Sentence Examples
This back and forth happens once or twice more, and then there's a little to-do because the tyke has wet the little pants she is wearing. |
Begay Jr., paints a vivid picture of a young tyke begging his father to take him on his regular three-mile run. |
He is a cute little tyke, and he has many endearing moments, and I really do love him, but I just wanted to shake him today. |
Anyway, they reopened his school this morning and the little tyke went to school and I hope he is having a lot of fun! |
When I was first introduced to this game, I was but a young tyke, being weaned on fighters and sports simulation games. |
For those of you who aren't following me on Facebook, here is a picture of the growing little tyke. |
I tried to explain that he could just look at the scoreboard, but after about the third time I realized that concept still eluded the tyke. |
As a tyke, little Bobby Jones was a frail, sickly kid, living under the auspices of protective parents, and a Puritanical grandfather. |
It's silly, debatably sexy and it allows for a kind of freeform creativity most people haven't engaged in since finger-painting as a tyke. |
It hasn't helped either asking dog owners to carry a plastic bag to pick up any poo their tyke drops. |
But as the years went on and he started receiving close to 1,000 spam e-mails a day, this determined tyke decided to take action. |
It traces Little League to its roots in 1939 and offers lots of photos and displays of uniforms and caps worn by tyke players over the years. |
Much as that pun is tired, it sure is cute when this little tyke says it! |
Soon after the young tyke began collecting presidential memorabilia and other knickknacks. |
Spiky tyke Alistair Griffin may have been outshone by a certain Cornish pixie with a mooey voice on Fame Academy, going by the name of Alex Parks. |
When I was a wee tyke we played cops and robbers and cowboys and Indians. |
While the tyke team might be puffed up with Yorkshire pride now, they could come under fire for this imbalance in the Shadow Cabinet. |
These tiny lads were barely past tyke stage and were costumed in huge, puffy, fuzzy, brightly colored bee suits with little matching caps and antennae. |
This spunky St-Michel tyke has been working the local wrestling circuit for the past five years and has been fanatical about pro-wrestling since childhood. |
If I didn't know better, I'd say that local character Monstre had stuck a contact mic to the brainpan of a five-year-old tyke cracked out on Trix. |
While your parents may have had no other choice but to wash your tighty-whities when you were a tyke, those days are long gone. |
I first met Margaret when I was a wee tyke of sixteen. |
Your big plans could overwhelm your birthday tyke. |
The tyke asked the gov his favorite part about being governor. |
I still have medals from when I was a tyke in hockey. |
After a spirited routine of windmills, headspins, and handstands that would put most adults to shame, she lost to fellow break dancing tyke JStyles. |
Examples of a nonstandard English dialect are Southern American English, Western Australian English, Scouse and Tyke. |
Mury, however, frounced her brows, and made Sir Tyke Winchap's niece a profound courtesy behind her back. |
Examples from Classical Literature
Whatever has gotten thy wits, ma'an, to win out and draa' trigger on a pet tyke of some visitor lady at the Too'ers? |
And what d'yo' think o' that, Mr. M'Adam, for a wunnerfu' story of a wunnerfu' tyke? |
Naow, I'll styke my reputation on somethin', you tyke it dahn word for word. |
If I tyke it I want to feel it is syme as my very own and do my dooty by it, pore thing! |
You're in Bermondsey, mister, an' if you tyke my advice you'll go 'ome an' sty 'ome. |
But tyke had a poor listener that night, though he never knew it. |
All the same, if that tyke hadn't jeered at me for parlour tricks! |
I'll run down an' tyke a look over my kit, if you've no objections, sir, to wearin' my things. |
Will ye be willin' ter tyke the service at the cimitery, sir? |
As if parents didn't have enough to worry about already, now comes the idea that sticking a pacifier in a baby's mouth could later doom the little tyke to major orthodontia. |
Tyke was traced to a badger sett, but Mr Walling had to wait for permission from wardens before disturbing the area. |
The actress was given Tyke as a gift last year from Ryan, who plays Weatherfield builder Jason Grimshaw. |
Steve rounded up some pals to dig to find Tyke, but was stopped by a countryside warden as the dog was down a badger sett. |
A little later, and he walks out of the inn, the tailless Tyke at his heels. |
Thomas Supanchick had gotten up early that morning and noticed that Tyke's truck was gone and that Tyke himself was nowhere to be seen. |
After a short walk I sat on my fold-up chair to do a little reading, and Tyke sat beside me. |
The resulting ITC Tyke family includes five distinctive weights and corresponding italics and old style figures. |
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