Despite these uncertainties, Trujillo has made a good start in moving Orange away from red towards black. |
Whatever possessed him to front-page an article of rumors and uncertainties? |
Fortunately there is an expert cast to help guide us through the uncertainties and unfamiliarity of the journey. |
There are uncertainties surrounding the determination of the annual maintenance cost. |
I have also spent time talking with my classes and helping them to deal with their fears and uncertainties for the future. |
Nor does it lessen the uncertainties facing business leaders right across the economy. |
She also explained that there were some uncertainties with the permit process. |
The lingering uncertainties, meanwhile, are putting off potential tenants from heading back to the area. |
One of the uncertainties concerns the basic question of how many Africans were imported. |
This article examines the epistemological certainties and uncertainties of Akan spirit possession and witchcraft knowledge. |
If cricket is a game of glorious uncertainties, then its one-day version is sheer caprice. |
The lifting of the thirty month ban is good news for farmers but there are still uncertainties. |
These unique advantages are especially important in an environment of slowing sales growth, shrinking payrolls, and other uncertainties. |
In spite of these uncertainties, net metabolic rates are consistent with drag power similar to that predicted by hydromechanical models. |
The hero's friend Finn retreats from the uncertainties of London to his home country. |
These uncertainties may cause actual results to differ from information contained herein. |
Of course, such calculations are estimates and are subject to many uncertainties. |
Given the uncertainties that envelope them, one cannot blame them for being servile, opportunistic and selfish. |
Above all, he carries conviction because he is like one of us, always wracked by doubt and uncertainties. |
It means that the process of testing and calibration is seen as providing defence against the critical uncertainties of the world. |
Pitic may have let the internal disagreements blind him from the many uncertainties ahead, not least the survival of Yugoslavia itself. |
These uncertainties also have an important bearing in understanding the complex and rapidly evolving tectonic history of the Adelaide Fold Belt. |
The uncertainties associated with large federal budget deficits warn against exclusive focus on the total spending done by government. |
However, I think that the administration adequately warned the public of the uncertainties of this action. |
Such rock-solid policies ended uncertainties about whether producers could sell their electricity into the grid and at what price. |
The Franco-Prussian War was a military proving ground in an age full of uncertainties. |
Having a Keplerian system makes the problem more tractable, and less prone to model-dependent uncertainties. |
I suspect both sides have enlisted troops to satisfy gnawing uncertainties. |
However, there are inevitable uncertainties surrounding any realisation of the assets by the Administrators. |
The new moon of the ninth month of the lunar calendar shines down on an Afghanistan that is struggling with the uncertainties of a fragile peace. |
The airline announced plans to end its three-year sponsorship of the World Series, citing concerns over the uncertainties in world affairs. |
As members of a society, we cope with these complexities and uncertainties by relying on trust. |
But investors are reluctant to take on long-term risk given the uncertainties over the economy. |
But serious uncertainties remain about how to measure and account for estimates of net carbon. |
In the midst of all these changes and uncertainties, the key role of leadership is to provide an anchor that can offer some degree of stability. |
In the absence of church or priesthood, the execution of the project was left to the uncertainties of lay enthusiasts. |
Online advertising is riddled with complications and uncertainties which may take years to routinize. |
Louis Wong, a director at Phillip Securities, said the Asian markets have been unshackled from the uncertainties of the past few weeks. |
Holden foregrounds his uncertainties and unscholarly speculations, some of which betray a cavalier approach to historical research. |
There are no uncertainties, no reflections on the nature of memory, only total recall. |
Stock markets have reacted to the deep uncertainties this year by marking time. |
But the uncertainties with tech stocks, they felt, would be likely to continue as would the growth of interest in biotech. |
The geopolitical uncertainties impacting the international oil economy do not show any signs of waning. |
This can be considered as minimum as there appears to be underestimates on costs due to some uncertainties. |
We are still living in the blur, the uncertainties, the possibilities of war. |
He's forceful and intimidating when necessary, but also convincingly conveys the character's inner turmoils and uncertainties. |
However, due to the uncertainties in the force-field parameters, a comparison of the simulated results with experimental data is essential. |
Odd tensions and feelings and questions and uncertainties and so on abound in my little head. |
The other factors were geopolitical issues such as the threat of terrorism and global economic uncertainties. |
But uncertainties lingered at the week's close, despite a partial recovery in values. |
Political uncertainties in the region could also lead to limited direct foreign investment. |
Despite the various uncertainties surrounding it, it would be unwise to rule out this possibility. |
He said he saw uncertainties in Hong Kong and Macau packaged tours after the travel rules were relaxed. |
In all this, the Army's position remains that there is a need to maintain a substantive Legacy Force in order to hedge against such uncertainties. |
Failure to reach an accord will add yet more potentially apocalyptic uncertainties to the Middle Eastern scene. |
The opening Jubilate made for a rousing start, though there were some uncertainties of pitch in the orchestra which made for a certain jitteriness at times. |
These books follow the war in all its uncertainties and accidents and contingencies. |
So if we ask what the quantum state is when the clock reads a certain time, there will be additional statistical uncertainties which grow with time. |
They chose to view such athletic records as realizations of a random process, reflecting uncertainties in the many factors that influence any given result. |
The glorious uncertainties of the city bus services afford ample time for reflection and retrospection for commuters at the bus stops, it is averred. |
His middle way is fraught with its own uncertainties and with terrible internal contradictions. |
Humanitarian intervention emerged in response to Western uncertainties. |
Management do not want to launch it during staffing uncertainties. |
What we have is wrapped in uncertainties, caveats and simplifications. |
We were brought up to husband Nature, to accept its uncertainties and to extend our being into human communities for subsistence and vitalisation. |
It's expected to make users aware of the scientific uncertainties about the use of mobiles and will focus on the potential health hazards to children. |
History is not ontologically given but is linguistically and textually constructed, and it is therefore subject to the same textual and hermeneutic uncertainties as fiction. |
Consumers will be familiar with the uncertainties of airlines overbooking flights and reservation systems that indicate a flight is available when this is not the case. |
Victory removed the uncertainties created by the long build-up to war. |
These subtleties and uncertainties have encouraged speculation. |
Frankness demands that any scientist claiming an advance in knowledge must set bounds on that claim by pointing out remaining uncertainties and areas of ignorance. |
The Roman naval commanders of AD43 would have had a massive incentive to reduce these uncertainties by using the short crossing of the Dover Strait. |
I am over his uncertainties, his indecisiveness and the fact that he spent much of our relationship unsure of whether he wanted to be with me anyway. |
The company announced the decision was made because of uncertainties about the climate and water availability in the district, together with disappointing field trials. |
It reduces experimental uncertainties, averages out random error, and assures that OBPC is isomorphous with DOPC in the presence and absence of the peptide. |
Beyond establishing shots, Tarkovsky eschews their narrative correlatives, beginning the film with an opening scroll of uncertainties and ellipses. |
Although the applicants do not practise immigration law, it was clear from the evidence that uncertainties in this field were causing great concern to firms that did. |
The uncertainties and hazards that made war so unpredictable and uncontrollable were not barriers to be eliminated but opportunities to be grasped and exploited. |
He preferred to see the created universe as tidy and divinely disciplined rather than replete with uncertainties, speculations and evolutionary doubts. |
With short-term expedients come long-term costs and uncertainties. |
This means there are technical unknowns, unknown unknowns, and technical uncertainties in the contract. |
While new technologies have increased the accuracy of these techniques, significant uncertainties still remain. |
The Public Accounts Committee claims that plans to improve mental health services have a doubtful future due to uncertainties over funding. |
This genus exemplifies some of the prevailing taxonomic uncertainties in halocyprids. |
Crystal Ball is a Windows-based Microsoft add-in that uses Monte Carlo simulation to minimize uncertainties in spreadsheet modeling. |
In determining the existence of upthrust zones in the PPZ, our modelling encountered some difficulties and uncertainties. |
For ease of reporting, a symmetrized uncertainty was calculated to be the average of the plus and minus uncertainties. |
Like Abrahamsohn, most preferred to work as tailors, mohels, teachers and merchants rather than face the dangers and uncertainties of the mines. |
Given the uncertainties of a career in music and with a concurrent interest in technology Haji chose to go into computer science. |
Lastly, two well-formedness principles, presented in and, resolve any uncertainties or deficiencies in the assignment of grammatical functions. |
Adjustment to exclude 2010 and 2009 remeasurements of income tax uncertainties and a 2009 change in state deferred income taxes. |
But the uncertainties of the present, in its duplicity and constant revision and reinter pretation, lead to equal uncertainties about the past. |
Statements about the expected value of the program to Harris are forward-looking and involve risks and uncertainties. |
There is also general agreement that assessment of relevance or irrelevance involves or requires judgements about probabilities or uncertainties. |
Uncertainties may also be calculated by consideration of the uncertainties of the individual underlying quantities used. |
Analysis of the economics of nuclear power must take into account who bears the risks of future uncertainties. |
At the same time, there were many uncertainties about moving to such a place as America. |
The many uncertainties which surround Malinche's role in the Spanish conquest begin with her name and its several variants. |
Some doubt, however, remained due to the uncertainties that result from the companion star being much heavier than the candidate black hole. |
These statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements of International Isotopes, Inc. |
According to Taylor, the uncertainties involved in the process of boosting required more than theoretical analysis for full confidence in the weapons' performance. |
To allow for track or forecast uncertainties, usually several model runs with varying input parameters are generated to create a map of MOMs, or Maximum of Maximums. |
In effect, one can't predict the long-term behavior of a dynamical system because of the rapid growth of small uncertainties present at a system's setup. |
This larger value makes the ECCS more attractive as a turnkey representation because it should support lower uncertainties for typical commercial capacitance calibrations. |
Despite these uncertainties, the geochemical evidence helps by making scientists focus on theories that are consistent with at least one of the likely environmental changes. |
They state that the product of uncertainties of two operators in a Hilbert space is bounded from below by the expectation values of their commutator and their anticommutator. |
In fact, technology intrinsically contains uncertainties and limitations. |
Up until 2013, the uncertainties in the geochronologic dates had been too coarse to confirm the volcanic eruptions were correlated with major climate changes. |
Chalone undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or uncertainties occurring after the date of this press release. |
The intention of the ICRC was to provide the families of the prisoners with some hope and solace and to alleviate their uncertainties about the fate of their loved ones. |
The abovementioned listing of risks and uncertainties is not inclusive. |