These subterranean muds are being uplifted into steeply dipping, anticlinal structures cored by strike-slip faulting. |
I'm uplifted by good reggae, but also old music like jazz, and the greats like Nat King Cole. |
This will no doubt be a joyful event of global dance rhythms and songs, so bring your dancing shoes and get ready to be uplifted. |
Both films also have fairly dark moments, yet still leave you feeling uplifted at the end, and even during some of the darkest parts. |
The crowd cheered and applauded, their downtrodden spirits uplifted once more at their chosen king's words. |
It does not fuss me one way or tother, but if they are truly confidential I will want them uplifted and removed. |
Finally, all turned, slowly glided and pitched down, poising with uplifted wings momentarily before merging into the dusk. |
On Sudan, are we not uplifted by the prospect of peace and concord between our brothers in that country? |
Thus the Coastal Ranges take on the appearance of an uplifted horst, bounded, particularly to the east, by normal faults. |
At intervals one and then another checked the pace, poising with wings uplifted and vibrating and tail depressed and expanded. |
He revised and uplifted our spirits at a time that was so, so very essential for the future of America. |
It's freezing out, so it's not like you can poke your head outside and feel uplifted by all the warmth and sunshine. |
Guru Hargobind uplifted their spirits with daily prayers and distributed much of his rations to them. |
If you've benefitted the poor, and uplifted them, why, then you're moving the whole country in the right direction. |
Her nationally praised seminars, articles, books have uplifted thousands of lives. |
We want people to be uplifted and walk away with a big smile on their face and in their hearts. |
Their spirits are uplifted as much by the concert on Saturday night as by the sermon on Sunday morning. |
This combination uplifted the spirits of every soul lucky enough to be allowed inside. |
The ocean floor solidified, and was eventually uplifted to become part of a mountain. |
When the continents were uplifted at the end of the Flood, the incredible energy of the retreating floodwaters carved the landscape. |
Seated at the table, Jose uplifted his head from the newspaper to see River's sister staring at him with an interrogating glare in her eyes. |
That the mining operations have uplifted the standard of living of the people in that region is not an overstatement. |
Thousands of singers wore multi-colored robes and held uplifted stalks of cotton. |
What forces are responsible for the great height to which rock has been uplifted at this site? |
Dust is uplifted by wind, the circulation is most obvious from easterly or northerly directions. |
Provided they see and think, even melancholiacs cannot fail to be uplifted by the document. |
Across the sward a hare, its scut uplifted in alarm, scampers from the running crouch of a greyhound. |
Environmentalists have said some coral reefs in Aceh may have been uplifted and exposed by the tsunami. |
St. George's Hill and Garibaldi Hill are interpreted as tectonically uplifted volcanic sequences from early eruptive activity of Soufriere Hills volcano. |
Erosion would have removed the thrust on the uplifted western side. |
The topographic expression of these gravels suggests they represent uplifted and dissected alluvial fans that accumulated along the foot of the Western Ranges. |
These metamorphic and plutonic igneous rocks form the uplifted core of the broadly anticlinal Owl Creek Mountains, a mountain range that formed during the Late Cretaceous. |
Instead of being swallowed up, as in a typical rift valley, the sediments are spread widely over the basin or anywhere that is slightly lower than the uplifted area. |
But these are not times when we need to be uplifted and showered with haughty rhetoric. |
In the Mesozoic section, a Triassic basin, up to 1800 m thick and roughly circular in map view, is centred SW of the present uplifted Bishri block. |
Some 26 million years ago, a geologic fault uplifted the reef. |
Once I got past Bull Bay, the vistas of the azure seas uplifted my spirit. |
Renowned for her compassionate nature, her many works have inspired and uplifted thousands of people over the years and one of her greatest friends was Beatrix Potter. |
In contrast, the west side of the basin is marked by a relatively linear contact between uplifted Neogene sedimentary rocks and Quaternary alluvium. |
These rocks do not, however, crop out as a continuous mountain range but in isolated inliers, many of which were uplifted during the Tertiary in response to Alpine movements. |
To the northeast and northwest of the uplifted area there was a belt of depression, mainly in land areas. |
The more the underlying fault is tectonically uplifted, the more the strata will be deformed and must adapt to new shapes. |
Plateau mountains, such as the Catskills, are formed from the erosion of an uplifted plateau. |
The rocks consist of sandstones, shales, siltstones and clays formed in the Miocene and uplifted in the Pleistocene. |
The substrate of the island is either directly volcanic or from uplifted coral limestone. |
My first day of riding was more pedally and mellow than the second day, which was uplifted by the resort. |
The uplifted areas were then eroded, and further sediments, such as the London Clay, were deposited over southern England. |
The western part of the transverse ridge consists of fragments of uplifted oceanic crust and upper mantle. |
On the other hand, places in the peripheral bulge area which was uplifted during glaciation now begins to subside. |
Due to the nature of the uplifted beds, the Arbuckle Mountains contains a sequence of limestone ridges and shale valleys. |
These thick deposits accumulated as earlier Silurian rocks, uplifted by the formation of Pangaea, eroded and then deposited into river deltas. |
This part of Scotland largely comprises ancient rocks from the Cambrian and Precambrian, which were uplifted during the later Caledonian Orogeny. |
A second island type formed of coral is the uplifted coral platform, which is usually slightly larger than the low coral islands. |
This depressed zone lies between the bounding normal fault and rim zone, an uplifted area that surrounds the inner crater. |
Best in evidence where in contact with folded Cretaceous rocks which are uplifted by the Cenozoic granite. |
This peridotite body was uplifted from upper mantle during a collision between Eurasian Plate and North American Plate about 20 million years ago. |
Some of the female figurines depicted women with uplifted arms while others portrayed pregnant females with uplifted arms in the process of giving birth. |
The fold formed during the Alpine orogeny, from the late Oligocene to middle Miocene as an uplifted form of the Weald basin through inversion of the basin. |
The uplifted core of the fold causes compression of strata that preferentially erodes to a deeper stratigraphic level relative to the topographically lower flanks. |
The progressing age of the rock strata towards the core and uplifted center, are the trademark indications for evidence of anticlines on a geologic map. |
This part of Scotland is largely composed of ancient rocks from the Cambrian and Precambrian periods which were uplifted during the later Caledonian Orogeny. |
During the period the North Sea formed, Britain was uplifted. |
The whole region was then uplifted again by a batholith of granite mainly in the Carboniferous period although the granite remains largely below the surface. |
Under extreme compressive stresses and pressure, marine sedimentary rocks were uplifted, creating characteristic recumbent folds, or nappes, and thrust faults. |
But often ignored are other methodologies that affirmed and uplifted the minority Afrikaner cultural universe and language, as a driving force of success. |
The Ozark Plateau is a broad uplifted area which resulted from the Permian Ouachita Orogeny to the south in the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. |
They engage in sunbathing during which they sit on their haunches, arms uplifted prayerfully, eyes glazed over in prosimian pleasure, and soak in the rays. |
The Swartberg Mountains were uplifted along this fault, to such an extent that in the Oudtshoorn region the rocks that form the base of the Cape Supergroup are exposed. |
However, there also are cases where BSR products formed relatively late diagenetically, such as in uplifted reservoirs after hydrocarbon migration. |
The ending is probably the most sustainedly harrowing you will ever experience in an opera-house, but I reckon you'll emerge from the Crescent Theatre strangely uplifted. |