Freedom fighters must have some way of overthrowing tyranny, oppression, or imperialism. |
We cannot go on with this proxy rule racket, where we back tyranny in the region for the sake of stability. |
The mainstream left have forgotten the need to overthrow tyranny and build democracy. |
The movement's first manifesto declared that they were subversives committed to opposing tyranny. |
As the strongest military power for the foreseeable future, they must play an active role in fighting tyranny, totalitarianism, and terror. |
Nowhere was it tried where tyranny, misery, poverty, fear and oppression failed to follow. |
Some believe that the only solution for government in parts of the world is for there to be tyranny or despotism. |
In this fact every other possible cruelty, tyranny, and wanton oppression was by implication included. |
Ownership of small property was the safeguard against both government tyranny and economic oppression. |
How many acts of oppression, tyranny and injustice have you carried out, O callers to freedom? |
Although it was clearly a tyranny, the government did not officially object to the political freedoms set forth in the Declaration. |
Robin Hood and his band of outlaws fight back against the tyranny of Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham. |
For example, the struggle of the ancient Hebrews against the wicked Pharaoh came to embody the struggle of the colonists against English tyranny. |
This regime is a rare example of a tyranny that has been consistently, constantly opposed by the United States. |
Too, a tyranny can rise more easily by shutting up a thousand people than a million, and that's a reason to stand up and speak out. |
Such conventional pressure is, after all, a rather obvious example of tyranny of majority opinion. |
The greater sin is that the city of Argos is now controlled by this tyranny of Aegisthus and Clytaemnestra. |
Constrained by the tyranny of terrain, ground forces operate in a world of friction and position. |
The long term solution to ending tyranny around the world is free and open trade. |
Young men will hear the message that national progress and dignity are found in liberty, not tyranny and terror. |
If you were fleeing tyranny, you would bring everything that could possibly give you a head start in the new society. |
This film seems to be making a statement about the tyranny of the majority and how those who are considered different are ostracised. |
The democratic process that we take part in actually leads to a tyranny of a handful. |
Chekhov's childhood was overshadowed by his father's tyranny and religious fanaticism. |
The peculiarities of language provide an excellent source of control for tyranny. |
In order to be able to do this, we needed to be free from all kinds of arbitrary power, including majoritarian tyranny. |
I believe that the only way to counter both state and private tyranny is through social democracy. |
A culture that spits in the eye of the God who gives us freedom and dignity will find itself unable to resist tyranny. |
The only force powerful enough to stop the rise of tyranny and terror and replace hatred with hope is the force of human freedom. |
Bernadette showed how effective even one voice could be against tyranny and injustice. |
Under Stalin's tyranny, the doctrine was employed as a pretext for the persecution and silencing of nonconformist writers. |
There's a lot of truth in John Sturrock's warning about the tyranny of medical nomenclature. |
The public bar bores have finally declared a socialist breakaway republic from the tyranny of the lounge lizards. |
The importance of staging the show is that the problems of inequality, of tyranny and injustice still exist. |
In recent decades, though, especially sine the end of Soviet tyranny, the safe-haven idea has lost cogency like an unwound watch running down. |
In fact it was not until May 1689 that the public responded in any way to the perceived tyranny. |
Was this association with tyranny and treachery the cause of Socrates' trial and conviction? |
General Bate was unwilling to exacerbate local perceptions of military tyranny. |
No enslavement and no tyranny are as ruthless and as demanding as slavery to physical desires and passions. |
There is nothing terribly original, much less attractive, in this sort of Nature-based defense of cruelty and tyranny. |
Knox preached on her behalf, and threatened popery and tyranny should Mary enforce her claim. |
The ending of tyranny and the extension of democracy are essential parts of any transformative programme for Africa. |
When boat people arrive to flee tyranny in other South East Asian countries they are treated as if they are rough criminals. |
Mounted directly upon the wall, they escape into the space of the viewer, unconstricted by the tyranny of the framing edge. |
Celebrating November 9 each year would be a warning to future tyrants that tyranny, whether military or ideological, has no future. |
Though the internet has partly bridged the tyranny of distance, we're still a really long way from Tokyo, Amsterdam, or London. |
A scramble in which many innocent people are liable to suffer is said to be the prospect when a monocrat loses his position of personal tyranny. |
Advances in technology of various kinds have made the idea of the tyranny of distance pretty much an obsolete concept. |
The Surrealists loved bad movies, seeing them as subversive attacks on the tyranny of narrative form. |
Despite his mystical belief in his luck, despite his arrogance and ruthlessness, Sulla never aimed at permanent tyranny. |
An inclination to tyranny has seldom been so readily exposed by a public figure. |
We implore you to acknowledge that the Department of Justice cannot reasonably be a party to such tyranny. |
No Jacobite before 1716, he was driven to Jacobite intrigue by one-party tyranny and Whig Erastianism. |
It was one of the few years in recent US history that saw a decline in rightist tyranny. |
To those of us who have resented the yoke of parental tyranny, that doesn't sound so bad. |
It is a doctrine of legalized favoritism that must, by its very nature, lead to dissension, corruption and tyranny. |
She understood that if a ruler cannot govern herself, she will not be able to govern others, and the result will be tyranny. |
Despite hailing from a zamindari background, she raised her voice against the tyranny of the zamindars. |
Most coaches are volunteers and the tyranny of distance often deters people from attending this type of course. |
He thought that if this system crumbled then anarchy and tyranny would prevail. |
He presumably wants public anarchy funded by socialist tyranny, but that is another issue. |
Many suppose that tyranny and anarchy are at opposite ends of a linear spectrum. |
Now the human rights dilemmas of the twenty-first century proceed more from anarchy than from tyranny. |
The church, through its nuns, priests, and laypeople, positions itself in direct opposition to tyranny and oppression. |
In a word, no distinction was now drawn between despotism, tyranny, and absolute monarchy. |
The best way to do this is to actively encourage its sponsoring regimes towards democracy and away from the tyranny and despotism that breeds it. |
This places limits on governments and reduces the likelihood of tyranny and despotism. |
No one is urged to dwell on the fact that the day's fireworks displays are symbolic of an armed revolution against tyranny and colonialism. |
Whether his weekly column was on writing clearly, resisting tyranny or making tea, he always made it sound like a matter of life and death. |
The tyranny of distance will be overcome, enhancing the efficiencies of business. |
You would find faith and righteousness arrayed against the forces of darkness and ignorance, tyranny and disbelief. |
The abject tyranny of political correctness murderously asphyxiates us with sugary pleasantries and tedious nomenclature. |
This disproves the assertion that tyranny is impossible to impose on an armed population. |
The notion of checks and balances as a safeguard against tyranny is something that I think can have applicability all around the world. |
We forget that when people are given a choice between freedom and tyranny, they will choose freedom. |
Famed in his day as patriot, satirist, and foe to tyranny, Marvell was virtually unknown as a lyric poet. |
To modern ears, the scientific democrats' program may sound as deeply authoritarian as the intellectual tyranny they feared. |
And as a form of social protest against autocracy and political tyranny, there is no medium that can surpass cartoons. |
Like anyone else fleeing tyranny, many Muslims came to this country to escape the dictates of despots religious or otherwise. |
Democratic movements had started out with the noble intentions of ending the tyranny of autocratic rulers. |
It's terrible that a sword meant to save mankind from tyranny is corrupted to sanguine and destructive ends. |
The authors seem to accept it as axiomatic that the masses who suffer under tyranny are necessarily pro-American. |
Many Americans believe they have a God-given right to possess arms as a last resort against tyranny. |
It's an insane effort, smacking of majoritarian tyranny and aggressive, hidebound religious-exclusivist ethics. |
What they propose is not really strict construction, but majoritarian tyranny. |
The tyranny of majoritarianism had already held them in its stranglehold ever since the dawn of freedom. |
Reporters have long been the last bastion against tyranny, wrongdoing and malfeasance. |
An armed people could protect themselves and their neighbors against crime and their liberties against tyranny. |
The United States has taken the lead role in confronting tyranny and terror. |
The only limit on women's rights is male tyranny and this limit is to be reformed by the laws of nature and reason. |
As we have seen, Richardson follows the Whig propagandistic practice of conflating tyranny and absolutism. |
Government secrecy breeds corruption, abuse of power and, ultimately, tyranny. |
Jefferson is usually identified with the enlightened secularists who sought to protect a secular vision of life from the tyranny of the churches. |
The options for dealing with so thoroughgoing a tyranny were pathetically limited. |
The result is tyranny, thought police, and stagnation, no intellectual and moral progress. |
I experienced a very Australian emotion which is what I would call the tyranny of distance, as this was before the internet and email. |
Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history. |
Would my partner and I be freed from the tyranny of having to rise early to provide a nutritious packed lunch for our daughter? |
One hundred years ago today, your forefathers declared independence from the tyranny of the rule of my forefathers. |
The second mechanism by which ethnic pluralism theoretically limits democracy is by tyranny of the majority. |
For it came into a world previously marked by despotism, by tyranny, by totalitarian control. |
The unorganized multitudes are not a source of resistance to tyranny, as some theorists fondly believe. |
Refugees from behind the Iron Curtain were fleeing a tyranny that threatened us all. |
No sooner does a government attempt to go beyond its political sphere than it exercises, even unintentionally, an insupportable tyranny. |
Ours must be that first painful step of open and courageous defiance against an arrogant and insolent tyranny. |
But I had never understood the infamy and tyranny of that law so clearly as in that hour. |
Another modern mystery has been the tyranny of torso, as for the past few years the hipster trouser has reigned supreme. |
The antithesis of tyranny is justice and moderation and that of ignorance, knowledge and understanding. |
A universal franchise and limited government are better than monarchy or tyranny. |
The lares, penates and relics of our sacred ancestors have been spared the impious axe of Jacobin tyranny. |
It wasn't a victory for liberty, only a transition from one tyranny to another, because ANY system of governance is, to some extent, tyrannical. |
Banning hunting is Aristotle's tyranny of democracy and parliamentary dictatorship. |
And when Strauss is mentioned in the press, he is typically described as a great defender of liberal democracy against totalitarian tyranny. |
The German law is wider, as it refers to persecution under National Socialism or any other form of despotism or tyranny. |
They don't manage to fully convey the horrors of the patricide and tyranny that they have to contend with. |
The masochist, in secret contract with the reified order, imposes its sanctions to atone for his or her inadequacy or inferiority or guilt and thereby experiences momentary release from its tyranny. |
Theirs is a just struggle to free their country from tyranny. |
First, however weak the court may be as a bulwark against majoritarian tyranny, it is better than no bulwark at all. |
In one fell swoop, the Supreme Court has constrained government power, expanded corporate rights, and protected religious tyranny. |
Comedy is a cost-effective tactic to unmask this insecurity and undermine tyranny around the world. |
It was Aeschylus who recast him as suffering hero and enemy of divine tyranny, crucified on a crag in the Caucasus where Zeus's eagle tore at his vitals. |
If it brings about democratic progress, why is it a bad thing for people to throw off the yoke of tyranny and decide that they want to control their own futures? |
They have been released from the yoke of authoritarian tyranny. |
Instead, after a reprieve in 1833, the central government engaged in more and more trade protectionism and centralized tyranny, which helped lead to war. |
Any attempt to encroach on it, even by an iota, will ultimately lead to our enslavement by a federal tyranny. |
Free votes can supplant villains with worse villains, corruption, and brutality with tyranny and enslavement of women. |
That means, as Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently noted, that a military strike will likely entrench Iranian tyranny. |
We're trying to overthrow the very concept of tyranny and autocracy. |
There are satiric songs mocking meanness and tyranny, songs in praise of drink and drinkers, while other pieces celebrate heroic feats of valour or of sport. |
Figuring the outlaw as the martyred victim of both tyranny from without and treachery from within, oral tradition solicits sympathy and even pity for the people's hero. |
Marooned in this far-flung corner of the world by the tyranny of distance and outrageous airfares, the only way to get out of it is to, well, get out of it. |
The servants of this ideology seek tyranny in the Middle East and beyond. |
During a 1946 labor strike heavily infiltrated by communists, Reagan felt Marxism's heavy boot, an experience that would permanently set him against tyranny. |
Would you be ready to shed your blood in the name of liberty without knowing whether you are making history or just adding to the list of nameless victims of the tyranny? |
The Bill of Rights, and especially the First Amendment, were intended to protect the powerless from the tyranny of the powerful. |
It also called for the establishment of laws and institutions that might protect minorities against the tyranny of the majority. |
His social snapshots reveal the unhappy repercussions of tyranny and poverty in a picturesque Africa. |
As teachers were hauled before Judge Fisher they denounced the school authorities for tyranny and deception and said they were willing to go to jail to defend their rights. |
Yet his blithe rejection of free speech is a formula for tyranny. |
Generations of poetry lovers were brought up without any knowledge that Shelley's radical opposition to all tyranny and oppression was central to his art and his life. |
He wanted to free Europe from tyranny, oppression and despotism. |
Hollywood films depicted the war in Europe in particular as a struggle against fascist tyranny fought by soldiers and sailors imbued with democratic sensibilities. |
It was, and is, a final check on tyranny, government tyranny. |
If this force is hijacked by the likes of this man and those who vilify trade unionists emerging from the rubble of a tyranny, then there really is no hope at all. |
You can only maintain a Roman Empire as a tyranny, with stupid people. |
It is still at that stage and of course is a communist tyranny still. |
Corruption and tyranny both hide in irrelevant public verbiage. |
More than that, he seeks to take the debate inside the movement forward by setting out a vision of the alternative to the current tyranny of the big corporations. |
In our conflict with terror and tyranny, we have an unmatched advantage, a power that cannot be resisted, and that is the appeal of freedom to all mankind. |
First, the secular, often state-capitalist, modernizing projects of the elites in the region became stalled in corruption, tyranny and cultural stagnation. |
The first 45 years since Independence were marked by terror and tyranny. |
Instead of opposing every civic expectation of religious faith, they might join religious activists in wielding faith as a counterweight to corporate tyranny. |
And without freedom, order becomes only another name for tyranny. |
A concurrent majority requires a unanimous consent of all the major interests in a community, which is the only sure way of preventing majority tyranny. |
In the absence of a professional police force, the employment of soldiers in public order duties perpetuated their traditional reputation as tools of tyranny. |
It is more than three hundred years since the Glorious Revolution was to have freed us from the tyranny of an absolute monarchy ruling by divine right. |
Discontent with the laws, and the extortions and petty tyranny of forest officials, ensured that the forest became a major political issue in John's reign. |
Ancient Athens emerged from tyranny for about 100 years and then self-destructed and the Roman republic was never more than an oligarchy until it too became an empire. |
Cheap phone calls and flights have conquered the tyranny of distance. |
How we use technology to overcome the tyranny of distance and our small scale could define New Zealand and our place in the world in the 21st Century. |
Ongoing technological improvements will continue to reduce the tyranny of distance and make it possible for the process of globalization to go much further. |
So many of these trendy new unguents are one-hit wonders, while others survive the tyranny of being fashionable and come to be favourite companions for all time. |
In an open letter to the governor, Beck himself wondered if Cuomo wanted to bring tyranny to the state. |
Socrates gave the first cry for free speech, but only his own right freely to express truth unimpeded by the tyranny of the majority as represented by the Athenian demos. |
And, indeed, the Framers were armed revolutionaries who understood that guns were useful for throwing off the yoke of tyranny. |
Heath envisioned free, untaxed trade, but ignored the issue of the natural bounty, and went beyond George in seeking to eradicate the political source of governmental tyranny. |
You cannot braggingly proclaim that your tyranny has trumped me. |
The tyranny associated by Renaissance humanists with the age of chivalric knights and with the knight figure caused romances that heroize the bygone age to fall into disfavor. |
These historians believe that the Taj Mahal symbolizes the tyranny of a powerful ruler exploiting his subjects and flaunting his magnificence to the world. |
He rejoiced in the implacability of history and the tyranny of absolutes. |
It's difficult not to be impressed by this outrageous concrete hyperbole, but he is as right-on as they come and says he despises it as a symbol of tyranny. |
In the minds of the Enlightenment thinkers, confessional religion, unless checked by law or by free competition, led inevitably to tyranny and persecution. |
One Kansas farmer lined his field with ghastly wind ornaments, rough cut from sheet metal and painted with slogans mocking liberal causes and government tyranny. |
Cultural sovereigns in their own right, Ovid and Dante, despite official exile from their native home, had made their poetic stand against tyranny and despotism. |
He is dismissive of the tyranny of email, pagers and mobile phones. |
Genovese is, it should be said, an illuminating example of the way in which left-wing and right-wing extremes meet in a love of tyranny and a hatred of freedom. |
The following list, containing the latter combinations, is given, as sufficient to prove the point in question, to every mind that is free from the tyranny of the prevailing cacoepy of Latin. |
In the second half of the 6th century BC, Athens fell under the tyranny of Peisistratos and then of his sons Hippias and Hipparchos. |
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. |
They were highly sensitive to the issue of tyranny, which they saw manifested in the British response to the Boston Tea Party. |
Historically prevalent forms of government include aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny. |
The video was based on the story of Mylo Xyloto, a boy who grew up in tyranny ran by Major Minus. |
For what it seeks is to disturb monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine. |
He introduced a number of different concepts of the form tyranny can take, referred to as social tyranny, and tyranny of the majority. |
Harmodios and Aristogeiton were honored as tyrannicides for having fought of tyranny, and their statues were erected in the agora. |
Third, Burke warned that democracy would create a tyranny over unpopular minorities, who needed the protection of the upper classes. |
The latest development in the tyranny of private property is the evolution of the mouse mat into a mouse rug. |
Western apologists for tyranny argue that women retain power within the tribe's matrilocal family units. |
It offers a solution for Americans disgusted with and alarmed at the threat of tyranny. |
In painting Henry as an iconic hero, however, he also subtly conveyed the tyranny of his character. |
I wept for myself, but resigned my soul to the tyranny of Time and Circumstance, well weeting that Fortune is fair and constant to no man. |
Many of the original Afrikaner Voortrekkers fled tyranny and said they were inspired by the Americans, vowing to seek freedom. |
A popular will not so limited becomes the tyranny of the majority which destroys the freedom of political competition. |
Smith was no advocate of tyranny, but he clearly enjoyed enumerating an imposing list of powers of the Tudor state. |
It was argued that Richard, through his tyranny and misgovernment, had rendered himself unworthy of being king. |
This act of tyranny was at once gross barbarity to the Cornish people, and a death blow to the Cornish language. |
They never depart an iota from the authentic formulas of tyranny and usurpation. |
She frames her understanding of the transformations of power from tyranny to polyarchy according to Scheler's law. |
It offered a solution for Americans disgusted and alarmed at the threat of tyranny. |
Guiccardini defended him in Naples in 1535 before Charles V, contesting the exiled rebels' accusations of tyranny. |
When this tyranny was ended, the Athenians founded the world's first democracy as a radical solution to prevent the aristocracy regaining power. |
By this time, accusations of tyranny and incompetence on the part of Columbus had also reached the Court. |
The infrastructure of parasitic tyranny depends on secrecy in order to be effective. |
Now it is his daily work to particularize, item by item, the iniquities of the system, and the petty manifestations of the tyranny here in Arras. |
We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators. |
For liberal humanists such as Rousseau and Kant, the universal law of reason guided the way toward total emancipation from any kind of tyranny. |
This was the resistance of tyranny through civil disobedience that was not only nonviolent but also sought to change the heart of the opponent. |
This action was condemned at the time and later used as example of the Despensers' growing tyranny. |
In 1740, the Glasgow philosopher Francis Hutcheson argued for a right of colonial resistance to tyranny. |
These five regimes progressively degenerate starting with aristocracy at the top and tyranny at the bottom. |
Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny, husbands to jealousy, and wise men to irresolution and melancholy. |
Is it not crystal clear, then, comrades, that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human beings? |
Many Loyalists realized that independence was bound to come eventually, but they were fearful that revolution might lead to anarchy, tyranny or mob rule. |
Religious motivation for fighting tyranny transcended socioeconomic lines to encompass rich and poor, men and women, frontiersmen and townsmen, farmers and merchants. |
For Sanchez, Amoret allegorizes the courtier who, rather than risk his own security and violate his self-interest, enables and collaborates with tyranny. |
In the absolutization of such freedom, Uncle George smelled tyranny. |
A similar picture of shattered Lebanese politics lacking vigor and authenticity under the Assadian tyranny characterized the 1996 parliamentary elections. |
The former feared that it would be used as an instrument of royal tyranny. |
The actual and practical security for English liberty against legislative tyranny was the power of a free public opinion represented by the commons. |
Athens fell under a tyranny in the second half of the 6th century. |
However, in 510 BC, at the instigation of the Athenian aristocrat Cleisthenes, the Spartan king Cleomenes I helped the Athenians overthrow the tyranny. |
Caesar also, then hatching tyranny, injected the same scrupulous demurs. |
He has never ceased to offer fresh hope for defeating the forces of tyranny, cynicism and moral relativism, hovering like a dark cloud on the horizon. |
Everywhere the people would come into their own, and war and tyranny would vanish like a hateful nightmare! Speaker after speaker got up to proclaim this glorious future. |
The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been witholden from them but by the hand of tyranny. |
I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity. |
Gongsun discouraged arbitrary tyranny or terror as destroying law. |
The campaign eventually helped bring an end to Leopold's tyranny. |
The whole nation bowed their necks to the worst kind of tyranny. |