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How to use very much like in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "very much like"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Putting on coat and tie for me is very much like the priest putting on chasuble and stole.
Life for the couple sounds very much like it is drawn from the plot of a Ben Stiller movie.
I'd also very much like someone, if possible, to do some artwork for this fic, but that's not necessary.
Except there is a love interest in his latest novel, a spiritual thriller set in an imaginary country very much like Tibet.
And most of the low-carb pastas we tried looked very much like the real thing.
He looked very much like a savage creature, with his wild, shaggy black hair and infuriated and crazed grin.
It sounds very much like a stock party beat, with plenty of chimes and a very simple backbeat.
Aurora would very much like to tell him to scram but she really did need his help.
This one was from a different time period and its skirt ballooned, very much like a ball gown a princess of the old times might wear.
It is very much like turning the tiller on a boat to deflect the wake on the boat and alter its course.
If Ann is guilty of objective mendacity in print, I should very much like to see it pointed out.
Her party trick is to stand on her back legs and beg for food very much like a dog begs.
The seal has a big, fat, fleshy tongue and nostrils and a larynx very much like ours.
She had got used to the idea, and besides, death was very much like life, only without the worries.
It suddenly struck me that without the monocle, he would look very much like the statue of David by Michelangelo.
And at this point, or at one very much like it, Thomson's mobile phone rings and bleeps out the theme tune from James Bond.
When I was a kid, I used to enjoy doing something very much like this by following cross-references in the unabridged dictionary at the library.
Their public revelation of the deal's contents even before the votes were cast looked very much like a bid to sink a free and open election.
His lightly muscled tanned bare skin glistened in the sun and he felt very much like an article on display.
An unplowed grass field can look very much like any other field that's covered with snow.
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Examples from Classical Literature
There are several kinds of Muilla, much like Brodiaea and very much like allium, but with no onion taste or smell.
I very much like the music, which Debussy had already played to me on the piano.
These walls have large sculptured figures, very much like the tyrrhenian and very ancient works among the Greeks.
It seems to me that the position here is very much like that in the Deccan.
The neuration is shown in the cut, and is very much like that of the preceding genus.
Mrs. Bines declared that it did seem to her very much like out-and-out gambling.
This smaller variety is very much like the sandhill crane, but more brown, especially on the wings.
Otherwise, a perfecting press is very much like two cylinder presses joined together.
The rencounter between free labor and slave labor was very much like that now on between capitalists and labor organizations.
The animal, as was pointed out by Dr. Gray, looks very much like a phalanger.
In the multiplex telephone system we pictured transmitting and receiving sets very much like radio-telephone sets.
At the top of each seed-vessel there are two long, thin bristles which bend over, very much like those in the goutweed.
The plant is larger than aralia racemosa, but otherwise is very much like it.
The distribution of the squamous, white, oesophageal epithelium is very much like that of Dendrolagus.
They are all striped snakes and are very much like the water snakes in structure.
The lecture reads very much like a stump speech of the extreme florid type.
The changes affected chiefly the intima, to less degree the media, and histologically were very much like human intimal disease.
Unless something had been done the fight would have ended very much like the proverbial one of the Kilkenny cats.
Finally he arrived, bringing the mule and feeling very much like beefing it when he got home.
One fancied that at twenty he must have looked very much like what he was now at threescore.
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