
Indeed, one of the main reasons for its construction was to prevent Viking ships from sailing unchecked upriver. |
The Slavic tradition of Viking ship building such as from Northern Poland owes a lot to the trenail, and less to the use of iron. |
Australia asked the master of the Norwegian ship Tampa to assist, and in true Viking tradition, he did. |
You know that some group of people will arrive bleeding and broken wearing Viking helmets or the togas of a gospel choir. |
The Viking victory marked the start of a series of events that would change English history. |
The area boasts the site of the 11 th-century Battle of Cruden, which saw King Malcolm defend Scotland from Viking invaders. |
Many archaeologists believe that the Skraelings mentioned in Viking sagas were actually a group referred to as the Recent Indians. |
In Viking days, there were probably mutterings about how mean and amoral life had become, what with all that raping, pillaging and so forth. |
Their entire surfaces were carved with mythical beasts and classic Viking patterns. |
The unladen Viking can be underslung and airlifted by an RAF Chinook helicopter. |
His attempts to buy off Viking invaders gave him the name, Ethelred the Unready. |
Europe is famous for having so many miles of navigable waterways, so the Viking ships could and did travel far inland. |
It was believed that when a Viking died in battle, a warrior maiden called a Valkyrie escorted him to Valhalla. |
John, who is a registered mountain guide by profession, runs his own very successful company, Viking Trekking. |
As if to remind us that Vikings were warriors as well as traders, a shining Viking helmet stands next to him. |
It lost most of its monasteries and was not much of a prize when a Viking came to the King of the West Franks in 911 with a proposal. |
Pagan burial mounds on the Isle of Man have revealed the grave of a Viking warrior. |
By the time the Normans conquered in 1066, York was bigger in terms of size, status and population thanks to the Viking flair for commerce. |
Yesterday, children from several York schools took part in a Viking procession before they broke up for the half-term holiday. |
The medieval hall, in Coffee Yard, off Stonegate, in York, is also putting on special Viking activities for children. |
Svensholm is a small Viking homestead, comprising a large hall and a few outbuildings. |
Much of my Yorkshire stock descended from the Viking Raids of the 9th century. |
The museum itself is built right on the site of a Viking settlement, discovered only a few years ago. |
Beads have been excavated in large numbers from early period female Viking graves. |
Raw materials were brought to the city from across the huge swathe of Northern England under Viking control in the 10th century. |
Over the last year he has been studiously researching the Viking saga upon which his character is based. |
The Technicolor images of the Norwegian fiords with the Viking boats are stunningly beautiful. |
Despite this, I can often be found salivating over a Viking catalogue or fondling the gorgeous specimens on sale in Paperchase. |
The Viking colonists had allowed cattle to overgraze their pastures, and their arable land was badly affected by soil erosion. |
Reacting, the Viking threw up his shield, disappearing into an umbra of flame. |
But which North Yorkshire clash between the English army and the Viking hordes took place the same year? |
The Viking hordes returned to York this weekend as fierce armoured warriors mingled with the city centre crowds. |
The Viking Sport Cruiser is a 1997 model with an enclosed flybridge, large swim platform and two Volvo diesel engines. |
The Viking soldiers tried to attack but most had fled and the others were weak and puny. |
In addition glow discharges might account for some reactions noted in the Viking biological experiments. |
The bottom of the Viking 40 has an 18-degree deadrise at the transom which is fairly steep for this class boat. |
Treasures dating from Anglo Saxon, Viking and Iron Age times are on show at the Yorkshire Museum in York. |
The Danegeld was an English tribute raised to pay off Viking raiders to save the land from being ravaged by the raiders. |
The earliest item is a Viking bronze sword pommel from the late tenth century incised with diamond shapes and simplified animal forms. |
The time honoured methods of ransom, Danegeld and baptism of Viking leaders continued to be more successful. |
Yet maybe that eccentric, rootless Viking intrepidity would suit her hero more. |
The Danegeld was a tax created by English rulers to pay for the defense of their country from Viking raiders. |
He defended the Kingdom of Wessex from Viking raids and in 878 he defeated the Danes in the Battle of Ethandune near Westbury. |
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle suggests that the Viking armies were led by jarls as often as kings. |
They were looking at the first complete cemetery of individual Viking inhumation graves ever excavated in England. |
The Viking Age ended when many states in Europe developed the feudal system. |
What happened when Viking raiders turned into Viking settlers and took land to farm? |
In 867 York was seized by Danish raiders from the Viking kingdom of Dublin, led by Ivarr and his brother Halfdan. |
The Viking crew verified the trailing-wire antenna was in and the drogue seated. |
Nothing actually stopped this Viking invasion until 892, when pestilence so ravaged the army that they finally dispersed. |
At Jorvik, spooky characters from the Viking past will greet children aged between five and 11 during a special Hallowe'en tour. |
In Iceland the impact of Viking farmsteads on the land can be dated by analyzing layers of volcanic ash in soils, sediments, and ice caps. |
The man who helped create York's world-famous Jorvik Viking Centre has offered to help save the Mystery Plays. |
The route that Columbus took is a route, which was feasible for a sailing craft, such as of the Viking type, much earlier. |
For example, during the park tour, the warden stresses that they did not come on Viking longboats. |
I break into a vague hummed rendition of a Viking drinking song and kinda rock back and forth holding up the glass. |
The Viking army, led by Harald Hardrada of Norway, charged into battle and trapped the English in a pincer movement. |
Visitors can follow clues around the exhibition to discover what life on board a Viking ship would have been like. |
The resurgence of the Anglo-Saxons under Harold at Hastings hides from view an earlier period of Viking domination of England. |
Hence, Viking graves often contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks, Frankish weapons, Rhenish glass, and other products of an extensive trade. |
Tall ships, small ships, pirate ships, submarines, rafts, and Viking longboats might all put in an appearance. |
There was very little formal structure by way of military rank in Viking armies. |
Perhaps their most glorious hour was when they discovered the hulk of a Viking longboat, perfectly preserved in mud off Anglesey. |
Tourists could then be brought to see the original site by boat along the river, even perhaps on replicas of Viking longboats. |
A long sea voyage aboard a Viking longboat would be difficult for you, but you might be able to manage it. |
In these, information about the history of the regions and archaeological discoveries bring the Viking and early medieval periods to life. |
Below the empty windows, waves crash against rocks that bear the keel marks of Viking longships. |
Wherries evolved from the original Viking longships of 800 years ago, and when you see them compared it's clear they haven't changed much. |
The terrors of the early 21st century will be as remote to their lives as Viking longships are to ours. |
In 875, Alfred went to sea with a small naval force and on the south coast of Wessex met 7 Viking longships and defeated them. |
The Orkney Museum's latest items include models of a Viking longship and a sailing ship as well as children's toys and domestic artefacts. |
Viking forces marched through the city on Saturday before coming to blows in the Eye of York in the re-enactment of a 10th century clash between Viking and Anglo Saxon armies. |
The earliest known Irish coins were minted by Sihtric Olafsson in the Viking kingdom of Dublin after 990 and were copies of English silver pennies. |
Bluetooth takes its name from Harald Blatand, the 10th-century Danish king who cudgeled neighboring Viking chieftains into unifying Denmark and Norway. |
While things had picked up by the height of the Viking era in the 9th and 10th centuries, two things were holding the region back. |
This excerpt is published with the permission of the author and the publisher, Viking Press. |
The belief, prevalent among nautical archaeologists, that seafarers did not use sailing ships much before the Viking age is surprising given the reliable literary evidence. |
The pool hall in Viking Way has proven a hit with teenagers who are too young to be in pubs or clubs, or feel too old to be at an organised youth group. |
Now, unlike the master shipbuilders of the Mediterranean civilizations, the Viking shipwrights didn't think in terms of cargo tonnage, military logistics, or naval tactics. |
What have the Danes ever done for me, I pondered on the way to the pub, apart from lend me a Scandic name and an unmeasurable quantity of Viking blood? |
Still, by the time Wonka and his guests set sail, the fact that their ship is a Viking longboat carved from a big boiled sweet seems almost mundane. |
Does Viking on the balance of probabilities intend to reflag the Rosella? |
The Viking city in 975 AD is a fairly peaceable sort of place. |
Today's scholars need not be embarrassed that earlier scholars doubted the notion of pre-Columbian Viking journeys to America many years after many nonexperts accepted it. |
The origins of the duchy of Normandy lie in a grant of territory around Rouen made early in the 10th cent. by the king of the west Franks to a Viking chieftain named Rollo. |
After their stay the couple kept a pile of mementoes of their visit to York, including 1970s Viking Hotel leaflets and even sugar packets, along with their wedding photos. |
The Minster was packed with 800 spectators, who watched a candlelit procession of more than 100 Viking guards, Bloodaxe's Viking Queen, and her ladies-in-waiting. |
A Viking procession, a regatta with replica Norwegian longboats, and a spectacular floodlit battle re-enactment called The Challenge To Power will also feature. |
The Normans were descended from 10th century Viking settlers in Normandy. |
He also demonstrated how the Vikings lit fires using flints, how they cooked, what they wore, and showed them how to play the tactical Viking game Hassle Taffle. |
Dr Addyman said York had been the centre of a vast Viking empire in the west, and was still considered by hordes of Norwegian visitors as a little outpost of Norway. |
It appears that, in a time of constant conflict between Saxons and Danes, some Viking landowners chose to celebrate their military status and Scandinavian heritage. |
According to an account in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, written in the 9th century, that failed Viking raid was hardly a one-off. |
When Viking invaders tore through 9th-century Europe, only one Anglo-Saxon leader was able to withstand their ferocious onslaught. |
The Viking museum in Roskilde has recently completed an exact replica of an 11 th century Irish built longship which will soon set sail to Ireland. |
The work also established the location of a medieval church called St John in the Marsh, as well as uncovering remains from the Viking and Anglian periods. |
Uhtred is the heir to the earldom of Bebbanburgh, now known as Bamburgh, in northern England, after his older brother and his father are killed by Viking raiders. |
A small, dark, contentious people known as the Picts held sway over the islands until the eighth and ninth centuries, when Viking invaders arrived. |
Given the survival of the church, there is the possibility of continuity in Conisbrough from the Anglian period, through the Viking Age, to the Norman conquest and beyond. |
The Kingdom of England was forged in the furnace of Viking invasions. |
Marauding warriors with horned helmets who slaughtered monks and carried off treasures are at the heart of the popular image of the Viking invasions of the British Isles. |
When the men with ripping muscles and lean frames slapped their arms and thighs in gusto and let out a Viking war cry, the entire place reverberated with the loud sharp blows. |
The Viking mercenaries were probably drawn from Dublin and paid in silver in the form of coin or hack-silver, for there were no major Scandinavian settlements in Wales. |
In 1973, VS-29 retired its S-2Es as the CVS era ended and began transition to the new jet-powered S-3A Viking ASW aireraft. |
The three Viking ships afloat attempted to break through the English lines. |
In 832, a Viking fleet of about 120 invaded kingdoms on Ireland's northern and eastern coasts. |
Mount Cross, above the hamlet of Shore in the Cliviger Gorge, shows signs of Viking influence. |
This includes the Gosforth cross, which is the tallest and oldest Viking cross in England. |
A Viking sword was discovered at Northside, which is believed to indicate that there was a settlement at the river's mouth. |
Hodgson Hill, an earthwork on the northeast shoreline of Ullswater may be the remains of a Viking fortified settlement. |
It is believed to have established by Viking settlers, possibly from the 10th century onward, although it has not been dated archaeologically. |
According to this, it was brought to the region somewhere between the 10th and 11th centuries during the Viking invasions of western England. |
The primary Viking legacy is an abundance of placenames of Old Norse origin. |
With the beginning of the Viking Age in the 9th century, the prehistoric period in Denmark ends. |
Brief Viking expeditions to North America around 1000 did not result in any settlements, and they were soon driven off by natives. |
Free peasants lost the traditional rights and privileges they had enjoyed since Viking times. |
The Viking Age was a period of Scandinavian expansion through trade, colonization and raids. |
The first raid was against Lindisfarne in 793 and is considered the beginning of the Viking Age. |
There have been settlements in the area now comprising Southport since the Domesday Book, and some parts of the town have names of Viking origin. |
The two newest ships, Viking Baldur and Viking Magni, will join the fleet in late August and September, respectively. |
In Shetland, he says, a handful of people still pay the Viking wadmal tax, which was originally handed over in wool and was later levied in cash. |
Work is expected to start on site at the beginning of November on Lukes Lane, Viking and in the Brockley Whins estates. |
This looks at the place's real stars, the Arctic fox, the Eider duck and Viking horses. |
A special agent should stay in special accommodation and Hotel Barken Viking provides just that. |
The Viking Bits family of drill bits is designed based on knowledge of lithology and drilling experience in Russia. |
The majority of excavated Viking Age longhouses in Iceland are 12-16m in length, but a few longhouses are significantly larger. |
So it's no wonder that even a Viking has to take a pit stop for a cup of tea and a bacon buttie, as our pictures from yesterday show. |
Then there are the medieval stave churches of Norway, so called from the Viking name for a timber post. |
The DHC-6 Twin Otter is a Canadian 20-passenger STOL utility aircraft developed by de Havilland Canada and currently produced by Viking Air. |
The parliament Tynwald is the oldest in the world and can trace its history back to Viking times. |
The recreation of the Viking period is very much a game of pageantry and costumery, all of it delivered in a stilted and laboured prose. |
And the request for cash from a Danish king brought back all those bad memories of Danegeld, or, as we might call it, Viking protection money. |
Epsom provides punters with good twilight action and their feature race the Viking Direct Conditions Stakes can go to Heliodor. |
Led by their ealdorman, Byrhtnoth, they faced up to a larger Viking force at the River Blackwater. |
Moments later I nearly have my head sliced off by a foam Viking axe thoughtfully presented as a useful historic present by a well-meaning aunt. |
The replica Viking ship Skibladner can currently be seen ashore at Haroldswick. |
As we boarded the Viking Forseti longship the crew greeted us with handshakes and smiles, then we were escorted to our room. |
Futhark, the Viking alphabet, comprises letters called runes made from straight lines so that they are easier to carve on stone or wood. |
Sails for Viking ships required large amounts of wool, as evidenced by experimental archaeology. |
In England the Viking Age began dramatically on 8 June 793 when Norsemen destroyed the abbey on the island of Lindisfarne. |
The devastation of Northumbria's Holy Island shocked and alerted the royal courts of Europe to the Viking presence. |
Geijer's poem did much to propagate the new romanticised ideal of the Viking, which had little basis in historical fact. |
In Normandy, which had been settled by Vikings, the Viking ship became an uncontroversial regional symbol. |
Novgorod now enthusiastically acknowledges its Viking history and has included a Viking ship in its logo. |
The vampire Eric Northman, in the HBO TV series True Blood, was a Viking prince before being turned into a vampire. |
Studies of genetic diversity provide some indication of the origin and expansion of the Viking population. |
However, throughout the Viking Age, runic alphabets remained in common use in Scandinavia. |
And, of course, many a Viking child would be conceived in the bed furs by Viking men and women who were bored and lustsome. |
After repeated Viking raids, the monks fled Lindisfarne in AD 875, carrying St Cuthbert's relics with them. |
In Norway, standing stones usually dated to the Migration Period, the Viking Age or early Middle Ages. |
Little is attributable to the 8th and 9th centuries, due to the regular Viking raids. |
The incised strip appears to be the stem of a cross and this indicates a Viking threat to a church. |
His best known work is Sermo Lupi ad Anglos in which he blames the sins of the English for the Viking invasions. |
Bathory inspired the Viking metal and folk metal movements and Immortal brought blast beats to the fore. |
Cressida Cowell wrote How to Train Your Dragon, a series of twelve books set in a fictional Viking world. |
Oak planking was common on high status Viking longships in the 9th and 10th centuries. |
As early as 841, a Viking fleet appeared at the mouth of the Seine, the principal route by which they entered the kingdom. |
In exchange for his homage and fealty, Rollo legally gained the territory which he and his Viking allies had previously conquered. |
Significant urban settlements only developed following the period of Viking invasions. |
Though these names were of Viking derivation some of the families who bear them appear to have had Gaelic origins. |
It was at this time, perhaps as a response to Viking raids, that many of the Irish round towers were built. |
The Viking Age brought great changes in Britain and Ireland, no less in Scotland than elsewhere. |
Most of the Hebrides have names with Scots Gaelic derivations, whilst those of the Northern Isles tend to be derived from the Viking names. |
The Mainland contains the remnants of numerous Neolithic, Pictish and Viking constructions. |
The site has provided evidence of habitation during various phases right up until Viking times. |
As a result of this Norse influence, many current place names on Arran are of Viking origin. |
The primary armoured fighting vehicle operated by the Armoured Support Group is the BvS 10 Viking All Terrain Armoured Vehicle. |
In Britain it is associated with Scandinavian immigration during periods of Viking settlement. |
Around 850, Lothair I of Middle Francia acknowledged the Viking Rorik of Dorestad as ruler of most of Frisia. |
Around 879, another Viking raided the Frisian lands, Godfrid, Duke of Frisia. |
The Viking raids made the sway of French and German lords in the area weak. |
Prior to the Viking Age, the main power in Pictland appears to have been the kingdom of Fortriu. |
In addition, numerous common, everyday Old Norse words were adopted into the Old English language during the Viking age. |
In Norway the Art Nouveau was connected with a revival inspired by Viking folk art and crafts. |
The kingdom's independent existence ended in the Viking Age, and it eventually merged with the lands of the Picts to form the Kingdom of Alba. |
The sound of a wolf roused a sentry, however, who alerted his garrison, which forced a Viking retreat. |
Maredudd fought off English encroachment in Powys and increasing Viking raids in Gwynedd. |
The late Insular Ricemarch Psalter from the 11th century was certainly written in Wales, and also shows strong Viking influence. |
Founded as a Viking settlement, the Kingdom of Dublin became Ireland's principal city following the Norman invasion. |
Dublinia is a living history attraction showcasing the Viking and Medieval history of the city. |
The Swedish Viking Age lasted roughly from the 8th century to the 11th century. |
Pioneering scholarly works on the Viking Age reached a small readership in Britain. |
It was in the 8th century that Scandinavians began to build ships of war and send them on raiding expeditions which started the Viking Age. |
Tension caused by Frankish expansion to the south of Scandinavia and their subsequent attacks upon the Viking peoples. |
In England hoards of Viking silver such as the Cuerdale Hoard and the Vale of York Hoard, offer good insight to this phenomenon. |
The Pull factor suggests that the weak political bodies of Britain and Western Europe made for an attractive target for Viking raiders. |
As a result, Viking raiders found it easy to sack and then retreat from these areas which were thus frequently raided. |
These models constitute much of what we know about the motivations for and the causes of the Viking Age. |
Alfred and his successors continued to drive back the Viking frontier and take York. |
Harold Harefoot became king of England after Cnut's death and Viking rule of England ceased. |
The Viking presence dwindled until 1066, when the invading Norsemen lost their final battle with the English at Stamford Bridge. |
During the first 40 years, the raids were conducted by small, mobile Viking groups. |
After this interaction, the Irish experienced Viking forces for about 40 years. |
A Viking poem portrays the environment as strongly pagan, with chanting Valkyries deciding who would live and who would die. |
The Viking Age settlements in Greenland were established in the sheltered fjords of the southern and western coast. |
The first Viking raids began between 790 and 800 along the coasts of western France. |
The Viking attackers sought to capture the treasures stored at monasteries, easy prey given the monks' lack of defensive capacity. |
This slant was accentuated by the absence of contemporary primary source documentation from within the Viking Age communities themselves. |
When larger scale battles ensued, Viking crews would rope together all nearby ships and slowly proceed towards the enemy targets. |
The roping technique allowed Viking crews to remain strong in numbers and act as a unit, but this uniformity also created problems. |
The Viking Ship Museum features three Viking ships found at Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune and several other unique items from the Viking age. |
Continental rifts are the sites of significant oil and gas accumulations, such as the Viking Graben and the Gulf of Suez Rift. |
Harthacanute of Denmark and England was the last Viking king to rule over a territory spanning the North Sea. |
At the same time, the beginning of the Viking Age led to the spread of Old Norse to Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. |
Swedish is a descendant of Old Norse, the common language of the Germanic peoples living in Scandinavia during the Viking Era. |
After the Viking invasions and the Norman conquest of England, a priory was reestablished. |
The Viking longships were the epitome of naval power in their time and were highly valued possessions. |
It was built from scratch by experts, using original Viking and experimental archaeological methods. |
The Viking shipbuilders had no written diagrams or standard written design plan. |
Since the discovery of the original longships in the 1800s, many boat builders have built Viking ship replicas. |
A Viking legend states that Vikings used to take caged crows aboard ships and let them loose if they got lost. |
The chests were made the same size and were the perfect height for a Viking to sit on and row. |
Several of the original longships built in the Viking Age have been excavated by archaeologists. |
Several of the Viking cruise ships are made specifically with Kiel Canal passage in mind, namely the Sea and Sky models. |
By 911, the area had been raided many times and there were even small Viking settlements on the lower Seine. |
Since the beginning, the new monarch was forced to deal with constant Viking raids, with little success. |
They emerged in the Viking Age, when Vikings who settled in Ireland and in Scotland adopted Gaelic culture and intermarried with Gaels. |
The Viking longship also influenced the Gaelic birlinn or longa fada, which were used extensively until the 17th century. |
King Alfred the Great of England was able to stay the Viking invasions with a pivotal victory at the Battle of Edington. |
About 960AD, Count Baldwin III had a town wall erected in order to protect the settlement against Viking raids. |
The Hugin is a reconstructed Viking longship located at Pegwell Bay in Ramsgate. |
Part of Regional Cycle Route 15 or Viking Coastal Trail, about halfway between Sandwich and Ramsgate. |
The island is a likely location of Vinland, mentioned in the Viking Chronicles, although this has been disputed. |
In the early 11th century a Viking chieftain named Tryggvi invaded Norway, claiming to be the son of Olaf and Gyda. |
Around 1000, a wall was built around the hill as a defence against Viking raids. |
In the early Viking Age, before Harald Fairhair, Hardanger was a petty kingdom with its capital at Kinsarvik. |
The placename may reflect worship of Thor there by Danes during the Viking Age rather than by Angles during the Roman Iron Age. |
The Viking Age, a period of migrations of Scandinavian peoples, occurred from the late 8th century to the middle 11th century. |
They are found in Scandinavia and Viking Age settlements abroad, probably in use from the 9th century onward. |
The largest group of surviving Runic inscription are Viking Age Younger Futhark runestones, most commonly found in Sweden. |
In 845, 600 Viking ships sailed up the River Elbe and destroyed Hamburg, at that time a town of around 500 inhabitants. |
There is much debate among historians about what drove the Viking expansion. |
Another idea is that the Viking population had exceeded the agricultural potential of their homeland. |
In 875, after enduring eight decades of repeated Viking raids, the monks fled Lindisfarne, carrying the relics of Saint Cuthbert with them. |
However, Alfred and his successors eventually drove back the Viking frontier and retook York. |
In 832, a Viking fleet of about 120 ships under Turgesius invaded kingdoms on Ireland's northern and eastern coasts. |
Silkbeard responded by offering the bed of his mother to several Viking lords from Scandinavia, Ireland and Britain. |
With Brian dead, Ireland returned to the fractured kingdom it had once been, but was now cleared of further Viking predation. |
The Viking presence in Normandy began with raids into the territory of the Frankish Empire, from the middle of 9th century. |
The Duchy of Normandy was created for the Viking leader Rollo after he had besieged Paris. |
West Francia and Middle Francia suffered more severely than East Francia during the Viking raids of the 9th century. |
Two dukes of Gascony, Seguin II and William I, died defending Bordeaux from Viking assaults. |
Buried Viking treasures consisting mainly of silver have been found in the Low Countries. |
In the siege of Asselt in 882, the Franks sieged a Viking camp at Asselt in Frisia. |
Godfrid was assassinated in 885, after which Gerolf of Holland assumed lordship and Viking rule of Frisia came to an end. |
Remains of Viking attacks dating from 880 to 890 have been found in Zutphen and Deventer. |
Studies of genetic diversity have provided scientific confirmation to accompany archaeological evidence of Viking expansion. |
The Nordic countries first came into more permanent contact with the rest of Europe during the Viking age. |
In medieval Scandinavia, the practice survived throughout the Viking Age in the form of the Holmgang. |
During the Viking Age, the Norse likely regarded themselves as a more or less unified entity through their shared Germanic language, Old Norse. |
Enslaved individuals from the British Isles were common throughout the Nordic world during the Viking Age. |
During the Viking Age, Norse people left Scandinavia and settled elsewhere throughout Northwestern Europe. |
The following years saw the Danish Viking expansion, which incorporated Norway and Northern England into the Danish kingdom. |
The word Viking was introduced into Modern English during the 18th century, at which point it frequently acquired romanticized heroic overtones. |
The rediscovery of the Viking past began in Norway during the 19th century when Norway saw a rise in nationalism. |
The excavation of other ships and artifacts led to a higher consciousness about the Viking past in Norway. |
For example, the only complete Viking helmet ever to be found was also excavated in Norway. |
The term Viking was popularized with positive connotations, by Erik Gustaf Geijer at the beginning of the 19th century. |
The word Viking was taken to refer to romanticized, heroic, idealized Norse seafarers and warriors. |
His Nordic influences further enhanced the Romanticism of the Viking era during that time. |
He brought to the American popular attention the idea that Viking explorers discovered the New World and was the originator of Leif Erikson Day. |
The Vikings were the best naval architects of their day, and the Viking longship was both large and versatile. |
In the Viking era beginning circa 793, the Norse raiders often captured and enslaved militarily weaker peoples they encountered. |
During the Viking invasions of the 9th century, Northumbrian came under the influence of the languages of the Viking invaders. |
The Viking invasion forced a division of the dialect into two distinct subdialects. |
All trace of Lindsey's separate status had vanished before the Viking assault in the late ninth century. |
Mug had been introduced into northern English dialects by Viking settlement. |
The Danelaw split the present county into a Viking north and a Saxon south. |
In the far north, Viking incursions brought Old Norse speakers into Caithness, Orkney and Shetland. |
The attack on Lindisfarne in 793 is generally considered the beginning of the Viking Age. |
In exchange for his homage and fealty, Rollo legally gained the territory he and his Viking allies had previously conquered. |
It suffered especially from Viking raids, and was often used as a winter base by Viking raiders when they were unable to reach Normandy. |