The vacuole numbers were much higher in the old than in the young mice, indicating the rapid development of sponginess caused by aging. |
Notice the collapsing contractile vacuole in the lower middle of the frame. |
Most of the acidic protease activity of a higher plant cell resides in the central vacuole. |
Such vacuoles resemble the smaller vacuoles which arise by fragmentation of the larger central vacuole. |
The electrode tip pushes through the cell wall tending to jump quickly across the plasma membrane into either the cytoplasm or the vacuole. |
Ion-selective microelectrodes have been used to measure the activities of ions in the apoplast, cytosol and vacuole of single cells. |
In plants, particularly due to the size of the vacuole, the secretory organelles account for the majority of the cell volume. |
Myzocytotic uptake of prey cell cytoplasm leads to a food vacuole with a single membrane separating two cytoplasmic compartments. |
Due to the acid environment in the P. falciparum food vacuole, all histidine residues in the model were modeled using the AMBER HIP residue. |
After internalization of organisms into phagosomes, secondary lysosomes are fused to form the complete parasitophorus vacuole. |
The storage of waste materials is a very important function of the vacuole, since plants cannot excrete their wastes the way animals do. |
The purpose of the contractile vacuole is to expel excess water from the cell, preventing the cell from swelling up. |
Control cells make approximately one food vacuole per minute and therefore appear full of black dots. |
Secretory cells either contain many small vacuoles or a single larger vacuole with flocculent contents and numerous vesicles. |
How the transition from a single "empty" central vacuole to numerous protein-filled vacuoles occurs has been the subject of much research and continuing debate. |
A green fluorescent protein fusion of drainin localizes specifically to the contractile vacuole and rescues its periodic discharge in drainin-null cells. |
When the electrode tip is located in the vacuole, the electrical potential difference is that across two membranes, the plasma membrane and the tonoplast. |
The tonoplast has been shown to undulate when amyloplasts impact it, possibly ejecting ions in the process because the vacuole sequesters and extrudes ions. |
Because the central vacuole contains few colloidal or other interfaces, any matric pressure in it is negligible compared with the osmotic pressure resulting from the vacuolar solutes. |
The remainder of the cytoplasm and the nucleus of these cells are restricted to a narrow zone between the central vacuole and the plasma membrane. |
Chloroplast Protein Degradation in the Central Vacuole Proteolysis within the central vacuole seems a logical alternative to degradation within plastids. |
The engulfed object is thus enclosed within a membrane-bound vacuole called a phagosome. |
Each cell contains a distinct nucleus, a central vacuole, and a large, thin chloroplast with at least one pyrenoid. |
The plant cell also contains an enlarged storage vacuole, which also provides support through turgor pressure. |
The vacuole volume comprising the criss-crossing of the fibres can only be seen in the 3 dimensions of space. |
Indicate the following on your model or picture: cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole, nucleus, chloroplast. |
In healthy cells, the phenolic compounds are located in the vacuole while the oxidation enzymes are localized in the cytoplasm. |
Here, large vacuole 'bubbles' inside cells are surrounded by a multi-layered membrane. |
Chromatin is finely distributed, sometimes with nuclear grooves, and occasionally with a small intracytoplasmic vacuole. |
These include: the nucleus, the mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum and the vacuole. |
These pigments are soluble in water and turn from red to blue, depending on whether the vacuole fluid is acid or basic. |
In all of these cases, the secondary plastid is enclosed by multiple membranes, the outermost of which is apparently a derivative of the original phagocytic vacuole. |
In the thawed shoot primordia, it was confirmed that small cells with undeveloped vaculoe were alive, and that large cells with developed vacuole were dead. |
In a terrestrial plant, the slightly alkaline cytoplasm of a typical cell is sandwiched between the acidic apoplast and the likewise acidic vacuole. |
Early studies on sucrose mobilization from the vacuole of germinating maize scutellum cells alluded to the likely possibility of SuSy being tonoplast associated. |
The typical green algal cell, which can be motile or nonmotile, has a central vacuole, pigments contained in plastids that vary in shape in different species, and a two-layered cellulose and pectin cell wall. |
The intra micro vacuole pressure constitutes the basic unit. |
The resultant oxaloacetate is converted into malate, stored in the vacuole as malic acid, and released during the day when the stomates are closed. |
Inside a Tetrahymena, Salmonella is apparently able to cluster, unharmed, within the food vacuole. |
During feeding, extensions of cytoplasm flow around food particles, surrounding them and forming a vacuole into which enzymes are secreted to digest the particles. |
Translocation and storage of heavy metals in tonoplast located vacuole is an important phenomenon, after entering the heavy metals to the roots. |
Through changes in their actin structure they then become round before a vacuole forms inside them that eventually occupies most of the cell volume. |
A large vacuole fills most of the space of the cell. |
The vacuole is a volume with walls, a shape, sides and a content. |
Vesicle-mediated solute transport between the vacuole and the plasma membrane. |
The accumulation body is a vacuole, specific for symbiotic dinoflagellates, and its function is not clear, although it is most pronounced in aged cells. |
Whether he liked the pork chops or not was irrelevant because he had no taste buds and stored food in an empty vacuole for later disposal. |
As digestion proceeds, the vacuole increases in size and the contents become progressively acidic, before gradually becoming alkaline near the end of the process. |
They do know, however, that these drugs target the parasite's digestive organ, or food vacuole. |
Often one sees, on surface view, a distinctly rounded vacuole, occupying a position in the cell occupied in others by a large nematocyst. |
One group of targets identified by the genome authors were protein-degrading enzymes found in a subcellular digestive component called the food vacuole. |
The Centric diatom's cytoplasm is located along the inner surface of the shell and provides a hollow lining around the large vacuole located in the center of the cell. |
To reproduce in mosquitoes, the parasites have to break out of their hiding compartment, called a vacuole, and then bust through the red blood cell's outer membrane. |
There are several proteases involved in the degradation of host erythrocyte haemoglobin inside the specialized acidic food vacuole of the parasite. |
Third, review plant structures and remind students that the cell wall remains constant while the central vacuole will swell or shrink, depending on the direction of osmosis. |
The nuclei are typically polarized away from the basement membrane, creating a characteristic subnuclear vacuole similar to that seen in secretory endometrium. |