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How to use unblushing in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word unblushing? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
He started in unblushing manner, giving a parking ticket to the Press reporter who had gone to interview him.
It could be amusing if the pols posted unblushing, unedited diaries of what they were really thinking, as real bloggers do.
As elucidated in unblushing prose in the room notes, it is taking Frank's art from the merely ambitious to the stratospherically inspired.
He has occasionally, and with characteristic unblushing swagger, compared himself to Albert Camus.
At other tables, young men and women were clearly out on dates, unchaperoned and unblushing, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes.
In contrast, in my brief exposure to the British upper classes I've found anti-Semitism commonplace and frequently unblushing.
Though Pepys gives many similar honest and unblushing accounts of wholesome venality and decadence, much more is concerned with events of the day.
Our pages would be defiled by an account of their open unblushing immoralities.
However, I affect supreme ignorance of any possibility of their objecting to our choosing each other's company, and call frequently with the most unblushing impudence.
And quite clearly devoted to his equally handsome unblushing bride.
The party's hostess is Amanda Brunker, a gossip columnist who, one would have assumed, was chosen for the role because of her unblushing ease with sexual candour.
We may observe in connection with this matter the unblushing manner in which the law prohibiting the sale of liquor to an Indian is violated in this town.
No one has been able to authenticate the quote, and John G. Nicolay, a private secretary to Lincoln and co-author with John Hay of a formidable ten-volume Lincoln biography, called it a bald, unblushing forgery.
Examples from Classical Literature
She put herself in his way and laid hands on him with unblushing frankness.
I repeat it now, with words of praise for his splendid and unblushing unveracity.
This unblushing statement was not, I could see, without its effect upon the present owner of the petticoat.
Blanche's delight expressed itself in the form of two unblushing outrages on propriety, committed in close succession.
Drayton and Daniel developed the conceit with unblushing iteration.
From a too well-stocked memory the Inspector drew one short adhesive word which surprises by itself even unblushing Ethiopia.
It was called 'inebriety,' and was an unblushing imitation of Pope.
The Master said, When words are unblushing, they are hard to make good.
Surely the world has grown strangely intrusive and unblushing.
Some instances of this unblushing venality are mentioned by Mr. Dobell.
And to the violence which prevailed was added the most unblushing bribery.
He has an astonishing amount of artfulness and unblushing impudence.
These are the subjects of constant and unblushing violation.
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