Waves generated here penetrate the ocean to depths unreachable by radio and other communication waves. |
He could not confirm the decision by BT to reprieve 100 phone boxes from closure because the relevant manager was unreachable. |
Some camps will become unreachable, and there will be an increased possibility of malaria and cholera outbreaks. |
Murray was unreachable despite repeated attempts to contact him directly and through his close friends. |
To reach the unreachable star, it is my quest to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far. |
I suppose, that unless it changes, or I can get over that feeling of unrequitedness, of him being unreachable, it won't ever work out. |
In such cases, they hold you down and tranquilize you, like an animal, like the unreachable wounded animal they consider you to be. |
They were scattered over a mile area and unreachable because of water channels in the flats. |
While information is available from 122 of the 200 islands, 78 islands are still unreachable. |
The colours of unreachable nebulas mingled with the darkness and desolation of space. |
The pain associated with depression is gross, undifferentiated and seemingly unreachable. |
Other caves are either unreachable or destructed owing to natural calamities as well as by man-made destruction. |
When I fired up the computer it was to find the world of the Internet strangely quiet and largely unreachable. |
The problem is that United's players, fans and staff like to think of themselves as being unreachable, if not untouchable. |
What's wrong with unreachable fairways, rock-hard greens and holes cut on the side of hills? |
Who better suited to reach for the unreachable than a man with a grappling hook? |
Acquire take-off speed and you can take to the air in a burst of flight to reach previously unreachable areas. |
The way is hard and long, but I feel that we have been set upon the right road towards that hitherto unreachable Nirvana. |
At least one species of monkey, the red colobus, was hunted to extinction, in part because logging roads gave hunters greater access to their previously unreachable habitat. |
Governor Logan suggested she had delayed the declaration of a state of emergency by being unreachable. |
The postmodern emphasis on sublimity has tended to stress the sublime as an unreachable beyond, contemplation of which induces a pathos of finitude in any human subject. |
That said, his natural abjectness is convincing: this is a character for whom life takes place on the other side of an unreachable chasm. |
Mr. Shimell, the uneasy guest, wrestled with his uncomfortable role, immured and unreachable — or possibly, touched by this woman. |
Many of them are unreachable political primitives, intent on bringing down the peace process rather than joining it. |
During the course of this inquiry, 12 projects were eliminated as unreachable within the timeframe of this survey. |
Usually, if it makes the model harder to paint because of unreachable areas, delay assembly. |
On the other hand, for some others, being unreachable is a means of avoiding additional work. |
For Miali, the closest major city is only an hour and half by plane, but the cost of travel makes it almost unreachable. |
For me, music is the zenith in our life, the unreachable zenith. |
Cybersat's Cyberbridge CB 2000 system also gives local information service providers affordable access to previously unreachable territory. |
It is not permissible to jump from the bicycle in order to catch an unreachable ball. |
Scientific research can mean real progress against chronic conditions unreachable by traditional scientific approaches. |
Human being has an excessive tendency to reject ideas that seem unreachable. |
To a young artist in the 1980s, the SoHo galleries that mattered seemed an unreachable territory, a no-go land. |
Without a healthier subvention, this goal will be unreachable. |
Already a not insignificant number of tribes have become unreachable. |
Also like Hillman, Clear Channel has a lot of money tied up and unreachable in property, and is bumping along atop a pile of almost overwhelming debt. |
The unreachable archive part of my brain must be huge by now. |
The idea of the body as a barrier to the unreachable outside world is an interesting one, but we learn so little about Esther that sympathy turns finally to revulsion. |
As I said sorry to bother you but the call centre guy refused to write down the information when I gave it to him, and Rob Connell seems to be unreachable. |
In London, the housing crisis is very acute, there is a desperate shortage of social housing and with house prices so unreachable for the majority, few people are able to buy. |
We may yearn for them but they are unreachable now, left in a past that seems almost to belong to a distant planet. |
The phone is again off and unreachable, meaning investigators cannot trace its location. |
Calabro is unreachable in protective custody and has no blog of his own with which to respond. |
I love her, but at the moment she's moody, distant and unreachable. |
Lessing is at her best when describing the glow of unreachable wealth. |
That in order to progress in this crucial transition from a culture of war to a culture of peace, we have decided to include the excluded and to reach the unreachable. |
The Internet is censored by the Thai government, making some sites unreachable. |
When at his rare concerts devoted fans demanded better, Presley served up tepid versions of his 1950s classics. By the mid-1970s, theidoldol was unreachable. |
Anne's is a high-rise building that is somewhat outdated, somewhat isolated from mass transit, near the flight paths to a major airport, susceptible to earthquake damage, and has top floors unreachable by fire truck ladders. |
You'll need a very thin brush, a black pen for details, a cutter knife blade in order to place paint drops on it and reach those unreachable places. |
After the unsuspecting victim had already sent the money by wire, the scam artist becomes unreachable by internet. |
In Ay-ry, schools were closed on Friday and many villages have been unreachable since morning. |
Gone are the days of having to ask someone to rub sun cream into that unreachable area in the middle of your back. |
That is why Hostbasket has given its engineers a unique challenge: ensure that not one email is ever lost, even in the unlikely event that the mail server is unreachable. |
Ironed flat to the ground even as what we have made, these lumpish, unlovely shapes of concrete, stone, steel, soar so preposterously into the unreachable sky. |
To address this natural disaster, two helicopters were provided by the Humanitarian Air Service of the World Food Programme to distribute essential non-food and food items to the populations unreachable by road. |
Yeah, like them lying about the check being in the mail and quickly becoming unreachable. |
Avoiding a single point of failure in the Registry's infrastructure is intended to increase stability in the event that one of these servers goes down or becomes unreachable. |
This allowed the effective achievement of many goals that otherwise would have been totally unreachable due to the country's present economic situation. |
What happens when your server is unreachable? |
Our best effort will be made to ship all locations but unfortunately due to the vast geography of Canada a few areas are unreachable by courier services. |
A strong wind blows each article away with a flip-flap, and her clothes land in faraway and often unreachable places. |