It is brainwashing, profoundly unhealthy, and a foundation course for turning disaffected youths into terrorists. |
As for food, yo-yo diets, involving periods of near starvation, damage valuable muscle and are positively unhealthy. |
How do I know if I am in an unhealthy, abusive, or even violent relationship? |
He is keen to emphasize that there was nothing neurotic or unhealthy in the French writer's search for the mot juste. |
The guy has become rich and famous through public advocacy of an unhealthy lifestyle. |
It's simply unhealthy and disruptive to your workflow to continue laboring throughout a designated one-hour break. |
He drank and smoked far too much and obviously indulged in unhealthy eating given his large size. |
Schools should introduce a blanket ban on all unhealthy foods and control stock in tuck shops. |
So unless the lass had an unhealthy taste for doddering old buffers like you and me, my theory's up the spout. |
He was a theologian with well-defined critiques of secularism and unhealthy laxity of behavior on moral precepts. |
Not only is it exhausting to be in a state of near-perpetual anger, but it's unhealthy, and it annoys other people. |
Add to that an unhealthy dose of shame at her previous level of comfort, and you had a lethal combination. |
If the cat is lethargic and his coat is dull and unhealthy looking, this too may be a sign. |
That's a nice little rhetorical trick, to pretend that the only possible omnivorous diet must be an unhealthy fast food one. |
The focus this year is Children, Adolescents and Heart Disease, because children are increasingly adopting unhealthy lifestyles. |
Lots of things are bad for us, including a long list of potentially unhealthy foods. |
If I drink ground water from the well in my house, it tastes brackish and salty, while the tap water is always unclean and unhealthy. |
Some people think fragmentation is unhealthy or it's schizophrenia or madness. |
While eggs may have an unhealthy image, the evidence suggests they have been unfairly maligned. |
I am pleased Paul eats primal fare such as this, and little in the way of unhealthy man-made fats such as margarine and processed foods. |
Add to that the fact that during this period she had ballooned to an unhealthy 290 pounds. |
The division of health-care funding responsibilities between the federal, state and territory governments is unhealthy. |
But if you've also learned unhealthy eating habits and sedentary ways from your family, you'll need to change your lifestyle. |
The medicalisation of modern society has already deskilled many other professions and led patients into an unhealthy dependence on medical care. |
As I said I think at the beginning, we are an unhealthy society in regard to our conceptions of aging. |
Stereotypes should be challenged and unhealthy attitudes towards relationships with women revised. |
Not that he minded her being so worried, it was actually very sweet of her, but it was unhealthy to worry so much. |
Schools are mollycoddling pupils, producing a generation of unhealthy underachievers, the government's education agency has warned. |
It would be better to provide more education on dental health in schools and to scrap school tuck shops that encourage unhealthy snacks. |
The projects being piloted in 500 schools across the country include a crackdown on unhealthy foods in school tuck shops and vending machines. |
Through his tutorage and by participating in the running and walking activities, the unhealthy have found nirvana. |
It contains less monounsaturated fat and more unhealthy artery-clogging saturated fat than olive oil, Weil says. |
An explosive increase in car ownership is blamed for a sharp rise in unhealthy emissions. |
When we speak of morbid obesity, are all women in this assumed weight category unhealthy or at risk for diseases? |
The course of David's own career was held to express an unhealthy identity of tyrannical power with pedagogical authority. |
Everyone took turns yelling at and reprimanding Venus for her unhealthy, sinful, and deplorable actions. |
The mind is no longer using its energy to deal with the demands of an unhealthy or unattended body. |
It's because of you that we are pegged as being unclean, dirty or unhealthy. |
This is a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, smoking and being physically unfit. |
Physically unfit women at unhealthy weights have higher chronic disease risk. |
So, basically, funny films make your heart healthy and unfunny films make you unhealthy. |
I threw the rag down with a soft mutter of disgust, cradling my chin in my trembling hands, my breath coming in short, unhealthy spurts. |
Fever should not be regarded as a dangerous or unhealthy process in the body. |
Home-grown food improves the diet and bypasses many unhealthy aspects of production and distribution. |
Sweating off the pounds can be an unhealthy, even dangerous and potentially fatal way to lighten your load. |
And it could become more of a problem in Asia as unhealthy elements in Western diets are adopted. |
But probably the most dangerously unhealthy practice in sport is the use of performance enhancing drugs. |
The average UK diet contains unhealthy levels of saturated fats, with dairy products being the main source of the problem. |
On the other hand, many sour and bitter foods were either unhealthy or poisonous for early humans. |
We could try to regulate every aspect of the lives of everyone, so that all unhealthy or risky practices were eliminated. |
How about all the lives lost through unhealthy and dangerous working conditions, for which no compensation was ever awarded to the victims? |
This contributes to stress-induced health conditions and unhealthy living patterns. |
Men don't usually worry about diets or unhealthy lifestyles until they find themselves facing a health problem. |
There is some evidence to suggest that obesity and an unhealthy diet may also increase the risk of cancers such colorectal cancer. |
In the winter, the place will still be drafty, cold, and dangerously unhealthy. |
This is unsightly, unhygienic and, given the present climate of contagious illness, positively unhealthy. |
They are forced to work under dangerous and unhealthy conditions, often for months without days off, according to a city report. |
Towns were becoming more unhealthy, poisoning themselves with their own human, animal, and industrial wastes. |
Only about a quarter of the effect is likely to have been due to unhealthy behaviour, such as smoking. |
By making us aware of the origins of our unhealthy behaviour, psychoanalysis helps us to adapt to external reality. |
That's the kind of thing that probably causes ulcers, and as such probably also foments very unhealthy attitudes. |
This concern is associated with an increased risk of women engaging in unhealthy eating behaviours. |
Information is provided that warns of the severity and likelihood of consequences of unhealthy behaviours. |
Peer education is considered an effective way to change youth attitudes and unhealthy life patterns. |
We know that, where people feel good about themselves and about their environment, they are less likely to indulge in unhealthy behaviour. |
In our study, heightened stress showed typical associations with unhealthy behaviour. |
While she didn't have a problem with alcohol, she admits she had an unhealthy attitude to eating for a while. |
I used to worry that this was unhealthy, obsessive behaviour and speculated frequently about its causes. |
Others would argue, of course, that Dawn and her husband are contributing to our society's already unhealthy attitude toward women. |
My tastes are fairly similar to yours but I have an unhealthy unironic love of Karen Carpenter. |
If the garden is unkempt, unhealthy or dying, it is considered to be draining the energy. |
Landfill is always discussed as smelly, polluting and potentially unhealthy. |
Some critics say that keeping children at home with limited socialization is unhealthy for kids. |
I suggest you pick a few of your unhealthy eating habits, and give yourself a month to work on breaking those habits. |
It is no wonder that winter time is when most people break their exercise routines, start unhealthy eating habits and gain weight. |
I think the only unhealthy drink I've ever seen him consume would be alcohol, and even that only in sparing amounts. |
Scottish lovers of the beefburger and the chip butty are being encouraged to stand up for their rights to eat fattening, unhealthy food. |
What is unhealthy is the growing habit of obstruction, delay and occasional flat refusal to co-operate. |
The cycle can of an unhealthy approach to food can be reversed by strongly promoting healthy eating to the youth of our country. |
My patient's unhealthy lifestyle began to catch up with him peripheral vascular disease, a stroke, and then angina. |
There is an unhealthy tendency to subjugate films to the dictates of raising public awareness. |
Mr. Deendayal Dilkush, that unhealthy, lethargic man of mundane existence would soon be history. |
It's the place where day becomes night, and everyone leaves with an unhealthy pallor. |
The obsession with svelte figures flies in the face of past beliefs that regarded those who were thin as being unhealthy and malnourished. |
They come seeking help for work-related stress, irregular sleeping hours, unhealthy food habits and chronic fatigue. |
I could hear the bus before I saw it, its unhealthy chugging sound coming closer and closer. |
My skin is varying shades of black and grey, pale and pasty in places, then suddenly dropping off to pitch, dull black, an unhealthy cast. |
I don't count myself in this, for I live an unhealthy life, but I am the exception among my clean-living contemporaries. |
The course of his own career was held to express an unhealthy identity of tyrannical power with pedagogical authority. |
The study found most parents provided children with unhealthy treats such as lollies, icy poles, ice cream, hot chips and biscuits every day. |
Yes, fatty hamburgers, pepperoni, bacon, and ribs are unhealthy and should be eaten only occasionally, if at all. |
The proposal invites locals to change their habit of cocooning inside unhealthy, mechanically ventilated environments. |
I think religious fanaticism is extremely unhealthy and it seems Mel Gibson is guilty of that. |
It is expected to pour cold water on Downing Street plans to subsidise gym membership and impose a 'fat tax' on unhealthy foods. |
At the time, TVB countered by saying that it was those complaints that were unhealthy. |
I am a compulsive consumer of gossip magazines and freely admit to an unhealthy fascination with celebrity. |
If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted or just plain rundown, you probably are dealing with unhealthy amounts of stress. |
Clearly, many vegetarians live off diets of convenience food and this is incredibly unhealthy. |
Regular readers will have noticed by now that this paper has a possibly unhealthy fixation on robots. |
But now we are starting to think the 6-pack might just be owned by multi-nationals and be unhealthy, fermenting yellow fizz. |
I worried I would overlook huge character flaws because I was somehow chemically engineered to be in unhealthy relationships. |
A widely held concern was the way in which a polypill might undermine personal responsibility for wellness and encourage unhealthy lifestyles. |
Glasgow and Edinburgh have emerged as the UK's twin capitals of corpulence in a national guide to unhealthy living. |
The couch potato, chip-munching life-style is too common and it is clearly unhealthy. |
I don't think it's that hard to figure out why withdrawing into exclusive coupledom is unhealthy in the long run. |
The legalising campaign also points to the fact that smoking is legal, and that pot is in no way more unhealthy than smoking. |
If you enjoy couponing, focus on getting useful freebies, like toothpaste and cleaning products, instead of unhealthy foods. |
Experts believe that their lack of activity and taste for sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks may be driving them towards an early grave. |
This in turn allows the gazillionaires who run these multinationals and conglomerates an unhealthy sway over government policy. |
Advertisers insist their promotions only boost certain brands and do not increase the market for unhealthy foods. |
These unhealthy developments have led to thorough demoralization in the bureaucracy, rampant indiscipline and all round inefficiency. |
Something unhealthy in our political system causes each president to be portrayed in the most vicious and derisive terms. |
The dholes and jaguar were alert though, and already got the jackal who had an unhealthy interest in the horses surrounded. |
Short-term diets may help you lose weight, but they are difficult to keep up and even may be unhealthy in the long run. |
Equally unhealthy is a refusal to admit there is another view or to admit the presence of the elephant in the room. |
There are those, though, who think that comedy has now risen to a level of unhealthy domination. |
Either they can afford to chase the faddy food fashions and pay a fortune or they just have a bland unhealthy diet, because they don't know any better. |
If fat is unhealthy, but diets don't work, what then are you suggesting? |
Either way, I would not want to fall into the unhealthy mindset of the programme which encouraged viewers to judge the wives on their successes and failures. |
While fried food is usually unhealthy, the four fast food restaurants surveyed have switched to low cholesterol cooking oils like soybean and corn oil. |
Over-refining foods involves the addition of unhealthy ingredients. |
Your heartbeat's pace has quickened by a large, unhealthy, degree. |
The inescapable conclusion after reading the book is that we are not just dealing with a few unhealthy branches which can be lopped off restoring the tree to health. |
I think the key to avoiding unhealthy levels of groupthink has to do with designing spaces that consistently exert pull upon outsiders, so as to keep the air fresh. |
American teenagers have a relatively clear view of which unhealthy behaviors will put them at greatest long-term risk. |
Prisoners of war interned in unhealthy areas, or where the climate is injurious for them, shall be removed as soon as possible to a more favourable climate. |
Centuries after the technique was pioneered, maggots are being used at Harrogate District Hospital in larvae therapy, to remove unhealthy tissue from wounds. |
How can we be healthy in a holistic way, if we are deprived this view of ourselves or if we only see ourselves portrayed as damaged and unhealthy? |
A visit there opens with Robert Baker's description of Leeds in 1842 and an invitation to tour the reconstructed unhealthy and insanitary streets of the town. |
Her attitude expresses the Darwinian rationale of Nazism, according to which the elimination of unhealthy students would save the state the money needed to sustain them. |
Overall, the environment promotes continued interservice rivalry, but the delineator between productive competition and unhealthy contention is ethics. |
Dressed in an apricot evening gown for the try-out, Lola is a delightful character with an unhealthy habit for collecting knick-knacks and memories. |
But today seedy glamour is being replaced by the dim light of computer screens and the unhealthy pallor of those who stare into them for most of their waking hours. |
As well as calling for an advertising ban, the group has urged ministers to prevent music and sports celebrities from publicly endorsing unhealthy products. |
The seriousness of unhealthy population growth cannot be overemphasized because it leads to an increase in the number of aged people and a shortage of labor. |
I produced a batch of my personal pancake recipe, then moved on to making a fruit sauce that could be used instead of an unhealthy, unnatural maple syrup. |
And besides, having such an unhealthy attitude does one no good at all. |
She is both a victim of the all-consuming celebrity culture and a perpetrator of bad decisions, the lack of self-control and an unhealthy sense of entitlement. |
The most simple way to look at this is that a genotype might influence who is sensitive to the impact of that first unhealthy weight loss diet they go on, she said. |
The concept of a popular economic endorsement of slavery is also strongly supported by recent denials that the southern slave economy was either unprosperous or unhealthy. |
More than 15 million Americans eat unhealthy food because nutritious meals are too expensive. |
The Nutrition in Schools Bill, expected to be published within weeks, will give ministers powers to ban unhealthy foods from school tuck shops and canteens. |
We struggle to think of them as unhealthy, because they seem so pure, so wholesome, so stocked with goodness. |
Jordan Younger knew her raw vegan diet had become an unhealthy obsession when she started avoiding going out with friends. |
Sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy foods, and the proliferation of adverts aimed at children for products such as sugar-coated cereals are all said to be contributory factors. |
Sure, it was unhealthy, but at least she wasn't biting her nails so much anymore and bitten nails, she'd decided, were so ugly and spoke of an unbalanced mind. |
Natural peanut butter eliminates unhealthy trans-fatty acids as well. |
He was concerned that if meals were limited to just healthy options some children would refuse to eat them and instead would bring in unhealthy packed lunches. |
It is important for parents to cultivate an enlightened and tender congeniality about such matters, otherwise they risk transferring unhealthy attitudes to their children. |
There are many nutrition experts who say a dieter who tries this weight-loss approach is set up to fail and also develop unhealthy habits, such as binge-eating. |
At dinner time I saw him eat very unhealthy food in the cafe. |
Most of us have an unhealthy relationship with anger, writes author and psychologist Andrea Brandt. |
Children with avoidant personalities or extreme anxiety will more easily fall into an unhealthy coping style. |
Barbie is an unrealistic, unhealthy, insulting representation of female appearance. |
Instead, they stay put and give skin an unhealthy pallor and texture. |
The great irony is that being so fit can be pretty unhealthy. |
You don't have to agree with any of their viewpoints to realise that it is unhealthy for democracy to have such voices absent from the House of Commons. |
Most shoemakers work in big factories where conditions are usually unhealthy because of the noise and working with chemical substances such as glues, solvents and dressings. |
If you eat junk food constantly, you will become ill and unhealthy. |
They found that the beats of unhealthy hearts did vary more randomly. |
So I'm drinking empty calories on top of eating unhealthy food. |
With airbrushing and digital manipulation, fashion can be an unobtainable image that's dangerously unhealthy. |
And here lies his evolutionary explanation of unhealthy behaviour. |
From Japanese to Indian to the salad bar, takeout is a minefield of unhealthy choices. |
Even when a skeleton displays no evidence of disability, it might have been the scaffolding for an unhealthy body. |
Is our current food obsession unhealthy, a sign of decadence even? |
During the last financial year I have fallen into the unhealthy habit of not opening bills or indeed anything buff and brown with my name typed on it. |
Infection rates could be further reduced by feeding hay, rather than the standard unhealthy starchy grain diet, for seven days prior to slaughter. |
When we fail to do this and make someone else the center of our lives, we're moving away from healthy connection and toward unhealthy codependency, she adds. |
He's a two-timing Piscean with an unhealthy attachment disorder. |
Torn, we are told, was so obsessed by anatomical study that he stashed anatomized body parts under his bed, an unhealthy practice that contributed to his early death. |
If your mouth is unhealthy, especially with gum disease, it overloads your health every moment of the day, lowering your resistance to all disease. |
Studies show that static seating is dangerous and unhealthy. |
The anthroposophical concept, that pests and diseases are nature's way of getting rid of something that is basically unhealthy, is in itself seen as a warning. |
I would call it an unhealthy obsession, except I have too many of my own. |
It takes a lot of chutzpah to denounce the unhealthy influence of campaign contributions at the exact moment you are eviscerating the spirit of our campaign laws. |
Women who faced socioeconomic hardships as children are more likely to have unhealthy habits as older adults, a February AJPH study found. |
The feature that struck me most forcibly was the strange hue of their skin, a repulsive, unhealthy pallor, a seeming bloodlessness. |
A small stream fed it and continued beyond it, so that the sheet of water, though turbid, was never ditchlike or unhealthy. |
Insulae were often dangerous, unhealthy, and prone to fires because of overcrowding and haphazard cooking arrangements. |
If spitting is supposed to scare the opponent, it fails miserably.... It's not only unhealthy and silly, it's schoolyard kid stuff. |
As a child he sometimes spent time away from the unhealthy air of Dublin with his mother's family in the Blackwater Valley in County Cork. |
He was physically unhealthy, which may have stemmed from a bout of rheumatic fever and other childhood illnesses. |
Sellers maintained a very close relationship with his mother, which his friend Spike Milligan later considered unhealthy for a grown man. |
There, they found themselves living out in the open under torrential rains in extremely unhealthy circumstances. |
By this point, Moon was so unhealthy that the Who conceded it would be difficult for him to cope with touring. |
These unhealthy farmers have difficulty working the land and the productivity drops further. |
In the past tidal flats were considered unhealthy, economically unimportant areas and were often dredged and developed into agricultural land. |
Some attributed his death to an unhealthy lifestyle, as he had become stout and inactive in the years before his death. |
Currently, about a billion people around the world routinely drink unhealthy water. |
Later, in part related to his occupation as a gravedigger, he developed an unhealthy, macabre sense of humour. |
This is mostly due to the adoption of an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. |
However, even populated areas in developed countries attain unhealthy levels of pollution, with Los Angeles and Rome being two examples. |
Her complexion was of an unhealthy yellowish hue, and a few wisps of the same yellowish-hued hair straggled stringily down her thin temples. |
However, if we worry too much about feeding our tweens, and if we show them we're worried, we could be passing on some unhealthy messages. |
But in the book, Father carmine just has one unhealthy tabby cat. |
In addition, these top earners often stayed in their positions longer, leading to an unhealthy combination for businesses. |
As the location just south of Las Vegas begins to ramp down, it is euthanizing tortoises deemed too unhealthy to return to the wild. |
This can lead to unhealthy snacking and bingeing on fatty, sugary or processed foods when we do actually get round to eating. |
Banished to the streets outside pubs and restaurants, even on the iciest of winter nights, their habit marks them out as the unhealthy ones. |
I had heard that wheat and gluten sensitivities could cause health problems for some people, but calling these foods unhealthy surprised me. |
The fair is essentially a 10-day event for central Arkansas to eat unhealthy foods and ship money out of state to an amusement rides vendor. |
Obviously, unhealthy snacking and obesity go hand in hand, but what about the enjoyment of an occasional brownie break? |
One distinctly unhealthy and visible illustration of all four is the swelling flow of garbage associated with a throwaway economy. |
In comparison, the comedian's hobbies include drinking alcohol, attempting to find romance and developing an unhealthy addiction to Flumps. |
Indeed, the general manager has captured the global financial zeitgeist-an unhealthy codependence between investors and their central bankers. |
Over time, this marriage of convenience morphed into a full-blown and inherently unhealthy codependency. |
After being co-dependent upon others, she understands that she is in an unhealthy emotional state. |
Projects being piloted in 500 schools include a crackdown on unhealthy foods in school tuck shops and vending machines. |
Taxpayer money to supposedly non-ideological charities, however, is creating unhealthy sycophantism. |
All in all, an unedifying and unhealthy snapshot of conservatism today. |
But adults know the difference between healthy produce and unhealthy junk. |
However, the website is now saying that the previous tweet showed signs of overprotectiveness and unhealthy behaviour. |
With many children having packed lunches at school, term-time doesn't have to mean bad lunchtime habits and unhealthy snacking. |
Their backgrounds suggest an unhealthy, weedy soil that causes their young plants to twist and permutate. |
If the world is more interdependent, how do we create healthy interdependencies so we rise together, rather than unhealthy interdependencies so we fall together? |
No, instead of swollen ankles, blotchy skin and and insatiable appetite for unhealthy foods, she still looks beautiful and slim, blah, blah, blah. |
Then there's the return of the Edward Buchan character who appeared as the Ripperologist in the first series and now has an unhealthy but handy knowledge of the Krays. |
I don't think that you can go to an acupuncturist and walk away unhealthy. |
Advertising for fast food can reinforce unhealthy dietary tendencies. |
Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy. |
Fast food might be convenient, but it's also very unhealthy. |
The new humanist learning had been hitherto looked on with suspicion in Rome, a possible source of schism and heresy from an unhealthy interest in paganism. |
The Akha people have complained the missionaries are more worried about building a church than building a clinic in a village that is very unhealthy. |
He was a skinny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who had the pinched, slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time. |
This contributes to the spread of illness through unhealthy water. |
Then there's the return of the Edward Buchan character, who appeared as the Ripperologist in the first series and now has an unhealthy but handy knowledge of the Krays. |
To further complicate matters, the reactions of family members to the multi-addiction patterns were as unhealthy as the coping of the addicts themselves. |
Bacon is considered by many doctors to be unhealthy if eaten in excess. |
A hole in the heart means there is a communication between the two as a result of which unoxygenated blood mingles with oxygenated blood which is unhealthy for the body. |
Through market concentration and the rise of food oligopolies that flood markets with cheap, unhealthy, ultra-processed products, in addition to fast food and soft drinks. |
Bruce Zavitz, Pinevest's tree consultant, characterized most of the table land's hardwood understorey as unhealthy and not useful for wildlife habitat. |
The township of Bollington has been very unhealthy the whole year. There were 50 deaths in it this quarter, 22 of which were from typhus and scarlatina. |
But as we were watching it, a common buzzard took an unhealthy interest. |