I felt a little uncomfortable suddenly being paired with Rob, the seemingly eternal giggler. |
When I drink a Michelada, I expect to experience an almost uncomfortable burn from the capsaicin-heavy hot sauce. |
Borborygmus is the clunky, sometimes uncomfortable sensation in your innards before you need to evacuate. |
She's prone to plain speaking and abhors hype, so she's admittedly uncomfortable with self-promotion. |
This was the time when all middle class families felt uncomfortable about food. |
But it is still very uncomfortable when the discourse moves beyond rather bare abstraction. |
If you are uncomfortable operating a piece of heavy equipment, consider hiring a commercial jobber. |
Breathing in the uncomfortable silence I tried to quell the unease, without much success I might add. |
It doesn't exactly hurt when they dig but it is uncomfortable like when you chew a nail down to the quick. |
It was uncomfortable and crowded because the captain or the first mate was making a quid on the side by carrying more passengers than manifested. |
Seeing that she seemed uncomfortable with the situation, he began to worm his way to the door. |
Most of my friends and acquaintances are anti-war or at least uncomfortable about it. |
Each time your brother scratches at the uncomfortable acrylic sweater Mom gave him, offer him some lotion. |
It was probably due to nervous jitters or exhaustion, but the boys almost seemed uncomfortable to be up on stage. |
The legislature has made such designations, and has been uncomfortable with the executive branch taking an activist role. |
Russians, for historical reasons, can be acutely ill at ease with the idea of expounding uncomfortable truths in a formal setting. |
On the whole I have always agreed with the old adage that horses were dangerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle. |
Her fingers looked as if someone had beat on them and they were welted and lumpy and bent at uncomfortable angles. |
Although his personal tussle with partner Lyle fizzled out, Jacobson admitted he had been nervous and uncomfortable in the opening holes. |
Later, however, there's a brief, uncomfortable scene where Liza goes on a date with Harvey and he rejects her sexual advances. |
We were raw recruits, all looking alike, equally uncomfortable in their new outfits. |
Many people do not understand why this uncomfortable season is named after a fruit. |
I'd heard that it was agonisingly painful, but I just found it uncomfortable and embarrassing. |
Cora refused to wear such a confining and uncomfortable article of clothing as the wimple, which wrapped around a woman's head and neck. |
I was feeling extremely tense and uncomfortable and the whole thing was winding me up more and more and more. |
It might make the seniors sitting behind you uncomfortable if you recline your chair. |
In common with many other recluses, he doesn't appear to have been shy or uncomfortable in company. |
This is a wise precaution before trying anything you feel uncomfortable with. |
Here in the dark the squadron laagered and passed an uncomfortable night constantly on the alert in expectation of a German counter attack. |
It is probably the need to accept that uncomfortable reality that is the greatest impediment to ensuring donor registries are well subscribed. |
The ancient and largely uncomfortable seating would be replaced and the giant 2,300-seater Oval Hall redecorated and a new carpet laid. |
They would also be relieved of that very uncomfortable obligation of investigating their colleagues. |
For one thing, the Yemeni might be reluctant to see the investigation stray into uncomfortable areas. |
The second Phil zipped me in, I could feel this very uncomfortable pressure in my inner right elbow every time I bent the arm. |
I do no think he will feel the least uncomfortable for putting this line into his mouth. |
I was feeling so unnerved, and uncomfortable by now, the small hairs on my arms and legs stood on end. |
I didn't much feel like having a miserable evening of Dad being uncomfortable while Mom and me sent angry glares at each other. |
Also, initially, he was very uncomfortable walking around Sofia by himself, as he doesn't speak a lick of Bulgarian. |
I am very uncomfortable with reading elsewhere that military members in the special forces operate commonly out of uniform. |
The rain was light, but heavy enough to make you cold and uncomfortable after a few minutes. |
He still looked slightly shocked and uncomfortable at the news, but continued on with his questions anyway. |
An uncomfortable silence settled, leaving the two with their own thoughts in the poor lighting of the prop room. |
She felt uncomfortable as he stared at her, his eyes roaming all over her body. |
We have become uncomfortable with the idea of literal representation when we make monuments. |
The surge made for a rolly and uncomfortable night for those in the single bunks. |
The Cabin was small and fairly uncomfortable but it was a roof over their heads and that at least was something. |
I was uncomfortable watching the video too, however, it was because it looked like these two should have gotten a room! |
If the child is very uncomfortable and restless, wet a washcloth with tepid water and arnica tincture or lemon juice. |
He was clearly uncomfortable with the analogy, but does not clearly articulate many objections to it. |
For much of tonight's show she looks bored, unhappy and uncomfortable when singing. |
I am uncomfortable with applying these rubrics in a wholesale fashion to the work of honours students. |
But this is an uncomfortable process for nearly everybody and, for some, a very costly and ruinous one. |
She reports that during the intervening period, she began to hear an uncomfortable noise, a loud ringing or buzzing. |
Going out in public with him is uncomfortable because his clothes are sometimes loud, garish, or out of style. |
I'd rather be comfy and endure a little prodding than be lousily uncomfortable the entire flight. |
It's full of nasty, worrying stuff and advertisers might shy from hawking their wares so close to such uncomfortable viewing. |
They turn the corner and find their teammates, sacked out in some apparently very uncomfortable positions. |
Shopping can be an exhausting and uncomfortable experience at the best of times, but Christmas shopping? |
Now that the state picks up the tab, the ownership structure is an uncomfortable anachronism. |
Yet for all their attempts to break taboos, what makes Americans most uncomfortable is the portrayal of intimacy between men. |
Though he had left his leather hauberk with his horse's tack and dunked his head in a water barrel, he still felt too uncomfortable to eat much. |
Poor Carly looks mad uncomfortable and gives a quick side-eye to the camera. |
He talks people down, stretches the truth, ignores or denies uncomfortable facts, is blatantly rude to anyone to questions him. |
This time the sanguinary tale takes place in an uncomfortable meeting of her Vampire Chronicles and Mayfair Witch books. |
He breaks off, perhaps uncomfortable with this line of questioning, and scoots off at a tangent. |
The episode ends with an awkward and uncomfortable lovemaking session between Tony and Carmela. |
In all of them you see a hunched, awkward man, uncomfortable in his own body. |
He stood as straight as he could, which was not very straight, since he spent nearly two hours in an uncomfortable and awkward position. |
If the motion feels awkward, uncomfortable or painful, you need to make an adjustment somewhere. |
As I lay on my side, too choked with inward giggling to move into a less awkward and uncomfortable position, my mother appeared. |
The hotels are still generic and boring and when I sleep, it feels awkward and uncomfortable in the beds. |
They are well staged, but somtimes fall awkwardly between uncomfortable realism and Hollywood effectiveness. |
Awkwardly sited on the river meander, the bridge has an uncomfortable relationship with the freeway. |
It is a dire coach company in the UK, to be avoided at all costs for their provision of uncomfortable seats and tardy services. |
We drove home in an uncomfortable silence, Grandma sensing my saturnine mood. |
For most visitors it was shabby and tawdry, with hotel rooms designed to be so uncomfortable that you had to go downstairs and gamble. |
One uncomfortable elevator ride later, Jude and Texas emerged into the busy lobby of the Plaza, pushing their overloaded cart in front of them. |
Cynics and sceptics raised uncomfortable questions, and found serious flaws with the script. |
You'll also find the backrests of the seats tend to be upright, which can be uncomfortable on longer journeys. |
Now I deliberately do the opposite and I tell you, it can be a very uncomfortable thing to do. |
Surely, they must be the most uncomfortable garment ever invented, this side of a scold's bridle. |
They feel uncomfortable with some of the more subjective data on a scorecard. |
As much as I valued the path of Eastern spirituality and meditation, I was uncomfortable with its subtle scorn for the physical world. |
It might even be more uncomfortable to see the world through the mind of someone who thinks exactly like you do. |
She didn't say anything after my sudden outburst and I assumed I had somehow made her uncomfortable with my maudlin sentiments. |
Biopsies can be uncomfortable and you may be given a mild sedative or local anaesthetic. |
His lips moved up her neck in a light fashion and gave her an uncomfortable thrill such that she shuddered. |
Novak looked extremely uncomfortable on Meet the Press today, and David Broder looked like he was going to throttle him. |
She makes you uncomfortable because she is forever challenging you to fight for your beliefs. |
After a period of thoughtful self-examination, I've arrived at a few uncomfortable realizations. |
The collapse of the Nasdaq bubble left the United States in a situation that bears an uncomfortable resemblance to the Japan of a decade ago. |
He said timetabling extra services could help tackle uncomfortable overcrowding, especially during rush hours. |
Ryan, in contrast to everyone else, seemed a bit uncomfortable with idea of quickly shedding his clothes in front of everyone. |
Equally uncomfortable as cold sores are cracks and splits that can sometimes occur in the corners of the mouth or on the lips. |
He then asked her if she was still minuting the meeting and the other people in the room became uncomfortable and she was asked to leave. |
They go in with their boyfriends and they're miserable, uncomfortable and they just want to go. |
He always talks about her to me, and I feel so uncomfortable and miserable. |
He plays the splendidly repressed and self-righteous Octavius Caesar, miserably uncomfortable when forced to drink and engage in swordplay. |
Some male customers felt uncomfortable when women were there as they were trying things on. |
And if you're stuck in a truly uncomfortable situation, speak with a flight attendant. |
However, when one digs deeper, the uncomfortable truth lies not far below the surface. |
At four I got up and prowled the flat, checking doors and windows were shut, uncomfortable and alone. |
Taking a deep breath, I shut the call out of my mind and pushed myself from the uncomfortable wooden chair to my feet. |
Also, he was uncomfortable with formality, dignity or the symbolic and monarchic aspects of the Presidency. |
It is extremely uncomfortable as the plane is thrown around violently, in the worst turbulence imaginable. |
You may feel strange and uncomfortable in a monogamous long-term relationship, but you feel under pressure to be in one. |
I'm apparently tossing and turning in my uncomfortable sleep, moving here, twisting there. |
It was uncomfortable and there were two long nights ahead, but it made little difference. |
Moreover, it is clear that they are very uncomfortable with the current blend of religious zealotry and ultranationalism. |
I felt heat blotching along my face, noticing that uncomfortable feeling whenever I was around Jon. |
A tear slid down Francine's cheek, and the usually unaffectionate Crystal put an arm around her, though she felt slightly uncomfortable doing it. |
It then occurred to me that maybe Josh was uncomfortable with the position we were in, so I moved to sit up. |
If this is your first pacer, you may harbour uncharitable thoughts about this uncomfortable big fat lump of metal in your chest. |
I gather he was just a little uncomfortable with some of the technology and the green screen. |
The seats may be uncomfortable and the music too assertive but we don't care! |
The angle of the seat is odd and Akra Jr always looks slightly uncomfortable sitting in it. |
Although colic is not thought to be due to pain, a baby with colic may look uncomfortable or appear to be in pain. |
This type of scraping biopsy can be uncomfortable but not painful so no anaesthetic is required. |
Angela had tried a variety of treatments in a bid to ease the horse's uncomfortable condition. |
It is most uncomfortable craning one's neck whilst trying to watch the game. |
Also the heat in the office was said to have reached an extremely uncomfortable level. |
Climate change made the wearing of bushy white beards uncomfortable as well as impractical. |
She could laugh and smile at things she enjoyed and cry if uncomfortable or in pain but could do little to help herself. |
This is an uncomfortable condition caused by overuse, strain or a tear in a tendon. |
I am always physically uncomfortable because of all the blue make-up I have to wear. |
Rebecca leaned back in her rather uncomfortable wooden chair and folded her arms across her chest. |
Conditions get slightly uncomfortable and all politeness flies out the window. |
As was always the case in company, he appeared uncomfortable and slightly aloof. |
It was a topic that I was uncomfortable with as who wants to talk structure with friends. |
The conversation can often be uncomfortable and the disagreements are here to stay. |
You can tell Brett is slightly uncomfortable as the five of us travel up in the lift to the second floor. |
For good people it is very uncomfortable to be in the presence of someone in pain and not be able to do anything about it. |
People often feel uncomfortable with that concept, but I don't have a problem with it. |
Closer analysis of why I find this funny leads to the uncomfortable conclusion that I am a bigot. |
The figure looked unbearable uncomfortable as he shoved his hands in his pockets. |
Such a request would also represent a recognition of an uncomfortable fact. |
I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of these psychologists analysing my responses. |
I know that sounds weird and I'm a bit uncomfortable about having it in print but it's the truth. |
They made you laugh but feel rather uncomfortable at the same time and comedy should do that occasionally. |
Miller was obviously uncomfortable with the questions and shifted in his chair. |
It is, to say the least, uncomfortable seeing such pain inflicted on an innocent man. |
A master of image and mood, he seems deeply uncomfortable with dialogue and structure. |
One man, young and bearded and uncomfortable in his seat, crosses and uncrosses his legs, before being pointed towards a doorway. |
An uncomfortable silence fell over the room and Andy quietly sat, her chin lifted in mute defiance, as her mother and stepfather stared at her. |
Getting there was as wild and uncomfortable as any slide down a slippery slope can be. |
It's an uncomfortable parallel, anyway, since British voters ungratefully booted Churchill out of office once the Second World War was over. |
She wanted to change from her uncomfortable formal slippers to more comfortable leather shoes, but there wasn't any time. |
For a while it was uncomfortable outdoors because of the myriads of tiny flying insects. |
The small but influential world federalist movement, although uncomfortable with unilateralist proposals, took a strong anti-nuclear stand. |
A substantial amount of heat is lost through an uninsulated slab, resulting in cold, uncomfortable floors. |
An uncomfortable place that would force us to learn about our mutual dependence and unlearn patriotic virtues. |
Kelly is portrayed as a slow witted young man, with a strong sense of injustice, who feels uncomfortable in the role of gunslinger. |
If you're still uncomfortable using it you can use one of its salts, sodium borate, also known as borax for the same effect. |
Her letters therefore reveal a web of motives and sly manipulation that her uncomfortable position encouraged. |
This is horrible and unpalatable stuff, which makes uncomfortable and unsettling reading. |
He admitted to feeling uncomfortable at the narrowness of his majority over the opposition candidate. |
She would brave bandits, illness, unsanitary, uncomfortable accommodation and even sometimes lack of food in a singleminded pursuit of her goal. |
Park's naturalistic depiction of brutal violence and sadistic torture often make for uncomfortable viewing. |
She pulled the black camisole on and felt a little uncomfortable when she noticed the snugness around her chest and stomach. |
I felt uncomfortable and rather cold, but soon forgot about that as she tried to force my unruly hair into an elegant updo. |
We three girls sat on very uncomfortable upright chairs around the mock-Jacobean dining table. |
This is obviously a distracting, nerve-wracking, uncomfortable experience for him. |
Not one of them shed a tear, but sat there on the uncomfortable wooden seats, trying to mask their anguish with solemn seriousness. |
While I disagree with him on many issues, he utters some uncomfortable truths. |
If he were a betting man, he would venture a wager that she was uncomfortable with the position she was now in where it came to him. |
Narrow aisles and small seats into which bulky people must squeeze can make planes uncomfortable and annoy other passengers. |
Plenty of people were missing eyes, and he was clad in an uncomfortable woolen shirt and burlap pants that were dyed a moss green. |
The project clearly seems non-secular in nature and I feel a little uncomfortable having tax revenues go to that purpose. |
And god knows I prefer honest vulgarity to polite denial of uncomfortable truths. |
Although uncomfortable and embarrassing, it is not normally a serious condition. |
I squirmed on the uncomfortable seat, trying to work some feeling back into my numb tailbone. |
It's an important issue for us women, and for a man, any man, to feel uncomfortable about her discussing it hacks her off. |
At the end of the day, she wanted more, and it got a bit uncomfortable to the point it got stalkerish. |
Ultimately, however, this film takes a stance on youthful rebellion that is as uncomfortable as it is unusual. |
It's more that it makes me uncomfortable when we give these glory-seeking nuts the kind of attention they so desperately crave. |
It refers to the capacity we have for not naming uncomfortable truths, even though they're staring us in the face. |
Camping may not be as uncomfortable as it used to be, but you have to admire the people who pack up and pitch a tent in Wales. |
Swelling of the ear canal may make your child complain of a full or uncomfortable feeling in the ear. |
Worn on a hot evening at a state occasion, such dresses must have been uncomfortable to wear. |
The opposite, being off-message, is an uncomfortable experience, likely to lead to much tut-tutting and loss of privileges. |
We are uncomfortable with slow things because we have to step back and consider them. |
His brother certainly looked uncomfortable in his city clothes, pulling constantly at his stiff collar. |
Inevitably the snipers and the carpers have done their worst to make life uncomfortable for him. |
She found a sterile waiting room furnished with boring, wall-to-wall carpeting and uncomfortable armchairs. |
I was slightly uncomfortable under her intense gaze and I tried to ignore the way her hazel eyes bore into me. |
An uncomfortable silence followed, filled with stony glares shared between me and Natasha. |
But there are times when I am struck dumb, either because I am extremely uncomfortable or because, unusually, I have nothing to say. |
One way of escaping such dichotomies is to cease thinking about them, replacing this uncomfortable confusion with decisive rule by a strongman. |
But suave man of mystery he isn't, and he just looks uncomfortable and out of place throughout the film. |
He is likely quite uncomfortable about the prospects of appearing weak, submissive or passive. |
Although he subscribes to many of the economic ideas of the New Right, it is clear that he is uncomfortable with rampant self-interest. |
When Cary shows up to a high-spirited clambake with Ron and his pals, she's uncomfortable and overdressed in a tight gray ensemble. |
Seeing sores on the sows' hindquarters and legs, Lay concluded that the flooring was uncomfortable to them. |
The animal had an uncomfortable experience here in consequence of catching the rings of his hobble-chain in the broken stump of a bush. |
Make sure the bike fits you and not the other way round otherwise a few days of cycling might be an uncomfortable or painful experience. |
I hated this feeling, this indescribable and uncomfortable emotion surging up within me. |
Eventually they moved in an uncomfortable shuffle to the panda car, telling the friend, by now released, that they were taking him to Ilford. |
In the 1890s, women some women found they could cast off their impractical and uncomfortable clothing in favour of pantaloons. |
A few black mothers were hostile to the study design and this was uncomfortable for the black woman interviewer who was not the grant holder. |
Bryan tittered nervously, and the two men sat in a very uncomfortable hot silence. |
We honestly hate wearing these hot uncomfortable uniforms that were not made for your climate. |
People are still talking about how hot and uncomfortable the first venue was! |
My back is sore, my clothes are hot and uncomfortable and I feel that I really must find a place to wash my face or I will die. |
It makes you hot, sweaty, thirsty and uncomfortable and too much of it gives you cancer. |
He is uncomfortable with the way soap stars can be photographed by the paparazzi at their worst. |
What you see above is not an uncomfortable moment in which a homeless guy hits on the girl with tightest hot pants he can see. |
It is pretty normal for me to break out into a sweat within about 5 seconds of being in an uncomfortable situation. |
A sweatshop is a factory where the workers do long hours for low pay, they may have to work in uncomfortable or dangerous conditions. |
It gets swelteringly hot here in Paris in my petit kitchen, and it's too darn uncomfortable if I wear too much. |
I need that drink to aid in the circumnavigation of uncomfortable questions. |
We sympathize with each of their stories, but once the truth is revealed, we're put in a difficult and uncomfortable position. |
This will not be the end of uncomfortable and incorrect patent claims but this is certainly one that can be squashed and so hopefully will be. |
The uncomfortable closeness of the diner, where virtually the whole film takes place, does add some sense of intensity. |
Most of the pediculous inhabitants of these uncomfortable confines were sitting naked in their cabins. |
She is the most uncomfortable participant, practically critiquing the clumsiness of the script every time she speaks. |
She had become very uncomfortable and ill at ease when visiting her parents and suffered chronic tension. |
It made him uncomfortable and ill at ease, and he felt she was trying to keep him there in the pilothouse. |
Why did he seem so ill at ease, so uncomfortable with the role he had to play? |
Sporting a bright blond perm and a rather constricted face, she's rather grating and uncomfortable to watch. |
He was compelled to endure an uncomfortable cohabitation with his political foes. |
Even giving your fingerprints now in immigration at the airport gives you an uncomfortable feeling. |
Once inside, he often endured endless waits in uncomfortable settings, in crowded or inadequately equipped hospitals. |
I had a pair of SR-325i and must admit they were the most uncomfortable phones I have ever placed on my head. |
A most uncomfortable feeling came over me then, starting at the back of my neck and continuing down through my spine. |
He looked up, surprised at first, and then something uncomfortable came over his face. |
An uncomfortable moment came over the people in the room, a sense of collective shame. |
He was extremely uncomfortable and incredibly tired after waiting for such a long time. |
For example, a child who picks his or her nose may be uncomfortable because he or she has actually stuck an object in the nose. |
To do so is a common but intellectually feeble move, itself a defence against uncomfortable reality. |
Do you ever feel uncomfortable leaving a comment on a blog you've never commented on before? |
They both grinned at me and I suddenly felt uncomfortable under their gazes. |
In one of the more uncomfortable analogies I've ever heard, Reineke compares it to the singles life. |
Does it make you uncomfortable that people can read your innermost thoughts? |
I also know my single friends are uncomfortable with witnessing the public display of affection sometimes demonstrated by couples. |
Rob shivered a little, cold and uncomfortable lying on the firm, hard ground. |
He looked exhausted and uncomfortable as he waited for the interpreter to translate. |
This creates an environment that some feel is uncomfortable or even unwelcome, and yet others feel quite content with it. |
The tropical climate can be uncomfortable and brings the inevitable insects and poisonous creatures. |
I travel frequently and have never been so uncomfortable nor felt so unsafe flying as on this flight. |
It settled my nervous fluttering heart beat, which settled to a slightly quicker-then-normal, but less uncomfortable pace. |
But he was so obviously uncomfortable being there, so uncertain in his intellectual footing that his uneasiness just boiled through. |
My hands tingle and I hiss as the slight, uncomfortable crackle of electricity. |
This uncomfortable contradiction between form and content lies at the heart of both their work. |
Once inside, he or she of ten endured endless waits in uncomfortable settings, in crowded or inadequately equipped hospitals. |
If you're an intermediate skier uncomfortable in crud and crust, you'll flail no matter what gear you're on. |
Amy seems uncomfortable under his gaze, but she finally puts up a brave front. |
Her hands being cuffed behind her back forced her into the most uncomfortable sitting position. |
It's too hot to wear earplugs, and unbearably uncomfortable if your entire body is covered by the sarong, including your head. |
Laury makes an uncomfortable transition from goody-two-shoes to fallen mobster dame, back to goody-two-shoes, and then back to mobster dame. |
You preach some messages that are pretty uncomfortable for people to hear-messages people have heard often, but not necessarily taken to heart. |
It is uncomfortable and adds time and expense to prehospital and emergency department care. |
The 1970s dawned and Alf was uncomfortable with the new age of the footballing superstar. |
Too any outsider looking at them, they might have looked like they were very uncomfortable sitting with each other, opposite ends of the daybed. |
This is not something I've ever done and I'm deadly uncomfortable with conflict, always have been, so this is quite a stretch. |
Nothing is more distressing than discovering uncomfortable ancestors in the genealogy of one's own beliefs. |
The morning, like most out in the open in summer, was cold to start, quickly warming up to an uncomfortable prickly heat. |
The gatekeeper looked decidedly uncomfortable and stared down at the ground. |
She was decidedly uncomfortable when she felt the warmth of his body next to hers. |
Because we are uncomfortable talking about the private lives of public people. |
He roamed the streets of Athens asking people provocative questions that exposed uncomfortable contradictions in their beliefs. |
The Stylebook would appear to be as uncomfortable with the nouveau as Astor and McAllister were. |
Whatever else it qualifies for, The affair is one of the most uncomfortable hours of television of the week. |
It was a culture nibbling on the genial jingoism of Norman Vincent Peale and being made somewhat uncomfortable by Adlai Stevenson. |
You also had a pretty uncomfortable costume in The Addams Family, which is surprising, since your performance feels so effortless. |
Pamela acquiesces to an extremely uncomfortable kiss, and then is finally allowed to go. |
Their candidacies offer a degree of absolution for this uncomfortable fact. |
He is looking for people like Paul, who will be willing to submit themselves to difficult situations, and uncomfortable circumstances, in order to use them to make an impact. |
Here is the most senior presbyter in the whole Anglican church, and he will be busy raising uncomfortable questions about the teaching of the Word of God. |
Then you just have a bunch of stuffy people, made even stuffier by their uncomfortable clothes, wandering around and lying about what a good time they are having. |
I was waiting on an uncomfortable plastic chair to be seen by a nurse. |
It may be theologically sound, but I am uncomfortable with the emphasis on outward form rather than true inner spiritual acceptance of the message. |
If she is at all uncomfortable or homesick, Lamb promises to take her to the nearest airport and send her back to her mom. |
This case scenario generates many emotions, as is evident by the uncomfortable feelings expressed by the physician who is caring for this particular couple. |
Havel was a hero who shrugged off the title, understandably uncomfortable with the assumptions of stony perfection. |
Despite being raised Southern Baptist, I am uncomfortable with the whole concept of intercessory prayer. |
It would ball up on his hoof, making it uncomfortable and awkward to walk. |
But they were uncomfortable and sounded thin and tinny to my ear. |
Speaking at an abnormal or uncomfortable pitch can lead to hoarse voice. |
Stan hunched down next to Phillip as he squeezed himself into the tunnel at a relatively awkward and entirely uncomfortable angle as his tail lit the way for the party. |
Nontraditional faculty may have to work in a chilly or a downright hostile climate if some of their departmental colleagues are unwelcoming or uncomfortable around them. |
He is cooperative but still uncomfortable with the responsibility. |
An uncomfortable silence pounded Andy's ears into her head and she gripped the package of unsliced turkey breast meat before she set it on the counter. |
If we are honest, those of us who have all of our abilities sometimes are uncomfortable or even awkward alongside those who are seriously disabled. |
Dr. Saltz also believes confronting the uncomfortable realities of your past can be worthwhile. |
By taking the proper precautions and teaching them to your child, you can prevent these uncomfortable skin infections from putting a crimp in your active child's lifestyle. |
An uncomfortable silence hung over them like a nasty fog as she waited for a gasp of shock and a whole barrage of scolding to fall onto her sister, but none came. |
There is usually a current running here, but the same thing that makes diving slightly uncomfortable encourages luxuriant coral growth and teeming numbers of small fish. |
It makes me uncomfortable and really throws a damper on any outing. |
Some audiences become audibly uncomfortable whilst watching this film. |
I was in a packed carriage and it was hot and uncomfortable and I was jostling for space with other irritated passengers, all wishing they had a seat. |
Vests under the dinner jackets must have been uncomfortable to wear in the Indian heat, so the sahibs tied a bandana around their waists and began calling it a cummerbund. |
Doting mothers adored the clothes, and the long flowing curls, but their sons did not like them at all, and found them uncomfortable and sissyish. |
My mind has been focused, narcissistically, on myself and how bad I feel or how uncomfortable or how cold or how tired or how hungry or how bored or how upset. |
Sighing, Ari lay back down on her uncomfortable make-do bed. |
But, most importantly, remember that a vague sense of nausea with an. uncomfortable fullness in your neck and throat may be your only warning of an impending heart attack. |
The horse-drawn coaches were rough and uncomfortable transport. |
It is a curious show which, while at first sight might appear to be an uncomfortable mix of high art and popular culture, in effect works surprisingly well. |
I found the big, blocky soap to be uncomfortable and difficult to handle. |
It was making so much noise I moved out into the lounge room to sleep but unfortunately my sofas are only two-seaters and very uncomfortable for sleeping. |
If Reinhart managed to do anything, he outdid actor James Denton in the uncomfortable witness category. |