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How to use unpalatable in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word unpalatable? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
True to his words and to my amazement, he has selected some of the ones I thought were unpalatable to the taste of the Chinese authorities.
How unfortunate that that the wooden tomatoes and overly bitter arugula are unpalatable.
The fat intake is so low in his diet that many find the food choices inflexible and unpalatable.
The two Greek salads were poorly presented, resembling something one might receive during a school dinner, and were equally unpalatable.
However, if you find the taste so unpalatable that you don't drink it, then you need to do something to make it more drinkable.
Where this turn of the story tastes unpalatable is the assumption that politicians win only by using muscle power.
Their mistakes were made all the more unpalatable by the largesse with which our cash is dished out to undeserving causes.
For a start, the unpalatable truth is that the PC is in real danger of becoming an unsellable product.
For those who find its bitter taste unpalatable, having it with half a spoon of honey should help.
It is unpalatable to livestock because of its bitter taste so ranchers consider it to be a noxious weed.
In its simplest form it is quick to produce, but almost unpalatable to modern tastes!
Thankfully Ferguson was one of them too, and the unthinkable defeat became merely an unpalatable draw.
Extracts from garlic, horse chestnut, lavender, ragwort, rosemary, plantain and the liverwort Marchantia were all unpalatable.
He made the most unpalatable insinuations and unpleasant comparisons without hurting anyone's feelings and without giving cause for disapproval.
Failure to do so now can lead to very stemmy unpalatable grass in later grazings.
Lady Laura had triumphed, but she had no desire to acerbate her husband by any unpalatable allusion to her victory.
The walnut pave is more moist than many walnut breads and free from that bitter, slightly mouldy taste that can make walnuts unpalatable.
Taste for those who ate Djebo's sauce was about ingesting an unpalatable food and the social meanings or consequences that this act involved.
During the first trial, we waited until the bird ate both items to make sure that each bird at least tasted an unpalatable prey item.
This is horrible and unpalatable stuff, which makes uncomfortable and unsettling reading.
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Examples from Classical Literature
In lieu of whisky, there was a beverage most innocuous, unstimulating and unpalatable to the army of dusky laborers.
Fish is the chief diet of the merganser, for which reason its flesh is rank and unpalatable.
The drinking water was unpalatable, being heavily chlorinated to sterilise it.
It is unpalatable to those Europeans who have never eaten a turkey buzzard.
Rations of a type welcome in a northern climate were unpalatable in Turkey.
As they dry quickly they must be carefully wrapped or they will be unpalatable.
Don't pay any attention to the faddist who gives you a rigorous diet or unpalatable food.
This however was too unpalatable for his ambition to swallow.
One of the emulsions may be used instead if the pure oil is unpalatable.
Mr. huntingdon moved uneasily, pondering the unpalatable advice.
I once tasted a kola nut, but found it exceedingly bitter and unpalatable.
God has given her unpalatable truths to speak, and she must speak them.
They made me some hot negus flavoured with black currant, not unpalatable.
Underdone pork, shoat, or pig, is both unpalatable and unwholesome.
Let those needing smelling salts and counselling over this mishap look at our city's unpalatable truths that went unmentioned.
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