Some children start by sitting on the potty and urinating or having the bowel movement in their diaper. |
I cringed at the thought of him urinating on it in the full view of the highway. |
Reportedly, individuals were booked for charges ranging from urinating in the streets, creating a nuisance to lewd and lascivious behavior. |
By drinking extra fluids and urinating frequently, you can minimize this side effect. |
Traders say they are fed up with seeing the boozers drinking from bottles hidden in plastic bags and urinating in the church grounds. |
Toddlers in nappies are accustomed to urinating and moving their bowels whenever they feel the urge to do so. |
There is also a technique in which you squeeze the urethra after urinating to get any excess urine out. |
Pauline went on to say that others, in a drunken stupor, regularly use the estate as a toilet and not just for urinating. |
There would have been some terrible dog named Tuba roaming about indecorously urinating on the grass and wearing a bandanna. |
We've had to put up with acts of vandalism, urinating, defecators and damage to cars and property. |
My parents gave me a small dog which I love dearly, but she has caused havoc by urinating on the lawn, staining it yellow. |
This weight is similar to what a person would weigh after urinating when they had normal kidney function. |
Teenage girls, as well as boys, came into the garden with six-packs of beer and residents of the flats could hear young people swearing and see them urinating in the bushes. |
He also has allegations of exposing himself and urinating in public. |
The language is foul, and they have been seen urinating in front gardens. |
For men, the opposite procedure applies: they should sit down for 2 or 3 minutes, then stand up again to continue urinating. |
There are no toilets on the site and residents complained last night that children are being exposed to the site of people urinating and defecating around the encampment. |
Nobody ever says they want to become a cop so they can bust people for urinating in public or drinking alcohol on their stoop. |
It shows Bieber urinating for a drug test, but the judge ordered his private parts blurred. |
What do you think of the reaction to the England players urinating on the pitch at The Oval? Mountain out of a mole hill. |
Upon your arrival, you will be asked to empty your bladder into an uroflow meter that records the volume urinated and how fast you are urinating. |
There are five billion people on this planet urinating and defecating into the water. |
Hands should always be washed after urinating or defecating. They should also be washed between contact with animals and eating. |
Offenders began urinating and defecating in plastic bags to relieve themselves. |
We also found them sleeping, cooking, urinating and defecating along the trail as we headed back to camp. |
Such pressure can also cause difficulty in urinating, a weak and intermittent urine flow, or blood in the urine. |
The fluid builds up because the baby is urinating large quantities due to elevated glucose levels. |
Most people with constipation limit their consumption of liquids to avoid urinating too often, which aggravates the problem. |
They staggered up the road and when clear of the town they both needed to relieve themselves and stood in the middle of the road urinating into the dust. |
Durden is a high-art prankster whose conceptual acts of sabotage include working in top-class hotels, urinating in the food, then suing them for poor health standards. |
At 13 or 14 I would certainly not have been able to discuss the sight of my dad wondering down the corridor urinating all over the carpet with anyone except Mum. |
It is also important that each woman establish a routine for remembering to check herself daily, for example, doing so every time she goes to the bathroom, before urinating. |
On the other hand, an atonic bladder, which is more common in the advanced stages of the disease, is characterized by an inability to begin urinating. |
For others you may be asked to drink up to six glasses of water two hours prior to your exam and avoid urinating so that your bladder is full when the scan begins. |
Parsley is a very effective herb for those who have problems urinating. |
If a mother is concerned whether she is giving her baby enough milk, this can be assessed by ensuring that the infant is urinating at least 5-7 times a day, and producing stool according to age and diet. |
Seek for medical attention in case you experience muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, tingling of the hands or feet, fatigue, breathing difficulties, difficulty urinating. |
Thanks to its wide edge, there is no risk of urinating to one side of it. |
In order to treat patients infected with the plague, various methods were used including sweating, bloodletting, forced vomiting, and urinating. |
Territorial marking consists of urinating on trees, vegetation and rocks, and depositing faeces in conspicuous places. |
The Manneken Pis, a fountain containing a small bronze sculpture of a urinating youth, is a tourist attraction and symbol of the city. |
Your intimate problems QFOR the past few days I have had a burning sensation when urinating and have had to urinate much more often. |
Problems range from cats urinating outside the litterbox, to dogs biting, to horses limping without apparent cause. |
If we stop urinating for only a few days, we die. |
So if you have any unusual symptoms in your sexual organs, such as pain, sores, itching or swelling, or when you are urinating, you should see a health worker. |
When one of the Hawaiians was urinating on the car, he got so close his shirttail caught on fire, and he had to roll around on the ground to put it out. |
We've only had one set who behaved particularly badly: we were told on returning home one new year they had had a party and had been urinating down our stairwell. |
Symptoms of Oxybutynin overdose may include restlessness, fever, uneven heart rate, tingly feeling, vomiting, and urinating less than usual or not at all. |
When the desire to urinate manifests itself chiefly at night, with burning pains when urinating, or emission, drop by drop, of sanguinolent urine. |
The facilities, known as pissoirs in France, will be set up in Edinburgh's Meadows to tackle the problem of people urinating in nearby residents' gardens. |
Now it will quickly go downhill like many of the surrounding areas, so be prepared for winos and yobs urinating in the streets and causing all sorts of problems. |